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6 Times a Day

Chapter 177 Fingering Suzanne
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In her normal scratchy voice, she teased him, "I leave you alone for a couple of hours, and this is what happens. Horrible, horrible cum buildup and a quick trigger. You hardly lasted a minute there." She winked, since they both knew it was a good deal longer than that. "Okay, so it was barely more than five minutes, and I've already learned you can do a lot better than that. I'd hate to see your reaction if I were gone for a whole day! Isn't anyone taking care of you?"

He replied with a great big smile, "Well, yeah: you! How can you forget what happened on the sun deck? I don't think it was even two hours ago. I'm still kind of walking on air from that."

"Not that, silly. I mean any help other than me. Has anyone else helped you lately?"

He thought, Hmmm, it's better not to mention what had happened - and what's going to happen - with Sis. She might not even mind. In fact, after what happened today, between her talk about Brenda and what happened with Mom, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually applauded that. How great would that be?! But I can't be sure. It's safer to wait a little while until there's no turning back, and then tell her.

He said honestly, "Well, not counting what happened this afternoon with you, the last time I got any help was last night with you and Mom. I had to take things in hand myself twice before school."

"You poor thing. Forced to abuse yourself because your mean old mother doesn't help enough while your father is in town. I'm looking every day for a chance to come over, but with Ron around this is the best I can do."

Then in a playful but chastising tone, she complained, "However, I expect better from you. More staying power. Can you do it again? I just happen to know their movie is exactly one hour and thirty-seven minutes long."

"Can I do it again?" he asked incredulously. "With you dressed like that, that's like asking 'Does a bear shit in the woods?' God, yes!"

"Dressed like what?" She stood up and turned around, then backed her butt up almost into his nose.

He reached out and stroked her pale, firm butt cheeks, sometimes going over the rough blue-jeans fabric too. "Like this. I know you're always dressing in power suits and nice clothes and stuff, so to dress like trailer trash just to help get me hard really says something. I think it shows how much you love me."

With his fingers trying to pry under the fabric deep in her ass crack, he said with complete sincerity, "I love you, Aunt Suzy. You're the greatest. And I'm the luckiest guy alive."

Her heart fluttered with delight to hear him say that. However, she wasn't good with that kind of "mushy" language, so she tried to make light of the moment. She laughed, and then turned around to make eye contact. "You are that, for sure. But 'I love you'... Are you just saying that? What do you mean? ... You love my blowjobs?" She reached down and resumed fondling his flaccid penis, as if to emphasize her point.

He knew that she tended to shy away from emotional declarations, but he felt so strongly about her that he stared right into her eyes and repeated his comment in a way she couldn't easily brush off. "I mean just that. I. Love. You. I know I haven't shown my feelings very well in the past, but I'm proud to say it. I mean I love you, in all ways!"

She practically swooned, she was so emotionally overcome. THIS! This is why I love my Sweetie so much! If any other guy were to say that to me, I'd think he's just trying to get in my pants. But I know my cutie means it, because he's loved me like he loves Susan ever since he was in diapers! Sure, he wants to fuck me too, but he loved me long before he even knew what fucking was. His love has grown and evolved, but never wavered. Just like my love for him started all those years ago and never wavered either. Sweetie, you're the only man I could ever truly love, and I love you with all my heart!

However, she was shy to verbally express herself as freely as he did. She just nodded and smiled.

He was frustrated by that non-answer, but he continued anyway. "Sexually, hell yeah. But also as a friend, and as a person, in every way. It's not just the handjobs and blowjobs, although those don't hurt!"

He laughed, and then got serious again. He ran a hand adoringly through her wild, curly red hair. "You've always been so kind and good to me, ever since I was a baby. I'm so lucky you're in my life. You've been so caring for me that you're practically like my second mother. If that's not love, then I don't know what is."

"Oh Sweetie!" she exclaimed, suddenly dizzy with happiness, thanks to his obviously sincere and loving words. She'd been around the block with many men, but she felt giddy, as if he were her first crush. She was so emotionally moved that she let herself say, "My Sweetie! I love you too! In all those ways too!"

