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6 Times a Day

Chapter 172 Suzanne’s Plan
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When Alan woke up from his nap, he immediately remembered meeting Brenda, and the nice orgasm he'd had while fantasizing about her, along with his thoughts of Susan and Suzanne. He realized there was a good chance that Brenda could still be downstairs playing cards, and he wanted to get a better look at her. He quickly put on his usual shorts and T-shirt, and then hustled downstairs.

But to his disappointment, the only person there was Suzanne, who was reading the latest Time magazine in the living room. She put her magazine down and gave him a friendly wave.

He peeked into the kitchen and dining room, just to make sure they were empty, and then he asked Suzanne, "Where'd everyone go? Is the card game over?"

Suzanne chuckled. "Looks like Brenda caught your eye, didn't she?"

He looked around unhappily. "Is she gone?"

Suzanne nodded. "She is. So don't be shy. And Susan is in the backyard, doing some gardening. Why don't we take this upstairs? I've been waiting for you, because I have something I want you to do."

"What about Sis?"

"She went to the mall with Amy. It seems they have a lot of shopping to do, to 'sex up' their wardrobe for better 'visual stimulation.' Hrm. I wonder who they're trying to impress? Who's the handsome young man they wish to arouse and inspire?" She winked at him.

He shook his head in wonder. "Wow! I can't believe these kinds of things are happening to me. It's like... hearing a detail like that makes it seems real. Like, this is really happening and it's going to keep on happening."

Suzanne stood up. "Of course it is. And speaking of happening things, let's go upstairs, so we can talk about more things that are about to happen all over you." She winked again.

They walked together to the stairs. He asked, "What's that?"

"I'll get to that in a minute. But first, what did you think of Brenda? She's a hottie, isn't she?"

He was carefully considering what to say when Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Pshaw! Don't sweat it."


They'd already reached the top of the stairs. Suzanne led him into his room, and then closed the door behind them. She said, "I said, 'Don't sweat it.' I know what you're thinking. You want to rave about Brenda's looks, but you're trying to figure out how guarded and diplomatic you should be with me about that. Well, rave away. Our relationship has changed more than a little lately, don't you think? I don't mind you lusting after other women."

"You don't?"

While Suzanne had been talking, she'd sat on the edge of his bed, causing him to sit next to her. "No, I don't. I can see the mere possibility you might have found Brenda still playing cards with us has gotten you quite worked up, hasn't it?" She reached to his crotch and firmly grasped the bulge in his shorts.

He gasped. "Aunt Suzy!"

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She chuckled. "What? This isn't the first time I've done this to you, you know." She unzipped his shorts, extracted all of his cock and balls, and began caressing them with both hands.

His eyes bugged out in amazement at what her hands were doing. It took him some long moments before he recovered enough to speak.

By that time, she was steadily pumping a hand up and down his shaft while fondling his balls with her other hand. She smirked with amusement at his surprise.

He said, "I know, but... It's just... I guess I'm behind the curve. I'm constantly playing catch up."

"That you are. But don't sweat that either. You'll catch up soon enough. Now, tell me what you think of Brenda. And skip your diplomatic filter already. I hope you think she's a total hottie."

"I do! Man, I sure do! But why would you hope that?!"

"I'll get to that. First, tell me what you think."

He looked down at her stroking fingers and shook his head in wonder. But he was trying hard to roll with the punches, so he spoke honestly. "Like you said, she's a total hottie. I didn't get that long of a look at her, and I don't have X-ray eyes to see through her clothes, but from what I could tell, she has an amaaaazing body! So curvy! Super curvy. And she's got a face that's cute and sexy at the same time. She's, like... this is the highest praise possible, believe me: she's in the same league as you and Mom!"

Suzanne didn't seem particularly moved by that, and continued to look at his boner while she jacked him off.

So he elaborated, "You have no idea what rare praise that is. I mean, you and Mom, the two of you together, that's my pinnacle of beauty. That's perfection for me! Everyone else has to measure up to that, and very few even come close. But Brenda, she's practically right there! Good grief, did you see her breasts?! They're absolutely enormous! I think they could be even bigger than yours or Mom's!"

She asked coyly, "Are you sure?" She was still fully dressed, but she let go of his privates and took hold of the hem of her blouse as if she was going to pull it over her head so he could get a good look at her bare rack. But she had a change of heart, and went back to stroking his cock.

He sighed with disappointment. "Awww. Dang. Are you sure you don't want to take that off? You know, so I can compare and contrast?"

She chuckled. "I do. But I shouldn't, because I don't want to get too involved. You'll understand why when I explain my plan in a minute."

"Okay, but what's going on with Brenda? And why all the questions about her?!"

"So, you'd fuck her?"

He smiled from ear to ear as he imagined himself fucking the shit out of Brenda. He got some minor details wrong, such as imagining her completely shaved below, because he hadn't been able to see much of her body. But he got most of it right.

Letting his guard down, he honestly and gleefully exclaimed, "Oh, only in a micro-second! Why do you even ask? You know what I'd say? Her body's so curvy that it almost doesn't seem possible. How can a woman that thin have breasts that big? They've got to be fake. And her ass. She's like, all tits and ass!"

