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Chapter 211 Heather & Simone Met Alan
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She walked right up to Alan and then she and Simone stopped and looked down. "Hi there, Alan. And... friends." She'd already forgotten the names Simone had just mentioned, since the other two mattered so little to her.

Alan, Sean, and Peter all stood up. Inwardly, the three of them were reacting in different ways to this unexpected encounter from the high and mighty Heather and her well-known sidekick.

Sean's reaction was the strongest. He'd had a profound crush on Heather for ages. Peter had a crush on her too, as had most males at the school at one time or another. Not only was she a drop-dead gorgeous, buxom, tanned, blue-eyed, blonde-haired cheerleader "babe", but she had a stunning presence as well. Heather radiated charisma and confidence while still being able to project a sense of innocence and sweetness when it amused or served her to do so.

So Sean was absolutely staggered to be standing this close to her. He had loved her from afar though, which meant he had no idea just what a bitch she was when experienced up close.

Peter was also gob-smacked into silence, but his reaction was a bit different from Sean's. He wasn't as reverential of Heather, probably because he knew more about her bitchy side than Sean did. He also was more worried than Sean, since his greater knowledge made him painfully aware that his chubby appearance could be an easy target for Heather's sharp tongue.

Alan was confused. He'd had fantasies about having sex with Heather from time to time, but he'd never had a crush on her since he'd been much more focused on Christine and Glory. As a result, he wasn't as awed by her as the other two were. Furthermore, his confidence was soaring now that he'd started to have a real and vibrant sex life, and he was also used to talking to a number of extremely beautiful women at home.

But on the other hand, this was Heather he was facing, and old habits die hard. He found himself fairly intimidated by her despite his strong determination not to feel that way. The fact that she (and Simone) wore reflective sunglasses made it more daunting for him to talk to them.

Additionally, as good as Heather and Simone looked from afar, they looked even better standing in bikinis only a few feet away. Heather wore a dark red bikini that stood out against her lighter skin while Simone wore a light orange bikini that contrasted well with her darker skin. They were the hottest of the hot and the coolest of the cool, and they knew it.

The way their hard bodies were oiled up with suntan lotion was almost too much for Alan to take. His hormones were getting the best of him and making it hard for him to think. He had a tremendous boner protruding outwards from the middle of his bathing suit, but didn't realize just how much he was showing.

Still, one thing he had learned in recent weeks was that it was good to roll with the punches and try to act like you know what's going on, even when you don't. So he did his best to mask his confusion and intimidation, and attempted to at least say something sensible.

"Hey Heather. Hi, Simone. How you doing?" That was all he could manage, but at least it came out sounding casual. Despite the fact that they'd shared some classes over the years, this was the first time he'd spoken to Heather or Simone directly.

Heather was mildly pleased by that. She found that whenever she deigned to talk to her social inferiors - that great mass of most of her fellow students that she'd derisively nicknamed "the lower life forms" - they were often too tongue-tied to even respond. The nerds were the worst in that respect.

She looked at Sean and Peter and saw that they were hopelessly fawning already, therefore confirming that they were not worthy of her conversation. She returned her focus to Alan, whom she identified as the closest thing their group had to a leader. "Hey. What are you doing here? I can't say I've seen you at this beach before."

Heather's tone had been a bit accusatory, but he deliberately ignored that. "Just enjoying the rays. Same as you. Hey, say hi to my sister when you see her. I've heard the squad has had an interesting week."

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Heather wasn't sure how to respond to that obvious yet carefully veiled reference to the panty painting. Was he threatening to say something about it in public? She really doubted it, but she wasn't sure. She couldn't get a good read on him since she didn't associate with his type, nor could she clearly see his eyes through his dark sunglasses.

She looked at Sean with disdain and then at Peter with even more contemptuous loathing. Seeing them again renewed her desire to kick the lot of them off 'her' beach. She said to all three with blatant derision, "Hey, shouldn't you guys be at home watching a Star Trek TV marathon or something?"

Alan smiled. "Very cute. Nah. That was last week. They're showing chick flicks all day today, so we're forced to go to the beach."

