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Chapter 222 Are You Not Willing To Help Him With Visual Stimulation?
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Suzanne got up and left the room. She'd heard the garage door open and close a couple of minutes earlier. (Alan hadn't noticed since he was so out of it he could barely string a coherent sentence together.) She knew that had to be Susan, returning from the same church social Suzanne had left earlier to be with Alan.

Suzanne did really have to use the bathroom, but she also had the goal of luring Susan into Alan's room to further break down her resistance. Wearing nothing but her black thong, high heels, and a few dollops of cum still on her face from Alan's first climax, she went to the bathroom across the hall from Alan's room. She took out the roll of toilet paper next to the toilet seat and put it away in a cabinet so she'd have an excuse not to use that bathroom. She glanced in the mirror, saw the cum on her face, and smiled.

Then she walked down to the bathroom adjoining Susan's bedroom. She'd heard Susan milling about in there, which fit in perfectly with her plans. She listened for a minute to make completely sure that Ron wasn't in there also, then knocked on the door and opened it before Susan could answer.

Susan was in the middle of undressing from the clothes she'd worn to the party. Standing in just her underwear, she turned to the door and shrieked, "Suzanne! What are you doing?!"

"Oh, didn't you hear me? I guess I was knocking too quietly at first. In any case, the other bathroom is out of toilet paper so I was hoping to use this one, if that's okay with you."

She was pleased as punch that Susan was getting undressed; she had waited the exact right amount of time from when she'd heard Susan's car arrive. She gloated, A perfect scheme, perfectly timed! Hee-hee!

Susan nodded. "Oh. I see. Well, sure, but could you give me some privacy, please?"

Suzanne could have headed to the bathroom, but she just stood there at the door, staring at Susan. "Sure. Sorry. But I figure it's really no big deal, is it? I mean, it's just between us girls, right? Besides, take a look at me. I just came - in more senses than one - from having your son's dick sliding in and out of my mouth, so there's not much point in modesty, is there?"

"No, I suppose not..." Susan still held a shirt she was about to put on, but she was frozen with paralysis once she heard that. She looked at Suzanne stretching her arms out in a sexy pose, acting and looking like some kind of sex goddess come to Earth. Susan's eyes were particularly glued to the white cummy gobs on Suzanne's face.

Susan raised a hand to her own cheek. "Um... I think you have something right here." She pointed on her cheek where the spot was on Suzanne's.

Suzanne crossed the room to where Susan stood. "Do I? Oh, it's probably just some of Alan's cum. He shoots so much that I never seem able to swallow it all. I can never get enough of his sweet seed, but it would be greedy of me to take all of it. Do you want to lick it off for me?"

Susan protested indignantly, "Suzanne!"

But Suzanne teased her encouragingly, "I won't tell!"

"It's so improper."

"But so yummy. Here." This time Suzanne swiped the cum gob with a finger and then presented it to Susan's mouth.

Susan looked pained, but she turned away. "I... I can't! Please... don't tempt me!"

"Oh well. Your loss." Suzanne ostentatiously placed the cum in her own mouth. She made a face of supreme satisfaction as she savored it. She deliberately left the rest on her face to tempt Susan some more.

The anguish and desire on Susan's face were obvious as she watched the gob disappear.

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Then Suzanne asked, "By the way, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm just changing clothes from the party. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, but it looks like you're about to put a top on without removing your undies first. What's up with that? What about our 'no undies' agreement?"

Susan stuttered, "Well, yeah, but Ron will be home later."

Suzanne spoke firmly yet with feigned confusion. "I don't remember anything in the agreement about exceptions for husbands. We are to dress to sexually arouse our son, er, I meant your son. Period. Our wearing underwear does not help him empty his balls into our throats, so we don't wear them. Period. Unless of course he asks us to dress that way, and then we must do as he says. What part of that do you have trouble with?"

Susan pouted, "You're making it sound like, in theory, he has total control at all times over what clothes I wear. My son, and not my husband!"

"Yes. And what clothes you don't wear. That's the rule. So? Are you not willing to help him with visual stimulation?"

