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6 Times a Day

Chapter 235 It’s Workout Time!
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Susan abruptly asked, "But what if this is all a moot point anyway? What if Brenda tells others about us?! I trust you to handle that situation, and yet-"

Suzanne cut her off. "I know that's on your mind, and it's on mine too. But let's just focus on one problem at a time, okay? We'll deal with this first and then come back later to the Brenda issue, okay?"

Susan nodded.

"Good. Now, there's the little matter of his cock."

Susan said, "It's not so little."

It wasn't really meant as a joke, but more like pointing out an absurdity, an oxymoron like "jumbo shrimp." But Suzanne used it as an excuse to chuckle, and then smile, to help lighten the mood. "True. So true. Let's face it. It is a big cock. A huge cock, even. And it's a demanding cock. We never knew until recent weeks just how powerful and demanding his cock is."

"Ain't that the truth," Susan said with another sigh. She was so emotionally worked up, she forgot to correct Suzanne's repeated use of the word "cock."

Suzanne took full advantage of that, since that taboo word for Susan always had an arousing effect on her. "And in his time of need, the most important thing of all is that you pleasure his cock. You stroke it. ... Lick it. ... Suck it. ... Tease it. ... Please it. ... Love it. ... Serve it."

Suzanne was using dramatically long pauses, and Susan's heart raced wildly as she hung onto every word. That last phrase hit her like a sucker punch. She whispered in a mixture of lust, fear and awe, "'Serve it?'"

Suzanne went on, "Yes, serve it. Sweetie is also going through an emotional roller-coaster these days. In these crucial days, he needs the reassurance that he has someone he can count on day or night. He needs to know you'll always be there to serve his big fat cock with your loving tongue, your loving lips, and your loving hands. He needs the confidence that only having you as his personal big-titted cocksucker can provide."

Suzanne knew that every time she used words like "big-titted" and "cocksucker" it raised Susan's pulse a bit, so she used them at every opportunity.

Susan was getting hornier by the minute, but she was still trying hard to hide it. She asked, "But why can't you be that special someone? Why does it have to be me?"

"Oh, but I am. I'll proudly call myself his personal cocksucker too. Or do you think someone with needs as big as his can get by with only one personal cocksucker?"

"Well..." Susan was too overwhelmed to know what to think. One should be enough, shouldn't it? But Suzanne is so convincing. And Tiger does have a big, delicious cock. I meant "need!" Big "need!" He needs me to suck and slurp all over it! I can practically feel the tip of my tongue dancing all over his sweet spot! Darn it, I have to stop salivating or she's going to notice!

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Realizing that she'd totally spaced out, Susan asked, "Sorry, you were saying?"

Suzanne swept on. "I said he needs someone to help him day and night. To serve his demanding cock. And I certainly am in this house many hours each day, but there are so many more hours I'm not here! Imagine what could happen after Ron is gone. It's three o'clock in the morning, and Tiger wakes up with a raging boner! What does he do? Where does he go? To Katherine?"

"No! Dear God, no!"

"That's right. But given his grave situation, he can't just skip that opportunity and go back to sleep. Why don't you tell me what should happen, if you're a kind and loving mom."

Susan started tentatively. "Well, he'd probably knock on my door, and tell me he has a problem. Naturally, I'd wake up and invite him in. And he'd be naked. Gloriously, completely naked! And his huge boner would be standing proud, like a soldier on parade!" That sounded so tempting, she had to repress the urge to fling her clothes off right then and there.

"Yes! Very good. And what would you be wearing?"

"Well, I might sleep in the nude. Or better yet, I'd wear a really sexy and revealing nightie, in the hopes that something just like this would happen. I'd sit up and let him see my big boobs bouncing around in my transparent lingerie. I'd strike a really sexy pose, letting him know that I was eager to serve him. Then I'd say: 'Come to Mommy!'" By that time, there was a big blissful smile on Susan's face.

"Yes? And?"

"And he would! And it would be glorious! He'd climb up on top of me and show me what a virile man he is. First, we'd kiss and make out for a while, and then while we neck I'd happily stroke his ten-inch cock!"

"It's eight inches, actually." Even though Suzanne was constantly trying to hype Alan to Susan, she just couldn't let that anatomical inaccuracy go by without objection.

"Whatever. But I wouldn't do that for long, because his mighty cock has big needs! Big demands! I'd sit up on my bed on my knees, because a good mommy cocksucker belongs on her knees!"

"That's the spirit!" Suzanne chimed in. "But why are you still wearing your nightie? Now's the time to take it off!"

"Yes!" Susan was so far gone into her fantasy that she pulled her spandex top off and tossed it away without really thinking. She cupped the undersides of her newly-bared tits and pressed them together. It was like she was in a sexual fugue, only dimly aware that she was still speaking to Suzanne instead of to her son Alan. "Come to Mommy, Son! Cum ON Mommy! Let my tongue make love to your cock, for an hour or more! Mommy loves you so much! She loves to help you with your special spermy needs so very, very much!"

Suzanne snapped Susan out of her reverie by saying, "Listen to yourself, Susan. You love to help him with his special spermy needs so very much. You do!"

Susan looked down at her bare chest in disbelief. "What the heck?! How did that happen?!"