To his great surprise, she kissed him right on his lips, and even slid her tongue into his mouth. Within seconds, they were madly French kissing.

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Alan felt like he'd touched an electrified fence, because thrills and chills ran all through his body in response to the kiss. For one thing, Suzanne had been acting like this was a completely forbidden activity, and now it wasn't. He decided not to ask why she'd changed her stance, for fear that she might have second thoughts and change it again. But he was also electrified because the kissing seemed like love and not just sex.

In addition, the kissing was extremely arousing in terms of pure physical pleasure. Suzanne's extra long tongue wasn't just made for blowjobs, but was great for kissing too. Sometimes, it probed so far in his mouth that he wanted to laugh. It almost felt like an eel, but in a very good way.

All of this was so very arousing that his dick soon fully revived. However, they were both so into the kissing that what happened to his penis was of little importance at the moment. Suzanne noticed when it got erect, and she did rub herself against it from time to time, but her hands were busy either with holding Alan's head in place for kissing or with caressing his face.

They kissed for many minutes. Her tiny top was already up around her shoulders, having ridden up during the blowjob, but she pulled it the rest of the way off.

His hands joyfully roamed all over her body. As usual, though, when he had such opportunities with Suzanne, "all over" meant an intense focus on her chest, some ass fondling, and little exploration elsewhere, since he knew she didn't want him to touch her pussy. But she loved it just the same.

As they kept necking, he thought, Incredible! Aunt Suzy, this goddess, this totally perfect, fully mature and voluptuous goddess ... she seems to really love me! And not just like an aunt. She really loves me, like a lover! It's so exciting that I'm almost dizzy!

At one point, he asked between kisses, "Aunt Suzy, what's the deal with your tongue?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just that it's so damn long. It can do all kinds of things a normal tongue can't do. It's just insanely long!"

She chuckled. "Yeah? So what's your question?"

"I don't know. It's just... Well, for one thing, where have you been hiding it all these years?"

She chuckled some more. "I haven't really been hiding it. But how many people make a point of sticking their tongue out all the way? Do you?"

"Good point. But... dang! What a great, unexpected bonus for me. That's like a tongue genetically perfected for working on cocks. And it's great for kissing too. It's such an arousing thought, I don't dare even think about it very much, if you know what I mean."

"Mmmm!" She licked her way up and down his neck, making sure to demonstrate the length of her tongue as she did so. "For working on 'cock,' not 'cocks.' Your cock!" She finally took his boner in her hands and started stroking it in earnest. "You don't have to worry about me having any more of those stupid affairs. This is where I belong. With you."


She rolled her eyes, but playfully. "Yes, really. I know I'll have to share you with Susan, plus others to come. But you're the only man I want or need."


"Yes, others. Believe me, you'll love my vision of a sexual utopia. Note that I said 'only man.' You and I are going to be drowning in beautiful babes, starting with your mother!"

That was so exciting that he was nearly on the verge of hyperventilating, especially given the way she was steadily pumping a hand up and down his shaft.

She chuckled. "Calm down. Take a deep breath. Then, tell me everything that happened between you and your mom last night before I came in. The more I know, the better I can teach her."

He panted, "Teach her? Teach her what?"

"Teach her how to fall passionately in love with you and your cock, that's what! And I don't mean motherly love - I mean carnal love. Luckily, we're more than halfway there. She's totally obsessed with your cock already; it's just that she's in denial about it."

"Oh, man!" he grunted lustily. Already, he was so worried that he was going to cum again that he reached down and tried to remove Suzanne's hand from his hot pole.

However, she refused to budge, or even stop stroking him. "Come on, big boy. Buck up and deal with it. You're in the big leagues now. I'm teaching and training you too, you know."

"You are? How?"