Suzanne rubbed his sweet spot to devastating effect as she replied, "I'll have you know her boobs are all real. At least, I'm 99 percent certain, from the way they move when she walks. But as for Brenda, I'm thinking long term with her. She can help you with visual stimulation now, just from being around, and who knows, maybe she'll help you more directly someday."

"WHOA! Are you kidding me?! Why would you do that for me?!"

"I'm doing it for us. Sweetie, now that we're sexually intimate, the world is our oyster. Variety is the spice of life. I can't quite explain it, but there's something about her that makes me want to involve her in helping you. If she comes here to play cards once a week, and gives you some special help while she's here, wouldn't that be fun?"

"Oh, man! No way!" He was panting hard.

Suzanne grinned impishly. "Yes way." She squeezed the base of his shaft almost painfully, and then stopped her stroking. "And don't cum on me just yet. I can tell you're very close to cumming already."

"How can I not be?! Aunt Suzy, you're too amazing for words! And Brenda! My God, I'm so horny right now that I can't stand it."

"Well, you'd better stand it. Behave!" She held his boner with one hand and lightly slapped it with the other just once, as if she was starting to give it a spanking. "I have a special assignment for you, and it involves a very erect and aroused feller here, so don't you cum just yet."

Aside from her one light slap and the way she was still holding his hard-on, she was generally leaving it alone for now. That allowed him to breathe a little easier. But he was still panting when he asked, "What is it?!"

"It involves your mother. You know what she told me a little while ago, while you were taking your nap?"


"She confessed to having very 'sinful thoughts' about you lately. But that's nothing new. We've talked about that extensively. What is new is that she said that she felt like today was a turning point. She said she'd gone the whole day without anything sexy happening between you and her. She was proud of her self control, and felt like she's getting a grip on her 'inappropriate feelings.' On top of that, her period began last night after you left. She sees that as a sign that she needs to maintain self-control."

He was slightly delirious with lust, especially since Suzanne had resumed rubbing two fingers against his sweet spot - she just couldn't help herself. So he wasn't thinking too clearly when he exclaimed, "Wait! That's bad!"

Suzanne chuckled at his dazed condition. "You bet your cute ass that's bad. We can't let her slide back into her prudish ways. That's bad for you, for me, for her - for everybody. She still lusts after you so much that she's pretty much constantly obsessed about it, but she's very mindful that Ron is home, and she's trying with all her might to resist her sexual urges. We DO have to be careful with Ron here, but we need to at least keep her on a slow boil until he's gone. That's why you need to act fast."

He asked dumbly, "Fast?" Her reprieve hadn't been that long, and he was spiraling dangerously close to orgasm already.

"Yes, fast. She further pointed out that Ron would be home just before six, in time for dinner. That gives us a little less than an hour and a half. Here's my plan. I want you to take your phone out to the sun deck."

He tried hard to think through his lusty fog. He looked to the receiver next to his bed. "You mean my land line?" He didn't own a cell phone.

"Yes. That's so you can put it on the speaker phone setting. Find some extra phone cord if you have to. Can you do it?"

He did a quick mental calculation. The sun deck was across the hall from his room and down the hall a little ways, towards the stairs to the main floor. It was hardly ever used, because the pool area in the backyard was much preferred. He said, "I suppose, with some extra cord. But why the sun deck?"

"Because you're going to masturbate there, and Susan is going to watch you. I'm going to track her down outside and 'accidentally' mention that I'm concerned that you're masturbating in such a highly visible place. Then I'm going to leave. Which I will do after I sneak around to make sure she takes the bait."

"The bait? I don't understand."

Suzanne sighed with frustration. "I guess I'll have to take it easy on your cock so your brain can resume functioning again." She switched to just lightly and slowly stroking him. "How's that?"

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"Uh..." He was relieved, as he felt the urge to immediately cum subside. But at the same time, he'd been greatly enjoying being right on the verge.

She chuckled. "'Uh.' You're still at caveman status, but I'll press on anyway. The plan is, Susan won't be able to resist spying on you. You know that one window in the hallway that looks out onto the sun deck?"


"Whatever you do, don't look there and make eye contact with her! Instead, position yourself for maximum sexy effect, knowing that she's looking at you from there. Meanwhile, I'll call you on my cell phone and we'll talk. Remember that your bombshell mommy is going to hear every word both of us say, so try to say things that'll compliment her and arouse her. Hype up your sex skills, even if it's just hype. Above all, try to express how much you desire her. Got all that?"

"Yeah, sure. That's not so hard. And then?"

"And then... we'll see. We don't want to script this too much. Half the fun is not knowing what'll happen. Just go with the flow. I'll be somewhere nearby, behind the scenes kind of like the Wizard of Oz, making sure that everything happens as it should, not to mention running interference if Angel or Amy or even Ron comes by."

"So you'll be downstairs."

"Basically, yeah. But I'll say I'm calling you from my house. Got all that?"


She let go of his erection.

He griped, "Oh, man!"

"Sorry, but you've gotta save all that cocky goodness for your mother. I know how much you loved what she did to you last Tuesday, and with any luck, we'll have her bobbing on your fat cock before long. It's a must that we break her of her prudish ways. It's all part of my grand plan."

He prodded. "Which is..."

"Which is for me to know and you to find out. Trust me, it'll be more enjoyable that way. But good things are happening, that's for sure!"

He laughed heartily. "I've gotta agree with that! Phew!"


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