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6 Times a Day

Chapter 251 Glory In All Her Glory
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Alan went through his morning classes in a blissful daze. He tried to look normal for outward appearances, since Christine sat next to him in most of his classes and she was extremely observant. However, he couldn't stop smiling to save his life. If he wasn't thinking about his great time before school, he was thinking of meeting with Glory during lunch. He was grateful that Christine wasn't in his fourth-period class taught by Glory, because she would have almost certainly noticed both his and Glory's odd behavior right away.

Glory managed to resist covertly masturbating in her class this time, because she just wanted to get through class quickly so she could get to her lunchtime fun with Alan. Now that she was putting behind her all thoughts of breaking things off with him, she was putting her heart into their noontime play. After school the day before she'd given considerable thought to how she could make their time together even better, so on this day she'd bought some props to help out. She was both smug and eager: eager, because she couldn't wait to get started, and smug, because she was convinced that Alan would love her surprise.

The two of them went to great lengths to act normally, until everyone else was out of the room and the door was safely locked. Then Alan jumped out of his seat and rushed towards his teacher while already starting to pull his shorts down.

However, she stared at him with a gravely serious look, and held out a hand in a "stop" gesture. "Hold your horses right there, young man!"

He came to a halt before reaching her, although his shorts were already down to his thighs and he had a hand on his raging erection. He was bewildered, to say the least.

She continued in her same stern tone, "I did some research last night, and it came to my attention that what we're doing is illegal."

"Illegal?! No way! I'm eighteen! Aren't we in the clear?!"

"Apparently not. So I've had no choice but to call for the police."

"The POLICE?!" He grew panicky, and his boner withered in seconds.

She grinned impishly, because she couldn't entirely maintain her facade. "Luckily, I have a policewoman right here in my closet. Let me go get her."

There was a closet in one of the front corners of the room where she kept most of her supplies. It wasn't very big, but it was tall, so it was technically possible to hide a person there. Still, it didn't make any sense that a policewoman would have been hiding there for at least the last hour. He was even more confused and disturbed.

She opened the closet door and pulled out a police cap. She looked at him with a naughty smile and waved it at him. "You didn't think I have an actual person hiding in there, did you? Now, turn around, young man, so I can call this policewoman for help."

He felt embarrassed as he turned around, because he was more than half convinced that she was calling the police on him. But he breathed a huge sigh of relief as he realized she was merely talking about changing into a police uniform, almost certainly for some kind of sexy role-play. He stayed silent, figuring that was better than revealing his stupidity.

For the next minute or two she was silent too, but he could hear a lot of rustling coming from the closet. His dick fully engorged again, and he could hardly wait to see what she looked like. Dang! How lucky can one guy be?! Role-plays are awesome! Admittedly, I don't have a lot of experience with them, but Aunt Suzy's Daisy Duke thing last week was too cool to be believed, and the weird role-play she and Mom did the night before last was just as great. Plus, there was the role-play training of sorts last night. I can put what I learned there to use here, to get in the right "actor in a play" frame of mind. Sweet!

But the best thing of all is what this means for Glory's attitude. She's totally into having fun with me, and she's willing to let it all hang out!

I'm going to have to do my best, roll with the punches, and show that she made the right decision trying something like this with me. I'm not gonna let her down!

Glory changed quickly because she knew that they didn't have a lot of time during the lunch period, and she wanted to take advantage of every minute.

While he waited, he pulled his shorts all the way off, and lightly stroked his turgid hard-on. His heart raced wildly, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

She announced, "Okay, you can turn around."

He turned, and gasped with genuine awe. The sight before him was even better than what he'd been envisioning in his mind. His foxy teacher was wearing a police cap, a utility belt, black high boots, and she was holding a night stick in her hand... and that was it! His jaw hung open and he muttered, "Wow! Just... wow!"

She walked towards him with a sly grin on her face. "'Wow?' Is that all you can say? I think I might have you arrested for insulting an officer!"

He raved with genuine excitement, "Oh my god! So much more than 'Wow.' Glory, you look so hot, you're liable to burn this whole building down just by standing near it!"

She continued to act stern and officious, even though she was bursting with joy on the inside, because she could tell her costume was making exactly the impression she'd hoped for. "First, you insult me, and then you accuse me of arson. You're in a world of trouble. But the main reason I'm here is to investigate charges that you assaulted your history teacher with a deadly weapon."

"I did?" He was still a little slow to catch on and get into the spirit of things, especially since so much of his blood had rushed to his crotch.

