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6 Times a Day

Chapter 208 Alan’s Dream
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A dreaming Alan found himself in a strange place. All was dark, except for a spotlighted area centered on him and the big bed he was sitting on. He was wearing just an old Chargers T-shirt, and Suzanne was on her knees between his legs, sucking his cock.

Interestingly, he found this situation both familiar and comforting. But the locale was bizarre. The lit area was quite large, but he couldn't see any furniture or walls beyond the bed he was on, or any distinguishing features besides a blue floor fading into darker blue and finally pitch black.

He was about to ask Suzanne where they were when his mother walked into the light. She was dressed in her usual "old Susan" clothes that completely covered her up, while Suzanne was naked except for the always-present high heels.

Yet this obviously wasn't the old Susan, because as soon as she saw what was going on, her eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on her face. She walked up and said, "Suzanne, you meanie! All this yummy cocksucking going on and you didn't tell me about it! Can I join in?"

Suzanne wasn't just bobbing lightly; she was deep-throating Alan fully in a way that only Glory had done to him previously. Since she couldn't answer very well with her mouth full, she moaned a loud "Mmmm-hmmm!"

Susan took this as agreement, even though Suzanne had been making many similar moans.

Alan forgot to ask where he was, because Susan started a sexy striptease. Between that and Suzanne's fantastic deep throating, he was totally overcome by lust.

Susan hurried through the striptease because she wanted to get in on the action. She knelt next to Suzanne and tapped her friend on the shoulder.

Suzanne moved over, stopped her deep throating momentarily so Susan could join in the fun.

Alan stared down in disbelief as Susan and Suzanne began taking turns working on his dick. One of them would hold and stroke the base of his shaft while the other bobbed or licked around his cockhead for half a minute or so. Then their hands and mouths would swap positions. That way, the one waiting for her turn to suck would get to jack him off for a while.

He felt very strange. Sure, they were rocking his world with overwhelming pleasure, but something seemed amiss. (He was dreaming, but didn't realize it.) He scanned his memories but couldn't actually figure out what was wrong, so he shrugged it off and went back to enjoying all their lapping and fondling and stroking.

However, they'd only managed to pass his cock back and forth a few times before Katherine entered from the shadows.

He figured that spelled trouble. Surely Susan would get upset, stand up, and insist that Katherine shouldn't get near such a lewd scene.

But all that happened was that Katherine giggled in delight, saying, "Cool! Hey, Bro! How are things these days for you? I'll bet they suck." She'd walked straight up to where he stood, then pointed down at the two buxom mothers. "They suck. Get it?"

She too started taking off her clothes in a sexy way. Mere moments later, she was nude except for the high heels she was wearing, just like the two voluptuous mothers. She didn't even ask permission, but just knelt next to Susan and tapped her hip.

Susan obligingly moved over. Now all three women were sucking him off at the same time! Instead of taking orderly turns, the scene turned into a free-for-all, with tongues and lips and fingers seemingly everywhere at once. It helped that his dream dick was a good deal wider and longer than his real one, giving the three of them lots of extra surface area to work on.

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But he had hardly begun to enjoy that when someone else walked in from the shadows. He'd been expecting another beautiful woman wanting to join in, but instead it was his best friend Sean.

"Whoa, dude!" Sean was dressed in his typical school clothes, even to the backpack slung over his shoulder. He walked closer, into the light, but maintained some distance from the triple blowjob that was still in progress. "What the Hell is going on?!"

Alan spoke for the first time since his dream had begun. "I don't know, dude! I really don't know. It's bizarre!"

Sean drew a little closer, until he was about ten feet away. "Dude, is that your MOM? It is! Dude! And that's Katherine! Your sister!" He turned his head this way and that, trying to get a good look at the third woman and figure out who she was. "And that's Mrs. Pestridge, Amy's hot mom! DUDE!"

Another voice was heard off to the side. "Room for one more?"

Alan and Sean looked over and saw that it was Glory. She was already naked except for high heels.

