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6 Times a Day

Chapter 234 That’s Your Most Important Duty Right Now, As A Good Mother
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Susan awoke and praised the Lord for giving her another day, just like she did every day. Then it hit her. Oh... GOD! What did I do yesterday?! And last night! Things were so out of control! She looked over at Ron as he slept, and gasped. I'm such a wicked woman! Dear Lord, please forgive me!

Then another thought hit her. Oh NO! The incest secret! Brenda knows! I was such a fool! What's going to happen to us now?!

But with Ron there, she had no choice but to put on a happy facade and go through her usual morning routine.

She was able to keep a surface appearance of normality until Ron left for work and her kids left for school. Then she sat around, anxiously awaiting Suzanne's arrival for their usual workout session.

As soon as Suzanne let herself in the front door, an angry Susan let her have it. "Suzanne, some friend you are! What have you done to me?!"

Suzanne looked surprised, but she wasn't really. She knew she'd pushed Susan pretty far yesterday, so the odds of such a backlash were high. But juicy opportunities had come up that she hadn't been willing to pass up, and she figured it was worth it all in the long run. "What's wrong?" she asked innocently.

"Everything. Just everything!"

"Whoa. But don't worry. I told you I'll figure out how to contain the Brenda situation."

"It's not just that. In fact, that's almost the least of my worries, because I trust you to handle that scheming kind of thing. No, that's just a symptom of how my life has spun out of control with all this, this... sexual craziness!"

"Hmmm. This sounds serious. But we are still going to do our workout, right?"

Susan grumbled, "Yes, eventually, I suppose." Then she added sharply, "But first, I've got some things to say to you!"

"Good. I've got my leotard on underneath these clothes, as usual. I've gotta go to the bathroom. Why don't you change and meet me in the basement? I'll get us both a nice cup of herbal tea, and you can tell me all about it."

"Oh... very well!" Susan stomped off.

A couple of minutes later, Susan and Suzanne met in the basement where they always worked out. Suzanne didn't expect her stalling tactic would help much, but she'd noticed Susan's attitude about sex varied greatly depending on how much clothing she wore at the time. By getting both of them into their relatively skimpy spandex exercise outfits, she hoped that would improve matters.

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Susan stood up and started in on Suzanne again. "Yesterday really took the cake! I think I must be totally out of my mind. When I think about all the things I said and did, I can't believe that was me! And that was even BEFORE the problem with Brenda!"

Suzanne just sat there and nodded. She let Susan vent for a while.

Susan was particularly steamed about the words Suzanne had told her to say to herself over and over again: "I'm my son's personal cocksucker. I live to suck his fat cock! I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy slut." Then, Susan had said them happily and proudly, but now she was too ashamed to say them at all, and only referred to them indirectly, blushing while doing so.

When Susan finally ran out of steam a few minutes later, Suzanne began to speak. "Whoa! I can see you're upset. That's very understandable. Yesterday was quite a wild day, wasn't it? But don't worry; this is all a part of adjusting to the big changes in your life. I'm sure that by tomorrow you'll feel a lot better about everything."

Susan paced around, agitated. "But I don't WANT to adjust. I don't WANT these big changes, thank you very much! The only explanation I can think of is that the news of Ron's cheating has shocked me so much that I've gone a bit off the deep end for a while."

"That may be part of it," Suzanne said calmly. "But you have to face the facts. This is a family in crisis. And I'm not even referring to Ron and the possible end of your marriage. I'm talking about Alan and his time of need. Have you forgotten about that? Have you forgotten about how much he needs your help now?"

Susan threw her arms up in the air in frustration. "Why does he need THAT kind of help?! Why can't he need some normal help, like help with his homework, or help losing weight, or something that's not an ethical and even religious dilemma for me?"

Suzanne let out a sympathetic sigh. "I know. It's tough. But he does need 'that' kind of help. And you can't go back on your pledge to help now. He's in a very tough spot, trying to keep up with that relentless six-times-a-day schedule, and your rejection would devastate him."

That statement left Susan gasping, leading her to collapse with a heavy sigh onto a nearby padded bench. "I'm not rejecting him, not at all! I love him so much! You talk to him for me, please! Tell him that I can still do the abnormality check if need be, but that's all I can handle. Please!"

Suzanne gave a very disapproving look. "Susan! That's not all you promised to him, you know. You promised to be his personal cocksucker. One of them, actually. But it takes all of us, working together, for him to even have a chance to keep up with his daily targets! You know that! Are you going to let him down?"

Susan looked very sad. "No, of course not. But do you have to say that kind of thing?"


"You know. His personal... you-know-what."

"Those are just words. They're meaningless in and of themselves, so don't worry about it."

"But I DO worry! It sounds so SHAMEful!"

Suzanne shot back, "But they're true, so how can you complain? You are one of his personal cocksuckers, are you not? Or do you plan on sucking any other penises?"

Susan's heart leapt to her throat as she thought about sucking on Ron's penis. Oh dear! He IS my husband, and he is still in town. I probably should do that for him, since I never have. But why does the mere thought fill me with... disgust? Whereas, every time Suzanne calls me Tiger's "personal cocksucker," it jolts me and makes me tingle in all my naughty places!

