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6 Times a Day

Chapter 225 Ron Cheating? -Susan And Suzanne Wearing Sexy Laced Underwear
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That evening, Ron came home at the expected dinner time and the whole Plummer family ate Susan's homemade vegetarian "meatloaf".

In the end, Susan had spoken to Alan after Suzanne had left, and she'd basically begged him to let her wear a bra and panties while Ron was there. He'd given her permission. She felt relieved about that, but ironically it didn't help reduce her arousal much. Even though she was fully dressed, she kept imagining what it would be like to not have any underwear on when she was around Ron.

What if Tiger made me go without my undies right now? He could do that. He even made me strip completely while Suzanne licked his member! Would Ron notice the way my big tits are bouncing around without a bra? I mean, uh, if I didn't have a bra on I'd feel so naked. I keep forgetting. But would Ron care? What kind of humiliating things might Tiger "force" me to do around him? There's just no telling. What if Tiger makes me crawl under the table and makes me suck him, right in the middle of one of Ron's long, boring monologues? Gaawwwd, that's so hot! Uh, I mean distressing! Distressing!

She was so distracted and fidgety that everyone made note of it, even Ron. Her biggest problem was that she simply couldn't get the image of Suzanne licking Alan's boner out of her head. Even when she closed her eyes, it was like it was burned into her retinas.

But after dinner, Ron immediately left the house to go to another party which some of his business partners would also be attending. Susan was obliged to at least make a token appearance. She really didn't want to do it, but Suzanne knew of her plight and promised to go with her. Suzanne figured that's what best friends did for each other. Besides, if the other guests were boring business people, as expected, at least she and Susan could talk to each other.

Knowing that Susan and Suzanne would be out all evening, Alan and Katherine both had plans to be with their friends.

Suzanne came over just after everyone but Susan had left. The ostensible plan was that she and Susan would pick out what clothes to wear and then leave together for Ron's party. But Suzanne was in no hurry to go to the party, and she knew Susan wouldn't be either. Suzanne wanted to use the time to build on what Susan had seen earlier in the day, to get Susan lusting even more for her son. Suzanne had realized that every time Susan had an intense sexual experience with Alan, there was always a backlash. But she was getting better at being there at the right time and talking with her extensively to minimize the intensity of it.

The truth was, Suzanne could talk Eskimos into buying refrigerators, and then sell them some snow to put in them. Because Susan trusted Suzanne implicitly, she didn't even comprehend what was happening. For instance, that morning Susan had woken with a vague understanding that all the females frequenting the Plummer house would try not to wear underwear, to help Alan with visual stimulation. By the time Suzanne was done with her post-dinner talk, Susan was convinced that Alan had issued an ironclad order that gave him complete control over what she could or could not wear. To wear underwear without getting permission, at least from Suzanne, or better, Alan, had now become all but unthinkable.

But no matter what Suzanne said or did, she still had huge hurdles to overcome. It was like the myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned by the gods to roll a boulder up a mountain, only to have it roll down, after which he'd have to start all over again. Susan believed in her heart that incest and adultery were wrong, so while Suzanne could get Susan to lose control for a little while, Susan's underlying guilt simply would not go away.

This distressed Suzanne, because she genuinely wanted her best friend to be happy. She felt that curing her from what she secretly thought of as Susan's "religious mumbo-jumbo beliefs" was the key to Susan's happiness, and she longed to finally unchain Susan's sexuality and let it loose, to live a sexually uninhibited life similar to her own. She vowed to keep pushing and pushing until she could make a permanent change in Susan's psyche, using Susan's lust for her son as the main lever.

They switched topics and discussed a range of non-sexual issues for a while. Then Suzanne pointed out, "It won't be long now until your husband leaves."

"I know. Friday. Yet another short trip." After a long pause, Susan admitted, "You know, I can't say I'll be sad to see him go, especially after finding out about his cheating. In fact, I'm counting the days. By the way, just how are you so sure about that? He's my husband, and now that the initial shock is over, I think it's only fair that you tell me."

Suzanne didn't want to tell Susan the whole truth; she knew Susan still wasn't ready for that. But she decided to tell her a mostly true account of some of it. "Well, as you know, I've cheated on my husband for years now. And maybe there's truth in the saying that it takes one to know one. I could just tell. His sexual neglect of you, for instance, was such a huge sign. So finally, I decided to check my suspicions. I figured what he was doing took place out of town, since he's so rarely in town in the first place. So I did a little snooping around your house - sorry about that, by the way - and I found some of his old cell phone bills. There were lots of phone calls overseas, and I'm sure you never gave the numbers on them a second thought."

