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6 Times a Day

Chapter 243 I Am?! That’s News To Me! - Alan
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Suzanne put her clothes back on while Alan rested with his eyes closed.

Then she nudged him to make sure he wasn't falling asleep. "Okay, kid, make yourself presentable. Now that we've gotten our horny urges out of the way, we've gotta talk about some serious stuff. I say we do it upstairs, on the sun deck."

He stirred and started pulling his shorts back on. "Why there?" The sun deck wasn't used very often, since everyone preferred the backyard pool area.

"I don't want someone to walk in on us. I know for a fact that Ron's going to be at his office and then go straight to a restaurant to meet Susan there, so he's not a problem. But I don't want Susan or Katherine walking in and interrupting us. If we use your bedroom, well, one thing could easily lead to another. And it's getting late in the afternoon, so that's a good time to catch the sunset, if we stay long enough."

They went up to the sun deck together and sat in white plastic deck chairs, facing each other. Suzanne had put on a different dress than what she'd been wearing earlier. It was red and skin-tight. She wore dark sunglasses too.

Alan started things off by saying, "Aunt Suzy, I just gotta say you look GOOD. And I mean even-better-than-usual good. That dress... is it new?"

She smiled widely, and struck a sexy pose in her seat. "As a matter of fact, yes, relatively speaking. And thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere."

He returned her smile. "So... no hanky panky?"

"Nope, sorry. Okay, let's get started. This may seem out of the blue for you, but the thing I want to talk to you about is Brenda."


"You remember her from Wednesday, don't you?"

"Sure. It's hard to forget anyone with a face and a figure like that. What about her?"

Suzanne briefly raised her sunglasses and locked her steely eyes on him before purring, "Would you like to fuck her?"

Alan was so shocked that his body recoiled backwards. "Fuck her?!"

Suzanne could feel a devilish smile coming on. She licked her lips and confided, "Yes. Fuck. Her. As in, fuck your cock into her and make her scream your name in passion. I was wondering if you'd want to do that on, shall we say... a regular basis?""What?!" He looked all around, as if trying to find hidden cameras that were recording this for some comedy TV show. "You can't be serious!"

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"I can. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"You won't even let me fuck you! And she's so curvy, cute, and sexy that it's ridiculous. Why the heck would you set me up with her? I'm having so much sexual success lately that it's like a living Twilight Zone episode. It doesn't make sense!"

"You are, but don't let it go to your head, because a lot of that is because of me, your secret guardian angel. And that's the case here. You really are the luckiest guy in the world, because not only am I suggesting that you should seduce Brenda, for all intents and purposes, I'm pretty much ordering you to do it."


She smiled while her eyes danced with mirth. "I know. Your brain is about to explode from yet another sexy shock. Unfortunately, it's not all good news. I need you to do that to solve a big problem we have. You see, Susan and I ran into her by chance at the party we went to last night. The three of us were drinking, we got to talking in a chummy way, and, well, to make a long story short, it kind of slipped out that you and Susan are sexually intimate."

"WHAT?!" He stood up in alarm. "Oh SHIT!"

She patiently waved a hand downward. "Relax. Sit back down. Nobody knows but her, and it turns out that she's pretty cool about it. If some outsider had to find out, she's about the least troubling we could hope for. We had her over for lunch today and had a big talk with her about it. I think I'd better tell you the whole story."

For the next ten minutes, she related what had happened with Brenda both the previous night and earlier that day. She also told him a lot about Brenda, just to make sure that he knew everything he needed to know in advance.

Eventually she concluded, "So now you can see why I say you need to seduce her. If she's on our side, if she considers herself one of us, then the incest secret will stay safe. I'm sure you can rise to the challenge."

Alan was worried and spoke his mind. "Are you kidding me?! I'm flattered, and this sounds like the set-up to a porn movie or something. But the truth is, I'm no seducer. All the sexual success I've had, I basically fell into it. The only time I really took the initiative was when I asked Christine out, and she turned me down flat. And Brenda - God! She's waaaaay out of my league! I had no problem talking to her before, but now, knowing the stakes, I'd be a mess. I'd be way too intimidated to even get started. Hell, I don't even know what getting started would be! What am I supposed to do?!"

