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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 - The Special Prize of Joyful Laughter

When she sawthat her father didn't win the prize, Xixi’s disappointment was written on herface. Although the first prize stuffed dog toy sent by the young vendor wasalso a bit interesting, in the eyes of Xixi, who was bent on wanting the “bigbaby bear”, nothing can compare with her “big baby bear”!

Yang Yiunderstood what his daughter was thinking, so he didn't hesitate to ask for thenext round of challenges.

The crowd ofonlookers was kind-hearted and urged: “The first prize is not bad, why areyoung people so stubborn?”

“It’svery difficult to hit ten balloons. It's 20 yuan at a time. After severaltimes, it would be enough to buy one directly!” (TN: Raw says 10 yuan)

“Thisis cheating someone out of money. If you really hit ten, I don’t think the bosswould be willing to give it!”

The youngman, hearing this, really didn’t want to. He straightened up his neck and saidto the onlookers, “Why wouldn't I give it? Since we are willing to gamble,we are also prepared to lose. If this boss hit ten, of course we will give himthe special prize with both hands!”

“Don’tthink that our first prize is very cheap. This boss won our first prize for 20yuan. We lost a lot of money, all right?” The young man said a littleaggrieved.

Of course,this was also an act, although Yang Yi won the first prize was a bit of a loss,but he still generally made a profit, after all, most people throw darts like half-hiddenarrows, whether they hit or miss depends on fate… (TN: another translation of "half-hidden"is Hanzo. I don't know if this is referring to the hero Hanzo of Overwatch.)

Moreover,although Yang Yi has won the first prize, they have gained so much popularity.There were many people who were eager to try, and even a few of them can’t waitto pay the money and wait in line to play in person. These were future profits!

However, thediscussion of the onlookers worried Xixi, the little girl pulled her father’s pants.When her father squatted down and asked why, she pouted her little pink mouthand whispered, “I want the big baby bear.”

Thebeautiful and cute little girl looked aggrieved. Yang Yi’s heart was about tomelt. He smiled and patted Xixi's small shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, justwatch your Papa!”

Yang Yi receivedthe twelve darts handed over by the young man, picked up one, weighed itgently, and touched the tail.

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“Pfff, helooked quite decent!” Someone nearby chuckled.

“Bequiet, I’m so nervous!” Just now that man was slapped in the head by his companion.His companion looked at Yang Yi nervously, as if he was the one going to throwinstead of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi, ofcourse, was not affected by the discussion around him. He calmed down, felt theweight of the dart, and then suddenly shook his wrist and threw the dart out.This time his movement wasn't big, but success lies in the skillful use ofstrength!

“Boom!”What a sweet-sounding explosive sound!

The dart piercedthe balloon and stuck on the foam board.

“Wow!”The onlookers shouted in surprise and cheered.

Xixi wasactually a little scared of the sound of balloon explosion. She covered herears with her small hands, but seeing this scene, the little girl was so happythat her eyes turned into two sweet crescent moons.

Yang Yi’sexpression was very calm, as if he was wearing earplugs. He was unmoved. Hepicked up the second dart, felt the dart like he had just before, and then sankhis shoulders and shook his wrists.

“Boom!”Another balloon exploded!

“Six…Five… Four… Three… Two… ” It was not clear when it started, the onlookershave excitedly begun to count down for Yang Yi loudly, as if he can hit anytarget within a hundred steps, making them fans of Yang Yi one by one.

With moreand more curious onlookers, the young people on the stall weren't worriedanymore whether Yang Yi will take away their special prize. They have evenbegun to introduce some customers who want to play, collect money, and arrangethem to line up. They couldn't even close their mouth from smiling!

When Yang Yithrew the third-to-last dart, and there were still two in his hand, theonlookers, who were holding their breath, finally saw the result they wanted tosee.

“Yeah!”They cheered one after another, as if it was not Yang Yi who won the specialprize, but them.

“Specialprize, special prize, special prize!” It was not clear who took the lead,but they shouted in unison, lively and joyful!

Xixi wasalso the same. Her little face turned red and she shook her small fistsexcitedly. She was so infected by the atmosphere that she forgot that she was alittle lady.

At thistime, the young man on the stall wasn't reluctant at all. He also wanted tostrike the iron while it was hot, so he proudly came over with the specialprize, the half-man-tall giant panda stuffed toy, and then, like a referee inthe boxing ring, picked up Yang Yi’s hand and raised it.

“Let’scongratulate the challenger, who has won our… special prize!” The cry ofthe young man won more cheers and more onlookers.

Yang Yi didn'treally care, he still looked very calm. On the contrary, Xixi stared at the “bigbaby bear” with eager eyes. She couldn't help jumping up and down happily!

The youngman also took the opportunity to promote their own game: “Here, five yuan…Everybody don’t worry about the loss of the special prize; our people will runback and get it now. As long as you dare to win, we will dare to give thespecial prize without setting an upper limit!”

After he finishedspeaking, he suddenly remembered something. He turned his head a littlenervously to Yang Yi and whispered, “Brother, you see your daughter hasgot what she wants, so you won’t play anymore, right?”

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Yang Yi wasamused in his heart. He raised his right hand, held the two remaining dartsbetween his fingers, and suddenly shook it, and the two darts were thrown outand pierced the two balloons at the most edge of the foam board.

Thisshow-off skill once again detonated the exclamations of the onlookers.

But Yang Yi didn'tmean to show off at all, it was just a little scene!

Yang Yi heldthe giant panda stuffed toy in one hand and his daughter in the other, smilingcalmly at the stunned young man: “Don’t worry, we’re going to playsomething else!”

Yang Yi wonthe giant panda stuffed toy for his daughter and left, as if it was “afterfinishing the job, he walked away without revealing a word, hiding his name”.He left the dart stall, which he casually cleared, with great popularity. (TN:Like after doing something amazing, he will leave without saying anything orseeking fame.)

Now, Xixi didn'tsat on her father’s neck, and she looked fresh. She was so happy. She held herfather’s hand, walking very energetic and in high spirit. She also jumpedaround from time to time, touched the giant panda, then smiled happily, and wentback to her father’s right side.

“Xixi,there are cotton candy. Would you like to eat cotton candy?” Yang Yi wasactually going to take her daughter back, but he happened to see a stallselling cotton candy, he became interested.

“Whatis a cotton candy?” Xixi followed her father curiously and looked at thebig cloud-like thing. She was surprised, “Can I eat this?”

“Ofcourse, you can eat it!” Yang Yi said with a smile. he changed to holdingthe giant panda doll in his right arm, and still holding his daughter’s handtightly. Then he took out the money in his left hand. “Boss, I want a cottoncandy.”

“Allright!” At this moment, the female boss in a big straw hat raised herhead.

Yang Yi wasstunned. She looked very familiar!


TN: If you like my translations support me in ko-fi: .