"No, of course not. He has to call people all over the world as part of his work."

"I know. But I called up a few of the Thailand ones at random using a wrong number type ruse. Can you think of any reason why he has to call massage parlors?"

Susan held her hands over her open mouth and gasped. "Really?!"

"Would I lie to you?" Remembering all her recent lies to her best friend, she said, "Well, okay, to tell the truth I do tell little white lies here and there. But I would never lie about something like this, I swear to God. We can even go to the den and look, because I'm sure there are more bills that'll show the same. The thing is, he knows how trusting you are, so he's sloppy. He hardly even bothers to cover his tracks."

"How long have you known?"

"Well, to be honest, I've all but known for years. Your marriage has just been so... off. But I didn't actually check the phone bills until shortly after he left last time. That was what? Nine months ago?"

"What?! If you suspected that for so long, why didn't you tell me until last Monday?!"

"Well, I thought about it, but the fact was I didn't think you were ready. Think how devastated you would have been. But then, when your son's medical treatment started, that changed things. And when Ron unexpectedly came back, that forced my hand. I wasn't going to let you sleep with him after he's been to God only knows how many skanky massage parlors. Frankly, I don't even like the idea of you kissing him. You really should be keeping yourself for your hunky son."

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"What does Tiger's medical treatment have to do with it?"

Finding out about Ron's cheating had been a gating factor in Suzanne's decision to launch the six-times-a-day scheme in the first place. Knowing that, she no longer had to feel bad if she broke up Susan's marriage, and she knew Susan would need a replacement right away. Luckily, Alan had turned eighteen recently, and that was the last piece that had needed to fall into place before her scheme could go forward.

But she couldn't explain any of that. Instead, she again gave a limited selection of true statements. "Susan, think about how crushed you would have been if you had found out about this nine months ago. I know you. You would have been absolutely devastated. Even a week or two ago, it would have been really bad. But now, I tell you these things, and you're hurt and disappointed, yes, but it wasn't that big a deal, considering your two decades of marriage. You hardly even cried. Why?"

"You're right. But I don't know why."

Suzanne explained confidently, "Because you've found a new mate in Alan. You're a very giving person. You find satisfaction in helping and serving. True, your Tiger and you already loved each other, but now you have a new vital connection with him. Remember what I said about how handjobs and blowjobs can serve as a bonding mechanism? The more sticky, creamy loads your son shoots down your throat, the more the love between you grows. Every time he splatters his potent seed all over your face, that love grows. And whenever he blasts on your heaving breasts, that love grows still more. I've been waiting for that new bond to strengthen before hitting you with my so-depressing evidence."

Susan thought about that for a while. Then she said, "I suppose there's some truth in what you're saying. I do feel this new bonding, and it has helped me quickly get over Ron's cheating. But the whole thing is messed up, because Tiger is my SON! And I'm still married! I mean, it's not like I can divorce Ron and marry him, so all of this is lunacy. It's a mirage! It's like... I lost something real with Ron, and I'm clinging to a mirage of a lifeboat to save me!"

Seeing that Susan was starting to get despondent and was even on her way to becoming hysterical, Suzanne cut in. "It's not like that at all! Your marriage to Ron is the mirage. It's fake - all show, no go. The love between you and Sweetie is what's real. I've cried inside watching you try for years - YEARS - to make a real emotional connection with a man who was only interested in you as a symbol of a wife! He doesn't appreciate you and he never will. I don't have to argue that, because you know I'm right."

Susan fought back tears. "True, maybe there's some truth there, but I made a marriage vow way back when to stick with him for better or for worse. It's my bad luck that I'm stuck with the worse part."

"Bullshit! When he cheated on you so much he made that marriage contract null and void. I'm not going to let you quietly suffer the rest of your life. I care for you! Am I not your best friend? Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Yes you are, and no, not often. Actually, practically never."

"Well then, trust me. Everything is going to work out, I promise. In fact, I feel better about your future now than I ever have before. There's a sexy new Susan coming to life, and I think she's great!"

"You do?" Susan pouted. "I don't know about that. The sinful new Susan, maybe. The shame of the family, bound straight to Hell or prison, unable to look herself in the eye. Slutty Susan, is more like it." Sighing, she said, "No wonder Ron cheats on me. I'm a hopeless case."

