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Chapter 283 Brenda’s Inner Struggle.[DS Sponsored]
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They held hands again, then Brenda firmly squeezed Suzanne's. "Thank you! Alan was so right about how I needed to talk to you one-on-one. And I haven't even gotten to the main reason I wanted to talk to you!"

They both laughed, enjoying their new camaraderie.

Suzanne pulled her hand back and said, "Let's talk about that, then. Finding a new man. Yes?"

Brenda nodded. Her real interest at that moment was Alan, and trying him out, but she thought Suzanne wouldn't allow that. However, she hoped to learn things that could help her with that quest.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Nah. This conversation is far too interesting to take a break."

Suzanne smiled. "Very well. Let's talk about finding you a good man, one of those 'real men' like Alan that I've talked to you about. But first, let me explain a little more about my situation today. I've come to the conclusion that the most important thing, and maybe really the only thing that matters, is love. One of the ways Susan influenced me was to make me see that materialistic and selfish desires really don't matter much. I know that sounds a bit hypocritical when I'm living in this big house. I'm not saying that stuff doesn't matter at all, but once you reach a certain point... Let's put it this way. Have you ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?"

Brenda's face lit up. "I have! I love the fact that you mentioned that! Wow, talking to someone about something of intellectual substance. This is such a rare treat for me, because people see my looks and treat me like I'm a brainless bimbo. Maslow was a psychologist who said that each person first tries to fulfill his or her most basic needs, like food, water, and shelter. Once those are secure, the person moves on to higher needs, like secure employment, good health, and so on. The person keeps going up to get to still higher needs, like self-actualization."

Suzanne smiled. "Exactly! You and I, with our basic needs more than taken care of, we can move up. A lot of wealthy people never truly get that concept. They think the goal is just to collect more and more stuff. But that's a dead end. There's always that one more thing you want or think you need, and you keep working yourself to death until you literally die."

"So true," Brenda agreed. "You can't take it with you. I have more money than I could ever reasonably need to spend. Why couldn't Bob see that? Why couldn't he at least have found a better balance?"

Suzanne nodded. "Tell me about it. It's like you're describing my husband Eric. I'm at a point where what I desire above all else is love. To love and to be loved. Friends and family are what matters the most. And I've found that. Susan's a big, big part of it. And my daughter Amy. And Katherine, who's like a second daughter to me. But most important of all is Alan. I've gotta say the sexual aspect with him plays a big role. Had it not been for that, he'd be like a son to me, which is fantastic. But he's so much more! Brenda, I'm in love! I'm so much in love!"

Brenda smiled, even as she felt a sharp pang of jealousy. "That's wonderful. But isn't it kind of difficult for you? I mean, I'm sure he loves you too, but he's also sexually involved with Susan, and Katherine in a way, and others."

"Oh, definitely others," Suzanne said with a leer. "He's quite the stud."

Brenda noticed more than a touch of pride in Suzanne's voice, and that puzzled her. "I still don't get your attitude on that. Be honest; doesn't that bother you?"

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"We're working it out. It's definitely a work in progress. We're lucky that there's just one male involved. I don't think men can share women very well. It goes back to some primal caveman instinct. But if one man has several women, that can work. That's been proven throughout history time and time again."

"The harem pattern," Brenda suggested. Harem-related porn was one of her favorite types of porn. The mere word could get her wet. It was hard for her to talk about the subject in a supposedly disinterested manner.

"If you want to call it that. In fact, I think it has big advantages. Look at us last night. You felt the vibe. The whole Plummer house is high on happiness and love, because we're all in love with Alan, and he's in love with all of us. It's incredible! For instance, I can share the joy of being in love with Alan with Susan, my very best friend. I thought we were the very best of friends previously, but it's made us even closer than before. Sharing Alan with other women you like, well, it's just better all around."

Brenda found herself nodding, because she was in complete agreement. I'll bet it is! Alan, with his harem of gorgeous women! Then she caught herself and stopped.

"So anyway, my point is, if you want to be happy, to be deliriously happy, you need to find love AND sexual satisfaction. Right now, you're lacking both in a big way."

"I am?"

"It's written on your face."

"It is?"

"Brenda, I'm going to be blunt. I'm going to be very blunt. You look like a woman who hasn't had a good fuck in YEARS!"

Brenda was shocked at first, but then she burst into laughter and Suzanne joined in. "You're right! You're so right!" After the laughter died down, she asked, "Is that really written on my face?"

"Well, yes and no. It's not something a stranger might notice, but I've been seeing you and talking to you more often in recent weeks, so it seems obvious to me. Of course, a big clue was the way you shouted out how you need to get laid at that party a few nights ago."

Brenda laughed. "Oh yeah! When I was drunk. That was a teeny, tiny clue."