Suzanne smiled patiently. "Relax again already. Like I said, I'm your secret guardian angel. Do you think I'd let you flail around and make a fool of yourself? No way! Especially not with what's at stake here. You'll be glad to know that I'm already on the case. I'm working on making it so that practically all you'll have to do is show up and say 'Hi' and she'll cream her panties."

He settled down a bit, but gave her a skeptical eye. "Come on. How is that possible?"

"I have my ways. Look at what happened to Susan and how her sexual attitude turned around so quickly. Do you think that was your doing? You've played your role well, but I've been working behind the scenes to pave the way, and I'm still busy every day with that. I'm already well on the way to doing the same thing with Brenda. Luckily, it turns out that we have a secret weapon of sorts."

"What's that?"

"Brenda's buried desires. Not only is she not stubbornly prudish, like Susan used to be, but it turns out that, deep down, she's very sexually submissive. Do you know what that means?"

"Of course. I've seen that in porn and read about it in erotic stories and stuff."

"Good. Actually, she's very much like your mom. Remember how I was saying earlier that your mom likes it if you act in a dominant way and give her orders and the like? That's what you need to do with Brenda too. Only Brenda doesn't realize she's that way and she may fight her true nature at first. But if you play your cards right, this should be easy. I've found out that she's been living a vivid submissive life, but only in her fantasies. If you can make that happen for her in the real world, she'll be easy pickings, like falling off a log."

He spoke emphatically. "That's easy for you to say, but I don't know the first thing about any of this! I'm not a naturally dominant kind of guy at all. And she's so intimidating that even thinking about trying to seduce her is making my heart race!"

"Au contraire! I'll be the first to admit that you're not the stereotypical alpha male by any means, but I've been seeing how you sexually interact with Susan, and you have some sort of natural knack. I'll admit that it's subtle, but it's there. I'm going to train you so you can handle Brenda at our next card game on Wednesday."

He wailed unhappily, "Wednesday?! But that's the day after tomorrow!"

"Chill out already. You don't have to actually seduce her then! This is a long-term scheme. It may well be a 'two steps forward, one step back' kind of thing. The occasional slip-up is okay. If you can seduce her within a month, that would be plenty fast enough. On Wednesday all you need to do is talk to her and come off impressively."

He sat back, relieved. "Oh. I can do that. I thought you were basically saying, 'Seduce her right now. Go.'"

Suzanne chuckled. "No, we're not that desperate. She's vowed to keep the incest secret to herself, and I trust her on that. This is more of long-term insurance. Susan and I are busy befriending her, which helps. If you can bring her to heel and keep her as your sex pet or whatever you call it, then we'll be safe as houses for years to come." Normally, she didn't approve of a term like "sex pet," but she used that to provoke and inspire him.

"Whoa! Are you serious?! 'Sex pet?' 'For years to come?!'"

"Sure. This is a one-way ticket. Once you've seduced her, you can't back out or we'll really be in trouble. If she's as submissive as I think she is, she's practically chomping at the bit to have a lover or even a master just like you. So why can't it be you?"

He groaned loudly. "UNGH! Do you realize how frigging arousing this is? But it's totally scary too! I mean, she's not just a hottie; she's, like, supermodel hot! She's practically on the same level as you and Mom!"

Suzanne grinned. "I know. That's why I haven't even asked you if you approve of the seduction idea." She stared knowingly at the bulge in his crotch. "I can see your soldier is saluting the idea in a big way."

He stared off into the distance, wide-eyed. "Duh! Man! How could it not?!"

"This is a no-brainer. The only question is making it happen. Just remember that I'm in your corner, working behind the scenes all the time. If you screw up, I can almost certainly contain the damage. I know she's ridiculously wealthy, and just as outrageously busty and beautiful, but she's been hiding her submissive side so well that nobody figured it out until your clever auntie came along." She winked. "So if you follow my advice, it really is a can't-lose situation."

There was a prolonged silence. Finally, he said, "Why does this kind of thing keep happening to me?! The things that are happening to me are so great that even I can't believe them! I know you're my guardian angel on this and some other things, but not everything. I can't get specific, but I've had sexual success at school lately too, and I can't see how you could possibly be responsible for that. I know you and Mom have noticed all the checkmarks that you can't account for."