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By this time she was standing right in front of him. She brought her nightstick to just under his erection, and gently lifted it up until it was pointing directly at her. "You did. With this. According to her testimony, you crammed this thick baton into her mouth and then arrogantly and willfully thrust it in and out until it squirted some kind of liquid down her throat and then softened somehow. Very strange."

He finally started to get into his role. "Officer, that's completely untrue! For one thing, it's not a baton. For another it's too thick to even fit into her mouth, or any mouth, so I must be innocent."

"Hmmm." She was still gently using the nightstick to play with his boner, lifting it up and down slightly. "It is rather large for a mouth, I must admit." She put the nightstick down on her desk and firmly held his hard-on. "And... it's strangely warm... and throbbing with life."

"You see? Does a baton get warm or throb like that?"

"No." She frowned and furrowed her brow, as if she really didn't know what she was holding.

"Try stroking it."

"What'll that do?" She began sliding her hand back and forth on it.

"It'll prove that it's not a baton, for starters. Tell me, officer, doesn't that feel good?"

"It... does... Hmmm. Curious. ... And I seem to have this strange urge to rub it in this area in particular." She was talking about how she was concentrating her efforts on rubbing his sweet spot. "Why is that? And what are these? Nunchucks?" Using her free hand, she cupped his balls from below.

He couldn't help but giggle a little at that. "No, they're not nunchucks. Tell me, do you feel tingly at all?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She couldn't stop grinning, because she was having so much fun, but she also managed to raise her eyebrows quizzically too.

"Do you feel particularly tingly right here?" He reached out with both hands and pinched her erect nipples.

"Ouch! Hey! You can't touch me there! But... now that you mention it, I DO feel very tingly right there. How did you know that?!"

"And how about here?" With one hand rolling a nipple between two fingers, he reached down with his other hand and ran a finger up and down her already very wet slit.

She kept on jacking him off and playing with his balls. "Watch it, young man! You DEFINITELY aren't allowed to touch an officer there. But... I must admit... I do feel VERY peculiar down there. In fact, it feels rather... pleasurable..."

She had been looking down at his hand, but she abruptly looked back up at his face and glared at him angrily. "HEY! You're trying to distract me, aren't you? What about your baton? I have orders to arrest you for assault!"

He was all grins now. "But officer, I tell you, I'm innocent! What did they say in the O.J. Simpson trial? 'If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit?' The same thing applies here. See if it fits in your mouth. If it doesn't, then how can you arrest me?"

She was still managing to appear stern for the most part, except for her giddy grin. "Hmmm... I suppose I can't find fault with that logic. Okay, I'll give it a try, but just for a moment." She pointed a finger at him. "But don't try anything funny while you have me in a vulnerable position on my knees. Remember that I'm an experienced officer, trained to kill if necessary!"

"I wouldn't think of it," he smirked. He lightly pressed her clit, making her visibly shiver.

His lust was surging as he watched her slide down to her knees. She didn't even let go of his boner or stop stroking it as she repositioned, although he had to stop playing with her pussy and nipples since they were out of easy reach.

She held his boner with both hands, and stared at it critically from just a couple of inches away. She slid her fingers up and down it, as it carefully examining and exploring. "Hmmm... It seems to be getting quite wet, due to a clear liquid leaking out of this hole." She rubbed the tip of a finger against his piss-hole. "Why is that? And what IS this thing, anyway? And why do I feel this strange compulsion to, to lick it?! And even put it in my mouth?"

He explained, as if she really was that clueless, "The liquid is called pre-cum, and the whole thing is not a baton, it's a cock."

"A 'cock?' Hmmm. Why does hearing that word make me want to lick it and suck it even more?"

"I don't know, officer, but I suspect you're what we call a 'natural cocksucker.' One would think you'd know these things, especially given your rather, uh, sparse uniform."

She broke character slightly to giggle at that. But she quickly resumed her stern and clueless act. "Yes, that. Sadly, budget cuts this year meant we couldn't afford the clothes part of our uniforms."

They both giggled some more at that, since they were in a silly, euphoric mood.

She leaned in slightly and started licking around his cockhead, while still stroking his shaft. "Hrm. Interesting. This cock is a very strange thing. I'm beginning to doubt your teacher, because it's just so very thick and long! I can barely close my fingers all the way around it!"

He joked, "Yeah, well, I wouldn't trust her. She's kind of a sketchy character."

