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Chapter 253 She’s Gonna Get Me Killed - Alan
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Knowing that Susan wouldn't be available for the "abnormality check" that afternoon, Alan wanted to stay away from home and keep his mind elsewhere. If he did go home, he knew he'd go crazy just thinking about it. So instead, he decided to hang out with his friend Sean.

They were headed over to Sean's house for the afternoon to play video games, but on the way over they stopped at a nearby Baskin-Robbins ice cream parlor. While they sat there eating their ice cream, Heather walked in with Rock, her handsome quarterback boyfriend, as if she were a queen with her consort. It would have been pretty much impossible for anyone there not to notice her, since she often stopped traffic just with her looks. Unlike Katherine, who still dressed and acted fairly conservatively in public, Heather always flaunted what she had. So when she entered, acting regally like a queen, she clicked and clacked her way across the tile floor in four-inch high heels.

When Heather noticed Alan sitting at a table with his friend, a devilish smile crossed her face. Hmmm, look at that. Is today my lucky day or what? Kim seems to think he's so great that his shit doesn't stink. I think it's time I tease him a little and see if she's full of hot air or what.

She went immediately to his table; her pointy nipples, which appeared about to burst from her skintight top, led the way. Arms crossed and angry, she said to Alan, "You! You have some nerve! You said you'd help me out, and then you didn't!"

Alan couldn't figure out what she was talking about since he'd only talked briefly to her once before in his life. After some quick thinking, he figured it had to be related to his painting of the cheerleaders. He almost replied in a panic, "Don't talk about it here!" But fortunately he kept his mouth shut.

"Don't act dumb!" she went on. "You promised that you would help me with my homework and then you disappeared. I have a big essay due tomorrow. What are you going to do about it?"

Alan knew that because Heather was so beautiful, lots of pathetic, nerdy guys "helped her study," which meant that they did her homework for her in return for a chance to talk to her a bit. If they helped out a lot, she'd even reward them with something like a kiss on the cheek. Her boyfriend tolerated this with amusement, since having other guys do her homework ended up giving him more time with her. Not too many weeks ago, Alan would have been happy to be one of those guys, but she hadn't even given him that much attention back then.

He decided to play along, acting like he knew what it was all about. He said, "Um, I'm really sorry. I forgot."

"Well," she said somewhat testily, "I might forgive you if you write my essay for me."

He wasn't sure what to say, nor did he have any idea why she was publicly lying like this. "Okay?" he guessed. He knew he wasn't about to be her boyfriend, so he figured this subterfuge was all for the benefit of her listening boyfriend Rock. It seemed best to play along and see where she was headed.

"That's better," she said condescendingly. "We can go to my house right now and I'll give you the assignment."

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"Now?" he asked, still genuinely puzzled. His heart was pounding with fear, confusion and excitement. "What about my friend, and your... friend?"

"Darling," Heather said huskily to her boyfriend Rock, who stood a few feet away looking at the various flavors of ice cream, "I have to go give this guy my stupid homework assignment. Can I do that after we have our ice cream and then meet you at the theater in time for the movie later?"

"Sure, Honeybunch," Rock replied inattentively.

She turned back to Alan. "We're going to a matinee, so we'll have to make this quick."

He nodded an acknowledgment of that, but then he looked at his friend. "Sean?"

Sean was totally in awe of Heather, so he only wished that he could be the one talking to her. "Don't mind me. I'll be okay."

"Thanks." Heather smiled at both of them.

Sean nearly melted with delight that Heather was even acknowledging his existence.

Alan momentarily pondered why Heather's idiotic boyfriend would allow her out in public dressed the way she was. She clearly wasn't wearing a bra, because her nipples, prominent at any time anyway, poked out so obviously that they alone got him extremely excited.

After Heather and Rock chose their ice cream and Rock paid for it, they sat down at the table behind Alan and Sean.

Alan didn't pay them any more attention until he felt a hand on his butt. The feel of soft fingers and extended nails confirmed to him the nearly unbelievable fact that it must be Heather's hand.

She's sitting in the chair behind me talking to her boyfriend while she's sticking her hand inside my shorts! He's huge! He's gonna kill me! What the hell?! She was mocking me at the beach the other day and now this?! How the heck do I get her to stop?!

Alan continued to lick his ice cream cone while trying to maintain a poker face. He expected disaster to strike at any moment.

Heather, on the other hand, looked like she had just casually draped her arm behind the backrest of her chair. No one seemed to notice that her hand had found the crack of Alan's butt. Her fingers were on a mission, and soon her index finger began to probe his back door.

