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6 Times a Day

Chapter 195 Amy Touching Alan’s Penis...!
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Neither sibling was close to ready for more sexual play when Amy came over about an hour later.

"Hey Alan, hey Kat," Amy said to them as they lay flopped down in the living room, watching TV. "It's just the three of us at home, right?"

"Right," said Alan. He thought, Uh-oh, here comes something else.

"Goody. I'm still hoping you'll give me that homework help, but I'm also really worried about my pussy: it's overdue for another shaving. Can you guys please help me out? Pleeeasse?!"

Alan turned around and finally took a look at Amy. He was incredibly turned on by what she wore. Once she'd walked in and confirmed that the Plummer parents were gone, she'd taken off her T-shirt and unbuttoned her cut-off shorts. All she had under the shirt was an oversized top that was dark blue on one side and white on the other.

Alan realized that Amy had started showing herself off deliberately. Her top had been sexy enough the last time she'd worn it, but now she'd arranged it so that both her nipples occasionally came partly into view as she walked towards him. He wondered if she'd stretched the material or something, to make the top hang even more loosely.

Her shorts were slung so low that he was amazed that they somehow managed to stay on her at all. With her shorts unbuttoned, nearly all of her pubic hair would have been exposed to prying eyes if she'd not been bare down there.

Unfortunately for both of them, he was completely exhausted. He thought, Why does Aims have to dress like this just after I've been fucked nearly to death? Bummer. It's such a shame to not fully appreciate her sexiness.

"Oh God, can you handle this, Sis? I don't think I can even get up out of this sofa, much less get up in other ways." Yet even as he said this, he felt twitches of life in his penis, thanks to Amy's luscious teen body that she was displaying so temptingly in her deliberately slutty clothing.

His sister replied, "Talk about being unable to walk - look at me! And do you remember what happened to me in cheerleading practice, on top of that? I'm even more wiped out than you are!"

"Yeah, wasn't cheerleading practice fun?" said an energetic Amy enthusiastically. "You want to work some more on the leakage problem?"

"Ugggghh!" both siblings sighed.

Amy looked puzzled.

"I'll take it," said Alan finally. "I won't enjoy it, much, but I gotta build up my stamina. It's all part of building up my energy, I guess."

But he continued to lie there, as if he were waiting for his body's energy to recharge some more first. He commented lightheartedly, "Boy, Aims, looks like you're really having some trouble keeping your clothes on these days."

"Oh goody!" she squealed. "You noticed! I love dressing up all sexily like this. It's almost as much fun as being naked. Aren't clothes just the biggest bother?"

That roused him a bit. Partly to stall having to move, he asked Amy, "You're really fine with nakedness, aren't you?"

"Gosh yeah! Totally! What's the point of clothes, anyway? Don't you think they're kind of silly? Like guys wearing ties. That's just silly! Okay, if it's cold, clothes are good, I guess. But on a nice warm day, why get all covered up? I would have walked over from next door without any clothes at all except for everyone getting so upset when I do something like that. Mom and Dad never let me be naked, like, EVER! And you should see Brad's face if he finds me watching TV without any clothes on, which happens sometimes."

"I'll bet," Alan commented. He could well imagine Brad's consternation.

Amy continued, "Wouldn't it be great if everyone was naked all day long? Except for the really ugly people." She giggled. "But imagine if everyone was beautiful, and we were all naked, and it was sunny and green and we all lived in nature. Wouldn't that be, like, the super bestest of all? Kind of like Adam and Eve."

Katherine pointed out, with a bit of a leading question, "But if everyone is naked and good looking, then don't you think all the people would get lusty and start having sex all the time?"

Amy grabbed one of her boobs and clutched it idly as she thought. She appeared to contemplate taking her top off. But then she answered, "Yeah, but would that be a problem? I mean, isn't that how it was in the Bible? Weren't Adam and Eve, like, doing it to each other all over Eden? And when they had kids, weren't they doing it with their parents and each other? Sisters rutting with brothers and sons doing it with their mothers? Otherwise, who populated the Earth? I thought that was the utopia we all want to go back to."

