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6 Times a Day

Chapter 252 What Makes Him So Great? - Heather
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"Okay, girls. Let's get our asses in gear!" Heather was leading cheerleading practice during sixth period, but the practice was not going well because all the cheerleaders seemed lethargic.

Heather tried to goad them into action. "Come on, you losers! Are you a bunch of ninety-year-old grandmas? Kick your legs up HIGH!"

But her insulting words failed to inspire them. Amy meekly complained, "We're tired!"

Heather pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Okay, fine. Let's take a five minute break. But when we start again, I want to see you bust your asses!"

The others headed immediately for the closest drinking fountain, which was some distance away.

Heather just stood in place and said, "Wait. Kim, you come here. I want to speak to you for a moment."

Kim certainly didn't want to speak to Heather, who was bitchy at the best of times and in an especially bitchy mood now because her squad was having an off day. But she knew she couldn't oppose Heather on anything, since Heather seemed to have the teacher who was technically in charge of the squad under her thumb. That teacher only made token appearances from time to time, apparently relying on Heather for everything else.

When Kim drew close, Heather said in a nicer tone, "All that complaining about you all being a bunch of lazy-ass losers, I must admit, that doesn't apply to you today. Everyone else is dragging like they'd pulled an all-nighter, but you're bouncing around like your legs are pogo sticks and you've got a big shit-eating smile on your face. What gives?"

Kim was relieved that she wasn't about to get a dressing down. "I can't speak for the others, but I'm in a pretty darn good mood!"

Heather rolled her eyes. "Let me guess: you're all moony over some pretty girl."

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"Nope!" Kim smiled from ear to ear. "Close, but think 'guy' instead of 'girl.' And 'well-hung' instead of 'pretty!'"

Heather narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Whaaaat? You? With a boy?! But everyone knows you're a lesbian."

"Yeah. Like everyone knows you're straight, but you have fun with girls sometimes."

"That's different," Heather complained. In fact, she had sex with girls as often as with boys, especially with her best friend Simone, but she nonetheless considered herself basically straight. It was important for her public image to be seen that way. Trying to turn the focus back on Kim, she said, "Don't tell me you had sex with him."

"I did!" In the back of her mind, Kim knew it wasn't prudent to tell Heather this kind of personal information, but she was so excited that she just couldn't help herself. She thought back to her sex session with Alan and Katherine the day before and smiled even wider, even as she winced at some of the residual soreness.

Heather said rather loudly, "What?! You had sex with a man? A man actually fucked you?!"

Kim looked around nervously. Fortunately, the other cheerleaders were on the other side of the room, talking to each other around the drinking fountain. She said, "Ssshhhh! Keep it down already."

"So you did! Interesting! So... who's the guy?"

Kim replied sullenly, "Why should I tell you?" She had started to realize that telling this kind of information to Heather wasn't wise, so now was trying to limit the potential damage.

Heather smiled wolfishly; she liked challenges like this. "Don't even bother to keep it a secret; you know I'm gonna find out." She snapped her fingers and opened her eyes in a Eureka moment. "Hey! I know who it is! It's Alan Plummer, Katherine's brother."

Kim's jaw dropped. "What?! How'd you know that?!" She was a bit surprised that Heather even knew who Alan was, since as a nerd he was below her notice.

Heather chuckled victoriously. "A-ha! I knew it! And as for how I knew, it was elementary, my dear Watson. Both yesterday AND earlier today, I overheard you talking to some of the others about what a 'great guy' he is. Nobody EVER talks about him, and then all of a sudden you can't stop talking about him. And the past few days you've been inordinately happy. I'm guessing something happened over the weekend? And you're even happier today than yesterday, so I take it you're gonna see him again soon?"

Kim sighed. She knew she'd been found out. "Close enough." Actually, it had been just the previous day, and she was happier because she was looking forward to more sex with him (and Katherine) on Thursday, but Heather had figured out the general gist. "Please, please, please, PLEASE! Don't tell anyone about this, okay? You'll ruin my reputation."

Heather smiled like the cat that got the cream. "My lips are sealed. But you'll owe me, of course. So, tell me: what's sex with a nerd like?"

Kim replied hotly, "He's not a nerd! Just because he's smart, people like you put him down for that. He's handsome, suave, athletic, AND smart! He's on the school's tennis team, you know. What's more, he's a damn good lover!"

Heather crowed inwardly at how loose-lipped Kim was getting while trying to defend Alan. Sensing a winning approach, she deliberately insulted him some more. "A good lover? Yeah, right. Maybe he's good at masturbating to ugly chicks from Star Trek." She said mockingly, "'Ooooh! Princess Leia! Ooooh, you look so hot in your metallic gold bikini!'"

