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6 Times a Day

Chapter 289 Dirty Talk With Susan [HYPERION SPONSORED]
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Later that evening, Susan found herself deeply conflicted. On the one hand, she had really enjoyed the tuck-in and goodnight kiss that she'd given Alan earlier in the week, and wanted to make it a regular event. But on the other hand, she knew that she had a tendency to lose control around him, and she was very aware that Ron was still at home.

She was also still feeling uneasy about her recent nightmare of giving Alan a blowjob while Ron slept next to her, and she remembered her vow to avoid helping Alan sexually, for the next few days at least. Yet she knew he needed her help to reach his daily target, particularly while Suzanne was being forbidden to help him as a form of punishment.

In the end, she decided to compromise: she would go give Alan a tuck-in and goodnight kiss. Maybe she could inspire and encourage him a little, but limit herself to doing nothing more than that. To make sure that was the case, she would wear a heavy robe over her nightgown to be doubly safe that she wouldn't lose all her clothes.

She kept busy in the common rooms, doing chores while dressed in her nightgown and robe. She was very proud of what she had accomplished with Brenda and wanted to tell someone about it, but Suzanne had gone home. So she relived the photo shoot in her head until her husband fell asleep.

Stopping by the front foyer after giving a final check that the house was locked up, she made the impulsive decision to put high heels on. Then she went to her son's room and quietly knocked on the door.

"Tiger? You still up?" She knew he was despite the late hour because his light was still on, but she felt obliged to ask.

"Yeah, sure, Mom. Come on in."

She went in and found him already in bed, under the covers. "Hi, Tiger. I thought I'd come in and give you another tuck-in and kiss... If that's all right?"

"All right? I love it! And I love you."

"Awww, you're so sweet. No wonder Suzanne calls you her 'Sweetie.'" She saw he'd been reading something, so she asked, "What are you up to? A reading assignment? I'm so proud of you."

In fact, Alan had been looking at the naked pictures of Suzanne that she'd taken for him recently. He didn't want to share that fact without Suzanne's permission, but luckily he'd put the pictures in other reading material. Unluckily, that happened to be one of the pornographic magazines Susan had bought him some weeks back.

"Um, well, actually..."

Before he could figure out what to say, Susan had a closer look at what he was holding and realized what it was. "Oh. I see. A, uh, blue magazine. I'm sorry for prying."

She thought with glee, If he likes nudie pictures, just wait until he sees the ones I took of Brenda tonight! However, she didn't plan to tell him about that until tomorrow. She wanted this time to be all about her and him, without Brenda getting in the way.

"No, it's cool, Mom. You're cool. It's just that, I still haven't made my target for the day. So, I, uh... I was about to start masturbating."

She put on her most stern, motherly face. "Tiger, what did I warn you about spilling your seed upon the ground?"

"But Mom! What am I supposed to do? I can't just cum on a beautiful woman every time I want! I mean, I'm beyond incredibly lucky already to get all the help I've been getting, but sometimes there's still going to be times like these. I mean, six times a day! SIX times!"

She tut-tutted, "Well, that may be, but I still disapprove. I wish I could help you myself, but unfortunately Ron is still here. And I made myself a solemn vow this very morning to not help you that way for a while. Until he's gone, at the very least."

He decided to see if he could try his luck with her. He sensed that she was saying one thing, but the fact that she was wearing high heels said something quite different. "Bummer! Well, couldn't you at least help with some visual stimulation? Isn't that less sinful than using a magazine? And anyway, what's with your get-up? Are you wearing a robe AND a nightgown? Mom, really! I feel like you're afraid of me or something."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"I'm sorry. It's just that things have gotten out of control lately and I feel the need to re-establish firm boundaries. I suppose I got a little carried away. Here. Is this better?" She took off the robe.

"Not really. That's one of your old nightgowns, the kind an Eskimo would reject 'cos it's too warm. If you're worried about losing control, you can't hide under ten layers of clothing. I mean, you're still going to be helping me in that way once Ron leaves, right? You pretty much promised to help me with your hands AND mouth whenever I needed it."

"Did I? Oh dear!"

"You did."

"Well, that's true," she conceded. She didn't like where the conversation was going. She was getting quite hot and bothered already as she imagined helping him on a daily basis, maybe several times a day, starting when Ron left tomorrow. She suspected that she'd find herself completely naked before too long. She was glad that she was wearing high heels, although she tried not to think why she had them on in the first place.

