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6 Times a Day

Chapter 189 What If I Tickle The Answer Out Of YOU?
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Later in the day, Amy and Katherine waited for school to end. They found a place to hide from the other cheerleaders until the school had cleared out almost entirely, since Amy was already supposed to have taken Katherine home.

As they chatted quietly, Katherine said that she wouldn't let Amy borrow the Mr. Excitement dildo, which was Heather's, but that she had another dildo at home which Amy could use when she came over.

Amy also expressed her disappointment that neither Katherine nor Alan were shaving her pussy more often, particularly because they had told her that it needed to be shaved frequently, especially in the first week. So Katherine promised that both she and Alan would shave it very frequently that weekend if the opportunity presented itself, which delighted Amy.

However, Katherine was pissed at having to sit and wait with Amy for the school to clear out. Brother is expecting me! We finally get to have sex, but here I have to wait? Arrgh! Cruel and unusual torture is what it is. Grrr!

As they waited, Katherine considered talking to Amy about what to do about Heather. Even though she found sexual pleasure with Heather, she disliked her and really hated being coerced. But she was afraid to talk to Amy about this kind of thing, for fear of cluing her in too much about the true nature of things like "checking for bumps." Besides, she figured Amy was just too nice to be able to plot against Heather, so talking about it would be pointless anyway.

It was frustrating that, although Amy was her best friend, she didn't feel that they could talk productively about such things. She figured that was just how it was.

When she finally deemed enough time had passed, she raced home on her bike as fast as she could, leaving Amy on her own bike far behind.

Meanwhile, when the last bell of the school day rang, Alan felt the desire to run full speed to the bike racks, since he was incredibly eager to get to the planned sex session. But he was worried that if he did that, people might get suspicious. Even though he was bursting with excitement inside, he tried to walk at his normal pace and act calm and collected.

He was halfway to his bike when Christine caught up to him and started walking next to him. "Hey. What's up?"

"Oh, hi Christine. How's it going?" He gave her a friendly smile, but he thought to himself, Dang! What bad luck. Why does she want to talk to me NOW, of all times?!

"Oh, I was just off to get some ice cream, it being such a hot day and all. You want to join me?"

"What, you mean the Baskin-Robbins?" There was a Baskin-Robbins franchise near the school.


Alan was torn. Oh man! Sis is waiting. I'm so eager, I'm about to die. But what excuse can I give that I can't gobble down a cone in five minutes? Fooling Christine is just asking for trouble, since she's so sharp. I don't want her to think I'm avoiding her. I have to act perfectly normal. Besides, it won't be the end of the world if I'm five or ten minutes late. The extra anticipation may even make the fucking that much sweeter.

He said, "Cool. Let me get my bike and we'll ride there together."

A few minutes later, they'd locked their bikes outside the Baskin-Robbins, selected their flavors, and sat across from each other in a booth. Once they were settled and licking their ice cream cones, Christine asked, "Okay, now I've got you where I want you. What's up with you lately?"

He replied, "Hmmm. Where to begin. You see, there's this great big yellow thing in the sky called the sun, and it rises in the east every morning. When the Sun rises, most everyone gets up, and I do too."

Christine finally figured out where he was going with this. "Don't tell me. You're literally telling a blonde the meaning of 'what's up with you lately.'"

He kept up his pretense, asking cluelessly, "Am I making it too complicated? Should I use shorter words?" He pointed towards the sky. "Big. Yel-low. Ball."

She rolled her eyes. "Ha ha. Seriously, what is going on with you? I've been keeping an eye on you, and you've been acting strangely."

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One aspect of Alan's personality was his ability to live in the moment. He'd mostly managed to push aside thoughts of fucking Katherine for now, and was successfully getting into chatting with Christine. He quipped, "I like to keep an eye on you as well. And other body parts too, if you'd let me." He wiggled his eyebrows outrageously, making it clear from the exaggeration that he was just teasing.

She grinned and shook her head. "You see? That's what I'm talking about. A week or two ago, you wouldn't have said that to me. It's fun, but it's rather... bold, especially for you. And it was just about a week ago when things started to get weird with you. Right about last Wednesday, in fact. I didn't say anything about it on our practice date on Friday, but now it's THURSDAY, over a week later, and you're still acting weird!"

He thought, Uh-oh! Last Wednesday? That was just after the most awesome Tuesday of all time with Mom! Does she suspect something about that? Is incest written all over my face?! I've gotta play it cool and bluff my way through this!

He asked guardedly, "How am I acting that's so strange?"

