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6 Times a Day

Chapter 246 Can We Just Stay Like This And Hug?
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Alan and Suzanne talked and role-played for more than an hour after dinner. Without Susan there, they were able to stay serious and focused, avoiding any kind of hanky-panky.

Alan could feel his confidence growing all the time. He started to feel as if the seduction of Brenda was almost a done deal, because Suzanne seemingly had all the answers. He felt that the pressure was off him, at least somewhat, because he figured that even if he screwed up she'd somehow manage to control the damage.

Suzanne was careful to leave for home before Alan's parents returned.

— — —

Susan and Ron danced for a while at the party they attended after their dinner at the restaurant. That left Susan sweaty when they came home. She took a shower, while Ron went straight to bed.

However, she wasn't ready to sleep. She was still in an emotional jumble over all that had happened recently, and she felt the need to talk to Alan about it and clear the air. She'd taken a shower, but while that had refreshed her body, her thoughts were still mixed and confused.

Alan had been reading a book for school ever since Suzanne had left. However, he was bored with the material after all the earlier fun and excitement, and his eyes were getting heavy.

Susan knocked on the door. Then she came in and sat on the edge of his bed, close to his chest where he sat up against the headboard.

He noticed that she wore a robe, but she had it so tightly closed that the only skin he could see was her face, neck, and hands. He could tell she'd just taken a shower because her hair was still slightly damp and she smelt fresh-washed with a hint of strawberry-scented shampoo.

Susan looked anxious, and was anxious. She sat on the edge of his bed and started out with small talk. "How are things, Tiger?"


"What happened with Suzanne after I left?"

"Oh, she left to cook dinner for Eric and Brad, but then she returned. She'd cooked something for me too, so we were able to practice for another hour or so. It was great. I was feeling seriously intimidated by the idea of seducing Brenda, but I'm not anymore."

"That's great news. She really is something, isn't she? Sometimes, I think there's absolutely nothing she can't do."

"That's probably not an exaggeration!" He chuckled at that.

She asked, "I suppose Suzanne talked to you? Talked about me?"

"How 'bout you? How did your special evening with Ron go?"

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Susan's brow furrowed in distress. "It was good. Ron and I had a lovely time together."

Alan immediately tensed up.

She saw that, so she continued, "Well, maybe not exactly a lovely time. Even when Ron is with me, he's not really there. You know what I mean? I guess I got used to his ways and just thought that was normal, but now I expect more. I couldn't help but feel the whole time that it was the last hurrah, given how things are evolving between you and me. So my feelings were bittersweet at best."

Alan felt himself relaxing quite a bit.

She reached out and grasped his hand tightly. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but all the while I was with him, I kept thinking of you! I must be the worst wife and mother ever, having thoughts like that about my own son instead of my husband!"

Alan's heart soared. He was secretly extremely relieved and pleased that she and Ron apparently hadn't kissed much, if at all. He couldn't help but ask, "What kind of thoughts?"

Susan still squeezed his hand reassuringly, but her eyes looked anywhere but at him. "Naughty thoughts. I thought about what we did, you know, during the role-play. In fact, it must have been my imagination, but even after I ate dinner, I couldn't get the taste of your cum out of my mouth. In fact... oh, I'm so bad! Half the time that he was talking I had no idea what he was saying, because I was reliving the blowjob over and over again in my mind! All I could think about was all the different moves I wanted to perform on your cock!"

"I see." Alan tried not to show it, but he was delighted beyond words.

"And the other half of the time, I was thinking about what you and Suzanne were up to. Would you get erect again? And if you did, would she take good care of you? I wanted to rush right home to help out, but I knew I couldn't. So I had to sit there and listen to Ron drone on and on."

She finally looked him in the eyes and asked, "By the way, how DID you manage? Did you blast her face good, like you did mine?"

"Actually, no. I guess you pretty much drained me dry. We were strictly business, working on the Brenda problem, up until when she went home just a little while ago."

"Oh. That's good." But Susan frowned again.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, if I can't help you, then I like knowing that Suzanne did. I guess I'm a bit disappointed that nothing happened, because I think of you as endlessly virile. But I also get jealous. I selfishly want all your cum to myself. And that's not right. Since the problem with Brenda developed, Suzanne has been stressing how much you need a variety of special helpers. And that's true. There are times neither Suzanne nor I can be there for you. For instance, the help you've been getting from a cheerleader at school.'"

He asked, "Um, what makes you think it's a cheerleader?"

She looked him closely in the eyes. "It IS; isn't it?! I just knew it! I knew it!" He hadn't actually given anything away with his words, but she knew him well enough to correctly read his expression. She looked both exultant and envious at the same time. "Does she have big tits? Please tell me she has big tits!"

He tried to put on his best poker face. "I can neither confirm nor deny anything."

"Oh, poo! You're no fun!"