He cleverly suggested, "Why not do what Aunt Suzy was doing Sunday night and test your willpower? Strengthen it. We can work together to establish firm boundaries!"

Her pussy and nipples started to tingle. She asked suspiciously, "Does this involve me taking off my nightgown?"

"Well, yeah, but I promise you won't touch my member, if you don't want to. We're just looking for visual stimulation here. And you can't exactly sneak back into your room and pick out something sexy with Ron sleeping there, can you? Wouldn't it just be better to take the nightgown off?"

Her heart started pumping fast. Oh dear! He wants me completely naked! This is exactly what I promised wouldn't happen. But maybe he's right. What choice do I have?

She frowned with worry. "I don't know. It just somehow doesn't seem fair to your father. He's only here this one last night, you know."

"I know, Mom, but what's worse? Me committing the sin of Onan right before your eyes, or you feeling like you've embarrassed Ron when he's sleeping through everything anyway?"

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess it would be irresponsible to knowingly let you sin like that." She pointed at him sternly. "But no penis contact! Right? Not even with a sheet in the way."


She removed her heavy nightgown and found herself standing by her son's bed stark naked. She felt extremely awkward. She loved baring her body for him, but she also felt sinful and guilty. "I was afraid something like this was going to happen. Let's at least get this over with quickly. Now, what am I supposed to do?"

He had been working to get her clothes off and hadn't really thought beyond that point. He admitted, "I don't know, Mom. I mean, having a centerfold mom standing right here makes it hard for me to think. I dunno... Say and do sexy stuff. Meanwhile, I'll stroke myself."

She loved that he called her a "centerfold mom." He'd recently called her his "beautiful centerfold mom" too. Hearing such high praise made her sensitive nipples tingle. She smiled and shifted her weight from hip to hip.

Even just that was an extremely arousing sight.

She stared at the large bulge under his blankets and noticed it was moving. "Oh dear. Well, I suppose there's no alternative to you doing that. I suppose I can turn a blind eye, as long as you don't spill your seed upon the ground like Onan did. Boy, it looks like some kind of trapped animal under there. Oh my! Son, you're just so virile. ... Now, let's see. ... You want me to say something sexy?"

"Yeah. ... I dunno... Maybe... Oh, I know! Why don't you tell me what you'd like to do if you could do anything without worrying about boundaries?"

She thought about that, and then said in a sexier voice, "Well, Son, I came in here to tuck you in. But basically, I can't tuck you in with that big lump under your sheet. I need to smooth that lump down. Mommy wants to pull down that sheet and find out just what's causing that lump!"

"It's my dick, Mom. It's hard."

She was starting to get into the spirit of things, and found herself swaying back and forth to a song that was playing in her head. (The song was "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band, inspired by his "centerfold mom" comment.) She didn't know much more than the chorus, which she altered to:

Her son is bold

His mommy's gonna do what she's told

His mommy is a centerfold

Mommy is a centerfold

Na na, na na na na

Mommy is a centerfold!

She said, "Oh dear! Well then, Mommy would just have to help make it go soft again. Good thing I've been taking cocksucking lessons from Suzanne. I'd just bend over you, letting my big tits dangle..."

"Can you show me? That's not touching, if you just show me that."

"Well, okay, but only because you're such an adorable cutie. Suzanne is right: you are a Sweetie."

She leaned over his bed, dangling her nipples within inches of his face. She thought excitedly, This is probably the kind of pose a real busty centerfold makes!

When she did that he pulled down his blankets, but in deference to her no-touching vow he left the sheet where it was, covering everything from his chest down. Then he kept his hands outside the sheet, using it to gain more traction with his visible stroking.

"God, Mom! I love it when you do that. So what else would you do?"

"Well, I think I would feel like kissing your belly button. I'd kiss you there, and then kiss and lick my way down, down, down. Would you like that? Would you like your mommy to lick her way down to your big cock? Mommy would! She'd love it!"

"I'd love it too! Then what?"

Suddenly she frowned. "Tiger, I'm worried. Thinking back, sometimes it can take AGES for you to cum. Am I going to be wiggling here naked for ten minutes or more? What if your father wakes up to go to the bathroom?"

"We could speed it up. You know how much I love your breasts. What if you really get them jiggling? Bouncing up and down, even."

"Tiger! That's so naughty." She began shaking and jiggling. "So dreadfully naughty. What you're suggesting is completely undignified. I'm your mother! It's bad enough that you talked me out of my clothes and are making me stare at your hands stroking up and down that magnificent bulge. Now you want me to jump? I suppose in your perverted mind I should do something like this?"