Alan immediately had visions of himself fucking his sister. They were incredibly vivid images, from just a short time earlier. He momentarily wondered if Amy knew more than she let on about what they'd done, because she was talking about sibling sex for the first time ever. It wasn't exactly common to casually mention incest, and in an approving way. But then he concluded that Amy just wasn't clever enough for that kind of verbal subtlety.

Then he had images of himself, Amy, Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne running around Amy's perfect Garden of Eden. He would find them bent over some big rocks and take them from behind, over and over. Wherever they wandered in the garden, he would grab one of them and fuck the living shit out of them, and every time he did, Amy would just smile blissfully and say, "Wow!"

That roused him enough to motivate him to stand up. He went with Amy to the bathroom. He felt glad to realize that Amy wouldn't hate him and Katherine if she found out what they were doing to each other. He'd always suspected she would be loving and understanding about almost anything, but it was still good to get reassurance.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Amy asked, closing the bathroom door behind them and shedding her clothes with her usual boundless enthusiasm. "Both of you seem all poopy."

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"Kind of," he said, "but that's okay. We're happy to help you out, anytime."

He was so exhausted he didn't even bother to take off his clothes.

"No, you seem really tired," said a visibly worried Amy. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can do it tomorrow instead."

"No, well actually..." A naughty thought went through his bleary brain. "The truth is, I have a problem. Can you keep another secret? A super secret?"

"Of course," she said, happy to be gaining his trust. "Haven't I been good with secrets?"

"Yes, I guess you have. Anyway, the problem is with my dick. You see, my dick is all tired out. And when my dick is tired, that means I'm tired, too."

"Oh gosh! That sounds horrible!" she gushed. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well, actually there is. If you could get my dick excited again, then I could get a new rush of energy and I would have no trouble shaving your pussy."

"Oh goody! I'd love to help! And it would only be fair, since you've been helping me so much. But... everybody tells me that penises are bad. Especially penises and pussies put together. Like what almost happened with me and Jack Johnson last year. Aren't those thingies bad? My parents told me never to touch one."

"No, don't be silly! A penis isn't bad. Weren't we telling you the other day about all the wonderful things a penis can do, like how it can cure the hiccups and all that? It's just that certain men are bad, and they do bad things with their penises. So your parents gave you a blanket warning to make sure you'd be safe. It's like when your parents told you not to talk to strangers when you were a kid. It's not like all strangers are bad, but your parents didn't know if you could tell the good ones from the bad ones."

"Oh, I get it. Well, I trust you completely. If you say so, then I'm sure it's fine. So what do you want me to do?"

"Do you mind if I take it out?" he asked, while his hands hovered at the band of his shorts.

"No, of course not. I wanna see it!"

He removed his shorts and underwear, then sat sideways on the edge of the tub and leaned against the adjacent wall. He didn't feel that embarrassed to have Amy see his privates, since he'd posed for her artistic sketches many times. Even though he'd at least been wearing tight briefs or bathing suits every time, those hadn't left much to the imagination. She'd even gotten him to pose in Speedos a few times.

His flaccid penis hung limply between his legs, as Amy could clearly see. Even her naked body and all their talking weren't enough to bring it back to life.

"Oh no!" she said with a frown. "It looks sad. Not at all like the ones I've seen in my anatomy books and stuff, and not like how it always looked when you were posing for me."

"Yes, very sad," he agreed. "If you could rub it with your fingers maybe you could invigorate it and make it happy again. Then it would stick out proudly like a flagpole."

"I don't know... Are you sure this is okay? I've never really touched a guy's thingy before, except when I was trying to push Jack away."

"Aims, let me tell you another secret. Do you remember a while back when you walked in on us watching TV, and you saw your mother sitting with her pussy wide open and pointed so I could see it?"

"Sure. That's when you first let me in on a secret."

"Well, the reason she was showing me her pussy was because she also knows about how my dick, my thingy, is usually sad. She was trying to excite me to help it get back to life. She touches and rubs it a lot to help, and even Sis and Mom do sometimes."

"Oh really? That's cool. You've been getting them to help you and you've never asked for my help? I'm hurt." She scrunched up her face in a pout. "I'm happy to help in any way. What do I have to do?"

He loved how easily accepting she was of anything. "Like I said, if you could start rubbing it."

She took his dick in her hands. It had already begun to show the first signs of revival, even before she touched it.

