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6 Times a Day

Chapter 268 Like Candy From A Baby, Again! [DD Sponsored]
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Drunk Dargon [2/3]


They went back into the Plummer house and continued to talk there. (Ron wasn't expected home until much later, so they weren't worried about him walking in on them.) Susan continued to wear her robe very loosely, even though Alan wasn't there.

After a while, they came around to the issue of punishment. Initially, Susan was going to punish both Alan and Suzanne. But Suzanne eventually convinced her that it would have been completely unreasonable for any boy Alan's age to resist Suzanne's ample charms, especially given his need to cum at least six times each and every day. Besides, Susan had such a powerful lust for her son, it was hard for her to stay mad at him. So Suzanne took the fall and ended up being the only one who got a real punishment.

Normally, Susan wouldn't have felt right punishing someone she wasn't actually related to, but Suzanne was so much like family that she went ahead and said to her, "Here's your punishment. First, you're not allowed to pleasure Alan in any way, period!"

"What?! No! That's too cruel!"

"Listen. I'm not done. The caveat is, unless I give my express permission first. And I'm keeping that restriction until further notice. I'm not going to be handing out permission to you willy nilly, either. For starters, don't even THINK about asking me until Ron's gone."

"But how will Sweetie get by?" Suzanne asked plaintively. "What about his relentless daily schedule?"

Susan replied hotly, "You let me worry about that! Thanks to your irresponsibility, I just may be forced to take matters into my own hands more often, so to speak. In fact, probably my hands and mouth." She blushed a little. "Not that I really want to, mind you, but you leave me little choice!"

Suzanne had a hard time keeping a straight face at that, but she knew this was not the time to say something snarky. She found it interesting that Susan appeared to be completely sincere in thinking she was being "forced" to give Alan such help. But she thought, If Susan needs excuses like that to cling to so she doesn't have to feel guilty about her sexual awakening, then the more excuses the better. In fact, I should think up some new ones for her.

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Suzanne said, "I'm sorry for making you do that. But I do want to make clear just what you'll need to do. It's true that he seems to be getting some help at school, but that's usually only good for one or two checkmarks on his chart. All the rest will be up to you, because you want to limit his need to sin as much as possible. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the sin of Onan and what God did to him."

"NO YOU DO NOT!" Susan said crossly, her arms still folded under her exposed tits. Without thinking about it or planning it, she was growing more and more accustomed to casual nudity. The fact that Suzanne remained nearly nude helped quite a lot.

Suzanne responded, "Well then, you'll have to make sure he blows his load down your throat at least once before school. Every morning, without fail! That's essential to spreading the task out throughout the day, so he doesn't get too sore. I don't know how you'll manage that with Ron still here, but you'll have to try. Do you think you can handle that?"

Susan had a hard time not licking her lips. "If that's what I have to do, then it's what I have to do. I'll manage somehow." She made it sound like she was making a big sacrifice, when in fact she was already chomping at the bit.

Suzanne was secretly delighted. "And of course his afternoon and evening orgasms will fall entirely on your shoulders. You won't have a lot of opportunities while Ron's in town, so I recommend you steal away with Sweetie to feast on his throbbing cock-meat every chance you get. And blowjobs are the best, because they're faster and leave less of a mess. They're also going to avoid chafing him."

Susan's anger towards Suzanne continued to fade as she found herself thinking about all the delicious orgasmic possibilities in the near future. She especially liked hearing the reasoning that blowjobs were the best option. Wow! I could wind up sucking his cock four or five times a day, every day, even before Ron leaves! My goodness! My belly would be permanently full of his little spermies. And all that talk about being his big-titted mommy slut and one of his personal cocksuckers wouldn't just be sexy talk - it'll be true! I'll be living to serve his powerful manhood! Oh God! Oh God! YES!

She was so floored by this realization, which struck her almost like a divine revelation, that she was forced to sit down. She wanted to jump for joy. Not only could she fulfill her not-so-secret desires, but now she had at least a semi-plausible excuse for doing so.

She pictured herself outside in an endless grassy field somewhere, naked and kneeling, happily sucking on her son's cock. Mmmm! So delicious! I wish that could be me right now, with my jaw stretched open almost-painfully wide, because my son is that well-hung. And it COULD be me. It WILL be me! So much! Mmmm! So much! I'm such a naughty, naughty mommy, but I don't care!

She trembled with excitement, but tried to portray a semblance of calm as she said, "Well, that's probably just how it's gonna have to be for a while."

But she also thought out loud, "It'll be rather cruel to Ron if I sneak off with Tiger like that. I've been thinking. I know Ron cheated on me, but he really hasn't been THAT terrible a husband. And what if I get caught right before he goes? That would really be a disaster."

Suzanne sat down on the sofa next to her and countered, "But you really have no choice in the matter. I forced this on you. Maybe Alan can get by with five or four times a day for the next two days, but do you want him to completely ruin his daily average?"