She started bouncing up and down. Her breasts were so big that they flew around in all directions like independent entities. Sometimes they went round and round in circles together, and sometimes they moved to separate rhythms and even crashed into each other. Whatever they did, Alan loved it as long as they stayed in motion.

She continued to speak as she jumped lightly. "I'll tell you right now, this is what it might look like if I agreed to your sinfully twisted suggestion, but I'm not going to do it. You can't treat your mother like some piece of meat! No! A thousand times no! I'm not... going... to... jump... for... you!"

She punctuated each word in that last sentence with a particularly big jump.

Of course her words were in jest and they both knew it. But such protests made everything that much more fun.

She stopped jumping, since having her huge tits flail around like that hurt a lot.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Alan got up briefly, moving away from her to turn on his stereo. He selected the funky song "Tear the Roof Off the Sucker (Give Up the Funk)" by Parliament-Funkadelic. He kept the volume rather low, though for fear of waking Ron.

Seeing his erection bob all over as he walked from and to his bed sent Susan's arousal up another level. She noticed he didn't get back under his sheet when he returned to bed, so his hard-on stayed jutting up for her to see, but she didn't say anything about it.

She stood there for a moment, listening to the song. "Hmmm. Interesting music. It makes me feel..."

"Funky?" he helpfully suggested as he resumed stroking his boner.

"What's that mean?" There were some major gaps in her musical knowledge.

"'Funky?' Hmmm, that's a tough one to define. But it definitely makes you want to move your feet and dance. Listen to the beat and see what it does to your body."

She started to dance. She was tentative at first, but the song had such a compulsive groove that she started to really get into it. She sexily ran her hands up and down the sides of her body, repeating the motion several times. She was somewhat limited by her high heels, but she was still glad she wore them because they made her feel extra sexy and inspired.

In the most sultry voice she could conjure up, she asked, "So what do you think of your mommy now, Tiger?"

"My God, Mom, you're the most lovable, sexy person in the whole wide world!" He was still happily and blatantly stroking his erection. He was so excited from her display and words that his fingers were getting soaked from all his pre-cum. He was already having to fight off the urge to climax because he didn't want the fun to end.

She raised her hands above her head and kept dancing. "How am I doing? Am I funky?"

"Mom, you're totally funky! I had no idea you had it in you. The way you move your hips, you could be a belly dancer! You know, this band has a saying: 'Free your ass, and your mind will follow.' Or maybe it's 'Free your mind, and your ass will follow.' I forget. But either way works."

"It does!" she exclaimed as her naked body continued to writhe and groove. "I really do feel free. This is so liberating! It's fun!"

She continued to dance until the song ended. Then she went to the stereo and turned the music off, because she was a bit exhausted and didn't want to be tempted to dance some more. She also liked the simple act of walking around the room, knowing that he was beating his meat to the sight.

Walking back to her son, she put her hands on her hips and said proudly, "So how do you like your 'centerfold mom' now?" Then she added shyly and tentatively, "Did you really mean that? Am I your centerfold mommy?"

"Totally!" He'd been steadily masturbating throughout her dance, loving every second. But now he stopped and reach out to her. He touched her knee, which seemed safe enough, but then he traced his fingers up her leg, hip, and right across her taut tummy. He wanted to go still higher to her fantastic rack, but that was out of reach for him in his prone position. "Mom, you're a total hottie. I say with complete sincerity that you could win Playboy's Playmate of the Month right now."

As she saw him sit up, she took a step back and said, "You're too kind. You can't really mean that. Although, did you know, both Suzanne and I have been asked at various times to pose in magazines? Maybe I could have been a real centerfold mommy!"

"Really? That's exciting! Why didn't you ever tell me about that before?"

"Well, it's all rather improper, isn't it? It's not the kind of thing a mother usually talks about with her son. Besides, I was offered a lot of money at various times, but it could have just been hot air. Or even some kind of evil scam. Suzanne made sure I always said 'No,' no matter what promises they made. Anyway, I like this little goodnight-kiss tradition. Let's not go too far and blow it, especially with your father so close to leaving."

He gave up his plan to touch her some more, at least for now. "Whatever you want, Mom. Though in reality I'd be very happy if you 'blow it.'" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

She laughed and playfully pretended to be upset. "Why, all I came in here to do was to give you a goodnight kiss. I hope you're not thinking of doing something naughty."


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