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Chapter 286 Susan And Brenda [HYPERION SPONSORED]
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Much Appreciation for HYPERION for his Generous Donation. Your donation goes above and beyond what I could have ever hoped. Hope you Live a Wonderful Life.

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By the time Susan got home from her errands with Ron, she was feeling anxious and depressed. Spending time with Ron continually reminded her of what a broken, loveless marriage she had. But what bothered her even more was that she hadn't so much as touched Alan's penis all day.

She quickly found Alan in his room, working on his homework for a change. She hinted heavily that she'd be happy to help him with at least a handjob, as soon as they could get away from Ron to do it. So she was crushed when Alan told her that he didn't need any help right away.

This puzzled her. She checked his orgasm chart. "Tiger, I don't see any checks on the chart for today. A virile, well-hung young man like you-"

He cut in, "Sorry, Mom. I'm getting a bit slack keeping the chart updated. I'll get to it later. The truth is, I did get some help."

He had to think fast, because he couldn't be honest about any of the help he'd gotten. Suzanne had shanghaied him at school, and then again when he came home, but she wasn't supposed to have any sexual contact with him because of Susan's punishment. And he couldn't talk about his "S-Club meeting" with Katherine and Kim, for obvious reasons.

So he said, "The S-Club meeting didn't start right after school ended. There was just enough time for me to get some help. And I got some more quick help after it was over. So I'm good for a while, especially since, you know, Ron is home."

"Oh." Susan couldn't hide her disappointment. "Are you keeping in mind what Akami said, about the need for both quality AND quantity?"

He replied in a typical bored teen voice, "Yes, Mom."

"Good. Well then, let me know if you need me later. You're still well under your daily target, aren't you?"

"I am."

She left after some more small talk. She felt sad at the lack of action, but she didn't want to be too pushy. She also was dying to know who had helped him, but she didn't want to be pushy about that either. She figured she would find out who his other helpers were before too long in any case.

— — —

Later, the entire Plummer family ate dinner together. The idea was that the four of them would spend time together that night, since Ron would be leaving the next day and he hadn't actually been around that much. Nobody seemed too excited about it, not even Ron, but it seemed like the thing to do.

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Susan baked a fairly indifferent champignon, tomato, and chayote quiche, and then they all decided to watch a movie, which wouldn't require much social interaction.

Not long after the movie started, Susan got a phone call from Brenda. She answered it in the kitchen. The others were in the living room with the movie, so she felt she could speak freely. She spoke in a quieter tone than usual though, just to be safe.

Brenda said, "I'm sorry for bothering you but... to be honest, I'm feeling troubled. I'm shaken over what happened last night."

Susan asked, "Didn't you talk to Suzanne earlier? Didn't she get things straightened out?"

"I did, and she was great. But even though she was helpful, she actually made me even more upset at the same time. I was hoping I could speak to you, in person, tonight. I guess I just need some emotional handholding."

That appealed to Susan's altruistic nature, despite her jealousy issues with Brenda. "I'd be happy to help you, but, uh..." She thought about spending the rest of the evening with Ron and watching the movie, and decided she'd much rather talk to Brenda. But there was another problem. "Where would we meet? Everybody's here tonight, including Ron. It's not good."

Brenda was relieved about that. She was actually scared about seeing Alan again.

The two of them discussed alternatives. Suzanne's house was rejected because Eric, Brad, and Amy would probably be there. Brenda suggested her own house, but Susan was reluctant. She explained that, although she knew that Brenda was extremely rich, that didn't affect how she felt about Brenda. However that might change if she saw Brenda's big mansion.

Instead, Susan suggested that they meet the next day during school hours.

That would have been much easier, but Brenda was so emotionally churned up that she longed to see Susan that night. She said, "Tonight would be much better for me. I've got an idea. If you don't want to see my place, I also have a guest house that is much more manageable. It has its own driveway, so I can tell you how to get straight there. It's right next to the main house, but you won't see much in the dark."

So they made plans to meet there. Susan figured she wouldn't be missed much during the movie, so she left just a few minutes later. She told Ron and the others that the call had been from a friend who was having an emotional crisis and she needed to go to console her friend right away. That was true enough.

Susan was amazed at what she could see of Brenda's estate, even in the dark. She had to go through a security gate, and then the drive through the front yard was longer than a couple typical street blocks. She actually made a point to not look towards Brenda's mansion, instead driving straight to the guest house.

Brenda was already there and led her inside. They were both wearing not especially revealing clothes, although they also dressed to impress each other.

After a friendly hug and kiss, Susan took a look around the main living room. "Wow! This is a guest house? This is the size of a normal house. When was it last used?"

Brenda replied, "To be honest, I don't know. A long time ago, I'm embarrassed to say. It gets dusted and cleaned, but other than that it just sits here. I feel bad about it. Keep in mind that this is all Bob's doing. He's so vain. If you think this is bad, you should see the main house! We have so many unused rooms that I feel like I live in a ghost town. It's all for show. Once the divorce is final, I'll be happy to move into a more modest abode. I was the trophy wife living the trophy life in a trophy mansion, but no more!"

"Good for you." Susan sat down in an easy-chair, and Brenda sat in one next to her. "Enough about that. I'm not here to judge you. What's got you so worked up that you had to see me right away?"

Brenda looked down shyly. "I don't know where to begin. It's the card game last night. To me, that wasn't just a card game. What happened really rocked my whole world! I'm still reeling!"

Susan was secretly pleased; clearly the Alan hype was having an impact. But she played dumb. "Oh? What exactly do you mean?"

Brenda sighed. "It's Alan. All the talk about sex. And him. And... well..." She sighed. She was particularly troubled by his "lord and master" comment and how deeply that affected her, but she had trouble admitting that to anyone, even Susan.