"I must say, you already have pretty impressive stamina and recuperative abilities, especially for a virgin. That's a big, unexpected bonus. However, with every orgasm you have with me, I'll train you to last a little longer, to handle a little more pleasure. If you think you're man enough for Susan AND me, you're going to have to turn into the super stud I keep claiming that you already are."

He shook his head in astonishment at the future she seemed to anticipate for him. He asked, "Before I answer that question you asked about Mom, can I ask you one?"

"Sure. Shoot."

"You keep talking about my mom with all these tantalizing sexual hints, which is great. But do you ever feel jealous about her and me? Like, this afternoon, when I was praising her a lot while you were pretending to be her, did that bother you even a tiny bit?"

"Maybe a teeny tiny bit, but not really. For one thing, I think my boobs are a bit bigger and a bit nicer." She smiled and laughed at that. "But the thing is, I know how much you love her, and also how much you desire her. That was written on your face long before any of this began."

"Really?! Even the desire part?!"

"Yes, but only to someone like me, who knows you as well as I do and sees even the subtle little looks you give her when you think she doesn't notice. Anyway, I knew that AND I knew how strongly you've loved and lusted for me too. It's silly to quibble about whether you might love one of us a tiny smidgen more, because your feelings are way off the charts for both of us. I consider Susan and me to be your sexual support team, even though she doesn't really realize that yet."

"Wow. You're incredible. You're way too good to me." He looked down at her sliding fingers, which were virtually coated in pre-cum. Ain't that the truth?! Man! "I just want you to know that everything I said about her, all that praise, that could just as easily have been said about you. You're both so similar, especially body-wise. And you both have hearts of gold. It's just that Mom wears hers on her sleeve, and you hide yours under your jaded, worldly exterior. However, you're a total sweetheart deep down, and I know it!"

Suzanne mock-cursed him. "Damn you! You're just so fucking lovable!"

He was concerned for a second, until he realized that she wasn't mad at him at all, and in fact it was just the opposite.

She repositioned, bringing her face closer to his crotch. "Look at what you're making me do. How can I NOT lick your cock after you say mushy crap like that?" She blew her minty breath directly on his sweet spot, making him shiver. "Now, while I get busy with this incorrigible beast, tell me what happened with your mom last night, the part where I wasn't there." Then she settled down and started licking, with a non-stop focus on that very same spot.

Alan explained in great detail how he had walked in on Susan as she was finishing her shower. His arousal level rose even higher as he recalled the events.

Suzanne actually ended up stroking his erection most of the time while he talked. She wanted to lick him or even suck on him, but after just a couple of minutes of that it became clear that he wouldn't last long if she kept that up. She knew they had plenty of time until the others got home, and she wanted to make every minute count. Plus, he was hardly able to string a coherent sentence together, much less tell the whole story, until she let up on him.

Still, they were having great fun. The resulting slower and more relaxed approach was actually a nice change of pace for both of them.

When he got to the point where Suzanne had entered the bedroom, she said, "Nice story. I thought you'd messed up in some way, but apparently she had just gotten a little skittish. It happens sometimes. I have to admire your assertiveness. I hope we see more of that from you. Fortune favors the bold. Never forget it."

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"I just basically did what you told me," he admitted.

Suzanne glanced down at his boner and gave it a friendly kiss right at the top of his cockhead. As she slid her fingers all over his shaft, she continued, "True, but you did do it, and you did it well. That said, you know what I really like? How Susan never put on her clothes through all of that. Think about it: she was in her bathroom and then in her bedroom. There are towels everywhere, not to mention cabinets and closets full of clothes all over the place. She sat on her bed and didn't even try to cover up with a sheet or a pillow. She's no rocket scientist, but she's not dumb either. If she didn't think of covering up, it's because at some level she didn't want to. The fact is, she WANTS to be naked for you. In fact, she wore just high heels because she knew you'd love that. Don't listen to her verbal protests in a situation like that; look at her body."

He joked, "Well, if you insist, I'll force myself to check her out."