Suzanne soothed her, "Don't worry about it. And don't you dare cover up. That's the real you. You know it feels right and tastes right. The false you is the one who blindly repeats the teachings of your weird church back in Nebraska. You were brainwashed, pure and simple, by people who hated sex. Jesus didn't want us to all live sexless lives! Think about how much Tiger will need you at three in the morning, and then tell me that I'm wrong! Who else will be there to help, if not you?"

"I don't know," Susan said, feeling sad again, even though her arousal level stayed sky high. She continued to clutch at her super-sensitive breasts. "Nobody, I guess."

"That's right. Even during the day, there are many times when I won't be there. Nobody has a more important role than you. Forget about incest! Forget about intercourse! Forget about all that bad stuff. We'll make sure that never happens." That was another lie. "Just focus on handjobs and blowjobs. That's how you can help him the most."

Susan stood up and assumed a dramatic pose, clutching a fist in the air. "You're right. As usual, you're so right! Tiger needs me! Maybe it's fate, or maybe it's God's will, but my role is to suck and stroke. Whenever Tiger gets a big boner, I need to be there, on my knees, ready to serve. Because that's what good mommies do!"

"Good! Very good! But Susan, that's not all. You can't afford to wait for him to happen to pop a boner. You need to be proactive, and provide visual stimulation as much as you can. Help inspire the boner, then stimulate it as long as you can, and then take his blast of potent seed on your face or chest or straight into your mouth. Then repeat until his balls are drained dry. That's what good mommies do. And I can help. Since I won't always be there, I need to teach you all I know about how to please and pleasure a superior cock like Alan's."

"Well, let's get started then!" Susan said with determination. She thought about Suzanne's supposed Biblical quote, "It's better to shoot your seed into the belly of your mother than have it land on the ground." That strengthened her resolve. Then she thought about Suzanne's words that had been bothering her so much, "I'm my son's personal cocksucker. I live to suck his fat cock! I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy slut." At this point, far from being bothered, those words inspired and thrilled her. Yes, I am! Yes, I AM!

Turning back towards Suzanne, she said, "I'm sorry about my little pity party this morning, but I'm over it now, and it's all thanks to you."

Suzanne just smiled and nodded in understanding.

Susan hesitated. "There's just one favor I want to ask."

"Sure. Anything for you. You know that."

Susan's face turned sad and she clutched at her bare breasts protectively, seemingly newly ashamed of her exposure. "Promise me you'll take care of all Tiger's special needs until Ron is gone."

Suzanne was stunned. She thought she'd done well in turning Susan's mood completely around, but this request turned her thoughts of victory to those of impending defeat. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I know, I know, you always tell me that a good big-titted mommy should help her son at any time of day or night, and I will. I will! But not until AFTER Ron leaves! I need time to adjust to everything, and I don't want to disrespect him like that."

"But he's disrespected you with his cheating."

"Maybe so, but loyalty and fidelity mean a lot to me, and he's not a bad person overall. Please... help me with this! I almost had a nervous breakdown this morning, thinking about what happened last night. I can only handle so much!"

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Suzanne nodded. Hearing the mention of a near nervous breakdown made her think that she was pushing Susan too hard. Last night was a major, major breakthrough. Of course she needs some time to adjust to that. Ron will be leaving soon anyway. It's just that I'm so eager to achieve all my dreams, it's hard to wait. I need patience. I don't want to hurt my best friend in the process of bringing both of us to our heaven on earth.

Susan's face lit up, seeing Suzanne's agreement. "Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Suzanne raised her hand. "Hold on. I'll try. If Tiger needs me, call me and I'll be there in a flash. But there may be times when I can't be there. Then you'll need to decide how to deal with his blue-balls situation, if that happens, to avoid him being injured."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Susan said, suddenly bursting with enthusiasm because this compromise greatly reduced the conflict that was stressing her, causing her to be depressed. "You live next door, after all."

Suzanne warned, "Also, there's his abnormality check next Tuesday. You're the only one who can do that."

Susan waved that off. "That'll be fine. I got carried away with that before, but I have the self-control now to keep it to just that: an honest-to-goodness abnormality check. Now, let's get to the other stuff! Tell me everything!"

"I will, I will. But first things first. Since we're down here and dressed for the occasion, let's do our morning exercises. Then I'll pick up on what we were doing last night with clothes, and teach you more about how to dress to turn his flaccid little cock into a towering tube of throbbing manly might! If you do it right, you can make him hard at will!"

"Oooh! Sounds good!" Susan dropped her hands to her sides and thrust her bare tits out proudly, as if she were posing for her son. "Can't we do that now, and exercise later?"

"Susan, might I remind you, keeping our bodies in tip-top shape is just as vital to serving his cock in the bigger picture, especially since we're both getting older. Remember last night, when he said you were his 'beautiful centerfold mom' and how much he loves you? Do you or do you not want to be his 'centerfold mom' anymore? That takes work, to look that good! Hard work and eating right. Or do you want some sweet, beautiful, big-titted young thing to come along and take most of his attention?"

"Scratch that. It's workout time!" Susan pumped her fist in the air to express her determination.

Suzanne snickered inwardly as she watched Susan put her top back on so they could start working out together. I swear, manipulating her is too easy. It really is like taking candy from a baby, although no one knows just what buttons to push and when except for me. I'd feel bad, except I know the new Susan is going to be a thousand times happier than the old one. Her transformation is already inspiring and heartening. She's really having FUN and letting go for the first time in her life! The only problem is getting past these little setbacks. But as long as I'm here to manage them right when they pop up, we should be fine.


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