"What if he... does it on his own... sometimes?"

Suzanne acted scandalized. "Susan! Do you hear yourself?! That's the sin of Onan!"

Susan looked down, chastened. "I know, I know. But he did it so much before all this started. Would a few more times really be so bad, in the greater scheme of things? At least until Ron's gone?"

Suzanne responded with a withering look. "You're the one who's always telling me about how worried you are about sin. If you're feeling guilty, maybe you should try to limit yourself to handjobs until Ron's gone. But the main thing is, one way or another, you have to coax all that cum out of him."

Susan considered that, then looked up at Suzanne with new resolve. "Thanks. I'll try. And I'm sorry about being a meanie, but I really have to put my foot down. I feel like things are spinning out of my control. I need to be firm, or who knows what'll happen around here."

"I understand. I blew it, and I'm not just talking about your son's dick. I should have been stronger. However, I hope you can at least understand why I lost control. I mean, do you know what it's like, having to go so many days without being able to swallow even one of his creamy loads? Not being able to run your tongue up and down those glorious eight inches? Not being able to lick his balls while your hands steadily pump up and down all over his rock-hard pole? Not even being able to feel his throbbing warmth in your hands as it squirts out his hot, potent seed all over your face and chest? Can't you understand my frustration?"

"Yes!" Susan panted loudly, as another wave of lust overtook her. Had Alan walked into the room just then, she would have had his fly unzipped before he could even say hello.

Suzanne knew that at this point Susan was putty in her hands. She went on to describe again, in intimate detail, all of the sexy reasons why she'd lost control. Then she went on to describe in vivid, accurate detail everything she and Alan had done to each other until the moment that they'd been caught. She even described her blowjobs with a near lick-by-lick accuracy.

Such minor details would have sounded dreadfully boring to most people, but Susan loved to hear it, steadily growing more and more aroused. She had positioned herself so she could surreptitiously rub her pussy a little bit, without Suzanne knowing it (or so she thought). She was eager to learn more of Suzanne's many cocksucking techniques and how she employed them, since she was intent on improving her own skills.

To help herself better describe the different ways that Alan had played with her breasts, Suzanne began to caress herself in the same way.

Susan still wore nothing but a robe (which she'd put on in the first place because of an unconscious desire to expose herself to her son). She found herself shifting and wriggling about as Suzanne's story got hotter and more explicit. She constantly had to re-close her robe. She wasn't trying to cover her breasts - she'd long given up on that - she was just trying to keep her wet pussy hidden from Suzanne's view.

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By the time Suzanne began running her fingers up and down her own legs to illustrate just how and where Alan had run his erection over her, Susan gave up even attempting to keep that part of her robe closed. It seemed a bit silly after all, since Suzanne was wearing only her bikini bottoms.

Finally, Suzanne ran out of excuses to keep up her vivid description of sex acts. She ended with, "So that's the story," and looked at a clock on the wall. "My, how the time flies. We've been talking over an hour. I suppose by now Sweetie has taken his afternoon nap. You should go up there right away and give him a firm lecture, or whatever."

"A lecture? You really think so?" She pulled at the sash of her robe again, trying to hide the rivulets of cum currently running down her thighs. Her chest was heaving wildly. She felt that she wasn't in any condition to give Alan a lecture.

"Definitely. Don't even waste time changing and cleaning up, because Ron could be here soon." Actually, she knew that wasn't true; she just wanted Susan to visit Alan's room in nothing but her robe.

She suggested, "I'll tell you what. I'll find my bikini top and put it back on. Then I'll stay downstairs and keep an eye out for anyone coming home. That way you're covered in case you happen to end up stroking or sucking Sweetie's fat sausage as well. I know you're mad at him, but he's way below target today."

She added in her mind, And I'll freshen up down here. This place smells like wet pussy, thanks to both of us! What would Ron think of that?

Susan nodded, replying piously, "Well then, thank you very much. But don't worry, that's not going to happen; I'm going to be too busy reminding my son about the virtues of forthrightness and honesty." But she licked her lips in anticipation just the same.

Suzanne prodded, "That sounds good. But remember, if you're punishing me so severely, then the load is entirely on you. If he's gonna make his daily target today, it's pretty vital that you suck all the sperm out of his big balls at least once before dinner, and again later tonight. You might even have to do it while Brenda is visiting!"

Susan nodded while trying hard not to smile. "I suppose that's possible. If it happens, Brenda will just have to try to understand."


Susan had to force herself to walk slowly, rather than run up the stairs, because she didn't want to look too eager.

Once Susan was gone, Suzanne thought, Like candy from a baby, again! This punishment could work out so well that I'm a bit disappointed I didn't think of it myself. Just so long as it doesn't last too long. Once she's completely hooked on sucking his cock every day, I'll be able to move on to the next phase in my scheme. Pretty soon I'll have him fucking both of us. I can hardly wait!