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Chapter 232 Brenda Finds The Family Secret !!
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Then, knowing Brenda was hooked on wanting to know more about Alan, Suzanne abruptly changed the focus. "But let's not talk about him. I'm afraid he's already taken. Several times over, in fact. Brenda, what we need to do is find a guy like that who is closer to your age and interests and is ideal for you. I have some suggestions."

Brenda stood up and started pacing around, because she was so worked up. "Hold on. Not so fast. I appreciate that, but before we do that, I'd like to know a little more about Alan. Are you sure he's really like that? And if he is, how is that possible?! The problem is, I would imagine that any guy that sexually... impressive would let success go to his head and soon turn into one of the macho asshole types you were just complaining about."

"That is the classic Catch-22," Suzanne said. "That's probably the main reason why guys like him are rarer than hen's teeth. But some guys just have a natural modesty, as well as some kind of innate ability to rock your socks off."

Brenda was pacing even more in agitation, going round in circles just outside their ring of chairs. "I can't believe it! Talk about cruel fate! He sounds ideal for me, and yet, Susan, he's your son! So close, and yet he's off limits. UGH!"

After more pacing, she stopped, then added sheepishly, "Truth be told, I kind of, ah... sensed that about him when I met him last Wednesday. It was clear there was something special about him, some kind of... I dunno... sexual magnetism."

Actually, that wasn't entirely true. Brenda had been intrigued by Alan's brief appearance at the card game, but that was mostly due to the way Susan and Suzanne had subtly hyped him. But now she was seeing him from a new perspective, and she was imagining him to be some kind of sexual superman. She had been sexually frustrated for a very long time. He was a blank slate for her, one that she was already starting to fill in with fantasies of her ideal, dominating lover.

Suzanne sensed that a hard-to-get approach was the way to go, for the moment. So she sighed in sympathy. "Yes, sadly, he's not right for you. In another time, another place, he would be perfect, from what I gather about you. But he's taken, several times over, like I said. That's why we need to find you someone else along those lines, instead of one of the corporate drones downstairs."

She hesitated, and then decided to throw caution to the wind, "In fact, when I say Alan is taken, I know that for a fact, because, well... truth be told... I'm kind of... one of his lovers."

"WHAT?!" Brenda practically exploded in shock. She stopped her pacing and stared at Suzanne in disbelief. Then she looked to Susan for confirmation. Susan didn't say anything, but the lack of a similar shocked reaction told her that it was true and Susan must be in the know.

Brenda pointed aggressively at Suzanne. "EXPLAIN!"

Suzanne said, calmly, "Sorry to shock you. But it's probably best that you know, since I'm hoping we'll become good friends, what with our planned weekly card games and so on. Like I said, and you noticed already, he's got tremendous sexual magnetism. Mind you, not in a blindingly obvious way. It's not like you'll drop your panties after just one smile from him. You have to really get to know him well first. Of course, I know him very well indeed, and one day it just dawned on me that he's one of those - the kind of vanishingly-rare 'real man' that I just described."

Brenda was bursting with curiosity. "So, then... what happened?!"

"Well, I can't kiss and tell. But suffice to say that one thing led to another and we got..." - she glanced at Susan, as if for permission - "...sexually intimate. And it was as great as I had hoped. Better, in fact! To be honest, I used to be like you. Until very recently, I thought such guys only existed in fiction. But now I know better. In fact, when I was describing my ideal 'real man,' it was easy as pie for me because I was simply describing him."

"A-ha! I knew it!" That was Susan again. "See, Brenda? What did I tell you? No wonder he popped into my mind right away. It was him all the time!"

In fact, Suzanne didn't really have an idealized view of a "real man" like that, and instead she was trying to describe what she imagined would most tempt a submissive woman like she guessed Brenda was. However, Susan thought Suzanne was being completely sincere about this, and she was responding with total sincerity too. That made her all the more convincing.

Brenda was still reeling from the surprise. She stared hard at Suzanne. "So wait. You expect me to believe that a woman of your age, experience, and beauty is involved with a mere kid like him?! I don't care HOW sexually impressive you claim he is; he's still just a kid! In high school, no less! And he's your best friend's son! That's just crazy!"

Suzanne shrugged nonchalantly. "Think what you want. Believe what you want. It doesn't matter to me. Assuming, that is, that you understand that I'm sharing this in the strictest confidence and you won't tell anyone else about it."

"But of course. That goes without saying."

"Good. Now, enough talk about Alan already. Brenda, as I've been trying to say, I understand the kind of man you're looking for, and I think I know where you can-"

Brenda interrupted, "Wait just a minute! We can't switch the topic just like that! That would be as if you said, 'By the way, I sat next to Elvis Presley on a plane flight the other day. Turns out he's still alive. Whod'a thunk it? So what's up with you lately?' You can't change topics until you give a full explanation!" She was so worked up that she gesticulated wildly.