"Gosh, it feels weird. Kind of like a limp vegetable or something."

"Yeah, it's kind of like that now. Just rub it gently with your hands some and you'll see it grow and get better."

Amy began rubbing it.

"That's good," he said. He noticed that she seemed to have a natural knack for stimulating his penis, because from the very start her touch felt great. But to help her improve, he gave her advice on the best spots to rub and told her to focus on the sensitive spot just under the head.

His dick quickly grew to full size in her hands. He found himself thinking, I vaguely remember concluding that I shouldn't let Aims touch my dick. But I'm soooo exhausted, I can't even remember what that was about. Oh yeah - Aunt Suzy probably wouldn't like it. But hell, it's too late to stop now! Besides, things have changed in the last few days. It's becoming clearer and clearer to me that things are getting more sexed up all the time, and it's inevitable Aims is gonna get involved. Aunt Suzy may end up yanking her hair in frustration, and I certainly don't want her to know just yet, but she will understand before too long that this is how things have to be, I'm sure.

I mean, Aims comes and goes from this house like she lives here more than in her own, and she hangs out with me and especially with Sis all the time. How could she not get involved?

Distracting him from his thoughts, she asked, "Is that as big as it gets?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Gosh, it's so big! Bigger than the ones I've seen in pictures and stuff."

"It gets to be almost eight inches, which they say is pretty good, but it won't stay that way for long today. It's soooo tired. I think we need something else. You know, boys have some favorite body parts. They love pussies, butts and boobies."

"I know that, silly! Guys are always trying to touch my butt and my boobies, but my friends and parents say I'm not allowed to touch them back!"

"Well, generally that's a very good rule. But with me it's different, like I explained before. Maybe if I played with your boobies, it would help my dick grow a little bit more."

He reached out and began to fondle her lovely boobs. They weren't gigantic like his mother's or her mother's, but were still damn big, and perfectly shaped for their size. They rode high on her chest and stuck out proudly, even when she wasn't deliberately thrusting them forward.

"Oh, look!" she said excitedly. "I think your thingy is growing even more! It's swelling in my hand. I'm so glad I could help. And it feels good to help, too. Especially when you touch my nipples like that."

He was already fully erect, but he didn't want to diminish her enthusiasm. Certainly he grew hornier with each passing minute, more because of the way that she was showing herself to be submissive to his every desire than the actual physical contact between them.

"Mmmm. Yeah," she cooed as he put more vigor into exploring her chest. "Feels so good. You can touch my boobies any time you want. You don't even have to ask; just grab 'em. Don't worry if I'm wearing any clothes; just take 'em off if you want to."

He thought about that. Man, life is good! Her boobs are so big and soft, too! What luck to have a next-door neighbor like her. How is it everything's falling my way all of a sudden? I wonder if Aunt Suzy put her up to this? Nah, she's really protective of her.

As she returned her attention to his dick, she asked, "Now what? Do I keep rubbing it?"

"Yes, you should keep rubbing or else it may go down again." In actual fact, he realized that his dishonest story had come true: Dang! My energy level IS reviving. Maybe I shouldn't doubt that diagnosis after all.

As she continued to rub, he began to feel that he had the energy to give Amy a good, solid fuck. He figured, If I asked her to fuck, she'd probably just say, "M'kay!" Only hours ago I was a virgin, and now I could fuck a second girl on the very same day as my sister! How amazing is that?

But it seems the conditions aren't right. For one thing, no doubt I'd catch hell from both Mom and Aunt Suzy. Especially Aunt Suzy. Just getting her to let Aims help me with her hands and stuff is gonna be a big, big step. Plus, I don't think my dick could handle anything more today. At the very least, I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I should. If I do it with Aims, I should make it a special experience for each of us, just like it was with Sis.

He was drawing dangerously close to a climax. "That's good, Aims; you can stop now." He pulled his hands away from her chest.

"Are you sure?" she asked, still rubbing. "I really don't mind rubbing at all, and I think what you've been doing with your hands is great."

"No, really, take your hands off NOW, please!"

"M'kay," and she did so, feeling slightly hurt. "Geez."

He explained, "Sorry for getting anxious there. It's just that, well, we really have to hurry things up so we can shave your pussy before everyone gets back home."