Susan frowned heavily. She thought, Oh no! I'm getting all tingly! Why does the idea of Tiger controlling what I wear make me so HOT? It's wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! He could tell me to take off all my clothes and perform some sexy, sultry dance just for him! Oh no! That's even MORE hot!

She asked, "Wait. What if, right in the middle of dinner, he told me to take all my clothes off? Could he do that?!"

"Of course." Suzanne answered as if this was a well-established tradition and asking such a question was silly.

"B-b-but... what if Ron's there?!"

"He's smart enough not to ask then, obviously. But most of the time Ron isn't there. In which case, you have to dress as your son wants. After all, we have to be willing to stop at nothing to help him with his medical condition, don't we?"

A panicky and highly aroused Susan answered, "Well, yes, of course, but... Well, I dunno. It sounds rather extreme. Besides, I don't want Ron to suspect."

They were standing in front of Susan's closet. Suzanne stepped forward and picked out a white blouse. It was thick and frumpy looking. "Here. Then wear this. Sure, there'll be a whole lot of bouncin' goin' on, but Ron won't know enough to suspect a thing. But at the same time, Alan will know what to look for and he'll see that you're properly obeying his orders. That'll make his big dick so stiff and happy that he'll wish it was your mouth he was shooting a load into next time. He might even specially ask for your oral assistance."

Alan in fact had never given orders to anyone about not wearing underwear, but Suzanne knew what to say to appeal to Susan's submissive side. She knew that Susan would accept those demands because deep down she wanted to be told what to do.

Suzanne stood there and watched while Susan meekly changed into the white blouse Suzanne had picked out for her.

It shamed Susan to stand naked while being closely observed changing, but it also turned her on. All the while, she complained about how unfair and underhanded it was to Ron, but Suzanne always had an answer to her objections. For instance, Susan griped, "What if Ron were to come home right now? What then?"

Suzanne replied, "What if Tiger only cums twice or thrice today? What if you're the difference between his penis being stiff and throbbing and just sitting there in a sad, flaccid state? What then?"

"Oh, Suzanne. Do you have to put it like that? That sounds so terribly improper."

"Yes, I do. You need to understand how grave the stakes are here."

When Susan finished putting on the blouse (while remaining naked below the waist), she turned to Suzanne again and finally registered fully what her friend was wearing. "Hey! Who are you to talk about the no undies rule? You're wearing panties too. True, it's a thong, but that still counts."

Suzanne looked down at herself, and said, "You're right. I was wearing those as protection while I was sucking Alan's cock-"

"Suzanne! Mind your language!"

"Sorry. While I was giving your Tiger a blowjob. Or should I say I was performing oral and manual ministrations to his big erection? Or would you prefer I say 'member,' as in 'I lapped his sweet spot for many long minutes while my fingers pumped up and down his member?"

Susan was in such a lusty daze from hearing that that she was too overwhelmed to respond.

Smirking, Suzanne continued, "Anyway, my point is, I was busy pleasuring his great, big... member, and you'd asked me to at least wear panties while doing that, so that's what I did. But you make an excellent point that that's hypocritical. The only time we should wear panties or any other clothes is if it helps him spew fountains of cum all over us." Without further ado, she pulled her black thong off and tossed it aside.

Susan immediately rushed over, picked it up, and handed it back to her. She didn't want Ron wondering about mysterious thongs lying on the floor, especially ones that were soaked in pussy juices. But by this time, Susan's chest was heaving with arousal and she was so flustered that she didn't have anything to say. The fact that she was nude from the waist down only made her that much more tingly and flustered.

With a happy "Thanks," Suzanne went off to Susan's bathroom.

By the time Suzanne came back, Susan was fully dressed in the white blouse and a long black skirt.

Susan asked her best friend, "Do I have to stay dressed like this even after Ron comes home? I feel so naked. Even though I look dressed on the outside, I feel like I'm completely exposed."

"But of course. Do you think Sweetie's needs suddenly stop when Ron is here? I've been tolerant of your slack attitude about wearing underwear around Ron these past few days, but you really need to keep your end of your agreements."

