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6 Times a Day

Chapter 227 Teasing Susan
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Special Thanks for Drunk Dargon 's for his wonderful Donation. Hope Life treats you well and Wishing you the best for every step in your journey

Drunk Dargon !! (1/5)


Susan was happily laying out clothes when she heard the door open and turned to show Suzanne something.

Then she saw Alan. She immediately dropped what she was holding and covered her bare chest with both arms. "Oh no! Tiger?! What are you doing home already?!"

He countered, "And what are you doing home? I thought you and Aunt Suzy had to go to one of Ron's things?"

Suzanne waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about any of that. The important thing is that I've brought you two together."

Susan gasped with renewed alarm. "Suzanne! You didn't! Why'd you bring him in here?!"

"Susan, what's wrong?" Suzanne asked, trying to appear clueless. "Don't you want to see your loving son? I noticed he just got home, and I was thinking that if we're picking out what he thinks are the sexiest outfits, why don't we just cut to the chase and ask him?"

Susan, now blushing, protested, "But Suzanne! Don't you remember what happened earlier? I went to his room to ask him a simple question and somehow I found myself all naked and wet. Er, uh I mean naked. I just don't have the self-control!"

Alan said, "Sorry, Mom. It would have been fun to see you try on all those clothes, but I understand. Should I go?"

"Sorry, but I think that would be best," Susan said solemnly. She hoped he couldn't detect how aroused she was. Not that many minutes had passed since she'd been strutting in circles while saying things like "I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy slut," and seeing him so soon after that was like pouring gasoline on a fire.

But Suzanne interjected, "What?! You've got to be kidding me. Sweetie, you're not going anywhere. Susan, what's this about not having control? If you have a demon, you can't run from it; you need to face it head on. Now, lower your arms, like a good big-titted mommy should."

Susan was so very horny that she didn't object to Suzanne's language or the command that had been given. She brought her arms down and sat forlornly at the edge of her bed. She stared at the floor. "Well, the thing is, I'm going through a difficult phase. Tiger, you know I enjoyed helping you with your medical treatments. I'll be willing to help again, especially since I'm the only one who can do the abnormality checks, but right now I'm just loving your erection a little bit too much! A lot a bit too much, actually; I'm so obsessed with it that it actually frightens me." Again, she thought with alarm about the things she'd been saying and doing in the last hour.

"Uh-oh," Suzanne said. She sat next to Susan and motioned for Alan to take a nearby seat. "Susan, we can't have you be frightened of it; that's not good at all. I'm gonna need your help with all that sucking and stroking, and soon. You can't flake out on me like this."

Susan looked anguished. "I'm sorry, Suzanne, but it's true! Look what happened to me this afternoon. Every time I see it I somehow end up with at least my boobs hanging out, if not all breathless and naked!"

Suzanne asked with deliberate cluelessness, "'It?'"

Susan shyly nodded in the direction of her son's crotch. "You know. It. His..."

Suzanne finished for her, "His big, thick cock."

Susan nodded, and unthinkingly licked her lips. "Yes. Despite all that Ron did to me, I can't cheat on him when he's here. If nothing else, it's a matter of self-respect. I can't respect myself if I do that."

Suzanne thought for a bit, then said, "I have an idea. Susan, you remember your intro Psych class in college?"

"Yeah?" Susan had gone to a community college briefly, but then she'd dropped out when she and Ron adopted Alan.

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"Do you remember all the stuff about behavioral conditioning? Pavlov's dog and all that?"

"Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, recall how they teach people to get over phobias these days. They mucked about in the dark for a long time, but in recent decades they have a method that's nearly guaranteed to work. If a person is scared of, say, snakes, the only way to get them over that fear is by putting them in close proximity with snakes. Oh, they don't dump them in a room full of snakes or something like that; that would be counterproductive. No, they put them in the same room as the snake, but the snake is in a cage and on the opposite side of the room. Then, slowly but surely they bring the snake closer and closer. After a long time, eventually the person can be right next to the caged snake and feel only the usual amount of fear. The phobia is over. The key is familiarity: the more familiar you are with something, the less scary it is."

"I don't like where you're going with this," a worried Susan said.

"I know. You're way ahead of me. But really, it's the only way. You just need to be around Sweetie's big, fat erection a lot, and then you won't get all panicky about it. Just think how you lost your cool this afternoon. Do you think that would happen to you if you'd already seen his erection a thousand times before?"

"No, probably not," Susan admitted.

