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6 Times a Day

Chapter 127 Kathering Got Caught?
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There were two class periods after lunch. Katherine's paint job dried completely during the fifth period. Sixth period was her cheerleader practice. Since the cheerleaders had a football game to cheer at immediately afterwards, they had only a light practice of stretches and warm-ups, and a review of what they would be doing later during the game. They practiced on a little-used lawn that was separated from the football field by only a chain-link fence. The football players could see them from about 100 yards away while they too were warming up for the game.

Katherine was almost certain that no one would notice her paint job. In fact, it was so convincing that she made it through most of her cheerleader practice before there was any trouble.

The head cheerleader's name was Heather. She was gorgeous. She lived the clichéd life of going out with the star quarterback on the football team, and she was a near-certain lock for both Homecoming Queen and the Most Popular award later in the year.

She had long blonde hair that she usually wore in a ponytail, pouty red lips, shining eyes, and a deeply tanned, tall body. It was rare for someone so blonde to be so tanned, but she worked at it. It was rumored that even her most private places were just as tanned as the rest of her, and that was true. But it was her big breasts and perfect facial features which won her fame at school (even though it was widely believed that her breasts were largely implants).

Inwardly, she actually was an immoral, stuck-up, horny bitch who cheated on her boyfriend all the time. She was demanding and domineering with everyone. Her haughtiness, however, seemed only to make her more popular and unobtainable.

There were six cheerleaders on the varsity squad: Heather, Katherine, Amy and three others named Kim, Janice and Joy. Because of budget cuts and the resultant teacher shortage, plus Heather's previous years of experience and some kind of mysterious power play she had pulled, there wasn't any teacher monitoring them. As a result, Heather had complete control over the squad. Behind her back, the others not-so-jokingly called her "Little Hitler" for the way she ran the squad. More commonly, they just called her "bitch."

Heather faced the other five as she led the exercises, so only she was in a position to closely observe them. With the class period nearing its end, she finally noticed something odd about Katherine - something about the way that she was protecting her body - but Heather couldn't put her finger on it. Suspicious, she ordered them all to do a variety of warm-up exercises.

She found out why Katherine was acting strangely during one stretching exercise where they each pulled one of their legs all the way up to their heads as they stood.

Heather walked over to her. One of Katherine's legs pointed straight up towards the sky. She put her hand on Katherine's butt, under the skirt, as if to help her stretch even higher.

Heather's hand slid up a bit, and then she felt the lack of any underwear. Whoa! What do we have here? she thought. It's just as I thought, but I can't believe it!

"Katherine, are you having trouble with your stretch?" With her other hand Heather reached straight for Katherine's slit, and stuck a finger inside it.

Katherine silently gasped. "Um, n-no! I-I-I'm good!" she stammered.

"I don't know," said Heather. "You feel really ... tight." She stuck a second finger into Katherine's slit as she said that.

Although Heather favored sex with men, she was actually bisexual. She'd already figured out ways to demand sex with Kim, Janice, and Joy, all of whom strongly disliked her as a result. So far, she hadn't demanded sex with either Katherine or Amy, because they were both believed to be completely straight virgins, which made Heather extra cautious.

But finding Katherine with painted-on panties instead of real ones made Heather completely reassess that 'known fact'. She figured that Katherine's condition made her fair game, and she certainly was aroused by Katherine's great beauty. She wiggled her two fingers deeper into Katherine's slit.

Katherine gasped in horror. To any distant outside observer, it looked like Heather was merely trying to hold her up with both hands to prevent her from falling.

"I think it's good if you loosen up," Heather suggested with a smirk. "I think you may have a strained muscle or something." She plowed her two fingers in and out of Katherine's slit as discretely as she could manage, since the other cheerleaders stood exercising just a few feet away. Heather was not only very active sexually, but she also loved the thrill of danger.

"Um, whatever you say," said Katherine. She was petrified. She looked over towards the other cheerleaders, and luckily they continued their exercises, oblivious. But Katherine knew that, with a few words to alert them, the bitchy Heather could now destroy her completely. She was totally at Heather's mercy.

Heather wanted to have more fun with Katherine, but she knew she couldn't at that moment because all the other cheerleaders were waiting for her, especially since it was game day. If she were to delay any longer, they would start to look closely at her hold on Katherine, and the gig would be up.

So she thought: How can I take advantage of this? If I can't enjoy this right now, then I'll hand Katherine over to someone who can, and then join in the fun later.

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She walked back in front of the group and looked over the other cheerleaders. What about Kim? She's a total lesbian, I know that. She'll definitely like this, and will owe me one.

"Kim," said Heather, "I'm worried about Kathy here." Katherine hated that nickname, which only Heather was insensitive and cruel enough to use. "I think she's got a muscle cramp coming on, but doesn't want to admit it. Can you take her over there" - she pointed to a spot on the lawn about ten yards away - "and help her get limbered up? I think the cramp is right in the front groin area, so don't miss that."