Heather looked at Alan curiously. The more she talked to him, the less she understood his attitude. He took my attempt to cut them down as a friendly joke and joked back with self-deprecating good humor. Nerds don't do that. They stammer and gawk like the total losers that they are. But this guy seems more or less at ease. He even looks me in the eyes instead of staring at my chest.

Her eyes drifted down as she continued to examine him from head to toe. She noticed what seemed to be quite a large bulge in his bathing suit. Whoa! What do we have here?

She was such a flirt that she couldn't help but react with a little flirtation. She lifted her arms above her head, a sexy move she knew would draw attention to her chest.

Sure enough, Alan's eyes zoomed in on her rack, and he thought, BOOBS! Man! Nice! But then he reconsidered. Wait just a minute. I see even nicer bodies at home every day. I'm not gonna let her get to me. He deliberately forced himself to look at her face with slight disinterest.

She noticed his initial attraction, but then she was annoyed at how quickly he seemed to lose interest. She dropped her arms, thinking, What am I doing, striking a pose for some loser nerd?! Sheesh! Get these jokers out of here.

She was going to tell the three of them, in no uncertain terms, that they didn't belong on that beach, but she decided instead to regroup and discuss things with Simone. She walked away with a hard, condescending look aimed in Alan's direction. At the last second, she said, "Well, next time, don't force yourself so hard." She was disappointed because that was pretty lame compared to her usual cutting jibes. But she was thrown off her usual game.

Peter and Sean were blown away by the whole encounter. They sat back down on the sand as if felled by Hurricane Heather. They were so smitten that she had stopped to talk to any of them that they missed how contemptuous she had been.

Alan, though, remained standing and staring at Heather, admiring the sinuous curves of her muscular back and thighs as she walked about ten feet away with Simone. To his great surprise, he could just barely hear their words as they remained there, looking out over the ocean waves, talking as if they were the only ones on the beach.

"Well, that was odd," Heather commented. "That Alan is one strange guy. What do you think his deal is?"

"What do you mean?" Simone asked.

"Well, he's a nerd. He reeks of it. I remember now that we only shared the occasional class, 'cos he's in the gifted track. And he was always answering the teacher's questions like some kind of know-it-all. Serious grade-A teacher's pet nerd. But he doesn't exactly act like one out here on the beach. And he certainly doesn't LOOK like one. He's practically handsome, even. Why on Earth would a handsome guy want to be a nerd?"

Simone rolled her eyes again. Since she paid more attention to the "lower life forms" than Heather did, she knew a lot more about Alan, even though she'd never spoken to him face to face. She thought, He seems like a nice guy, but it is true he fits the classic nerd stereotype. Unfortunately, he sits at one of the "nerd tables" during lunch and talks about hopelessly geeky things with his geeky friends all day long, so he can't be excused as a misunderstood smart jock or something like that. Too bad.

But she also felt some sympathy for him, so she said, "Heather, he's a very smart guy. In fact, he's one of the top students in the school, I hear. Yeah, that's nerdy, but is there anything wrong with trying to use your brain if you've got one? And he plays sports, so he's got a decent body. Personally, I think he's a nice guy, so I hope you don't put him on your shit list."

Heather appeared contemplative. "Nah. He's not even enough of a somebody to merit placement on the shit list. But it's weird. And did you see his package? He's packing some serious beef! I mean, that's just wrong. It's criminal for a nerd to have a body like that. And it's like a waste of resources to have a dick like that used for nothing but masturbating to doctored photos of Star Trek actresses. God, nerds are pathetic!"

Simone laughed. "'A waste of resources'? Why Heather, I never realized you were a concerned environmentalist."

Heather laughed too. Simone's sense of humor was one of the main reasons why Heather tolerated her friend's dissents as often as she did. "Funny. Very funny. Heather Morgan, the tree hugger. But still. I wonder what it would be like to do it with a completely clueless virgin like him. That might be ... amusing."

"Heather! You're not planning on seducing him, are you? I'm shocked. That's so unlike you." Simone moved her hand, casually resting it on Heather's nearest ass cheek.