She paused in licking her cone to say with exasperation. "Where to begin? For one thing, you're so HAPPY these days! Like I said, a day or two of that is no big deal, but it's been a week now where you have this far-off look and huge shit-eating grin almost all the time. I'm surprised your feet even touch the ground, since you're constantly floating on air. So just what is going on?"

He tried to dodge the question with a joke. "I have this shit-eating grin because I've been eating a lot of shit. Turns out it not only kinda looks like chocolate, it tastes like it too."

"Yuck! Please, not while I'm eating. Actually, not ever."

"Oh. Sorry." His stalling tactic had given him some time to think, but he still didn't have a good excuse for being that happy for that long. He decided there was only one thing he could say that would plausibly explain his change in mood. "Alright, I'll tell you what's up. But only if you promise not to tell a soul. And I mean you can't tell anybody!"

She nodded as she licked her ice cream.

Watching her lick her cone distracted him more than a little. Dang! Ever since I've been getting blowjobs, I can't look at the licking of ice cream the same way. Does she have any idea how AROUSING that looks?! Damn! And why did she have to pick vanilla of all flavors, and be so messy about it? That looks just like cum dripping down her fingers!

But he focused, and said, "This brings up some kind of painful things, but obviously you remember how I asked you out a while back and you turned me down? Well, I'd been kinda holding a torch for you for a long time. But that turned out to be a much-needed reality check. Kind of a slap upside my head, actually. I thought to myself, 'If that isn't gonna work out, I'm not just gonna sit on my duff.' So... Let's just say things are going well for me on the dating front - the real dating front."

Christine's jaw dropped. Since she'd concluded that something was going on between him and Kim, she pictured them together on a date, even though he hadn't said who it was. She was surprised at how much that idea hurt. "Are you serious?!"

"Of course I'm serious. Think about it. Not only am I happy most of the time lately, but I'll bet I look more confident. I know I feel a lot more confident."

She thought about it and concluded, It does make sense. It also explains why, for the first time, he's so comfortable joking in a gentle, suggestive way with me, like his earlier comment about wanting to keep his eye and other body parts on me. That's a sign of more confidence with girls. But he's just... Alan! I can't picture him actually dating, for real. But then again, he was very charming and suave on our practice date. If that had been a real date, I think I would have given him a real kiss at the end. I guess I've got to think of him in a new way. But if that's true, is he dating just Kim? She seems a bit young for him, and frankly, given how and where he looks at me as well as other endowed girls, not busty enough. Hmmm?!

She asked, "So, you're going steady with someone? That was fast!"

"Whoa, I never said that. I'm just dating. You know, seeing what's out there. Our practice date played a part in that, because it's helped give me more confidence to have real dates."

"But that was only Friday. And you've had dates with multiple girls since then?!"

He said, "Let's put it this way. I'm kinda antsy to get going right now, because I've got an orgy with two cheerleaders to get to."

She laughed. "Right! So would you give me their names, so I can check with them how happy you are? Please?!"

He marveled at his audacity. He'd told her the truth about the "cheerleader orgy" because he knew it was too outrageous to be believed, so she'd have to assume that he was just kidding around. He'd gotten a thrill seeing if he could get away with that. (His fallback was to protest that he'd been joking.) He licked his ice cream cone and shook his head. "Sorry. My lips are sealed. If I went out on a real date with you, would you want me to tell other people about it without your permission?"

"No, of course not. I see what you mean." Still not satisfied though, she tried again, "Can you give me a clue? I'll bet it's Kim and Amy! I'm right, aren't I?"

He played dumb. "Huh? Why would you say that?"

"I saw how Kim came on to you yesterday. And have you ever seen how Amy looks at you? Give me a break; they're both just too obvious."

He didn't know what to make of that. He could understand why she'd guessed Kim, but in his mind Amy had always just been Amy. He figured that even the sexual fun they'd been having lately was just that, fun and playing around.

He held up a hand. "Stop right there. I'm not going to play this game. You're like some kind of friggin' bloodhound. If I say anything, you'll run with it and figure out far too much. If I say nothing, you'll probably learn something from that too, and still figure out too much. I'd appreciate it if you'd please respect my privacy here. I told you this much because you're a good friend. Please don't make me regret it by asking all kinds of probing questions, or even asking around behind my back. Give me some privacy, please."

That deflated her, since she'd already been thinking about who she could ask who might give her useful information. "Okay. I'll be good." But even as she said that, she was still mulling over candidates. She was intrigued by how he'd dodged her guess about Amy.

He smiled. "Thanks. I think I'd like you better if you were bad though, like your offer the other day." He gave her a flirty wink, but in a way that let her know it was all in fun, even though they both knew he meant it.

