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6 Times a Day

Chapter 123 Kath And Suzanne
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Alan was rather freaked out by everything that had happened lately, and he just wanted to be alone in his room and chill out. He started playing the video game Tetris, which he found strangely soothing, since it was so addictive and attention-grabbing that it put everything else out of his mind for a while.

But he wasn't at it for long before Katherine came into his room. She knocked, briefly, but barged in before he even got a chance to get up.

"Okay, spill the beans, bub." She sat down right next to him.

"'Bub?'" He turned in his chair to face her and smiled at that unusual word.

"Hey, don't try to deflect me with your cute smile. What the heck is going on?!"

He pretended to be clueless. "What do you mean?"

"Don't 'what do you mean' me! Are we not soul mates or what? Everything has been weird here lately, but especially in the last two days. Something's going on between you and Mom, big time! You think I don't notice what's going on, like how Mom was full-on jacking you off at breakfast yesterday morning?! I mean, WHAT THE HELL?! Or what about how she was crying in her room a little while ago? I asked you about all this last night, and you just said 'later.' Well, now it's later!"

Alan was loathe to confess the incestuous acts he'd committed with his mother to anyone, even to his sister, whom he considered a kind of a soul mate. He pondered the situation. Who am I kidding? There's no way I can keep this from Sis. Hell, she basically saw everything yesterday morning! I've been in denial about what Sis knows, but it's time I come clean.

He sighed heavily. "Mom, well... You saw what happened yesterday morning. You already know that she's kinda helping me with my problem."

"Yeah, I kind of knew that from what Mom said." Even though Katherine answered sarcastically, she was stunned. She'd seen the evidence with her own eyes the previous morning, but to hear it again somehow made it a lot more real. Her exclamations came out as awed whispers.

"Yeah, but that's not all. She helped - again and again and again. My dick was about to fall clean off."

"Wow. Wow! Geez! ... Well, that explains some things. How did she help you exactly?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this..."

"Oh, come on! You know I'm gonna tickle it out of you, if you don't tell me of your own free will." She held her hands up like she was ready to attack his underarms.

But he was gloomy, not at all responsive to her playful comment. "Do you... do you think it's weird? Or wrong? That she'd help me like that?"

"Are you kidding me? I think it's great!"

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"What?!" He hadn't been expecting that at all.

She explained, "Look. We all know you have this unusual problem, and that Aunt Suzy's been helping you out. But she can't be there all the time, and Mom's pretty much always home. Mom's love for you is bigger than the Sun. I'm not surprised that she's willing to help, even in this way. It makes me proud to have such a kind and loving mom."

"But... but... what about the incest?!"

Katherine shrugged. "What incest? All I see is a great guy with a special problem, and a super awesome mom helping out. Don't you remember that I pretty much offered to help you out too, yesterday morning?"

Alan was overjoyed by Katherine's receptive attitude. It made him feel that what had happened was morally okay.

What he didn't know was that Katherine had her own selfish reasons for being so understanding. Given all the strange behavior in the house the last two days, with Alan and Susan acting either overjoyed or profoundly depressed, she'd concluded that Susan was often helping him climax in a very direct way. It occurred to her that this situation could be her golden opportunity to help him in the exact same way, and thus realize her long-standing secret desire for her brother.

Her response was so contrary to the prudish persona he knew that he had a hard time believing she wasn't messing with him somehow. He said, "Obviously I can't forget what you told me in the shower yesterday morning, but it just didn't seem real to me. I thought maybe you were testing me or something."

"Testing you?"

"Yeah. You've seen what Mom has been doing for me, and so you were trying to see whether I'd lost all my boundaries."

She just shook her head at his thick-headedness.

He asked plaintively, "How can you not be flipping out? I mean, I'm flipping out!"

Katherine shrugged again. "I could feel the sexual tension growing for days and days now, so even what I saw her do at breakfast yesterday didn't come completely out of the blue for me. Think about all the weird sexy outfits Mom has been wearing, for instance. Besides, Mom is such a giving person. She would TOTALLY throw herself in front of a truck to save you or me. So why wouldn't she do this?"

He pondered that. "Yeah, that's true. But... this is different. She's not doing this just because she has to, and then suffering through it like eating badly-prepared asparagus. She's... well, ... she's into it."

"Yeah, I kinda noticed that too. Yesterday morning, it was like she was possessed by some kind of sex demon or something. She was majorly in heat!"

He nodded. "That's what's freaking me out the most, and even freaking her out. You should have seen how horny she was Tuesday. Can you promise to keep this all a secret? I mean, I'm talking never tell a soul about this, ever! Not even Aims or Aunt Suzy!"

"But Aunt Suzy knows already, doesn't she? She always knows everything."

"Yeah, she does, but it's just weird. Thinking about you and her talking about it, well, it just adds to the weirdness. Besides, what if someone overhears? It's better to never say anything about it, ever, to anyone! I mean, I don't know what the law is, but we might even go to prison over this, if we get caught!"

"No you won't."


"I looked it up Tuesday night. Google is your friend. According to California law, there's nothing illegal going on since you're adopted."

"Really?! Wow! That's a relief. I've been too much just riding this wave of craziness to think to look it up myself. But how did you know to look that up Tuesday night, when you didn't really find out until yesterday morning?"

"Like I told you, this has been a long time coming. Especially in the last few days, the sexual tension has been thick enough to cut with a knife."