"You see? You know, they say that when a person goes to a nude beach for the first time, seeing all that nudity is quite shocking. But before long, it becomes old hat."

"Yes, I've heard something to that effect," Susan conceded.

"That's the same principle at work," Suzanne proudly pointed out. "And we can kill two birds with one stone. You can try on your sexiest outfits, and we can see EXACTLY how his penis reacts to it. If there really are any 'extra two-incher' outfits, we'll actually be able to find out. What do you say?"

Susan knew the idea wasn't prudent, but she just couldn't resist. "Well... On one condition. These things have a way of getting out of control lately. I'll do it as long as both of you promise that I won't actually end up touching Alan's member. I have a nightmarish vision of losing control again and... Well, it's not good!"

Susan had considered saying: I have a nightmarish vision of losing control again and having Ron come to his bed to go to sleep, only to find me on my knees with his son's dick down his wife's throat. Not good! But she refrained from saying that since it just seemed too weird a thing to say, especially with Alan right there listening.

Suzanne looked at Alan. "We can promise that, can't we?"

"Sure, Mom. Whatever you say. You set the boundaries."

Suzanne clapped her hands, signaling the end of this line of conversation. "Good! Susan, you pick out a dress and put it on, and Sweetie, you flop out your big ol' pussy splitter and wave it around."

Susan complained, "Suzanne! Do you have to be so vulgar?"

Suzanne replied with a straight face. "I'm sorry. Vagina penetrator. Sweetie, please expose your vagina penetrator. Is that better?"

Susan just sighed. "Not by much." Picking out her second favorite outfit, she asked, "Can I change in the bathroom?"

Suzanne replied, "Susan, another phobia of yours we need to get over is this fear of nudity. So I vote no."

"Well I vote yes," Susan said with surprising defiance.

"What do you think?" Suzanne asked Alan.

Alan just wanted to see more nudity, so he answered while trying to look thoughtful about it, "Mom, I think Aunt Suzy's got a good point. Let's try to get over this phobia of yours."

Susan tried one last feeble defense; she asked Suzanne, "What about the party? Don't we need to go to that already?"

Alan followed up with, "Yeah, what about that party? Is that why you're trying on all these clothes? I thought you would have left already."

Suzanne replied, "As Susan knows darn well, we don't have to be at that party for another hour or two. As long as she makes a brief 'arm candy' appearance for Ron, it'll be fine. And Sweetie, we're trying on clothes much more for you than for the party. We'll be wearing sexy things for YOUR eyes only." She stared pointedly at Susan as she added, "So there's no reason for any further delay, is there?"

Susan let out a big sigh. "Very well. Somehow I knew this would happen."

Suzanne smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. She patted the spot next to her. "Here, Sweetie. Sit down and enjoy the show."

Alan happily did as instructed.

Susan started trying on different outfits in front of Alan.

Suzanne just watched with Alan. There was no need for her to try on different things to increase her sexiness because she was already maxing out on whatever sexiness scale one might choose as a measure. Besides, her goal was to break down Susan's resistance, not to put the spotlight on herself. She put an arm around Alan and occasionally whispered sexy comments in his ear but otherwise behaved herself with him, despite the raging boner tenting his shorts. She didn't want to push Susan too far too fast.

Susan was still quite tipsy and aroused, so it didn't take her long to get in the spirit of things. Within minutes, she was practically dancing around as she went from outfit to outfit like a kid who had the complete run of a toy store. Half the time she was naked, and she spent as much of the rest of the time modeling various underwear combos as she did modeling actual clothes.

Alan honestly loved everything she picked out, and he showered her with compliments.

That was the biggest aphrodisiac of all for Susan, and it inspired her to get more daring in what she wore and how she moved about the room. She was already putting her strutting lessons to good use.

Suzanne also showered Susan with praise. At one point, while Susan was wearing nothing but nearly transparent underwear, she said to Alan, "Look. Tear your eyes away from your mother's huge bouncing boobs for a minute and just focus on her tummy. See how firm and fit she is. You see that groove rising up from her belly button? Not all women have that. That's a sign of really being in shape. She has a very strenuous exercise regimen, you know."

Susan was basking in the praise, so she raised her arms above her head to better show off her voluptuous, fit body. But since she wasn't used to compliments like these she tried to deflect them. "That's only because Suzanne insisted. For years, she's helped me eat right and stay fit."

"And it shows! Doesn't it, Sweetie? Susan, turn around and bend over. Show your Tiger just how fit your legs are too."