She replied, "True. I'm not responsible for that. I haven't looked into it either, because I don't want to smother you by trying to control everything. I trust you're being prudent and smart, and using a condom when necessary. Correct?"

He nodded.

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"Good. I may have to talk to you more about that later, because you have to be extra-careful when you have multiple lovers, or you could infect us all. Now, here's what I think: success breeds success. You may not realize it, but you've changed in a big way in just these past few weeks. You're brimming with sexual confidence. And THAT, my darling, is the biggest aphrodisiac of all. Confidence! All you need to do is take that attitude to Brenda, and you'll be in like Flynn."

"And you don't mind that?! You don't mind if I fool around with another woman? If I fuck her, even?"

She patiently responded, "I started out with the 'F' word to shock you. It'll probably take a while to get there. But yeah, it should happen with her eventually. And yes, it bothers me some. But remember that we don't have any choice here. We just can't have her running around with the incest secret in her head if she isn't loyal to us. The one who is bothered more though is your mom. I kind of made a deal with her that you'll only have sexy fun with Brenda a couple of times a week. And that's good for me too. I don't want your Brenda time to be taking away from your time with me."

He shook his head. "Wow. I can't believe we're talking about 'Brenda time' like this is a done deal, and I'm actually going to have sex with her. I've only met her once, and then only briefly!"

"And that's a very good thing. She never saw the old you, before you got confident and cocky. I'm basically creating a version of you out of thin air that fits with her vision of her ideal man. The sheer hype of it will practically carry the day by itself. All you need do is step into the role and carry it off well enough that her illusion isn't broken. I tell you, it'll be easy!"

She clapped her hands together, "Now, let's get started. Time is of the essence. We've got a chunk of free time for the next hour or two, but who knows if we'll have any time tomorrow to practice."

"Practice? Practice what?"

"Practice what you're going to say, how you're going to present yourself, what you'll wear, and all the rest. I've got a lot to teach you. It's all about attitude and style over substance. For instance, Sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but even though your penis is both longer and thicker than average, it's no porn-star penis. However, in your mother's eyes it is, because I never talk simply about your 'penis.' With her I'm always referring to it as your 'big cock,' your 'fat cock,' and the like. Eventually the hype becomes the reality. I swear, she's convinced it's ten inches long! And that's good. It makes her happy and horny."

She went on, "The same thing will happen with Brenda. Sure, in a way, you're a nobody. You're just another high school kid, and you have no right to even THINK about being her lover."

"That's what I keep saying!" Alan complained.

"And yet, she knows that you're dominating Susan and me, and many other busty and beautiful women besides."

He cut in, "I am?! That's news to me!"

"Hush. I'll get back to that. The question is not 'Are you worthy of her?' It's 'Is she worthy of you?'"

He gesticulated emphatically, "That's nuts! There's no way!"

"You say that now, but that's what I've got her thinking already. The mind is the most powerful sexual organ. Perception is EVERYTHING. True, you're not really dominating me, and you dominate Susan with a loving, light touch, but Brenda doesn't know that. We've given her the impression that we're a couple of your personal sluts, your sex pets. And when she comes here on Wednesday, she'll see Angel helping you with visual stimulation and all but assume she's one of your many impressive lovers too. Which, by the way, is probably true, but let's not get off track."

He kept a poker face and stayed silent. He really didn't want to discuss that with her.

She went on, "I don't know the reality of your mystery lovers, but the details don't matter very much. The fact is, you DO have multiple lovers, and how many guys of any age can say that? It's probably better if I don't know the real facts, because I'd feel obliged to maintain at least a certain level of accuracy. This way I can freely spin things to make Brenda think you have an entire harem of women who are just as busty and beautiful as your Mom and me. If I can convince her of that, can you see why Brenda would be wondering if she's worthy of you, instead of the other way around?"

He whistled in appreciation. "I can! Hot damn! That's friggin'... diabolical! Aunt Suzy, you're a genius!"

She grinned widely. "I try. Now let's start your lessons in how to seduce Brenda. For starters, I'm going to tell you about submissive women and what they want in their men. I don't consider myself submissive, but I've played the part many times, since most men really get off on that. I've also known a large number of women like that over the years, including your mom. I don't know all the ins and outs of that lifestyle, but I know what makes them tick."

"Okay. Cool. I'm all ears."