"Oh. Man, I must be really out of it. I haven't been thinking about how this must look from your point of view. But anyway, mum's the word for now, okay?"

She nodded. "So what's this about her getting into it?"

He whispered, even though they were alone in the room and the door was closed. "She helped me with her hands, and her mouth. Lips, tongue, fingers, ... the whole deal!"

She sat back, floored by that news. "No way! No freakin' way! Wait, did you say 'mouth'?! That means..."

He nodded knowingly.

"Jesus!" After a pause, she asked, "So... What was it like?!"

He blushed. "Siiiiiis! I can't answer that!"

"Well then, why was she crying earlier? She seemed really happy up until then."

He frowned. "It's ... complicated. I'm kinda all wrung out just telling you this much. Can we just leave it like this for now?"

She looked at him and saw that he was indeed emotionally worn out. So she said, "No sweat. You look like you need to be alone and just lose yourself in Tetris for a while."

He nodded.

She left shortly thereafter, but not until she'd made more comments reassuring him that she didn't think there was anything wrong in what he and Susan were doing. She also dropped a subtle hint or two that she wouldn't mind helping him herself, but he seemed like he was partially somewhere else, and he didn't show any response to that.

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Back in her room, Katherine broke out her diary. She hadn't written in it since yesterday, so she wrote,

Dear Diary,

It's true! Mom IS helping him out! I actually SAW her jacking him off yesterday morning! But she's not just using her hands, but using her MOUTH! Our Bible-thumping prudish mother is actually sucking her son's cock!!!!

Knock me over with a feather! What on Earth am I supposed to think about THAT?! Boy, I don't know. This changes absolutely EVERYTHING!!! I'm sure there's gonna be all kinds of effects that'll change all our lives, and I can't even possibly start to imagine what all of those will be. I'm over the moon, because since Mom has started "helping" Brother, she's gonna have a very hard time stopping me from being able to do the exact same thing without looking ridiculously hypocritical. This could be the best thing to ever happen to me! It's just a matter of time before I can help him out too!

Oh God! That's too exciting to even THINK about!

But then again, Mom is some very serious competition! I mean, geez! Blowjobs, even? I knew she was gonna start doing something soon, but I figured she'd just jack him off in a kind of half-hearted and highly conflicted way for a long time to come. But Bro says she's really into it, and I believe it from what I saw yesterday morning. I swear, Mrs. Goody Two Shoes is sex-mad all of a sudden!

Things are moving to a pretty critical stage here. Between Mom and Aunt Suzy and their sultry centerfold bodies and stunning faces, not to mention the way they're BOTH stroking and blowing him, I'm in danger of falling behind! Hell, I AM falling way behind. I have to take drastic action, and soon, or I'll get lost in the shuffle! I already dropped some heavy hints, but Bro seemed not to notice. That's got me worried. What if he just isn't attracted to me?!

— — —

Later in the evening, Alan spent a long time on his PC muscle exercises while "admiring" the pictures Suzanne had given him. Suzanne had taken them earlier in the day, in her house. Most of them were an obvious series, but he'd noticed there was one which was very different that became his instant favorite - he loved how it showed Suzanne with an extra sexy "come hither" expression on her face while looking back over her shoulder.

But he was also intrigued by the fact that the picture showed Suzanne standing nude on a beach in a hazy orange sunset glow. When Alan had asked her how and when that picture had been taken, she had become wistful and replied, "That was a long time ago, back when I had a happy marriage. There's a long story behind that picture, but please don't make me tell it today."

Alan didn't press the issue, since he figured it would dredge up unhappy memories of how the love in her marriage died. He didn't see any difference between the Suzanne of the picture and the Suzanne of today, which showed just how youthful she still looked. But upon closer examination of the picture, he noticed a wedding ring on her finger. That aroused him for some reason, but he didn't want to think about why that might be.

He managed to cum one more time before going to sleep by masturbating to that photo, although it wasn't nearly as enjoyable and exciting as some of his earlier climaxes that day had been.

He thought, All in all, I ended up cumming four times yesterday and six times today. That's not too shabby, considering how topsy turvy things have been around here.

Aunt Suzy is awesome! She was such a huge help for me today, in many ways.

But what was really key today was this "massage" with Mom. After that experience, I have some confidence that Aunt Suzy may be right - that I haven't totally blown it with Mom. It's like my formerly prudish and super-religious mom is actually a volcano of lust and sex, primed to erupt at any moment!

God, she's so fucking hot!

Sure, maybe she's gone back into her prudish mode now, but it's impossible for her to keep so much lust buried. Now that she's discovered the joy of sex, all that passion is going to come out. Especially since she inadvertently told me that playing with her boobs is the key to getting her horny! He chuckled to himself.

My big worry is if she channels that energy to Ron, and in turn that reignites their marriage. Aunt Suzy is being kind of mysterious about it; I guess I'll just have to trust her that she knows that won't happen. When has she ever let me down, or failed in one of her sneaky schemes? I can't even remember, so it must have been a long time ago, if ever.

Dang. If only I had more control, I could have kept on with Mom until she was all "sexified" again. But by rubbing my dick too close to her pussy, I totally blew it! It's no surprise at all that she went back into her moralistic funk, after that. Duh!

I'm not going to blow it like that if another chance comes along. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't cum just then, but I want my mind to be in control of my dick, not the other way around!