"Oh, I can't," Susan complained, even as she turned around and struck another sexy pose that showed off her long and silky legs to great effect.

"Look at those thighs!" Suzanne enthused to Alan. "I wish I had thighs like that. Don't you just want to run your big cock up and down those muscular thighs, leaving a trail of slimy cum wherever it goes?"

"Suzanne!" Susan griped. "That's so improper!"

"Sorry. I should have said 'penis.' I keep forgetting." Suzanne couldn't help but grin, as she was being deliberately obtuse about what Susan was complaining about. "Anyway, kid, I know your mom has a huge rack, and a face that belongs on the cover of magazines. But don't forget to appreciate the rest of her. Every inch of her is extremely fit and sexy. Susan, reach up to touch the sky."

Susan did just that, stretching her arms as high as they could go.

"Wow!" Alan said, with genuine awe.

Suzanne said to Susan, "Yep, I think he loves those undies you have on. Or, it could just be that he loves your body. That's the problem. Wait, I know. I'm holding his cock right now. Er, I mean, penis."

Susan shot her an annoyed look. Then she slowly turned and redirected her gaze to Alan's crotch. She was afraid to look there, but she couldn't resist. Sure enough, Suzanne's hand was inside Alan's shorts, obviously wrapped around Alan's turgid shaft.

"Don't worry, I'm just holding it. It's the best way to measure his arousal."

Susan griped, "Do you have to hold him INSIDE his shorts?"

"Of course! How could I get an accurate reading through all that fabric?" Suzanne seemed to have a change of heart. "But you're right; it is rather awkward and uncomfortable." Using her other hand, she unzipped the fly to Alan's shorts and then pulled them well down his thighs. "There. Is that better?"

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Susan sighed in defeat. "That's not what I meant!" She stared with undisguised lust at Suzanne's fingers tightly gripping Alan's fully-exposed pole. "That's a terribly improper sight!"

"Here, is this better?" Suzanne brought her other hand over to cup Alan's balls.

"Not at all!"

Alan was loving life, but he was careful not to ruin things by saying anything.

Suzanne chided Susan, "Then I suggest you avert your eyes. Anyway, take off your undies and then reach for the sky again. I'll check to see if his penis throbs more with or without the undies."

Susan considered that, but finally shook her head 'No.' "Sorry, I just can't. That's too outrageous!"

Suzanne let go of Alan's boner, stood up, and whispered in Susan's ear. "If you love your son, and I know you do, you have to get over these silly phobias! We need your help with just some innocent visual stimulation, and this is a perfect opportunity. Remember the things I told you to say when you were strutting around?"

Susan nodded.

"They'll work for you now. Repeat them to yourself in your mind. Confidence! You've got your high heels on, so wow him!"

"I don't like this," Susan grumbled, even though she was secretly loving every second. She stripped down to just her high heels, and then struck an extra sexy pose. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, knowing her son was examining every inch of her and loving what he saw.

Her heart thumped like a bass drum when she saw Suzanne sit back down and resume holding Alan's cock and balls. Darn it! She's so lucky! I'll bet her hand is burning up from the sheer heat of it! Throbbing and pulsing with youthful life and vitality!

But then she became aware of the fact that Alan was gawking lustily at her naked body. She remembered her "duty" to pose for him. As he continued to gawk, she kept repeating in her mind, I'm my son's personal cocksucker. I live to suck his fat cock! I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy slut! She was surprised to find that it actually helped a lot.

She began repeating the phrases over and over, like a personal mantra. Her confidence soared, and that increased the sexiness of her pose in subtle but significant ways.

Seeing that things were progressing swimmingly, within minutes Suzanne started stroking Alan's erection.

Susan immediately noticed and gave the inevitable protest, "Hey! You can't do that!"

Suzanne calmly replied, "Actually, I can. As long as I'm testing his reaction, I might as well help him with his problem, don't you think? Isn't that the most important thing?"

"Yes, but... take him back to his room for that. I can't bear to watch!"

Suzanne responded, "No, this is better. It's like fondling two balls with one hand, ha ha." She playfully lifted each of his balls in turn after saying that. "Seriously though, it is like killing two birds with one stone. You can help him with visual stimulation, and he can help you with your conditioning to get rid of your penis phobia."

Alan was trying to stay mum and just luxuriate in the erotic joy, but he couldn't help but ask about the "penis phobia" comment. "What does that mean?"

Susan muttered, "Never you mind."


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