"That's okay; I'm kind of new at this. I'm sure to screw things up. But that was fun! If you want to rub my boobies, or have me rub your thingy anytime, just let me know!"

"I'll do that." He thought, Jesus, she's like a completely pliable sex object! She'll do anything I say and not even wonder why. Sis has all this bold talk about being a fuck toy, but Aims is acting like the real deal. Such a turn-on!

He said, "All right, let's get to your shaving. Today we have to hurry. Some other day we can do a more thorough job."

He stood up and got the shaving cream and razor. His dick continued to stand happily at attention.

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"Your thingy looks funny bouncing around while you walk," she giggled.

Alan was too tired to think of a response. "Hold still, and close your eyes," was all he could say. He covered her pussy with shaving cream and began to shave it. Then he remembered the whole "checking for bumps" story. He felt obligated to follow through with that.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to check for bumps again."

"Mind? I just loooooove it when you check for bumps," mumbled Amy out of the corners of her mouth in an attempt not to even move her lips.

He could barely understand her words because she had apparently taken his command not to move very literally. He thrust his fingers in an out of her tight twat, giving her a vigorous fingerfuck without any pretense of "checking for bumps" on the interior walls of her vagina.

Then he finished shaving her as fast as any professional barber would have, especially since it wasn't a big job like the first time had been, when she'd had a full bush. "Aims, you can open your eyes now and you don't have to worry about sitting still anymore."

The shaving duty over, he continued to "check for bumps" for many more long minutes. Meanwhile, they talked.

"Gosh, I just totally love it when you check for bumps," she said again. "It reminds me a lot of something that happened to me earlier today."

"You mean with you, Kat and Heather at cheerleading practice?"

"You know about that?" said a very surprised Amy. "I thought that was supposed to be a special secret."

"It is, but anything that Sis knows I'm likely to know, and vice versa. Like I'll tell her later how you helped me out just now. And her secrets are always safe with me, so no worries."

"Oh. M'kay."

"Actually, checking for bumps is a lot like masturbating. Sorry to hear about your 'leaking fluids' problem, but Sis and I will be glad to help you figure that out later, on some other day."

"Really? Wow! You two are the best. Always helping me out!"

"That's what friends are for." A thought occurred to him: in the book reading he'd done recently to become a better lover, he'd learned about a woman's G-spot and how to find it. He decided to put the knowledge to use. So he said, "You know, Aims, there's one area in particular where a lot of bumps accumulate. Let me check there."

He searched the inner wall above her slit, and found a rougher area easily enough. He focused his attentions there.

After a few seconds, Amy said with a scrunched-up face, "Oh no, I think I have to go pee! But I don't want you to stop."

"Just fight that feeling; I think it'll pass. It's just that I think I've found one of those elusive bumps." He kept rubbing, and from the changing look on her face, knew he was onto something. Her G-spot slowly engorged until there was no doubt it was quite a big "bump."

"You feel that? What my fingers are going over? That's one of the bumps I've been warning you about. Now you can see why shaving is so dangerous and why we have to help you so much."

"Are you saying these are supposed to be bad? But it feels so good when you touch them! Please don't stop! I love my bumps!" She trembled and shook from another orgasm.

He waited until she came down from her orgasmic high. Then he said, "We can talk more about these bumps later. Now that we've found one, we'll have to redouble our efforts to find the others. But we really should stop here. I'm getting tired again." He pulled his fingers out of her slit.

She was very disappointed by that. "Oh no! Here, play with my boobies some more, and let me hold your thingy."

"I appreciate the thought, but I really have got to get going. Remember that this is all another super secret. And don't let anyone else touch you like we've been doing, unless one of us says so. You can't trust anyone else, and you don't want to have what almost happened with Jack Johnson happen again."

"Dear me, no. You two are the bestest pals! You guys would never take advantage of me. I don't trust anybody else. You're, like, super trusty."

Alan pulled up his shorts while watching Amy put her clothes back on. "Why don't you go find Sis and tell her everything we've just done. She'd like to know how it's going with the shaving of your pussy, and, like I said, we don't keep secrets between us. I'm so tired I think I'm just gonna go lie down in my room."


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