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Suzanne chuckled. "Okay, fine. Now that I think about it, I suppose there's a few more things I can say. Maybe that'll put this issue to rest. For one thing, no, he hasn't gone all the way with me. Not yet. We only got sexually involved recently, after he'd turned eighteen. So, admittedly, some of what I said about my ideal 'real man' is speculation. But I think it's accurate, because we've done most everything short of that, and the sexual joy IS exactly as I described it! He makes me cum so often that sometimes I have to beg off because I simply can't take any more sexual ecstasy! And he can make me feel that way merely from me giving HIM a blowjob!"

Brenda's shock was subsiding, but she was still incredulous. "How can that be?! From a blowjob? Who even LIKES giving blowjobs?!" Her sour face showed her opinion on that.

Suzanne responded, "Hey, some of this is almost magical. It can't be explained. You have to experience it first-hand to truly understand. I'll bet you don't get much out of a titfuck either."

"No, I don't," Brenda replied, petulantly.

"Neither did I. All show, but not much spark. That is, until HE did it to me! Then it was nothing BUT sparks! I swear, the first time he fucked my tits, I nearly passed out! And when I craned my head down and licked his cockhead as it poked up through the top of my cleavage, I came so hard that I truly did see stars!"

In truth, Suzanne had enjoyed her sexual encounters with Alan, but not that much. She hadn't even taken part in a titfuck with him yet; she was taking some creative liberties in order to hype Alan to the max.

Brenda completely believed Suzanne despite not knowing her very well. That was mostly because she sensed how very honest Susan was, and Susan obviously believed the gist of Suzanne's account. But she asked, "How can that be?!"

Suzanne shrugged again. "Sex is a mysterious thing. Who could explain sexual attraction or sexual ecstasy to someone who's never felt it? In the same way, once you're with a man like Alan, you realize that everything you thought you knew about sex was wrong, or at the very least, incomplete. Brenda, I think you know me well enough to know that I'm a proud and dignified woman."

Brenda nodded.

"And yet, I call myself Alan's slut. Proudly! With my head held high! One of his sluts, I should say, because he has several. And I'm not going to hide behind false modesty. I'm a centerfold-worthy beauty, just like you are, and Susan is, for that matter. In fact, Playboy tried to recruit me back in college. But that's a story for another time. The point is, yes, I could pick from lots of other men, very impressive men, and I have in the past. But now I don't want any of them; I want Alan! And his other lovers, his other sluts, they're just as centerfold-worthy as I am."

"Busty!" That was Susan interjecting again.

"What was that?" Brenda asked.

"Sorry," Susan said sheepishly. "I was just thinking out loud again. 'Busty' came to mind. Because his lovers are not only all very beautiful, but they're all very busty too. He's quite a tit man, you see. It's really quite remarkable!" Actually, Susan was thinking mostly about herself and Suzanne, since she didn't know anything about his other lovers. But she was mindful of Suzanne's attempt to recruit Brenda to help Alan with his "medical problem," and she figured that by "accidentally" mentioning how endowed he liked his women, that would fire Brenda's desire.

It turned out she was right. Brenda thought, My God! That's doubly incredible! He sounds like my dream man, and I fit the profile of his dream woman perfectly! That's... that's... well, perfect! It's a shame Suzanne and his other sluts got to him first. Dammit! So frustrating, and yet so hot! Including the fact that they're called "sluts." Hell, even Suzanne freely calls herself one of his sluts! He must be something incredible indeed!

Brenda was lost in thought for nearly a minute. Somehow, she imagined herself lying naked in a huge bed. Alan was in the middle of it, and she was one of five or six gorgeous, voluptuous women lounging around him. Suzanne was one of them, and she and another unknown woman were taking turns bobbing on his erection. The others were mostly just caressing other parts of his body, or getting caressed by him or occasionally by each other. One woman was actually feeding him grapes from a bowl, as if he was a pampered emperor or sultan from ages past.

This vision fired Brenda's lust and made her entire body burn with need, because Suzanne was spot on about Brenda's submissive nature. In fact, Brenda was even more of a sub than Suzanne had guessed. She had never acted on any of her deepest hidden desires, at least not yet. But the fact that those desires had been repressed for so long had caused them to grow until wild submissive fantasies were about the only kind of fantasies she had.

A polite cough from Suzanne made Brenda finally realize that there was an awkward silence. That caused Brenda to snap back to the present. She asked Suzanne, "How do you deal with the fact that he has these other lovers?" Then, as she thought about it, she got more indignant. "And how is that even possible?! He's still in high school! Where did he find all these beauties anyway?!"