Alan didn't dare turn around and look towards her. Instead, he tried to casually scope out the rest of the ice cream parlor to see if anyone had caught on. He became acutely aware that the guy who scooped the ice cream cones had a perfect vantage point to look straight ahead and see the hand of a woman sitting at one table massaging the butt of a man at the table behind her. And he was in fact staring in the right general direction, but luckily he seemed completely fixated on Heather's tits.

I'm going to get killed by her boyfriend before I leave the store. But even if he doesn't notice, that other guy's gonna see for sure, and then he's gonna start telling everybody, and then Heather's boyfriend will find out, and then he'll track me down and beat the living shit out of me! Anybody else could notice at any moment too. They might even say something out loud, right now!

He began to consume his ice cream with a vengeance while, at the same time, he tried valiantly not to squirm away from Heather's probing digit. When he finished, he slowly stood up, making sure that Heather knew what he was doing so she could unobtrusively remove her hand first.

Heather turned around and looked up at him, as if she had just recalled that he was still there. She asked him, "Are you going somewhere? Aren't you going to wait for me?"

"Yeah, I was just... throwing my napkin away."

"Oh. If your friend doesn't mind, why don't you sit over here and meet my boyfriend Rock." There were actually benches for two on each side of the tables, and she patted the space on the bench beside her for Alan to sit down.

Alan came around and sat next to her, too worried, not to mention too aroused, to give much thought to his abandoned friend Sean. "Hi, Rock. I'm Alan," he said, as he reached his hand across the table to shake Rock's strong hand. He didn't pay much attention to the high school's sports teams, other than his own tennis team, but he already vaguely knew of Rock since he was the school's quarterback.

"I'm Rock. It's short for Rockwell," the jock explained as he practically crushed Alan's hand with a casually firm handshake. "If you're helping Heather on her homework, you must be quite the brain." He'd said this exact line so many times to so many others like Alan that it was more like a script for him rather than a genuine pleasantry.

"Yeah, well, I don't know about that..." Inane small talk ensued. Rock seemed visibly annoyed by Alan's presence, but he continued to talk just to be polite.

Alan was sitting to Heather's left where she'd made space on the bench for him. As Rock talked, Alan felt Heather's fingers playfully crawl across his leg like a spider and land on his crotch. His heart leapt into his throat. He was sure that Rock would figure out what was going on, simply from seeing the stunned look on his face.

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Alan realized that it had been a big mistake to sit so close to Heather. He felt helpless to stop her reckless advances.

She put her hand on his upper thigh and then drew it up until it reached the waistband of his shorts. She slid her hand under his shorts and underwear and found his dick. She began to rub him slowly, even as she joined in the small talk. She was well aware that none of this could be seen by Rock.

But, apparently, even that wasn't good enough for her. She withdrew her hand and then began to unzip his shorts.

Alan thought he would die of fright when he heard the sound of the moving zipper. It sounded as loud as a jet plane on a runway to his ears, but apparently Rock remained unaware of what she was doing. Alan's heart pounded even more wildly than it had already been thumping.

Then Heather put her hand inside his fly, pulled out his turgid erection and began playing with it again.

Alan nearly fainted in fear as he imagined Rock leaning forward over the table to see Alan's private parts just hanging out, being stroked by Heather's tanned hand, and the ensuing punishment to him that would ensue.

Heather rubbed his firm cock aggressively, as if she really wanted to make him cum quickly all over the place.

Alan was too shocked to think, beyond barely being able to keep his end of the small talk going. So she just continued to rub him with her fingers and bring him closer and closer to orgasm.

He didn't know how to get out of this situation, because if he stood up, her hand would rise up above the table too. Since he was sitting across from Rock, the thought suddenly occurred to him that if he did cum, it might splatter all over Rock's legs. But not even that fear caused his erection to wilt.

Ironically, it was Rock who saved him. Bored with Alan's company he said to Heather, "Honeybunch, why don't we go?" and stood up to leave.

She withdrew her hand immediately, before Rock could rise high enough to see where it had gone.

Alan rushed his hands to his groin to cover his protruding boner, then discreetly stowed it away before Rock looked in that direction.

A minute or two later, Alan said his goodbyes to both Rock and Sean and got into the car he'd borrowed from his mother. Heather slid into the front passenger seat. This left his friend Sean totally stranded.

However, Sean seemed to understand; he even encouraged Alan to "seize the moment" and leave with the teenage sex bomb. No doubt Sean had been putting himself in Alan's shoes, imagining that it was he who was allowed to help Heather with her homework, which before long would lead to them making love instead. No doubt Sean thought this was just an impossible idle fantasy; had he known just how accurate it actually was, he would have been having very different thoughts about letting Alan leave with his dream girl Heather.