"Me? Ha! You kidding? No WAY. I mean, a nerd's a nerd. I don't care if he is packing a good eight thick inches or more, judging from that bulge of his. I'll bet he doesn't even have a clue about the basics of hygiene. And he'd be just like all the other low-lifes who think they love me."

Simone mocked in a weak and swooning male voice, "'Heather! Oh Heather! You let me touch you! Did I tell you that I've loved you since forever? I'm sorry I shot off so soon but I'm just so excited!'"

Heather snorted disgustedly. "Puh-lease! A guy like that isn't even worthy of doing my homework."

"So what are you thinking about so intently, then?" Simone asked. When Heather didn't respond, Simone nudged her. "C'mon, I know that look. Spill."

Alan noticed that Simone also prodded Heather by squeezing her ass cheek where her hand still lay. Despite the harsh words, his dick was as hard as it could get, as fantasies of Simone and Heather naked together drifted through his head.

Heather replied, "I dunno. I guess I'm thinking about the whole painting thing. You know all about what he's doing with that, don't you?" Heather had kept Simone reasonably informed about the cheerleader panty painting, so she knew Simone would understand that oblique reference to it.

Heather continued, "I knew that Katherine had a brother named Alan who was the painter, but I didn't realize he was THAT Alan. How the hell did HE get that job, anyway? Strictly by default, I'm sure. Maybe I should get someone else to do it. After all, I don't want a mere nerd touching my cheerleaders. He'll probably pass along some kind of nerd cooties or something."

Simone rolled her eyes. "Yes, nerd cooties. I hear they're worse than AIDS."

Heather missed Simone's sarcasm, as she often did. "Yeah. Pretty much!"

Simone asked, while finally pulling her hand off Heather's ass, "Did you know that he actually had the gall to ask Christine Anderssen out on a date a while back? She turned him down, of course." Although Simone was more sympathetic to Alan, she shared the opinion that Christine was way out of his league.

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Heather raised a curious eyebrow. "Christine? That ridiculous goody-goody bitch, 'Ice Queen Christine'? Ha! How amusing! Can you imagine those two pathetic virgins trying to have sex? They wouldn't even be able to figure out what to stick where!"

Heather and Simone walked off, laughing. As their voices trailed out of range, Heather said, "I like her other nickname, 'Pristine Christine.' 'Cos the rumor is she's never so much as even kissed a guy. What a waste, with her body!"

They seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Alan could have easily overheard them. Heather didn't even turn back to consider whether to kick them off the beach or not. It was as if they were so unimportant that it wasn't worth the bother of taking any more time to talk to them.

Alan had overheard everything though, and what he'd heard really pissed him off. He thought that he'd accounted for himself pretty well when confronted by Heather, mostly hiding his fear and speaking fairly intelligently.

But it was all for nothing because Heather still considered him lower than the dirt on the soles of her feet. He was also upset at himself because, for a brief moment, his hopes had soared that she might actually want to have sex with him when she'd been discussing his "package." But those hopes were quickly crushed and then some.

Now he understood firsthand what Katherine was talking about when she would come home from school day after day complaining about what a bitch Heather was.

The rest of his beach outing seemed anti-climatic and depressing, although, ironically, Sean and Peter were in high spirits. They were ecstatic to have been "kind of spoken to" by Heather, and recounted the encounter to each other over and over. Listening to them, Alan was left wondering what alternate universe they'd been in at the time, since hardly anything they said matched up with his memories of the incident.

Neither of them had overheard Heather's later conversation with Simone, and Alan saw no need to tell them about it and burst their bubbles about her. He knew that Sean was so far gone over Heather that he would have accused Alan of lying, anyway. The two of them spent even more time talking about Heather's fantastic body and how much they wanted to "do the do" with her.

Alan had a hard time playing along with their sex talk and pretending enthusiasm. Now that he'd actually had sex, he realized that they had no idea what they were talking about. He just felt embarrassed to hear their empty boasts and juvenile prattling.

He was particularly miffed that Heather and Simone had assumed that he was a "pathetic virgin." He wanted to prove to Heather how wrong she was and show her that he was actually starting to become a rather talented lover. But he knew the odds of that happening were next to impossible. He would have considered himself surprised if Heather ever thought to speak to him again.


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