Suzanne mercilessly rubbed his most sensitive spot to "punish him" for his joke. She grinned. "You do that. Did you see how much she was dripping? Her pussy, I mean. Give her a couple more days, tops, and she'll be back to slurping on your pole. Hell, I'll bet you she'll be wrapping those red lips of hers around your Johnson even before Ron leaves. Can you just picture that? Imagine your mother kissing your father while the taste of your semen is still in her mouth. Kinky!"

He groaned while looking down at what her hands were doing to his hard-on. "Aunt Suzy, please stop saying such things! If you go on like that, I'm gonna have a quick trigger again."

She had a wicked gleam in her eye. "Okay. But that reminds me. True, I was trying to arouse you last night when I said you had surprising endurance, but despite my teasing about the occasional quick trigger, you really do. I AM really impressed with what you've accomplished with your PC muscle control in such a short time. You're a quick learner. We've got a long time until the others come back, so let's work on your endurance some more."

She sucked him to orgasm again, but this time they took over an hour to do it. She kept him right on the edge, always aware of just when to pull back and let him retreat from the precipice.

For the first time, Alan felt his PC muscle exercises really paying dividends. She worked with him on perfecting his endurance. They talked a lot about what they were feeling and doing, so he'd be able to recognize the signs of imminent orgasm in the future.

She taught him to warn her when he was getting close, and then they would take a break until he was ready to go again. When that happened, she was able to rest her jaw and hands so she could keep going too. In addition, she was getting to know his non-verbal cues very well. For instance, she was learning to distinguish subtle differences of meanings in his erotic moans.

To his great delight, some of the breaks they took so his dick could recover turned into more prolonged necking and kissing sessions. He was somewhat incredulous that she really intended those to be breaks, since he remained unbelievably aroused. She often jacked him off during such "breaks," or at least rubbed her beautiful body against his erection. He was impressed at her stamina too, since her hands and mouth seemingly never stopped doing something or another to him.

Somewhere along the line her Daisy Duke shorts came off, and she gave him the green light that he was free to touch her anywhere at all, without exception. That eventually led to his fingers pistoning in and out of her cunt and anus until his hands were sore, often doing both holes at the same time.

He figured the little anal fingering trick he'd learned from Akami worked so well on Susan that he should try it on Suzanne too. But Suzanne taught him some more about the importance of hygiene whenever touching a woman's anus. She wouldn't let his fingers that had been in there touch her anywhere else until he washed his hands again.

He kept her on the edge too, and then pushed her over it so that she had orgasm after orgasm. In fact, she had more orgasms than she'd ever had before in such a short interval. True, she'd had better lovers, but it was the fact that she was deeply in love with Alan, but hadn't been with any of those others (except her husband Eric, early in her marriage), that made the main difference.

His fingering of her was almost a defensive move, because he found that driving her to the brink of climax was about the only way he could get her distracted enough to actually stop stimulating his boner for a while. His dick desperately needed these breaks for a real chance to recover a little bit.

Suzanne's lust was largely driven my her extremely needy pussy, and she was sorely tempted to let him fuck her. However, she wasn't ready to have him go that far just yet, purely because of the continuing long-term danger of getting caught. She realized that at the very least she had to wait until Susan's husband was gone, or else the odds of getting caught would be too high. Opportunities like this movie night were extremely rare, and once she started she didn't want to get fucked only every once in a while. In fact, she knew she'd want it every day, and that just wasn't possible until Susan's sexual attitudes evolved much more to permit that.

However, Alan's control over his dick still needed a lot of work. At one point, Suzanne was stroking his shaft and everything seemed under control, but a second later he was firing his cum straight up into the air. He'd passed the point of no return and couldn't even focus on exercising his PC muscle.

Suzanne acted quickly. As she kept jacking him off, she aimed his cum at her huge boobs. "Cum on me! I want you to cover me in your cum!"

He felt dizzy watching his centerfold-worthy aunt tilt her head back and bask in his rain of cum like it was some kind of manna from Heaven. She alternated between opening her mouth wide for the cum to fall in it, and smiling from ear to ear, like she was having the time of her life.


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