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6 Times a Day

Chapter 188 Amy X Kath X Heather
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As they separated from each other and tried to stand up, they heard a voice say, "Heather? Katherine?"

It was Amy. She turned a corner and saw them both naked in the showers as they tried and failed to act casual. Her eyes opened wide.

"Hi Amy!" they said simultaneously, both faking enthusiasm to see her.

"Hi! There you are!" Amy said happily; she wasn't the kind of person to stay surprised for long. "I heard the water running. Janice sent me to see what was keeping you."

She frowned, quizzically. "But why are you both taking showers in the middle of class? ... And Heather! What's that thing sticking out of you?!" She pointed towards Heather's pussy.

"Oh shit!" Heather said. While Katherine had remembered the dildo and was fretting about it, Heather was too shocked to properly respond, so she was just standing there with it sticking lewdly out of her pussy. It was impossible to miss the sight of about six inches of big black dildo, and the pussy juices running down it and all along Heather's inner thighs.

For once in her life, Heather felt totally embarrassed. For a moment, she thought she was completely ruined, and lamely attempted to cover her breasts, as if that would help. Heather had done a lot of wild things, but she'd never been caught, and she didn't know what to do or say.

Katherine quickly sidled up to Heather's ear and whispered, "Don't worry; I know Amy. Let me handle this. Just follow my lead."

"Amy!" Katherine said out loud in a casual voice. "That's a good question! Why don't you come over here and I'll explain all about it." She had no idea what she would say, but she was stalling for time.

"M'kay!" said a happy and apparently unsuspicious Amy. However, she suddenly stopped and frowned. "But wait. It's wet over there. And what about practice?"

Katherine replied, "Don't worry about practice. After all, Heather is head cheerleader and she says this is an important part of your practice too, right Heather?"

"Right," said Heather uncertainly, still recovering from being caught. Her reaction wasn't helped by the fact that she was a natural exhibitionist and was actually juicing up even more as Amy continued to stare at her with a puzzled expression.

Katherine explained, "We're just practicing some different kinds of stuff. So just take off your clothes and come over here. You probably could use a shower anyway." She knew how much Amy liked being nude and thought she could use that to her advantage.

Amy began to remove her clothes. "Yeah, Janice is making us all sweaty." She shucked off her clothes so enthusiastically that it seemed as if it was a crime for her to ever wear clothing in the first place.

As Amy took off her clothes, Katherine whispered again in Heather's ear, "Let's have a little fun with Amy, but not too much, okay? Follow my lead."

Heather just nodded dumbly in reply as she watched Amy strip. She was blown away by the situation and was still unusually frightened and speechless. She was so wrapped up in the situation that she still hadn't thought to remove the dildo that protruding obscenely from her pussy.

Amy was out of her clothes in a flash. She stretched out. "Aaaah! That feels so much better! Clothes are lame-o."

But then she seemed to remember some modesty, because she walked over towards them with a hand over her pussy and an arm over her considerable boobs.

Katherine wasn't sure if she was happy or jealous that, of all the women in the high school, these two were nearly the only others with bigger boobs than her own.

Heather suddenly realized how bizarre Katherine must look to a stranger: completely naked, but with painted-on black panties. She couldn't help asking "Amy, aren't you wondering about Katherine's black panties as well?"

Amy blushed, acting like she wanted to answer but couldn't.

"That's okay, Amy," Katherine butted in. "Heather is the other person who knows." She turned towards Heather and added, "Heather, I already explained to Amy the other day about the panties. I gave her a very brief explanation about how I lost them on Friday and you're punishing me for losing them by making me wear these for a week." She emphasized the words "very brief" in the hope that Heather would get the hint not to say anything more, such as mentioning Kim's role.

Amy smiled, relieved that she wasn't in a bind about keeping that a secret from Heather. "Oh, good," she said.

"Amy already knew?" asked Heather, still slow on the uptake.

Katherine pressed on. "Yes. Here, Amy, why don't you stand here and take a shower while we talk. We were just finishing our own showers." She led Amy to the showerhead next to her own and turned it on.

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Amy grabbed the soap and began to lather her impressive body.