Suzanne winked. "Very tiny. I'll bet it's actually true that you haven't had sex in years, at least any really good sex. Meanwhile, Bob has been having affairs right and left."

"What?! How did you know that?!" She was well aware of his affairs, but she didn't see how Suzanne could know.

"From what you told me before. Alan's not the only one who can be perceptive, you know. Your husband's on a power trip, you said. For people like that, sex is a manifestation of power. Way back when, I'm sure he pursued you aggressively because you were the best. The most beautiful. The most endowed. Smart and rich, too. It was impossible for him to find a more physically impressive wife than you. To put it bluntly, you were a gorgeous trophy to be won. Then he was happy with you for a while, because having and flaunting you was one way for him to prove his superiority over others. But people like that get bored with the status quo."

Brenda nodded as she listened. She was very impressed.

"Eventually, he concluded that having you, and some other women on the side, would be even more of a power trip, plus there's the thrill of the chase and the excitement of keeping a dangerous secret, and so on. Believe me, I know, because my husband Eric is a lot like your Bob, and the same kind of thing destroyed our marriage."

Suzanne went on, "For a long time, I was stumped: why on Earth would a man cheat on ME? Let's not toot the false modesty horn; I'm extremely beautiful, smart, good-hearted, an insatiable tigress in bed, and lots of other positive things besides. But eventually I realized what happened wasn't about me. His personality made his cheating inevitable. Some people are just never satisfied with what they've got."

Brenda asked, "Why didn't you just divorce his sorry ass years ago?"

Now it was Suzanne's turn to sigh heavily. "In retrospect, I should have. Keeping a sham marriage going was the dumbest mistake I ever made. But I thought it was vital to keep the family together until the kids graduated from high school. What I didn't realize was that a family split in two while living in the same house was no favor to the kids. In fact, just the opposite. But now it's a moot point. Somehow we've muddled through, and now the kids are of age and I can finally get a divorce. Which of course will allow me to devote myself to Alan full-time. So you can see how very similar our situations are."

"But how is Eric cheating on you different from Alan having multiple lovers?"

Suzanne's eyes narrowed and she had to control a surge of anger. "It's totally different! Nothing could be MORE different! Cheating is cheating, and it's just about the most painful kind of personal treachery you can imagine. But you probably can imagine it, since Bob cheated on you."

Brenda nodded. Her heart ached from the reminder. Bob had cheated on her for years and years.

"Whereas everything Alan has done with other women has been with my full approval. I may not know every last detail, but there's no real duplicity or treachery going on. In fact, I've encouraged him every step of the way. You see, we're a family - a real sharing family. If Alan were my lover but not theirs, we would have all kinds of problems. Sharing is the only way to go here."

Brenda was silent, since she didn't know quite what to think about that. Damn! I'm an outsider. If I were part of that group, say, Suzanne's sister, I'm sure I'd have the taste of sperm on my breath right now! I'd spend hours naked and kneeling, choking and gagging, then getting the fucking of my life! That would be a dream come true. But Alan doesn't know me at all, so why would he be interested?

Suzanne continued, "So, as you can see, our life histories are pretty similar. The big difference is that now I have Alan."

Brenda said wistfully, "What I need is my own Alan." Maybe I'll have to settle for that, someone like him. God, that sucks! So much money, and it can't buy me the one thing I really need.

"My thoughts exactly! In fact, you need someone exactly like Alan. Too bad Alan is already taken, several times over. We've lamented that already. Someone like him would turn your life around. Of course, I'm not talking about the superficial things, like age or looks, though it's wonderful to have a handsome young stud who can last so long. But it's the stuff inside that counts. The key thing for me with Alan is that he's just such a GOOD person. He doesn't care about power, wealth, or status. I think he saw what Susan and I went through, and he's been lucky to learn what really matters at a much younger age than you or I did. He knows it's about family, friends, and love. If his loved ones are unhappy, he's unhappy."

After an apparent pause, Suzanne unexpectedly added, "And sex!"

"Excuse me?"

"Sex! Sex is key. It's like the glue, the bond, that holds it all together. I don't think you can have a happy romantic couple without good and fairly frequent sex. If they go without, then they're just roommates and not really a couple. With sex, we reaffirm and strengthen our loving bonds every day." She leered, "And it's a hell of a lot of fun!"

They laughed. Brenda added, "Amen to that!" Again she thought about the fact that Suzanne had blown Alan just an hour or so earlier. Lucky slut. Lucky lips. And he titfucked her too!

Suzanne continued, "So what you need is a man who has good values, not superficial ones. And he has to be someone you find attractive. And someone who can ring your chimes over and over again, if you know what I mean."

Brenda said with chagrin, "Basically, Alan."