Sean exclaimed, "DUDE! No! That's impossible! The sexiest teacher in school too?!"

Susan paused in her licking to look up at Glory and smile. "Son! I'm so proud of you! You've turned your favorite teacher into another one of your sex toys? Come over here, Ms. Rhymer. Four tongues are better than three."

Glory walked over and knelt next to Suzanne. "Please. Call me Glory. No need for formality when we're all enslaved to this young man's cock."

There were so many women now that Alan got off the bed and stood next to it, making it easier for them to all kneel up close to his crotch.

As Suzanne shifted positions, making room for Glory, she said, "Glory it is then. Here, you want to bob on his cockhead for a bit?"

Glory replied, "I don't want to impose. Let's just all lick it together."

Sean was too stunned to even speak. He made some incredulous gasping sounds.

"I know, it's weird, huh?" Alan said in response. But he didn't feel particularly embarrassed or shocked to have Sean see him like this. It was as if this were the new normal, and not having his cock sucked would be the strange thing. "This has been happening to me a lot lately. Kinda cool, huh?"

Sean put his hands on his head. "Dude! I can't believe what I'm seeing! This is like... unreal!"

"I know," Alan nodded. "Welcome to my life."

As if to confirm Sean's "unreal" notion, just then Amy came walking into the light. She was already buck naked, again except for high heels. Other than that, she was her usual smiling self. "Cool beans! Super cocksuck fun!" She bee-lined towards the action centered on Alan.

Then she noticed Sean, but she only gave him passing interest. "Oh, hi Sean. What's up?"

Sean just pointed incredulously at the naked pile of bodies.

Amy beamed, and giggled. "I know! It's superificly orgasmotastic, isn't it? Personally, I'm gonna take his ass for a while." She knelt behind Alan, but before she started licking his ass crack, she leaned over to look at Sean (who by this time was standing in front of Alan). She wagged a naughty finger at Sean and tsk-tsked, "Sorry, Sean, but no touching, m'kay? We belong to Alan, and Alan only." Then she spread Alan's ass cheeks wide and buried her nose in his ass crack.

Sean complained loudly, as if he'd just been told that his entire family had been killed. "Oh man! That sucks! I was just about to ask if you could spare one or two for me!"

Alan said with surprising calm, given the sheer number of tongues and lips working on him, "Sorry, man. No can do. I know that makes me a greedy asshole, but I love them all, and they all love me."

"Man! I have such a boner! It literally hurts. But at least please tell me what's going on. Dude! You're doing it with your mom and sister! You're fucking them!"

Alan explained, "I wish that were true, but they're pretty much just jacking me off and sucking me too. Mostly sucking, actually. I don't know why me, or how, or anything. It just happened."

"That is soooo weird," Sean said. He was starting to calm down somewhat, but he still looked floored by what he was seeing. He appeared too aroused to be bothered very much by the apparent incest. "But that's not even the strangest part. I mean, they're like five of the sexiest women in the universe! They all could be, like, centerfolds! Seriously! How did they all fall for you?"

Alan raised his hands in a gesture that expressed his puzzlement. "I don't know, man! I really don't know! Sometimes, I think this must be a dream." Which was ironic, since he still didn't realize that it was in fact a dream (although his real life wasn't that much less incredible).

Sean was transfixed, watching five different heads bobbing up and down. He was too captivated by the sight to say any more at that moment.

So Alan continued, "I think about this all the time. It kinda bothers me. All this great sexual joy came so easily, so improbably, that it makes me think it could disappear in the blink of an eye."

"Just look at their asses!" Sean exclaimed. The tushes of Glory, Suzanne, Susan, and Katherine were lined up in a row, rising up and down in a steady rhythm like interlocked parts of a pistoning machine.

Alan was in a downright philosophical mood, so Sean's comment didn't exactly help. Then Sean asked, "And what's with their heels?"

"I don't know!" Alan wailed. "They wear high heels all the time, and I never even asked them to. Everything is too weird!"