For a moment, both Heather and Katherine just watched Amy showering and admired her remarkable, if slightly plump, body. Amy might even have given Heather a run for her money in the Homecoming Queen contest if she had a suitably grasping personality to go along with her calendar-girl physique.

But Katherine meanwhile still had no idea how she could explain why a dildo was sticking out of Heather's pussy, or why the two of them had taken so much time away from practice. She wasn't too worried now that the shock of being caught had worn off. She figured that for the clueless and naïve Amy the threshold of believability could be pretty low. Even so, she searched her brain frantically for any plausible explanations.

"Amy," Katherine finally began.

"Mmmm-hmmm?" cooed Amy as she enjoyed her shower.

"You know how Heather said I had a muscle cramp? Well, she started massaging me between my legs, where my cramp was. And after a while it felt better, but... What was really weird is, all this whitish liquid started pouring out of my vagina. Neither of us could figure that out. So Heather put her fingers in there to see what was happening, and that seemed to just make it happen even more."

"Really?" said a rapt Amy. "I have the same problem too! Remember how you, um, helped me out a few days ago?" She referred to how Katherine, and sometimes Alan, had shaved her pussy, but she tried to be vague since she didn't know whether Kat wanted that secret to be shared with Heather.

"Yeah," said Katherine. "I said that it was okay if you touched yourself down there."

Heather looked at Katherine with a very surprised glance and wondered what exactly they referred to. Heather knew that Katherine was one of Amy's "protectors" from sexual mischief, so she found Katherine's new behavior - from not wearing panties on Friday to this story - extremely puzzling.

"Exactly!" Amy said. "So I began touching myself there, starting that very day. And it seemed like after I did that for a while, a liquid started to come out of me, too! Just like your problem. I was too shy to ask my mom what it was."

"We don't know what it is either," lied Katherine, "but I'm afraid it may be some kind of problem. So anyway... Actually, Amy, why don't you sit down in front of us and show us what you do to make the liquid come out? Maybe that'll help us understand."

"M'kay!" said a happy and still soap-sudsy Amy. She sat down underneath her showerhead and pushed her fingers into her slit and began to rub. With both arms in her crotch, her boobs pushed out impressively.

Heather greatly wanted to reach out and touch those boobs, which were quite possibly even larger than her own, but she very reluctantly restrained herself and waited for Katherine's lead.

Katherine gave Heather a quick and encouraging wink while Amy wasn't looking. Then she said to Amy, "Anyway, so Heather used her fingers on me much like what you're doing right now. And this liquid kept coming out. It would even make me shudder sometimes, and made me feel really good, and hot too."

"Really?" interrupted Amy. "Gosh! That totally happens to me, too!"

"Yeah. So Heather and I were thinking that it must be something really serious. Heather has been helping me figure it out, in case I'm really sick or something. I get hot like I have a fever, so maybe I'm sick."

"Oh no! I get all hot when I'm leaky, too!" cried Amy. "That means I must be sick, too!"

"Maybe," continued Katherine. "But maybe it happens to everyone. We weren't sure. So to test that, I thought we should check with Heather and see if she also leaks this fluid. So I began rubbing her vagina too."

Katherine wanted to show with a visual example, but Heather's cunt was still occupied with the throbbing, rotating dildo. She appeared somewhat glassy-eyed.

"Heather, why don't you show Amy what we mean?"

Heather snapped out of it, but she still didn't remove the dildo. Since she'd already been caught with it she just held it in place because it felt so good.

Soon they were all sitting on the floor, with the water still falling in their general direction.

Heather scooted closer and opened Katherine's black-painted labia. She was fascinated by the contrast between her painted black skin and her gushy pink interior.

Heather let out a squeal of pleasure as it suddenly occurred to her that they weren't going to get in any trouble at all, and that in fact they could keep doing what they'd been doing, with Amy a possible extra source of pleasure. Her usual confident and even domineering self took over.

She motioned to Amy as she held Katherine's labia open wide. "Yes, Amy. Take a look at this. You see this stuff coming out?"

"Yeah?" Amy replied as she scooted closer.

