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Chapter 229 It’s Not Like It Looks!
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Drunk Dargon (3/5)


Suzanne continued to lecture, "Susan, you're frustrated now, but tomorrow you'll thank me. This is what we're doing, learning to increase your self-control so you can become better and better at your job, at being one of Sweetie's top cocksuckers."

Alan thought. "Job?" "One of?" "Top cocksuckers?" As if I have a bunch?! Damn, I love the way Aunt Suzy thinks!

Suzanne said, "You don't REALLY want Ron to catch you with your son's cock halfway down your throat, do you? Think how messy that would be, in more ways than one."

With the wind knocked out of her sails, Susan let out a huge sigh. "No. I suppose not." But then she added with new hope, "But he's not coming home now, so what's the harm? In fact, we're going to see him. Right? Isn't that still that plan?"

"It is. But you can never be too careful. He could come home early, at any time. Imagine the look on Ron's face if he were to see your cutie Tiger fire a big cummy load all over your face! Don't you think he'd be shocked to see all that delicious cum splattered on your glasses, your cheeks, your chin, down your neck and chest, and even in your hair? You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?"

Susan wanted to exclaim, "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! Sorry, Ron, but I just love my son's cum!" She needed to climax so badly that she was practically ready to cry. But instead she sighed heavily again. "No. I suppose not."

"Then we need to move on to lesson two. Since you say your self-control is not the greatest, we need to prepare you for situations where you might get out of control and might end up in a compromising position. Come here and pretend to be stroking your Tiger's cock as he stands here."

Alan spoke up. "Correction: sits here." He promptly sat back on the edge of the bed. He felt like he had to because his shaky legs were about to give out on him.

Neither woman minded.

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Susan scooted closer, but paused before him. "Pretend? How do I pretend?"

"Place your hand around his shaft, but don't actually touch it. Just keep your fingers about an inch from it and slide your hand up and down just like you're really stroking it."

Susan complained, "But that's torture! Sheer torture!" Nevertheless, she started to do just that.

It was torture for Alan too. He could feel the air moving all around his erection, but that was all. Still, he kept quiet. He knew Suzanne was up to something and didn't want to ruin whatever it was.

Suzanne replied to Susan, "Hey, you're the one who made us give the 'no touching' promise. Now, I'm going to leave the room and then return. Imagine that I'm... Brad."

Susan asked, "Why Brad? Why not, say, Ron?"

Actually, Suzanne had been about to say "Ron" but at the last second decided that might bring up too many Oedipal issues that could interfere with the uncontrollable carnality she was aiming at, for Susan as well as Alan, especially given that Alan was right there. For similar reasons, she didn't want to say why she hadn't picked Ron. So instead she just said, "Think about it: what man is most likely to walk in on you? Not just today, but in the months and years to come. Ron is always overseas, Eric has his head stuck up his ass and would never leave his easy chair if he didn't have to come and go to work. That leaves Brad. He could stroll through the gate between our backyards at any time, though thank the Lord he hasn't done that lately."

"True," Susan admitted. "Just thinking about it, I get scared!" Her heart was already pounding wildly from sexual excitement, and hearing Suzanne say "months and years to come" practically made her swoon, due to the breathtaking possibilities that suggested. But the thought of danger made her heart pound even harder. Her hand kept almost jacking off Alan's erection. In fact, she was getting increasingly sloppy and sometimes making contact with it.

Suzanne said, "That's one reason why we're practicing, so you have a chance to think these things through. Now, if everyone's ready to start, let's do it. Instead of a sweaty, disheveled, and naked big-titted gal, imagine I'm a scruffy and surly boy all dressed in black. And I can't do his voice justice, so just use your imagination and pretend my scratchy voice is his smooth one. Okay?"

Susan froze her hand right over Alan's erection as she asked, "So wait. What do we do when you come in then?"

"Well, that's what we're role-playing about. You'll find out. Okay, here we go."

Suzanne turned around and walked out the door.

The second she turned, Susan grasped Alan's erection and began really stroking it. She muttered under her breath just loud enough for him to hear, "Forget this pretend stuff; I need some real cock!"

Both mother and son let out big moans of relief. Their mutual pleasure skyrocketed as they shared their forbidden handjob joy.

In her mind, she repeated her mantra: I'm my son's personal cocksucker. I live to suck his fat cock! I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy-slut! That made her feel even better, except that it increased her desire to be sucking and not just stroking.

But within twenty or so seconds, Suzanne came back in, and Susan was forced to move her hand back to the pretend stroking position. She didn't know what would happen if she were caught "cheating" by Suzanne, but she didn't want to find out.

Suzanne walked closer and said in a gruff voice, "What's going on here?!"

Susan found it easy to imagine that it really was Brad, despite Suzanne being completely naked and obviously all woman. In fact, Susan's entire body shivered in fright. But she had no idea what to do. She was completely naked too, of course, while Alan only wore his T-shirt. Furthermore, she was on her knees with her fingers obviously wrapped around his erection. Needing to say something, she burst out with, "Brad! It's not like it looks!"

Suzanne walked closer and switched out of her Brad role. "Good start. But if it's not like it looks, what is it, then?"

Susan said in a panicky voice, "I don't know! I can't think of anything even remotely plausible."

Suzanne replied. "Hmmm. Tough one. So our first conclusion can be, if you think you might get caught, don't get completely naked. ... Why don't you tell him you're giving Alan the birds and the bees talk?"

"Okay, I'll try that."

Suzanne walked back out and then right back in, not giving Susan even enough time to take a deep breath. She bellowed again, "What's going on here?!"

Susan turned to "Brad" and said, "It's not what you think! I'm giving Alan a frank talk about sex!" She continued to firmly grasp his boner.

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"What?! You've got to be kidding me!"

"No, I'm not. He's eighteen, and he doesn't know the first thing about a woman! I even have to show him what a handjob is!"

Suzanne, knowing her son Brad, went with the role. "Whoa! Alan, I must say that sounds kind of pathetic, but also kind of ... cool. Damn, with a mother looking like Susan, all I can say is, congratulations, you lucky dog!"

Now Suzanne was the one forced to deal with uncomfortable incest issues as it occurred to her, If Brad might congratulate Sweetie for getting a handjob from his hot mother, he might be equally delighted to get a handjob from his own hot mother - ME! Shit! I have no intention of that ever happening, and it's not ever going to happen because, among other things, it would completely ruin my plans for the Plummer family. I love my Sweetie, and I'm not interested in the slightest in any other man. In any case, I don't know if that's how he'd react. I was just going with the moment. I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong!

Suzanne was frozen with her mouth half open and about to speak when she was hit with these thoughts. But then she snapped to, stepped out of her role, and said, "Etcetera, etcetera. Good start."

Susan finally took a deep, relieved breath. She unthinkingly slid her fingers up and down Alan's shaft while staring Suzanne's way. "Do you really think that'll fly? Brad's not going to mind?! Would he actually believe that?"

"Frankly, probably not. I was just trying to channel how a horny teenage boy might react, but all the wine and nakedness could be skewing my answer. The truth is, sadly, I can't get into my son's head, and I don't know how he thinks. For all I know, he might just walk up to Alan and start punching him. But at least now we're thinking about the issue. And Susan, you can see that a bad answer is better than no answer at all. At least you have some plausible deniability. You and I can discuss what you might say to Brad later."

Susan nodded. She finally realized that she wasn't supposed to even be touching Alan's pole while Suzanne was watching, and she let go. Then she brought her hand back, but she was careful to encircle it without quite touching it, like she should have been doing all along.

Suzanne pretended not to notice that, but she slyly grinned to herself.


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