With trepidation, Susan said, "Tell it to me straight: you think I'm some kind of horrible, immoral person for helping him out, don't you?" That wasn't part of Suzanne's hype scheme; Susan couldn't help but express some of her own insecurity.

Brenda sighed heavily. "No, I don't. I'll admit that it's weird. And yes, I guess I do judge you a bit about that. But it's not just a negative thing. After all I've learned, I admire you for your willingness to help him even before you discovered the pleasure involved. That took a lot of guts."

Susan nodded. "Yes it did. Given my religious upbringing, I've had to overcome practically everything I knew to help my child in his time of need. Keep in mind..." She interrupted herself. "Brenda, can I be painfully honest with you, and really bare my soul for a minute?"

"But of course! I'll be glad if you do, because I'll probably do the same in a little while." She still didn't know what to say about her submissiveness and how Alan had shook up her whole world with his comments last night, but she wanted to say something about it.

Susan explained sincerely, "Up until just weeks ago, I was about as sexually innocent and inexperienced as a wife with children could be. I'd been taught that sex was bad and only for procreation. Ron was brought up the same way. You don't even want to know how infrequently we had sex. Whatever you think it was, it's way less than that. It's so sad. Ron was the only man I'd ever been intimate with in any way, shape, or form, so my libido had basically shut down from sheer disuse. I hardly ever thought about sex. Given my devout Christian beliefs, cheating wasn't even a consideration. Heck, I didn't even masturbate!"

Brenda was incredulous about that last point. "Oh my gosh! Are you serious?!"

Susan nodded gravely. "I thought it was a sin."

Brenda pointed out, "A lot of people think it's a sin, but that doesn't slow them down much. The sexual urge is just too strong."

Susan said, "Perhaps. But remember what I said about my libido shutting down. If you live life like a nun, then eventually your sexual urges go away. That's where I've been at for basically my entire adult life."

Brenda was moved. "Oh, poor you! That's horrible!"

"When I started helping Alan cum, I initially thought that would be about as appealing as, say, having to lance a boil. You know, one of those odious tasks that you have to do as a loving mother. Luckily, kindness reaps rewards, because in the last month or so my life has blossomed like you wouldn't believe! I was reasonably content before, but it's like I've discovered true happiness for the first time. It's a whole different level! The sexual pleasure is a big part of it, but not all. Everything is great! I can't stop smiling. Only now do I look back and realize how much I've missed out on."

Brenda was so moved that she was nearly teary-eyed. "That's beautiful! You're really making me see this with new eyes."

"What started out as awkwardly helping my son has turned into a magical, precious journey. You're seeing us at a time where things are only starting to catch fire. I can't even imagine how much BETTER it's going to get!"

"Wow. Susan, you really are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing that with me. Since you've been so open, let me be open with you. I talked to Suzanne about some things today, but I didn't really get to the heart of the matter. She's so very impressive, you know what I mean? I like her a lot, but I feel a bit intimidated by her too. Whereas with you, I feel like we're on the same wavelength somehow."

Susan grinned. "I feel that too."

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"Good. Here's the thing. In the past few days, I feel like my life has turned upside down. Suzanne got to talking about an ideal 'real man,' and it was like every word she spoke was a slap across my face, because she spoke such powerful truth! It was like she could read my mind. Then, last night, I got to talk to Alan, and the same thing happened again. He's my ideal man, my dream man! It's like he walked straight out of my dreams!"

Susan beamed. "I couldn't agree more! And you don't know the half of it! Mmmm... When I have his big, fat... er, member... in my hands..."

Brenda clarified, "You can say 'cock.' It's better that way. I think we can easily agree that if any man has a cock, it's him!"

Susan giggled happily. "Ain't that the truth!"

"And don't censor yourself on my account. As I keep telling you, I can handle it, no matter how graphic it is."

"Good. Because right now I'm thinking about holding his big cock in my hands." She gestured with her hands, as if she were stroking him while he stood in front of her. "Running my fingers up and down all ten throbbing inches..."

She brought her hands to her face as if holding his erection so that she could lick and suck it. She even closed her eyes and blissed out for a few long moments, as she obviously fantasized about doing just that. But then she re-opened her eyes and asked in a pouty tone, "By the way, did you know I haven't even so much as touched his cock once today?!"


"It's true! Ron being home is a real problem. Luckily, Alan told me that he got a lot of help from some big-titted cheerleaders. But if he were here right now, Gaawwwd! I wouldn't be able to control myself! I'd just HAVE to swallow him deep, as deep as I could! He'd probably start fucking my face vigorously, making me choke and gag! But you know what? Confession time: I secretly love it when he does that! I feel like he's taking total control and really putting me in my place! MMMM!"

She suddenly dropped her hands and seemed to snap back to the here and now. "Oh my. Sorry. I got a little carried away there. We were talking about your problem, and I went off on a tangent. Where were we?"

Brenda was floored yet again. In particular the words "I feel like he's taking total control and really putting me in my place" hit her like a sledgehammer smashing a chandelier. Her body trembled and her heart raced so intensely that she was lucky she was already sitting down.

She just stared at Susan as she clutched at her chest, trying to hide how much her gasping was causing her huge tits to heave up and down. She was struck dumb.

Susan frowned. "Sorry, did I get too explicit? I did. I'm really sorry."

That caused Brenda to snap out of it and respond. "Oh, no! It's not that! PLEASE don't censor yourself. In fact, my problem is the opposite: I love what you're saying so much that I can't get enough of it. True, I've been married twice, and I've had a few other lovers besides. But when I hear you or Suzanne talking with such passion about helping Alan with his problem, I realize that I've never really had sex at all! You've opened my eyes. I want that. I want to feel what you've been feeling!"

Susan said modestly, "I've been blessed by the Lord."

"You have!"


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