Susan thought, What's with me? I really do want her to have big tits! Why don't I get more angry or jealous? I mean, I do, but hearing that mostly just makes me extremely horny! It's a sign of my mental depravity, I think. Or could it be a positive sign? Certainly it would be worse if I couldn't bear to see him spill his seed on girls his own age. Somehow though, I just know he's going to save plenty of his spermy goodness for me, and he does need help during school hours, so why should I mind? In fact, it's downright hot thinking about him sneaking off to some unused room with a big-titted cheerleader and forcing me to drop to my knees and slip his thick sausage between my lips and... Wait a minute! Did I just say "me" and "my?" I meant "her!"

He saw her looking thoughtful but he didn't know why. He decided to take advantage of her distraction to switch the topic before he gave away any more about his sex life at school. "So, Aunt Suzy tells me that, in addition to the Brenda problem, you were pretty bummed this morning about how you've been helping me. Is that true? And are you really determined not to help me again until Ron is gone? Not counting the special exception of what happened earlier, of course."

Susan's robe had started out tightly bound, but as they'd been talking it had been slowly loosening. Gradually, her collarbone area came into view, and then the top of her deep cleavage. She gave her robe a tug in a seeming effort to close it, but it didn't have much of an effect. In fact, even after her tug he could still see one of her nipples.

She answered, "Now, hold on. I didn't say that. Suzanne has helped me realize that I don't have to go cold turkey and stop helping you completely; it's just that things need to be done in moderation. Like the last time we did an abnormality check. That wasn't so bad, though you did take a few liberties. I suppose that can't be helped. Boys will be boys, after all."

Staring off into space, she reached up with one hand and caressed one of her big boobs. It started out partially covered, but the more she fondled it, the more uncovered it became. It wasn't hard to guess that she was fantasizing that her hand was Alan's and he was taking a few more "liberties" with her body.

She snapped back to attention, and looked him in the eye. "If only it could be more like that, but I usually don't have that kind of self-control!" She looked down at her hand in the middle of her now completely exposed tits, and showed dismay. "Look at me, will you? Why does this kind of thing keep happening to me?! Things are spinning out of control again! I keep losing it! I think I'm losing my mind!" Suddenly she fell forward towards him as if she was fainting.

He held his arms out to brace her fall, and found himself tightly embracing her.

She buried her face in his shoulder and burst into tears.

He tried to be reassuring. Since she was having sexual issues, he tried to comfort her without any sexual overtones. He stroked her long brown hair over and over while she sobbed. However, it was hard to keep a platonic mindset since her robe had somehow opened even more during the hug. He could feel her erect nipples poking into his chest, which made his heart pound hard. He had to be careful where he put his hands, because her robe had slid down so much that most of her back was bare. It seemed to him that her long dark-brown mane of hair was about the only safe place where he could touch her.

He didn't want to take advantage of her during her distress. He knew this was a bad time to get an erection since she was draped all over him and would certainly feel it, but he couldn't help himself. He fought his arousal as long as he could, but eventually he lost the battle. As his thick rod grew, it pressed itself against a part of one of her legs still covered by the robe.

She felt his growing hardness for what it was. Actually, his boner was what brought her out of her crying spell, since she found herself thinking about it instead of about her problems with self-control, cocksucking lust, and a cheating husband.

He was abashed as he said, "Sorry, Mom! I didn't really mean for that to happen. I just want to hold you and reassure you, and be your best friend. But you smell so good, like fresh strawberries, and feel good... I can't help it." He dropped his head.

She pulled back some and looked at him closely. "That's okay. I understand."

He looked up shyly, only to notice that her robe had opened still more, effectively leaving her topless to well below her belly button. Her arms pressed against her big tits on either side, inadvertently creating jaw-droppingly deep cleavage. But he figured that since she didn't seem to notice or care what she was showing, he would pretend not to notice either. He forced his gaze to remain on her face.

In fact, even though she was genuinely upset, the way her robe had come open was no accident. Even her apparent fall forward and her tears were partly feigned, though otherwise sincere. She was torn between distress and lust, which were working at cross purposes.

She sighed loudly as she dried her eyes. "It feels like you could use some more help right now, but I can't. I just can't! It's not that I want to stop being your special spermy helper, not at all! The truth is, I love it. But I need time to adjust. I think it's best if I deal with your special needs in a more clinical fashion for a while, until I regain my bearings. If I give in again, I'll feel even worse tomorrow. It's like getting drunk and having a hangover, except it's an emotional hangover."

"I understand, Mom," he said while petting her long hair.

She pulled in closer, which somehow opened her robe a little bit more, since her sash was slipping down her hips.

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He said, "I think that's for the best. More important than my medical treatment is your happiness. Can we just stay like this and hug? I kind of feel like I was under-hugged as a kid."

She cooed as she squeezed him tighter, "Awww, my poor baby."

They just held each other in a loving embrace for a couple of minutes. The sash on her robe slowly loosened still more, until he could see the top of her dark brown bush. But they both pretended not to notice the change. They also pretended that her erect nipples weren't pressing into his chest and his boner wasn't poking into her leg.