Glory turned her head up to him and rolled her eyes while sticking her tongue out at him. "Very funny." But while she felt obliged to act irritated, she was secretly amused.

For the next couple of minutes they didn't talk, because she was so absorbed with licking and stroking his throbbing pole.

He thought, Hot damn! Glory is so sexy! Not only does she look like a total babe, but she acts like one too! It's like she totally loves my dick and can't get enough of it! And I love that she's still wearing that police cap. Gaawwwd, this is such a blast!

She was about to engulf his cockhead so she could do more than just licking, but before she did, she remembered the role-play. She looked up at him and said, "Sorry, I seem to have gotten carried away investigating the, uh,... well, investigating the shape and taste of your cock with my tongue and fingers. We'll have to do more of that investigating at a later date. But as an on-duty officer, I must try to prove or disprove the allegations against you."

He grinned widely. "Please, be my guest. But, if you don't mind, let me sit down first. I have a feeling this is going to take a while."

She let him pull away so he could plop down in the nearest chair. But she pretended to protest. "I can assure you, it will only take a few seconds to check the fit."

"Perhaps. We'll see."

She stood up, then she bent back down and picked up the nightstick to strike a sexy pose with it. "You're a very curious young man, do you know that? What is this 'cock' thing, anyway? I want one. Can I take yours home with me?"

"Only if you take me too. You see, it's permanently attached to me."

"That's too bad." She put the nightstick back down, and dropped to her knees in front of him. "Do other people have them?" She resumed jacking him off as she brought her mouth into position.

"Um, no. They're very rare."

She chuckled at that, since they obviously both knew that was a bald-faced lie. But she quickly recovered, and said, "Hmmm. If that's the case, I may have to schedule more meetings with you to fully investigate this strange phenomenon. Especially since I can't seem to resist... doing this..." She finally swallowed his cock, and then some, and started to bob on him.

He groaned loudly and needfully in response. Man! Man oh man oh man! That feels so damn GOOD! UGH! It's only been since yesterday, but with so much else going on in my life, it kind of slipped my mind what a great cocksucker Glory is! Or, as I should call her, Officer Rhymer! He chuckled at that in his mind.

It's happening again! It's the same as what I felt the other two times with her. She's sucking, licking, and stroking all at once, and it's beyond awesome! But Mom does that. Aunt Suzy does that. Sis is starting to do it too. But with Glory, it's like there's an extra buzz, an extra thrill. Is it just the taboo danger because she's my teacher? That doesn't make any sense, because there's an even greater taboo danger with Mom, Sis, and Aunt Suzy! Okay, maybe not Aunt Suzy, since I consider her family, but outsiders wouldn't see it that way. But still, wow! What is she doing to me that's so great?!

He didn't have any answer, but he didn't care much, because he was too busy reveling in the erotic ecstasy to ponder the issue. However, he was starting to understand what "sexual chemistry" meant. He felt good chemistry with all his lovers, but there seemed to be an extra spark with Glory.

Objectively speaking, as he'd said to himself, she wasn't doing anything dramatically different from what Susan, Suzanne, or Katherine did. Like them, she could easily suck, lick, and stroke him all at once, and she usually did. But she often kept one hand to play with herself. As a result, it was a race to see who came first.

Glory still wore the police cap, utility belt, and boots, but their role-play was long forgotten. They both had a great time with it, but Glory's great blowjob was consuming their full attentions. Alan kept his eyes closed most of the time to better savor the sensations, as well as trying to extend how long he could hold out. But occasionally he'd open his eyes and look down, often when she performed some unusual move on his cock. Then he'd see her police cap bobbing up and down, and get an extra kick out of it.

The minutes passed. Glory seemed perfectly content to suck him for the entire lunch period, and in fact she was. She didn't understand it, because with her boyfriend Garth cocksucking had always been a boring chore. However, with Alan, it felt like a highly arousing pleasure for herself as well as for him. She decided not to deep throat him today, however. That was much more difficult, and usually less arousing for her, so she wanted to keep that for special occasions.

Alan continually squeezed his PC muscle, and that kept his orgasm at bay. But she was so talented, especially with her tongue, that even that wasn't enough. So eventually he cried out, "Mercy! If you keep it up, I'm gonna, gonna CUM!"

She was so into it that she kept right on going. If there was one thing she could do in a conventional blowjob that his other lovers couldn't or didn't do, it was the tremendous amount of suction she used. He felt like she was about to suck his dick clean off, but the pleasure was tremendous.