"This is the problem. And I'm not even doing anything. Watch what happens when I start doing this." Heather worked her fingers in and out of Katherine's slit. "See what I mean? Why don't you try it on yourself?"

"M'kay!" Amy jilled herself while staring at Katherine's lips intently, as if she were studying for a test.

There was silence for a few moments, except for the squishy noises coming from Katherine's and Amy's pussies.

Then Katherine continued, "So anyway, Amy, I did that to Heather for a while, like what she's doing to me now. And lo and behold! She began leaking the liquid too. So do you know what that means?"

"Wh-what?" Amy had already begun to lose it and drift into an erotic fog, due to the ministrations of her own fingers. She was very sensitive.

"That means you and I aren't sick! If it happens to all three of us, three randomly-chosen women, that can't just be coincidence. It must happen to everyone."

"Oh... Woooow..." said a glassy-eyed Amy. She was the only one directly under a showerhead, so when her drool escaped her mouth, it got washed away.

"So that's where this big black thing comes in," continued Katherine, pointing to the dildo that was still buried and rotating in Heather's slit. "We thought, maybe if we can't stop our vaginas from leaking, then maybe we could plug them up with something, and then we could go back out to practice. So we looked all over for something to use as a plug, and couldn't find anything but this thing, which is called a dildo. It's actually made to be a pussy plug. We put it in Heather, and it seems to be working. She still feels really good, but she's not leaking as much. Right, Heather?"

"Uh? Yeah, right." Just at that moment Heather was distracted by her own need to climax. She was unbelievably turned on by the sight of Amy pleasuring herself, and by Amy's believing the absurd story. Of all the cheerleaders, she'd assumed that Amy was totally off limits to seduction, because all the other cheerleaders did their best to protect Amy and preserve her innocence. But now Katherine, Amy's chief protector, was the one voluntarily leading Amy's seduction. It blew Heather's mind.

"Oh woooow..." was all Amy could say as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Soon she and Katherine began their own powerful orgasms. Both of them had their legs spread as wide as they could go, which was very wide as they were both limber cheerleaders.

Seeing them, Heather gave in and had a very satisfying climax of her own.

But the three of them were all so worked up that they hardly paused to rest.

Katherine soon said, "Amy, would you like to try? Would you like us to stick this big dildo up your pussy and see if it also stops you from leaking?"

"Um, isn't she a virgin?" Heather asked Katherine quietly.

"Nope!" replied Amy for herself. "I broke my hymen thingy years ago!" She said this happily, like she said most things, as if she were describing getting an A on a test.

Katherine leaned towards Heather and clarified in a low voice, "Amy IS a virgin, but she lost her hymen in an accident."

Heather was the most shaken up by her recent orgasm. It was all she could do to grab the still whirring Mr. Excitement dildo and hand it to Katherine. It was absolutely soaked in Heather's juices. She was amazed that Katherine, a supposed prude, held the wet dildo without blinking an eye and prepared to insert it into Amy.

Needless to say, Heather's opinion of Katherine and Amy was changing dramatically with each passing minute.

Because Amy was her best friend, Katherine knew that she was so trusting that she'd do anything that Katherine told her to do. So she said to Amy, "Okay, get on all fours and spread your legs real wide again. Then I'll push the dildo in."

Amy immediately did what she was told. She didn't seem to find what was happening at all unusual.

But just when Katherine was about to push the dildo in, Amy asked, "Wait a minute. Isn't that thing all yucky? It was just in Heather's you-know-what! I don't want that in me!"

Katherine sighed. "Yeah. That is a problem. I suppose I should go clean it off." She started to get up.

But before she did, Heather came over and held out her hand. "Here, I'll do it."

It was odd for Heather to do something considerate for someone else (unless maybe it was for her best friend Simone), but Heather just wanted to make sure Amy and Katherine maintained their positions so the sexual fun could continue. She even hurried, expecting that Amy couldn't hold her splayed-out pose for long.

Once Heather was out of hearing range, Amy shyly asked Katherine, "Um, could you kinda... not put that thingy in me? I mean, I don't have a problem with dildo play if it's with you, but Heather's here too and that's kind of weird. And we're at school. I don't want to get totally carried away. Plus, to have you push it in like that seems kind of a lot like actual sex. I want my first time to be with, you know, a guy."