Actually, Alan had never really touched Susan's hair in the past few years, since she had discouraged most intimate contact. He found himself greatly enjoying just stroking her long, silky straight hair as it cascaded down her back. All of his stroking seemed to have a calming effect on both of them. Their erotic contact was nice and titillating, but not overwhelmingly arousing.

After minutes of silence, she said, "You're right. You were under-hugged as a child. That's the problem with me - I rarely do things in moderation. Before, I shunned all physical contact like the plague, and now I go too far the other way. ... You know what would be nice? I remember when I used to tuck you into bed and kiss you goodnight. That made me feel so happy. Could we do that again, just one more time, for old time's sake?"

He replied, "I used to love that tradition too. Did you know that I cried when you stopped? But since it wasn't a 'cool' thing, I pretended not to care. Honestly, I'd LOVE for you to tuck me in, not just tonight, but any night that you like. Maybe we could even make it a regular habit."

She beamed with happiness. "Okay. But we can't do anything improper. Remember that your father is sleeping just down the hall. We wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea. We have to keep things completely non-sexual."

She was sending mixed messages to say the least, because just as she said that, she finally pulled back from the cuddle and hug, and stood up near the edge of the bed. This caused her robe to open even more. She had to quickly grab the sagging sash before the robe fell off her altogether. She lifted the sash up and pulled it tightly around her, but she did that in a way that just managed to keep her bush covered, leaving her completely exposed from the waist up. As if that wasn't arousing enough, she closed her eyes and thrust her big tits out, knowing how much her son loved that.

Alan was a little slow on the uptake. He incorrectly thought that she was just lost in contemplation, since there was no way she couldn't know what she was showing, because doing it deliberately was in complete contradiction to almost everything she'd just been telling him. And when she put her hands on her head, striking an even more arousing pose, he thought she was just yawning and stretching.

The truth was that she longed to display her body for him nearly as much as she longed to suck his dick. But she couldn't fully admit that to herself; she imagined she did this entirely for his benefit, to help with his visual stimulation needs (as if he needed any more erotic inspiration!).

She thought, That's right, Son, look at Mommy's boobies! Sadly, I can't suck your cock, er, penis, right now, because I need to regain my self-control. But I can still show off my body, and that'll make you happy. And seeing you happy makes me so happy that I just want to burst with joy! God gave me my unusually large 'girls', but I never before understood His reason. But now I do: it's so you can play with them and love them! And that makes me so happy that I couldn't care less what Ron does!

A thrill went through her as she recalled this was exactly where she used to stand when she would lean over and give her son a goodnight kiss (though obviously in those days she wasn't naked above the waist or preening in such a lewd position). She was still smiling from ear to ear as a naughty idea came to her. "Okay, Tiger, here comes your goodnight kiss."

She bent over and leaned down. That caused her breasts to dangle down enticingly just a foot or so from his face. She could hear him gasp, and she loved it. But she pretended not to notice, and kissed him on the cheek. Then she kissed his other cheek, and then his nose. She was deliberately lingering in her highly arousing position, letting him enjoy it to the fullest.

He also kissed back several times, but not on the mouth. He felt her nipples scrape along his upper chest from time to time, but he resisted the tremendous urge to reach out and cup her dangling globes. He was trying to be a good son.

She pulled away a few inches and stared at him lovingly, right in the eyes. "Mmmm. That was nice. Just like when you were younger."

It wasn't like any childhood kisses that he could recall - especially the huge, swinging, bare tits part - but he knew better than to point that out. The kisses were very nice too. They were slow and romantic, the kind that usually were a prelude to full kisses on the lips.

Then she leaned forward again, and he thought for sure a French kiss would follow. But instead she went to his left ear and kissed it. Or at least it was kind of a kiss. In fact, there was a lot of tongue. She seemed to alternate between licking all over his ear and planting small kisses on it.

No one had ever given any special physical attention to his ears before, and he was surprised at just how powerfully erotic and all-around great it felt. His erection twitched visibly under the covers, as if there were a direct connection between his ears and his dick. It helped that she was slowly sliding her pillowy tit-flesh all over his chest. His boner remained untouched, but there was a special vibe in the air, and he actually felt nearly as much pleasure as if she were jacking him off.

She eventually pulled back and just stood there. She seemed unaware that her robe had just slipped even lower, so that it was only her wide hips which barely prevented her entire bush from being exposed.

Between the long hugging and cuddling and the kiss, he'd admired her bountiful rack earlier, but that was when her eyes were closed. Now he openly stared at it with her full knowledge, and without shame.

Susan was very blissed out, and didn't mind at all. In fact, she turned a bit this way and that, blatantly showing off her hefty melons. As she did this, she said, "You know, I've been thinking about something we did last night. Even though things went too far, I think Suzanne has the right idea. I have to get over my fears and phobias and the only way to do that is with constant practice. Just like how they help people to get over their fear of heights, or snakes, or what-have-you. What we need to do is practice, but without going too far and doing something sinful and depraved. Do you think you can handle that?"

He nodded, trying not to appear too eager. He wasn't sure what she meant by "practice," but he figured that whatever it was would be great, especially since her chest was increasingly heaving with excitement.