"Susan, may I remind you that Ron effectively abandoned you, AND started cheating on you, years and years before the sexy new Susan showed up? You should be proud of yourself! You've had misplaced loyalties and now things are coming together like they should be."

Susan sighed. "Well, Ron may be slutting it up with half of Thailand, but unfortunately I can't do much about it. I'm just a typical God-fearing homemaker. Angel and Tiger are poised to go to good colleges, and these days that'll cost a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Where is the money going to come from, if not from Ron?"

"Don't you remember what I told you before? You don't have to worry about any of that. And if worse comes to worst with money, I'll be there for you." Suzanne grasped her best friend's hand and squeezed it tightly. "We're a team, aren't we?"

Susan squeezed back, but without much enthusiasm. "Thanks. We are." She added with more spirit, "You're such a good friend. Where would I be without you?" Then she lifted her head hopefully. "Do you think... Is there any chance all those massage parlor visits could just be really to get a massage?"

Suzanne rolled her eyes. Ironically, as far as she had learned, the visits WERE just to get massages (although she couldn't be sure). However, she was trying to break the bad news slowly, and she figured that to reveal Ron was having serious and long-lasting affairs would be more emotionally damaging than visits to prostitutes. So she said, "Susan, I don't know for sure. But this is Bangkok we're talking about. It's the sex tourism capital of the world. Most of the girls in those massage parlors don't even know HOW to give a massage. I'm gonna make sure an investigator gets all the evidence you need, although that'll take time. But believe me, it's bad enough already. I know things that you don't want to know, and he cheated on you. Sorry."

Susan looked extremely pained, and her heart hurt. "Dammit!"

"Hey!" Suzanne said brightly. "I've got an idea. When we're down in the dumps, what better way to pick ourselves up than play dress-up?"

"Dress up? I've never played dress-up with you," Susan said, forgetting that she'd done it with Suzanne recently. "Or anyone else for that matter. In fact, I've been doing far too much dressing down lately."

"That was the old Susan, the prudish Susan. The sexy new Susan just loves playing dress-up. Basically, we'll go to your room and try on some clothes. I'll bring over a big bunch of mine, and you can try those on too, since we're the exact same size in everything."

"And?" Susan complained. "So what if we do?"

"The goal is to find some really sexy outfits that'll make Sweetie especially hot and hard. Then we can wear some of the less revealing ones to this party tonight, since we need to make an appearance for that anyway."

Susan frowned. "Oh yes. The party. I'd all but forgotten about that."

"Well, don't worry about it much. We don't have to be there for a couple of hours. And we certainly don't have to stay long; just long enough for Ron to show you off to the people he needs to impress. You know, the usual routine. Don't dress for the party or your husband. Let's get sexy playing dress-up for your SON!"

Susan was still frowning. "I don't know. Ron still IS my husband, and your allegations against him are still unproven. I should show him some respect."

"Fine. Respect him all you want. Make this token party appearance, just like a dutiful wife. But when he's not here, your main duty is helping your son with his medical crisis. Just think. When Ron leaves town soon, and you know he will, you're going to want to dress more sexily than the kind of clothes you're wearing now, right?"

"Yeah, sure, but within moderation. I'm not going to get carried away like I did before."

"Fair enough. But you will need to wear new things, especially since it's not just up to you what you're going to wear anymore. What if Sweetie says to you, 'Mom, I want you to wear something so hot that just one glance at you will make me cum in my shorts.' What would you wear?"

"I don't know," Susan said, newly alarmed at not having anything anywhere near that sexy to wear.

"Well, let's go upstairs and figure it out. You know these friends of Ron and how he gets when he starts drinking. He won't miss us. It's not even seven, and he won't blink an eye if we don't get to the party until nine, or even ten or later."

So they went to Susan's bedroom and tried on some clothes. At first, Susan remained depressed and disengaged, but Suzanne slowly got her to loosen up. Knowing that Alan was the key to Susan's new sexuality, Suzanne kept the focus on Alan and talked in increasingly explicit terms about him.

With their goal already being to get him hard, she began describing the clothes they tried on in terms of how it would affect his penis. For instance, she called a great outfit "an extra incher" for making his erection grow an extra inch more than normal, and a really great outfit was an "extra two-incher."

Suzanne also brought a bottle of red wine along, and she made sure Susan drank her fair share. Before long, the clothes chosen grew more daring. Soon they were taking their underwear off and on as much as their outer clothes.