"Do you think it's noticeable that I'm naked under my blouse and skirt?" Susan shifted her weight back and forth, causing her breasts to wobble wildly inside her shirt.

It was blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes that Susan wasn't wearing a bra. Admittedly, it was a confining blouse, but Susan was so endowed that even heavy bras didn't slow her down much, and when she wore no bra and had stiffly aroused nipples besides, no blouse could hide the bouncy party going on underneath.

But Suzanne raised a hand to her mouth and struck a thoughtful pose as she stared at Susan turning this way and that. "I don't know," she finally said, blatantly lying. "It's hard to tell. You can't really ask me because I already know you're braless. You need an impartial observer."

Suzanne's eyes lit up as she pretended to have a "eureka" moment. "I know! Put your high heels on - the spiky black ones - and we can ask Alan."

"Oh NO!" Susan protested. "Not like this! Not now, with Ron still in town!"

"It's exactly when Ron is in town that your cutie Tiger needs the most visual stimulation, since I can't help him as much. Besides, you know he'll give you his honest opinion. I'll see you there in a few minutes."

"Why do I have to put on high heels?" Susan queried. "Those things are a pain. I'm still getting used to them." Susan had almost never worn high heels until recently, and only then because of Suzanne's frequent urging. Lately though, she was starting to associate heels with sex and pleasure.

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Suzanne gave her friend an exasperated look. "Because he likes them, that's why. Your child is in severe need right now. What's more important than assisting him in his medical crisis? And all you need to do is provide him some visual stimulation."

"Well, if you put it that way," Susan grumbled. "But how do you know he's so big on high heels? I've never heard him say much about them one way or another."

"Because I'm observant, that's why. Amy and I have spent countless evenings hanging out here. When I wear high heels, he can't take his eyes off me. Next time, watch; you'll see for yourself."

Susan still didn't look happy, but she went to get her favorite pair of heels. (Technically, they were Suzanne's, but since the two women even shared the same shoe sizes, a big portion of Suzanne's high heel collection had recently migrated to Susan's closet.)

Suzanne hurried down the hallway, knocked on Alan's door, and let herself inside. She saw that he was now lying on his bed with his erection pointing straight up. She realized he had turned the stereo on when he had moved, because "Brick House" by the Commodores was playing.

She stopped by his dresser and took out a T-shirt. She tossed it at him as she said, "Here, put this on." Then she hurried to him, asking, "How're you feeling, Sweetie? Rested?"

"Yeah. I'm still pretty close to the edge, but I'm okay." Nodding at the stereo, he said, "I put this song on because it reminds me of you for some reason." They listened as the funky song described a sexy woman as stacked and firm as a "brick house," and even mentioned her 36-24-36 measurements.

Suzanne put her hands on her hips and pretended to be miffed. "Hmmm. I don't know about that." But she was all smiles, and asked, "How's your dick holding up?"

"Oh, it's UP, that's for sure. Look how it still sticks up so hard and high all on its own, even though I'm lying down. Until recently, I didn't know that dicks could defy gravity like that. Mine never did."

"Mmmm. Looks tasty." The buxom red-head dropped to her knees at the edge of the bed and started licking.

She deliberately limited herself to licking because she wanted to be free to talk. Between licks, she said, "By the way, Susan will be here any second to ask you about what she's wearing. No need to stop what we're doing; just act casual and roll with the punches, okay?"

"Okay! ... But, uh, Mom's been having issues with this kind of thing. How do we know where her current boundaries lie?"

She went right back to licking her way all over his most sensitive spot, but managed to talk at the same time. "We don't. Truth is, they're shifting all the time. But I got her pretty horny just now, so I think she'll be pretty flexible, even though she might not look that way at first. Remember: stay relaxed, and follow my lead."

"Okay." He closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. I'm gonna leave the thinking to Aunt Suzy. She's very good at that. And let's not even talk about her cock-licking skills with her insane tongue. Jesus H. Christ, that feels good!


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