Suzanne smirked, glad to see that Susan had effectively answered that by failing to mention Ron. "I know you're a GREAT mother, for him, and for Angel. You'd suffer any torture, pay any price, endure any burden, to help them and protect them. Wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would! I'd take a bullet for either of them! But..." She dropped her head down low. "If it was something like torture, that would be so much better. But the problem is... I love helping him too much!" She dramatically bit her lip and then looked away.

Suzanne reached out and put her hand on Susan's shoulder. She patted it in sympathy. "I know exactly what you mean. Some people would find your comment silly, but I understand all your issues. After all, we discuss this almost every day. Mostly, you worry about losing control, going too far, and where it will all lead."

Susan nodded anxiously - very, very anxiously.

"You forget one thing: I'm here for you! I won't let this overwhelm you. No way!" This was a blatant lie, but she considered it a benevolent one. "You should just focus on your task at hand: stroking and sucking your son's turgid member whenever he needs it. If you find yourself tempted to do more, to commit forbidden sex acts, and maybe even to commit incest, that's just not going to happen! I'll be there to make sure of that. And our Sweetie will too. I'll have a good talk with him and make sure he understands the importance of respecting your boundaries. You KNOW he's a good kid, and you KNOW he'd never do anything to disappoint you, don't you?"

Suzanne secretly loved how she'd somehow been gradually able to convince Susan over the last few days that blowjobs and handjobs with Alan weren't really incest, although Susan sometimes tended to back-slide on that point of view, particularly during her prudish episodes.

Susan nodded. She wiped her face with a hand towel, even though they hadn't started exercising yet, because the discussion was literally, as well as figuratively, making her hot and bothered. She could almost feel her lips sliding back and forth on her son's thick shaft as she said, "I'm not worried about him so much as I'm worried about ME! Suzanne, I just love it too much! Someone else needs to take my place who can be more level-headed about things."

She actually had to stop for a moment to regain her focus, because she had started to salivate and space out. "The problem is, I've never really had any sexual joy in my life. Never! After what I've done with Tiger in recent days, I realize I've never had sex with Ron or anyone else before, for all practical purposes. Cutting my fingernails was more arousing than sex with Ron!"

She sighed and looked down again. "And then... Tiger's medical problem came along. And all of a sudden, helping him has become the most exciting thing in my life, by far! It's like I'm trying to make up for nearly forty sexless years in a single day!" She looked up pleadingly. "I can't stop! I don't want to stop! It's all I can think about lately. Take this morning. I woke up, and immediately felt horrified over what I'd done yesterday. But when I was taking my morning shower..."

She suddenly turned away. "No. I can't tell you. It's too shameful!" Her chest heaved up and down repeatedly due to a lusty surge that stimulated her entire body.

"Tell me!" Suzanne insisted.

Susan wiped her face again and tried to calm her excited breathing. "Well... do you insist?"

"I do!"

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"Okay... I'll try. ... The shower started out fine, but when I began to soap up and run my hands all over my wet body, I found myself thinking that those were Tiger's hands! I got so excited, I nearly had a... well, a powerful tingle! I swear, if he had walked in on me just then, I would have dropped to my knees and sucked on his big fat thing with a desperate hunger until he squirted all over my face! So help me God!"

Just as Susan feared, simply talking about that doubled her arousal. She crossed her arms under her massive rack in a futile effort to hide just how horny she had become.

Suzanne was secretly pleased, although her face showed sympathetic concern. "But that's a GOOD thing, Susan! Hear me out. Please. Your cutie Tiger is in his time of need right now, and frankly, I don't know if he's going to make it with this challenging daily schedule. And if he doesn't get his energy back, what kind of future will he have? Let's not even think about that! And unfortunately, there's no one else who can take your place! Sure, he's getting some mysterious help at school, and elsewhere, but that'll probably only provide two or three of his daily orgasms. We should be grateful we're getting that much help. Otherwise, it's all up to you and me. Or would you rather see him suffer the sin of Onan?"

"No! Not that! Anything but that!"

Suzanne was secretly amused at the strength of Susan's revulsion to the whole "Onan" argument. That was one of her most effective ploys yet. She added, "Remember the famous religious saying, 'It's better to shoot your seed into the belly of your mother than have it land on the ground.'" She couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that deliberate misquote.

Susan earnestly replied, "I think about it all the time, ever since you mentioned it to me the other day. It gives me great spiritual comfort."

"Good. As it should. So he needs your enthusiasm. He needs your beautiful body, and your gorgeous face. He needs your big tits, your perfect bubble butt, and your long and shapely legs. The fact is, he's told me that nothing inspires and arouses him more than his 'beautiful big-titted mommy.'"

Susan's body tingled even more upon hearing that. She longed to reach under her top and play with her erect nipples, but she didn't dare do that with her best friend watching.

Suzanne could tell she was having a positive effect, so she added enthusiastically, "That's right! You're like his personal Playboy bunny! He needs to fondle you, caress you, and kiss you. All over your hot body! He needs to nibble on your ear, and lick your neck, and tell you how much he loves you while your fingers slide up and down his thick, hot erection. How will he make it through all this, if he can't do those things to you whenever he wants?"

Susan clutched her hands to her chest, which she sometimes did when she got aroused but was trying to fight it. "Oh, Suzanne! Don't say that, please. It sounds too good! I could spend all day lying naked with him, doing all those wonderful things."

"And you should sometimes! That's your most important duty right now, as a good mother."


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