Kim had medium-length, brown hair, and was the shortest person on the team. She was about as beautiful as everyone else on the cheerleading squad, who all looked like stereotypically-gorgeous Southern California cheerleaders. She was also the youngest on the squad in both appearance and maturity level, and she was still growing into her body. She, Amy, and Katherine were the new members of this year's cheerleading squad.

Heather smiled like a shark that had just found its next meal. She'd picked a spot in the opposite direction from where all the other cheerleaders faced. That way, she could see what Kim was doing while she continued to lead the practice, but the other cheerleaders couldn't. But there was always the possibility any of them might turn around, especially if she stared in that direction too much.

At the last second, Heather whispered in Kim's ear, "Give her the finger, if you know what I mean!"

Kim had no idea what that meant. Her first guess was that she meant giving the middle finger sign, and that didn't make any sense. But she didn't want to cross Heather, who hated to suffer fools, so she pretended like she understood. She hoped something would happen to help explain the cryptic comment.

Kim and Katherine walked away from the others.

The two of them walked to the spot that Heather had indicated, and then stopped.

Katherine's heart was beating in fear like a loud drum. Between traffic noise and the general noise of being outdoors, they were pretty much out of earshot of the other cheerleaders, unless one of them said something loud.

"All righty, let's see what the problem is," said Kim. She flipped up the front of Katherine's skirt, intending to apply a bit of massage. The black paint job and black-haired pussy stared back at her and she suddenly realized Heather's real meaning.

"Oh my!" was all Kim could say.

"Please have mercy!" whispered Katherine frantically. "Just don't tell anyone! It was an accident!"

Kim's facial expression changed as she suddenly realized the position of power she suddenly found herself in. Like Heather, Kim assumed that Katherine had to have a majorly kinky side to be practicing with painted-on panties, especially on a game day. And, like Heather, she took that to mean that Katherine was fair game for almost any kind of sexual fun.

Katherine trembled in fear. It was one thing to tease her brother, whom she loved dearly. It was another thing altogether to be at the mercy of someone she disliked, like Heather, or didn't know well, like Kim. The two of them hadn't really known each other at all until cheerleading practice began a few weeks before.

Kim put a finger into Katherine's already very wet cunt, and noted that Katherine didn't say or do anything about it. So she began pistoning in and out with her finger.

"An accident, huh?" Kim finally said after a minute or so passed. "Somehow you just accidentally got painted-on underwear? How does that happen by accident?"

"It's a long story. Are you going to tell anyone? Please don't tell anyone!" Katherine pleaded.

"Well, that depends. Are you going to cooperate?"

"Yes. Yes. Anything!"

"Goody! Anything? So you don't mind if I do this?" She took three fingers and stuffed them all in Katherine's cunt.

Katherine gasped at the massive intrusion, but didn't say anything. She didn't want to attract any more attention. It was bad enough that Heather was constantly looking over in their direction.

Kim prodded, "I asked you a question. Do you mind?"

"N-n-no. I don't mind." Katherine shuddered in both fear and horniness.

"Cool. Let's get down on the ground and make it look like we're stretching. Let's sit just the right distance apart so we're one arm's length from each other when we're all stretched out. Then I'll reach over and put my hands on your pussy, but it'll look like I'm doing a full stretch. Then you'll reach over and put your fingers in my cunt. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes," Katherine said weakly.

They both got into position, completely spread-eagled on the ground. From a distance it looked like they were sitting across from each other and imitating the other's movements, each pulling their heads to the ground as they stretched. But if one were nearer and looked closely, one could notice that each woman had a hand under the skirt of the other.

Katherine pulled the thin band of cloth away from Kim's vulva, and stuck her fingers into another woman for the first time. She tried not to think about what she was doing, just operating on auto-pilot until the ordeal was over.

After a few minutes of this, curiosity got the best of Kim, and she quietly asked, "Okay, I'm dying to know: just why ARE your panties painted on? I thought you were the prudish one in our group, but you turn out to be secretly this totally kinky freakazoid!"

Katherine whispered back, "It's not like that! It was an accident!"

However, much to Katherine's consternation, she was forced to cut off her explanation. The other cheerleaders took a short break, during which Janice came over to see how Katherine was doing. Her curiosity was piqued because she noticed the other two were speaking in unusually hushed tones.

Kim immediately removed her hands from anywhere near Katherine's pussy, but still Katherine was deathly afraid that Janice would notice the paint job.

Even Kim was terribly nervous. She put up a tough front, but her bravado hid her butterflies.

"How's it coming, Katherine? Muscle cramp, huh?" Janice knelt right behind Katherine and even put her hands on her shoulders.


"Need any help? I'd be happy to massage your thigh muscles."

"No thanks!" Katherine said far too loudly. "Um, I'm cool. Kim is helping out."