Kim felt like punching Heather, but knew that would not be wise. "First off, Princess Leia is from Star WARS, not Star Trek. And secondly, he IS a damn good lover! Look at me!" She held her arms out. "I really AM a lesbian. Guys don't interest me. I still have no intention of having Alan or anyone else for a boyfriend. But... damn! I thought strap-on sex was good - until I tried the real thing! A plastic dick can't compare to a hot flesh-and-blood penis!"

Heather pretended to be only mildly impressed. "So he has a dick. Big whup. So do a few billion other guys on this planet. I'll bet he's got a really tiny one, 'cos he's a nerd."

Kim clenched her fists. "Heather, don't test me. You don't know what you're talking about! I admit I don't have any experience with other guys, but even lesbians have a good idea of the size of an average dick. I know how his size compares to my dildos and strap-ons, for one thing. That so-called 'nerd' is hung like a horse!"

Heather laughed. "You're kidding me! A well-hung nerd? What a waste! Talk about throwing pearls before swine."

Kim's voice grew as clenched as her fists. "Heather, pardon my French, but you're a moron! You're so quick to judge. Alan happens to be a great lover!"

"Oh yeah? And what makes him so great?"

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Kim thought back to her session with Alan and Katherine. "Well, like I said, he does have a pretty big dick. Not so much in terms of length, though it is long, but it's the width that's the killer. Add to that his stamina. He can keep going for hours while I just cum and cum and cum! I swear to God. And did you ever stop to think that smarter guys could be better lovers? What if they put their smarts to actually learning how to pleasure a woman, and then putting that knowledge to use? For instance, he told me he's built up his stamina through some tricks and techniques he's learned and now mastered. How many of the caveman jocks you have sex with would even know a trick like that if it hit them on the head? They're all, 'Bam, bam, bam, UGH! I've got my rocks off, so now I'm going home. Here's some bus fare; get lost.'"

Heather was annoyed, because Kim had hit upon some of her frustrations with her lovers. Surprisingly, rather than jumping all over Kim, she conceded, "You have a point. I've noticed that, in most cases, the more handsome and athletic a guy is the worse he is in bed. That's true with all the really well-hung ones too. They figure they're God's gift to women, so why should they go all out to see you get an extra orgasm, or even any orgasm at all? It fuckin' pisses me off."

Kim nodded. "That's so true. Men are pigs. But Alan, he's different, at least in bed. He makes sex FUN, you know? Even if it's just giving him a blowjob, somehow it's really fun and arousing. And he makes sure we have lots of climaxes. LOTS of them!" She put her hands on her hips with a defiant "So there!" attitude.

Heather raised an amused eyebrow. "'We?' So this nerdy nobody has more than one lover? Interesting."

"Hey! I never said that!" Kim complained.

But Heather could see from Kim's reaction that her comment had hit home. She decided not to push the issue though. She was increasingly intrigued about Alan but she didn't want Kim to know that. So she just shrugged. "Whatever. It's all a moot point though. The guy could be the greatest fucker on the planet but he's still a nerdy nobody. You can have him. I hope he rocks your world for months to come, if it means you'll show the energy and spirit at practice that you've been showing today."

Kim grumbled, "Yeah, well, probably not. Like I said, I'm not really into him, per se. I have no interest in him as a boyfriend at all. I just like getting my bells rung, if you know what I mean. And he did that so well that my ears are still ringing."

Heather started singing an old disco hit: "You can ring my be-eeeell-eeell, ring my bell." She smiled and winked knowingly.

Kim was surprised by that rather sympathetic response and giggled a little bit. "Yeah. Exactly. So, please promise not to tell anyone, okay? Not even the rest of the squad?"

Heather kept smiling, but more wolfishly. "Sure, but like I said, you'll owe me. Maybe you can ring MY bell sometime..."

Kim had mixed feelings about that. Heather had a truly fantastic body, but she was known to be a selfish lover. Besides, Kim didn't like to be pushed into anything. So she just said dismissively, "Whatever."

By that time, Janice and Joy were drifting into earshot, so Kim was able to break off their conversation and get herself a drink of water.

Heather was left thinking about Alan. She recalled the time she'd spoken to him briefly at the beach. Hmmm. Curious. Now that I think about it, he acted fairly normal, especially for a nerd. He didn't come off as one of those sniveling, groveling types I hate so much. And what if he really IS rocking Kim's world, and having sex with other girls too? Maybe he is better in bed than some of the 'caveman' types, as Kim put it so well.

But still, he is a nerd, and an absolute nobody in the school hierarchy. There's no way I could seriously think about taking him out for a test drive. He'd ruin my reputation!

Heather looked around and decided to end the five minute break. She blew her whistle and yelled authoritatively, "Okay, girls! Enough sitting on your butts. Let's get back in gear!"