Suzanne kept coming up with more explicit terminology to discuss the clothes. For instance, after one outfit looked especially good on Susan, she said, "Girl, he'll definitely fill your mouth with cum after seeing that one!" After another even sexier one, she fanned herself and said, "That's an extra two-incher, for sure! He's gonna squirt a whole gallon of sticky goo down your throat, if you wear that!"

Susan found herself getting into it, helped by the fact that she felt a constant erotic buzz. She ate up all the compliments. She decided that she absolutely loved playing dress-up.

By and by, the fact that they were naked more often than clothed ceased to bother her, and she would take the outfits on and off quickly so she could get back to a state of nakedness.

Eventually, Suzanne said, "You know, you really missed out earlier today."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Sweetie came on my face twice! You saw the second time. But then, after you left, he came on my face a THIRD time! You should have seen it. I was so covered in cum, it was like I had a mud pack on my face. Except of course it was all pearly white, sticky, yummy cum. Can you just imagine, so much cum on your face that you could practically have an entire meal licking it clean? Mmmm!"

Susan's face was flushed. "Yes! Er, I mean. no. Actually, I..."

Suzanne plowed ahead, "It was so much cum that I felt downright greedy. Don't you think it's just WRONG for him to cum on my face three times, and yours not at all? It's unfair, that's what it is."

"Well, uh, if you put it that way..."

"We are best friends, aren't we?" Suzanne said with a loving smile. "We share everything. It's only right if we share the duty of helping Alan in his time of need. And that means we share his cum, don't we?"

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Susan smiled dreamily. "Suzanne, you're such a good friend!" She was still picturing Suzanne licking Alan's boner. She licked her lips and gulped, imagining that it was she who was gulping down a sticky load.

Suzanne went on, "I think it's important that Tiger cums on your face and your tits on a daily basis. Once Ron is gone, of course. Like I said, that serves to bond you two together. His cum is a physical manifestation of his love for you. You should glory in it. Wear it. Above all, consume it!"

Susan clutched her arms across her big tits, not out of disapproval but to hide how much her chest was heaving with excitement.

From then on, raunchy topics were fair game. Before long, the general arousal level between them soared.

At one point when they were trying out some of Suzanne's sexiest lacy bras, Susan asked out of the blue, "Suzanne, which one of us really has the bigger chest? I mean, I know we wear the same bra size, but one of us has to be bigger, if only a little. Who is it?"

"I honestly have no idea," Suzanne answered in all truthfulness. "It's so close it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that our big tits provide ideal visual stimulation for our favorite cutie. It's always important to dress to show them off. Well, only when he's around, of course. That goes without saying. I've got a lot of good tips to share that'll get his balls churning."

Susan nodded, eager for tips, but she looked a bit frustrated not to know who had the bigger rack. She very much wanted to be the winner.

Suzanne saw that, and said, "But, you know what? I'm curious too. Why don't we find out?"

"Okay!" Susan said giddily. The wine was having a strong effect, especially since she hardly ever drank alcohol.

Suzanne had never sensed any lesbian vibes from Susan before, but she was sensing some now. She suspected that it was simply because Susan had reached such a peak of desire for her son that just about anything made her horny. But she decided to test her luck anyway. "I don't have a tape measure on me, so why don't we use the hand method? Put your hands on your own, get a sense of the size, and then put your hands on mine."

It was hardly the most accurate way to measure boobs, but Susan felt so tipsy and aroused that she couldn't think straight and thought it sounded reasonable. She hesitated, but Suzanne thrust her tits out provocatively.

Susan finally couldn't resist the sight. She told herself it was okay since both of them wore bras, so all she was doing was touching bras.

Once Susan had her hand on one of Suzanne's hefty orbs, she found she wanted more, and began to overtly grope each of Suzanne's boobs with both hands. She switched back to play with her own, and then returned to Suzanne's. But she didn't consciously think of what she was doing as a sexual act; it was more a case of having seen Suzanne's breasts for so many years and wanting to find out what they felt like. At least, that's what she told herself.

"So whose are bigger?" Suzanne asked after a while.

"I don't know. It's hard to tell." Susan continued to fondle Suzanne's huge tits, hindered only by Suzanne's lacy bra.

Suzanne did all she could to nonverbally encourage her best friend, including making subtle pleasurable moans. She was disappointed that Susan was avoiding the nipples, but she didn't want to push her too hard.


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