Janice walked off after another few moments of chitchat. She was still a bit curious about all the whispering, but she had other things to do.

Kim immediately had both of them get back into position, fingers in each other's pussies. "Let's just stay like this for a while," she said. "I don't know how we're gonna do it, but we're not gonna leave here until you get me off."

"Will you be quiet then?" Katherine asked.

"If you do all I say, I will. But I'm not through with you yet! I had no idea you were like this. You seemed like such a prude, to be frank. ... Tell me, are you seriously planning to go to the football game like that?"

"I didn't plan it, exactly. Like I said, this was an accident! I AM prudish. I forgot to wear panties this morning, and so this was an emergency solution. I got painted during lunch. It was either that, or wear nothing at all!"

"Good Lord, girl, I thought you were the most frigid of us cheerleaders, and it turns out you were the hottest of us all. That takes some wicked serious guts! And if you're prudish, you finger a pussy pretty well for a prude."

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Katherine had no reply to that.

They both continued to plunge their fingers into each other's pussies as they talked. They bobbed their bodies to make it look like they were stretching, which caused their fingers to piston in and out.

After a while, Katherine asked, "Kim, I know you're a lesbian, but why do you assume that I'll enjoy fingering you too?"

"Well, do you?"

Katherine thought about it. She was surprised to find that she was starting to actually enjoy the fingering. It was just like masturbation, except better because you never knew what the other's fingers were going to do. Had it not been for the unfortunate circumstances, she would have liked it a lot more. She kind of dodged the question by saying, "I don't like the fact that you're forcing me to do it. I thought you were a nice person!"

Kim grimaced. She was a nice person, normally. However, the situation had made her lose control a little bit. Plus, she explained, "Look. We HAVE to do this. You know what Heather whispered in my ear, just before she walked away?"

"What?" Katherine did remember seeing the whispering.

"She told me to give you the finger. I think her exact words were, 'Give her the finger, if you know what I mean.' At first, I didn't understand, but once I saw your painted panties, her meaning was obvious. Especially since she gave me, the one open lesbian in the squad, the task. You think I want to disobey Heather and get on her shit list? No thanks!"

Katherine didn't know how to respond to that, since she greatly feared Heather as well. But her silence showed she understood the pressure Kim was under.

"Who painted you?" asked Kim after a while.

"Pardon me?" Her nervous jitters came back instantly.

"You heard me. Who painted you? Don't tell me you painted yourself. Tell me the truth, or I might just show your paint job to the other cheerleaders and get their opinion on who did it."

"Promise not to tell anyone who it is?"

"You're not in a position to be asking favors. Yeah, I promise, but that means you'll owe me one. Which you already do. You'll have to pleasure me again and more extensively on some other day. Which is something you already have to do, so I guess it doesn't matter. I'll have to consult with Heather and figure out just what kind of fun we're going to have with you."

"I'm so ashamed! He would kill me for telling. It was my brother, Alan."

"Your brother? Kinky! God, even your puffed-up pussy lips are painted thoroughly, and by your brother!"

Katherine immediately realized it was stupid to have made that confession, but it was too late to take it back. She tried to minimize the implications. "It's not like that! It was a practical thing. Who else could I ask to do that favor? It's not like I was going to ask a stranger! I figured that, with my brother, he'd respect, you know, my chastity. He was a total gentleman about it."

"Not a bad choice. Your brother is pretty cute. All right, that gives me an idea. I think I have a plan on how we can punish you properly. Let's see if your little paint job works in the game, and meanwhile I'll talk it over with Heather. But for now, let's switch positions so you can finger me better. I wish I could just rub my hands all over your sweet black butt and your magnificent tits. But that will have to wait for another time."

Katherine's tits were quite a bit bigger than Kim's, and the lesbian cheerleader had fantasized about touching them ever since she'd joined the team. In fact, she had fantasies involving all the other cheerleaders, since she was a lesbian and they were all gorgeous. She even fantasized about Heather: she hated her personality, but loved her body.

Katherine literally trembled in anticipation. She knew she liked guys (and especially Alan!) too much to be a lesbian, but she had to admit that being fingered briefly by Heather and then more extensively by Kim really got her hot. The feeling of stretching her pussy over the fresh green grass while Kim's lithe little fingers played around inside her cunt in direct sight of the knowing Heather and within possible sight of the other cheerleaders and even of the football players was nearly too much for her.

In the fifteen or so minutes that Kim and Katherine had fingered each other on the lawn, their cover as stretching exercises had become increasingly less plausible.

Kim had even considered ordering Katherine to lick her, but couldn't think of a remotely plausible cover exercise for that, and especially worried about drawing the attention of the football players.

Meanwhile, Heather had to go out of her way to avoid any exercises which involved the cheerleaders turning around, or everything would have been exposed instantly. Kim and Katherine each climaxed over and over, though they were very careful to be completely quiet about it.