Suzanne replied cautiously, "Here and there. You'll understand that I can't name names or details. And understand too that some of them are older, sometimes much older, like me. Very few women of high-school age meet his minimum standards of beauty, or of..." - she nodded significantly in Susan's direction - "...bust size. Those are mere girls, not REAL women. But to answer your main question, of course it's frustrating having to share. But you learn to live with it. After all, he has a special sexual gift. It would be selfish of me not to let him share the joy with other deserving women."

Suzanne thought, Boy, I'm really ladling it on thick now. But Brenda seems to be intrigued, to say the least. I'll have to be careful though, or the gap between hype and reality will grow too great and shatter the illusion. Besides, there's a lot of truth to what I'm saying, and he does fit a lot of what a submissive woman like Brenda seems to want. The irony though is that he's kind of my creation too. Yes, he's becoming quite a sexually studly young man, and with multiple lovers to boot, but a lot of that's due to MY behind-the-scenes efforts! I'm going to have to speed up my efforts to turn him into the kind of man who can justify at least some of my hype.

Susan had been listening to Suzanne, so she nodded enthusiastically without really thinking about it. She wished she knew whatever Suzanne knew about Alan's other lovers. All she knew were that there were a lot of mysterious checkmarks on Alan's daily orgasm chart that weren't explained by her or Suzanne's help, and she knew that he wasn't masturbating anymore. She didn't realize that Suzanne was hyping Alan by hinting about impressive other lovers that she didn't really know anything about.

However, Brenda noticed Susan's enthusiastic nodding, and she had a realization. "HEY! Susan, you're nodding as if you're agreeing with that... from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! Furthermore, you fit his kind of woman to a tee! You're as busty and beautiful as a woman gets! You seem far too knowing and understanding about all this." She stood right in front of where Susan sat, then bent down until they were nearly nose to nose. "Tell me. Are you sexually involved with him too?!"

Susan tried to keep a poker face, but she caved in almost immediately. The guilt could be read clearly on her face, and the way she turned her head away was very telling. Figuring the gig was up, she muttered, "So... so what if I am?"

Brenda gasped.

The words rapidly rushed out of Susan's confessing mouth. "How could I help myself?! It just... kind of happened! He IS such an impressive young man! How could I resist?! Especially with his medical condition?!"

Suzanne was in total shock. Things happened too fast for her to do any damage control. When she heard Susan mention "his medical condition," she just slapped her own forehead in frustration and defeat.

Brenda stared hard at Susan's face from inches away. "Explain!"

Susan was starting to realize that she'd really screwed up, but it was too late to fix it now. She pleaded, "Promise not to tell anyone what I'm telling you? Ever?"

"I promise."

"He's an insatiable sex machine, just like Suzanne said. But it's an actual medical problem. He has to ejaculate many times a day or he's left in pain. Five, six, seven orgasms a day - that's normal for him."

Suzanne was relieved. Susan had censored her comment enough to avoid the medical diagnosis aspect, which was the part that Suzanne needed to keep secret since someone like Brenda might point out how laughably absurd the treatment was. In fact, Susan had luckily explained things in such a way as to further hype up his sexual prowess.

Susan hastened to add, "And I haven't really helped him that much. Since I am his mother, I try to limit myself to handjobs... for the most part." She blushed.

Suzanne wanted to slap her forehead again. Trying to divert Brenda's attention from that comment, she blurted out, "I think it's important to mention the fact here that Alan is ADOPTED and eighteen! There's no real incest going on, or even anything illegal."

It was obvious that Brenda heard all that, but she acted as if she hadn't. She kept on staring at Susan, causing Susan to squirm and turn her head away. Then, finally, she exploded again. "'For the most part?!' What does THAT mean?!"

Susan winced, shutting her eyes tightly. "Well, I have helped him with my mouth sometimes too."

Brenda stood back up and shook her head in sheer disbelief. "Incredible! Incredible! Everything is just too incredible! And yet... I believe it. All of it!"

Suzanne made a rash decision. Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! What to do now?! The cat is already out of the bag. Brenda knows about the incest and there's no plausible way to get her to un-know it! Short of maybe killing her, that is, but that isn't even an option. I'm a schemer, but an ethical one. Her knowledge of the incest could be very dangerous for everyone at the Plummer house. It could ruin us all!