He persisted, "I'm scared! What if all this love and sex around me disappears tomorrow? I'd be crushed! It would be like going from the gates of Heaven to the pits of Hell. I can't do ordinary anymore, man. What if I don't deserve this? What if there's some kind of karma, or payback? Are there gods or Fates at work? Could the whole thing be some sort of cruel 'brain in a jar' joke? I need answers! Do you have any?"

Sean tore his gaze away from all the bouncy rear ends to make eye contact. "Dude, if I had answers, I'd be where you are, and you'd be standing here. Why don't you ask THEM?" He nodded down towards the bobbing and licking heads. "What makes them so psyched to suck you off so much? What do they see in you? What do they want from you? Where are they going with this?"

"Yeah!" Alan exclaimed with passion. "I'm in the dark. They need to tell me what's going on! There has to be SOME kind of guiding hand. This just can't all be coincidence, can it? Is there some sort of deeper meaning to all this? Or some kind of lesson? Sean, there's some sort of secret mystery here, and I can't put my finger on it."

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To Alan's great shock, Sean said matter-of-factly, "Oh, that? The secret? Yeah, I know that."

"Then tell me!" Alan exclaimed above the din of slurping and sucking.

"Okay. What you want to know... The secret... The answer to your question is..."

Alan could feel the dream slipping away from him. He reached out towards Sean with both hands, but in vain, since Sean was well out of reach. "Nooooo! Sean! Tell me! Quick!"

It was at that moment that Alan awoke. He sat up in his bed, totally disoriented for a few moments. It was still pitch dark, so there wasn't much to see. He flopped back down on his pillow in frustration. Shit! That was just a dream? But it was so real! Even the pleasure was so real, so intense! I could feel tongues, and lips, and...

His morning wood was throbbing and tingling with pleasure, so much so that he pulled the sheets down and looked at his crotch to understand what was happening. But there was no Katherine secretly blowing him under the covers or any other pleasant surprise like that.

Was that a wet dream fantasy? Or some kind of nightmare? I was soooo close to getting the answer! If that was a nightmare, it has to have been the most sexually arousing one in history!

Or is maybe my mind playing tricks on me? Of course there's no easy answer to my question; that's just a wish-fulfillment fantasy. And the real life Sean certainly isn't gonna know anything at all. I don't think I was really talking to him, even in the dream - I was talking to me. And I don't know any more than I already do, if that makes sense.

Damn. I just need to have the confidence that this isn't gonna all disappear on me like some kind of cruel Twilight Zone twist. They all love me, and I love them. No one's going anywhere. Even Mom is loving this sex stuff too much to go all the way back to her old ways. Plus, there's all the fun stuff happening at school, especially given what happened with my hot teacher Glory yesterday. That's probably what triggered the dream.

There's no big mystery here, no secret guiding hand. It's just that beautiful, busty women tend to stick together, and they tend to have beautiful children. True, Sis was adopted, but maybe she was selected because Aunt Suzy found a beautiful mother. Why can't they love me and be attracted to me just like I am to them? I need to have the confidence that I'm a worthy, good person. I AM worthy of them. It's not impossible that they love me, just because they're all so gorgeous. We're family, so that's different.

He sighed heavily. But I'm not really worthy! No one is, not of all this! He sighed again.

He had a hard time going back to sleep, especially since his dick wouldn't go flaccid. He kept thinking about double and even triple or quadruple blowjobs, and all kinds of other possible permutations. Each one seemed more enticing than the last.

Forget the five in the dream; I've dreamed about them so many times before, in all kinds of combinations. Although I would kill just to get Mom and Aunt Suzy together in reality, never mind the others too! And what about Christine, and Heather... and maybe even Simone, Heather's busty girlfriend?! Wow! I'd better include Aunt Suzy in that group too, if only so she can show Christine what do to. Sweetness! Man, what if it was the whole cheerleading squad at once? Six tongues on my cock at the same time! Why stop at four?!

Man, this is not helping me go back to sleep. Grrr! I'm just too aroused all the time.

He tossed and turned for a while before exhaustion finally overtook him.


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