She got a strange thrill from that comment, which happened to strike a nerve with her. All her life, she'd been nothing but "good," and she'd often wondered what it would be like to be "bad," especially when it came to sex. In the past, she'd tried to picture what it would be like to have sex with Alan, but she'd had to use a lot of imagination because he was always such a gentleman around her, except for the way he stared hungrily at her body and especially at her breasts. She'd imagined that if they ever did get intimate, it would be two total virgins fumbling around and learning together. But now she had to face the fact that he could be getting sexual experience and confidence without her.

That made her jealous, very jealous. But she was careful not to show it. She forced herself to say, "I suppose congratulations are in order."


They continued licking their ice cream cones until they were nearly finished, at the point where they were eating the sugar cones themselves.

He found himself thinking, I can't believe I'm sitting here casually talking to Christine, of all people, and in less than an hour I will actually be fucking my sister! Thank God there's no such thing as mental telepathy, or she'd be killing me. Yikes!

After a long silence, Christine asked, "So, you're really not gonna give me any names?"

"Nope!" He smirked, because he felt a bit smug about it. Even though his cover story to explain the recent changes in his behavior was kind of a lie, it was also kind of the truth. While he wasn't going on real dates per se, he certainly was getting a lot of sexual experience, and that did help to repair the wound to his pride of her turning him down. He couldn't help but hope that she might have second thoughts about rejecting him.

"Well, I know one of them is Kim, after what happened yesterday."

"Whaaaaat?!" Alan complained, "What happened? She just came by while you and I were talking and said 'hi.'"

"That's not how I remember it."

"Christine, please. Give me a break."


They both finished their cones, stood up, and tossed their used napkins away.

But Alan was right about Christine being like a bloodhound - once her curiosity was aroused, she had a hard time letting go. As they walked out of the Baskin-Robbins, she asked playfully, "What if I tickle the answer out of you?"

To her great surprise, he suddenly turned on her and exclaimed, "What if I tickle the answer out of YOU?!" Then he reached out and tickled both her sides at once.

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She found herself laughing, both from his tickling and his comment. She cried out, "That doesn't make any sense!" But he just kept on tickling her, so she struck back and tickled his sides too.

Within seconds, they were laughing uproariously from all their tickling fun. When she'd made the tickle comment, she'd had no plan at all to actually tickle him, so she was glad that he'd taken the initiative.

When Alan aimed for her more sensitive armpit area, she quickly clamped her arms to her sides. That left her in a vulnerable state since she couldn't tickle him very effectively with her arms at her sides, so she stepped back and announced, "Truce!"

Alan nodded. "Truce."

When their laughter subsided, they resumed walking to where they'd locked their bikes.

He was secretly quite excited by the fact that he'd been able to touch her during the tickle fight. Christine radiated a vibe that made him think she wouldn't ever welcome even gestures like a peck on the cheek or a friendly hug. (She wasn't called the "Ice Queen" for nothing.) So any physical contact with her was thrilling for him, especially since he felt her boobs briefly brush against his chest a couple of times while they were horsing around.

Christine said, "Okay, now that we have a tickle truce, you tell me who you're dating, and in return I'll tell you who you're dating."

He just grinned. "Nice try. Although it's interesting to get a glimpse of the logical thinking of the blonde mind."

"Grrr!" She briefly struck a martial arts pose. "Sometimes I wonder why I let you live."

"That IS a bit of a mystery," he kidded.

As they finished unlocking their bikes, she asked, "So... now that you're dating for real, does that mean that our practice dates are over?" She tried to act casual, but clearly that was a very important issue for her.

"Are you kidding me? Quite the contrary! That'll make our pretend dates even better. It'll help take the pressure off, and remove any lingering weirdness from when I, you know, asked you out."

She asked, "But won't you be too busy now?"

He stopped what he was doing and looked her in the eyes. "Christine, I'll always have time for you. Frankly, I think I'd have as much or more fun just talking to you as I would necking with some other girl."

For some reason, she blushed a little at that.

They said their goodbyes soon after, and Alan bicycled off towards his home. He figured the whole interaction with Christine had delayed his departure by ten minutes or so. That wasn't the end of the world, since he, Kim, and Katherine would have all afternoon together.

Christine lingered there for a minute before getting on her bike. That was rather touching, what he said about wanting to spend time with me. I noticed he didn't make any plans for another practice date with me though. Could he really mean that?

Damn. Alan's such a nice guy. Now that he's more fun and confident than before, I'm beginning to regret having shot him down.


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