He cried "Mercy" several more times, but she didn't seem to hear him. Finally, he yelled more urgently, "Mercy! Uncle! Stop! Please, please stop, right now, or I'm gonna cum!"

She reluctantly pulled off, because she realized they had half of the lunch break to go, and she wasn't sure if he'd be able to stay hard if he came already. She sat back on her hands to rest.

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He just sat slumped in his chair panting hard for the next minute or two. Then he opened his eyes and said, "Wow! All I have to say is wow. Wow, wow, wow!"

She grinned. "You really like that word."

"I do, because it's about all I can manage. You leave me speechless! You're a friggin' cocksucking goddess! And the whole police woman role-play idea? Where'd you come up with that?!"

With that reminder, she finally took her cap and utility belt off. She left her boots on since they served a purpose and it was a bother to remove them. She smiled brightly. "You liked that, huh?"

"Oh, definitely!"

"So, you're into role-plays?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes! It's a new thing for me, but if this is any indication, I'm already a die-hard fan!"

"Good. I've gotta admit that it's new to me too. I got to thinking yesterday, if we're gonna do this, then we might as well go all out. So it's like I got my Halloween costume early, and I'm going to put it to extra use." She winked.

He asked, "What do you mean by 'do this?'"

She replied, "I've been thinking. We can't have a conventional relationship in any sense. It's too dangerous for us to do anything outside the safety of our total privacy right here. Besides, you have your other lovers, or helpers, or whatever you want to call 'em. We can't get romantic or have a long-term future, for obvious reasons. but what we can do is be 'sex friends.'"

He said, "I've been thinking along similar lines. I do have strong feelings for you. You mean a lot more to me than just a 'sex friend.' A LOT more! But... we do have certain problems and limitations."

She sighed. "That we do. And you mean more than that to me too. Never say never, but I don't want to get my hopes up high, so for now, let's start like this and see how it goes."

She sat up on her heels again and took hold of his still very stiff erection. "So that's what I mean. I'm taking a big risk here, any time I'm like this with you." She resumed jacking him off. "So if we're going to do it, let's go balls to the wall! I decided to put aside all my concerns, about your other lovers, our long-term future, and so on, and I'm gonna be a damn good mid-day relief for you. As for actual intercourse, that'll have to wait until our relationship is on more solid ground. So far, I'm having the time of my life, so why the hell not keep doing this?"

She said what she wanted to say, and she was still too horny for a long conversation. So she engulfed his cockhead again and resumed her expert cocksucking on him.

Now that her police cap was off, he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands, in order to encourage her to go a little slower. He was concerned that he hadn't gotten a full strategic break, but it felt too good to get her to completely stop.

He thought, Oh man! This is so friggin' brilliant! To think that I can look forward to this every school day, or at least most school days! Are you kidding me?! Who would believe, when we're sitting in class, that our teacher is licking her chops, just waiting for the bell to ring so she can get her lips around my dick?! Man!

But the thing is, I've gotta give back. I can't be a passive or selfish lover, or she'll grow bored fast. I need to make sure she has great orgasms too! Then we'll get more and more hooked on each other, and fall deeper and deeper in love!

He decided there was no time like the present to get started. Since he was sitting in a chair, her breasts were within easy reach, so he reached out and started playing with them, paying particular attention to her nipples. But after a few minutes, he managed to bend forward, reach down, and finger her pussy too.

She liked that a lot. And he immediately benefited, because she didn't need to touch herself as long as he was doing it, so she was able to use both hands on him.

She kept him going right at the edge of climax until about five minutes were left. Then she redoubled her efforts.

He could see the clock too, and realized it was time to cum, so he simply stopped trying to hold back. He shot his load directly into her mouth. Due to the time and place, she felt that was the best option, so there wouldn't be a big clean-up problem.

She also had been holding back her urge to cum, and once he started cumming, she let go too. It was a great mutual orgasm.

But once their orgasms came to an end, they had no time to rest. It quickly turned into a Keystone Kops-styled fire drill routine, as they rushed around the room putting their clothes back on, putting Glory's costume away, and generally trying to clean up and get rid of the sex smell. They had the room back to normal with only a minute or two to spare.

They had yet to kiss today, but they pulled together for a quick hug and kiss. Glory said to him, "We really shouldn't do this every day, but... same time tomorrow?"

"Definitely! Then, after that, we'll start taking some days off."


He left her classroom practically walking on air. The only problem was he hadn't had a bite to eat, and neither had she.