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"Pretty much. Unfortunately, there aren't many Alans out there, and I'm sure they get snapped up fast. But I've found mine, and with the right attitude, lots of work, and knowing where to look, I'll bet you'll be able to find yours."

Brenda said anxiously, "I hope so. The fact that I have a teenage son already, that doesn't help matters."

"No. But I believe there's someone out there for every lonely soul. Or, in Alan's case, someone for several lonely souls." She chuckled.

Brenda was fishing for details about Alan's sex life. She asked, tentatively, "Um, you don't have to answer this, but just how many 'lonely souls' do you think one person like him can satisfy?"

"Hmmm. In Alan's case, who knows? I do know that I'm much, much happier sharing him than having someone like my husband-in-name-only Eric all to myself. The sharing has so many benefits. To give you an example, Susan was already my very best friend before this all started. I thought we couldn't possibly get any closer. But then we both started sharing Alan, and we've gotten MUCH closer! We spend even more time together every day, and we're constantly talking about the sexy, fun things we did with him. It literally doubles the joy, because I get to do something with Alan, and then later I get the joy of reliving it by talking about it with Susan."

Brenda asked hesitantly, "Do you get... graphic?"

"Oh, yes! VERY graphic! We go over every blowjob nearly lick by lick. Not only is it great fun, but we also learn a lot about what works best, so we can serve him that much better."

Brenda felt goose bumps when she heard that. "Serve him!" Oh God, she's living the dream! MY dream! But am I ready to make that dream a reality? That's scary!

Suzanne added, "Of course, that wouldn't work for some personality types. We're lucky in that our group, or family, meshes so well. Different strokes for different folks, as the saying goes. There are a lot of different ways to find happiness."

"That's true," Brenda agreed. She was miffed that Suzanne had dodged revealing the number of Alan's lovers.

Brenda and Suzanne continued to talk about this and that. Mostly, they focused on Brenda's problems. Suzanne tried to stress that it would be difficult to find the kind of man she wanted and needed, and in the meantime she needed to get in contact with her sexual side and "go a little wild." Once she "found herself" sexually, that would make it easier to know what she wanted with her ultimate mate.

At one point, Brenda asked Suzanne to describe how good it felt to be fucked by Alan.

Suzanne was forced to state that she hadn't actually been fucked by him yet, since she'd been holding off on real intercourse until Susan was ready to accept it for them both. But she reassured Brenda that, based on the great pleasure that she'd experienced with other sex acts with Alan, she was sure it would be absolutely fantastic. She pointed out that all the other sex acts with prolonged arousal were training him to have incredible stamina, on top of his innate teenage ability to recover rapidly. She further asserted that she and he would fuck within the next week or two, once Susan got past her issues about so-called "true incest," meaning vaginal penetration.

Given everything else that Brenda had learned about Alan, she had no reason to doubt Suzanne's prediction.

There was much that Suzanne refrained from saying. For instance, she didn't bring up Brenda's sexually submissive tendencies, even though she was tempted to. She reminded herself that her scheme wouldn't come to fruition in one day, so on this day she was just planting seeds that would flower in the future.

There was also much that Brenda refrained from mentioning. She still considered her submissiveness a deep secret that only Alan had figured out. She thought Suzanne might have an inkling, in a vague way, due to the kind of "real man" Suzanne said would suit her, but she was ashamed to reveal just how strong her submissive feelings were. She was very afraid of those feelings. Life was safe, if boring, as long as she kept them bottled up. Alan tempted her to take the plunge and let those feelings run free, but that scared her. She still felt reluctant and conflicted.

Suzanne's goal was to give Brenda the idea that the person she should "go a little wild" with was Alan. Furthermore, she wanted Brenda's desire for Alan to grow and grow. It didn't take a big mental leap to conclude that if Brenda's ideal mate was a man "exactly like Alan," who better to fit that description than Alan himself? Once Brenda was fully under Alan's spell, her knowledge of the incest would no longer be a threat. Ideally, Brenda could find a role as a kind of associate member of Suzanne's new sexual family, benefiting from it in many ways without being a core member who took up a lot of Alan's time and energy. Suzanne considered the fact that Brenda had a teenage son to be a potential bonus, because it would hopefully keep Brenda occupied much of the time so she wouldn't be too clingy or upset about not being closer to Alan.

Suzanne hadn't worked out all the answers when it came to Brenda, but she had a gut feeling that things were working in a direction that would make everyone involved very happy, including Brenda. In fact, in the same way that Suzanne felt that Susan's sexual awakening would ultimately end up being the best thing that had ever happened to her friend, Suzanne thought that Brenda's life also could be radically transformed for the better.

Even though the supposed purpose of Brenda's visit was to get Suzanne's help in finding a man like Alan, she left the house with less of an interest in that option and even more desire for Alan himself. That had been exactly Suzanne's intention all along.