But... I've been scheming to get Brenda sexually involved with Sweetie anyway. If I could be successful with that, and not just as a one-time stand but a serious sexual connection between her and him, the incest revelation could actually turn out for the best. It could help bind her to us as one of our gang, and we wouldn't have to always be hiding the truth from her. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. The fact that my hunch is right, that Brenda is submissive, is a HUGE break! If I can get her to submit to him in some sort of fashion, then it naturally follows she'll be loyal to him and she'll guard our incest secret just as carefully as the rest of us would.

Which, I must admit right now, is not very well at all. Susan is terrible at lying. Even if she manages to keep her mouth shut, her face gives her away. But that's a problem to worry about later. The key thing is, I'm sort of halfway through seducing Brenda into our group. Now I have no choice. It's all the way in, or disaster!

By now, thanks to all these sobering, shocking revelations, none of the women were even tipsy anymore. In fact, Brenda was wired with energy and didn't know what to do about it.

The three of them talked some more, but without saying much of anything. The problem was that Brenda was still so incredulous that she kept asking the same simple questions over and over again, even though she knew what the answer would be. For instance, she asked Susan about five different ways if she was REALLY sexually intimate with her own son, and of course Susan gave roughly the same answer every time.

After about five minutes of this, Suzanne spoke up. "Look. If I could make a suggestion here... I think we're just spinning our wheels. Brenda, I think you're still in shock about this, and that's fully understandable. It's getting late, and we're getting tired. I say we call it a night. That'll give you a chance to sleep on it and digest this news. Tomorrow we can get together for coffee or something like that, and resume this talk with a fresh perspective. What do you say?"

Susan agreed to that. More crucially, Brenda did too. It was a well-timed suggestion, because Brenda truly didn't know what to say or even think, and she did need time to process things.

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Their little group broke up shortly thereafter, after some awkward goodbye hugs and pecks. The party was coming to an end in general, since it was a Sunday night and even most of the rich guests had to work in the morning. Just before Brenda went her own way, Suzanne got her to repeat her promise that she wouldn't tell anyone else about this, ever.

Susan and Suzanne were mindful of being overheard, so they didn't talk any more about it until they were in Suzanne's car together and headed for home. (Ron had come in a different car so it was taken as a given he'd leave on his own too. They deliberately avoiding running into him on the way out.)

Susan started to apologize about revealing the incest secret. "I'm so sorry! So very, very sorry!"

Suzanne grumbled. "Please, don't get started. It happened, and it's too late to change that now. Of course I'm unhappy about it, but we'll talk about it tomorrow. Besides, it's not just your fault. I need to shoulder some of the blame for letting the situation develop that way in the first place."

After a long pause, a very worried Susan asked, "Are we... are we all... ruined... now?!"

There was another long pause, then Suzanne replied, "No, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure we can sleep sound tonight. This is a case of the dog that didn't bark."

"What does that mean?"

"It's from a Sherlock Holmes story. He solves a case due to a dog that doesn't bark. A dog should have been there and should have barked, but it didn't, so that was the key clue that broke the case for him. With Brenda, sure, she was very shocked. But think about what she DIDN'T say, and how she DIDN'T act. There was no condemnation about how wrong it was, what a big sin it is, and so on. In fact, if you think about it, she didn't say a single word to that effect, did she?"

"My goodness, you're right! She didn't!"

"Think about how the old prudish you would have reacted, before you got your new, enlightened understanding about what incest really is. You would have had a complete conniption fit and damned everyone to Hell. Clearly, Brenda is looking at this in a very different way than that, and I think I know why. But it's just a theory, and that'll have to wait until tomorrow. The bottom line is, she's not going to call the police or do anything rash like that. She did explicitly promise to keep the news to herself. Our secret is safe with her - at least for now."

Susan held her hands together as if in prayer, and looked up to the sky. "Thank the Lord!"

"Tomorrow, we'll have to do whatever it takes to make sure our secret stays safe with her forever. Trust me, okay? I'm not going to let any harm come to you, no matter what happens. Even if she DID call the police or something along those lines, I'd somehow wiggle us out of it. That's what I do. I'm really good at scheming. So rest easy. Everything is going to be okay."

Susan had been sitting up stiffly, but she sat back in her car seat and let out a big sigh of relief. "Thank you for saying that. You're the best! Where would I be without you?"

When they got to their homes, both Alan and Katherine were already asleep in their beds. Ron was still at the party, but he returned a short time later.

Susan thought that she would be up half the night tossing and turning about Brenda knowing too much, but the opposite happened and she was dead asleep by the time Ron got home. Partly, she was emotionally and physically exhausted. Partly, the Brenda situation meant her head wasn't filled with lusty thoughts and fantasies about Alan, as had become the usual trend. But mostly she trusted Suzanne so implicitly that she felt no serious harm could happen to her or her loved ones as long as Suzanne said things would be okay.


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