Katherine immediately felt bad. Oh, geez. What am I doing? I'm pushing my best friend to do things she doesn't really want to do, just because Heather and I are extremely horny. I'm supposed to be the one protecting her from corruption, but instead I'm the one corrupting her!

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With that epiphany, Katherine said, "Yeah. Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Whatever you want, Aims."

"Cool beans. Thanks!"

Katherine added, "But... would it be okay if I just kinda rub it on the outside? Heather says it feels really, really good."

"M'kay. But do I have to stay stretched out like this."

Katherine giggled. "No, you don't."

Heather came back, disappointed to see Amy sitting on her heels. "Awww, dammit." She tried to turn on the charm. "Amy, sweet girl, can you raise yourself up like that again?"

Amy replied, "Actually, Katherine says we're gonna play a different game. Do you wanna play?"

Heather was unhappy, but resigned. She knew the other cheerleaders were very protective of Amy, especially Katherine, and if she pushed too hard against that she could get a lot of grief for at most minimal pleasure. So she faked a smile badly and said, "Yeah, sure."

Katherine remained behind Amy and "assisted" with the dildo, running it all over Amy's pussy lips. Then she pretended to discover Amy's clitoris and began toying with that, including buzzing the dildo against it.

The three of them all agreed, with a lot of grunts and moans, that that little bump was another mystery that needed more exploration and understanding.

Heather sat nearby, but at a distance from the other two. She felt a bit neglected to be without either Amy, Katherine, or Mr. Excitement, but she was still plenty aroused, so she frigged herself while she watched the other two have their fun.

Eventually, Katherine thought of the time. That led her to say, "Heather, what about the time. You'd better return to cheerleading practice. I'm surprised Janice didn't send someone else after Amy to see what's keeping her too. Go back and tell them that I got really sick and that Amy is helping me get home."

Heather bristled. "Nobody tells me what to do."

Katherine replied, "Sorry. I'm not trying to be pushy, just practical. You've got to get back to the rest of the squad in any case, right? Meanwhile, we'll finish up here and go home early. Other girls are going to start finishing their sports and coming in here and taking showers soon, so we really have to clean up here anyway."

Heather sighed. She wanted their fun to continue. She still hadn't been able to play with Amy's ample tits, and she'd been lusting after them for a long time. But Heather realized that Katherine was right. Her disappointment was obvious as she sighed, "Okay... I guess." She stood up and began to dry herself off.

Katherine turned to Amy. "I know it feels good, but you have to finish too. When it comes to most things with pussies, um, I mean vulvas, it's good to keep them completely secret. You don't want anyone to see you doing this, ever. This is another super-secret thing, okay? Don't talk to anyone about this except Heather and me when we're in private. Together, the three of us will solve this leakage problem. Okay?"

"M'kay!" said Amy happily. Then she frowned and looked over at Heather, who was putting on her clothes. Amy held up the dildo, which was still dripping pussy juice, and asked, "But do you guys mind if I borrow this for a while? It's really neat-o!"

Heather nodded. Normally she would have refused, but she had plenty of other dildos and she figured loaning or giving Amy the dildo might later give her an excuse to play with Amy some more.

Katherine realized with great relish that it would soon be time for Alan to fuck her. But there was one problem: she wanted her first fuck with her brother to be perfect, not marred by her funny-looking, painted-black butt. So she grabbed a rough brush she had brought along for the occasion and rubbed off all the paint. She also had Amy help out with that.

Thanks to the right implements, Amy's help, and the desire to get the job done as fast as possible instead of playing around, the paint came off in minutes, rather than the hour it had taken Alan when he'd scraped her clean before.

Other girls began to come into the locker room just as they finished, so their timing worked out perfectly.

When Katherine heard the final school bell, she had to suppress the urge to pump her fists into the air. YES! School is fiiiiiiinally over. This was one of the most interesting but also the most painfully long school days in my life. Now, in literally a matter of minutes, I'll be at Kim's house having sex with my hunky brother. I can't wait!


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