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Chapter 293 My Burning Lust-Brenda [DM SPONSORED]
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A tormented Brenda whined, "Susan, please! Don't make me choose!"

"But you have to!"


There was a long pause. Brenda hadn't mentioned it to Susan, but she was sitting in front of her computer, looking at the photos Susan had taken of her the previous night. She was lingering over one of her favorites, where Susan had encouraged her to strike yet another provocative pose while pretending she was giving Alan a blowjob. So much damn talk about blowjobs. Would I even really enjoy giving one? I doubt it; I never have before. But then again, it's not about my pleasure; it's about HIS pleasure. Even if I don't enjoy it, I'd get a certain amount of satisfaction just from knowing that I'm the one that's doing it for him.

Dammit, listen to me! I sound like I've been brainwashed or something. But... when I look at this photo, and others like it... how can I not explore that side of life? It's calling for me... Such a powerful craving... I can't resist! It's time I finally do something purely selfish, for ME! To find out how truly great my pleasure can be!

She finally responded, "Well, if you put it like that, of course I'm going to pick Alan! It's hardly even a choice! That sounds too thrilling to be believed! But maybe Suzanne's right. Maybe there are other men out there like him, men who can make me feel like he does. There have to be! Right? I can use part of my ample resources to find them. I've been thinking: I can find someone like Alan, but even BETTER! Mainly, someone I don't have to share with a whole bunch of other women. I can have him all for myself!"

Susan said dourly, "You know it doesn't work like that."

"Why not?!"

"If there's another man out there with Alan-like sexual prowess and abilities, he's not going to have just one woman. Would you even respect him if he did?"


"Think about it. How could he dominate you properly? If you're his only lover, or even his wife, you can use all the manipulative tricks you used on your previous husbands: deny him sex if he doesn't do exactly what you want, pout and ignore him until he buys you gifts, and all that jazz."

Brenda realized that Susan was right. She didn't want to go back to a relationship like the marriage she was getting out of, even though she'd often gotten her way. She pointed out, "I could just avoid using those techniques."

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"Sure, you say that now, but they're way too tempting. We all use whatever leverage we have to get what we want. That's basic human nature. Except in your case, what you think you want and what you REALLY want deep, deep down are two different things. Now that you've seen Alan and you know the lifestyle he represents, how can you settle for a man who's only capable of satisfying one woman? A gorgeous woman like you - don't you deserve the best of the best, a man who controls MANY other women who are just as impressive as you are?"

There was a long pause. Brenda thought, That does sound hot. Seriously hot! Now that I've found a man like Alan who really does control a de facto harem of women just as stunning as I am, how could I ever settle for an ordinary man?

Brenda continued to stare at the picture on her computer screen of herself giving a pretend blowjob. Even as we speak, Alan is probably getting his cock sucked by some buxom stunner. I want to be a part of that. How could I settle for less?! Finally, she said, "Damn. I shouldn't talk to you. It's dangerous! How can you say those things? It's like you know what I want better than I do!"

With surprising authority and confidence, Susan replied, "That's because I do. I'm realizing we're very similar in many ways. I haven't been living my new lifestyle for that long yet, but I've given it a lot of thought. I've done a great deal of soul searching while trying to tackle my moral issues. So it's easy: all I have to do is speak to you as if I were speaking to a doubtful me. If I could speak to the doubtful me of a few weeks ago, I'd say, 'Don't chicken out! It's great now, but it gets even better, much better! The things you now think are bad are actually good.' For instance, the sharing. That still rankles me a lot, but at the same time, sharing the whole experience with Suzanne is half the fun!"

There was another long pause before Brenda said, "Boy, you've given me a lot to think about. But I don't know. I just don't know. For one thing, even if I want Alan, will he want me? You told me yesterday that it's a long shot at best."

"Yes, that's true. I'm not going to sugar-coat it for you. But you don't strike me as a quitter. If you don't at least try, then you'll always be asking yourself: 'What if?' 'What might have been?'"

Brenda sighed. "Damn. You oughta get into sales. You're pretty damn persuasive."

"Only for what I believe in passionately. I've recently woken from my long slumber and discovered the joy of living. I want to see the same thing happen to you."

"I want that too! But it seems such a strange way to go. Is this really the way forward? Why do I have these strange feelings, these strange desires? Why can't I be normal, and just be happy with a normal guy? Susan, I'm going to need to think this over for a while. The pictures will have to wait until I get my head on straight."

"Fair enough. Take all the time you need. But I'm curious: how did the pictures turn out? Do they look good?"

Brenda brightened. She smiled wickedly as she clicked forward through more of the photos on her screen. "They look great! Soooo sexy and naughty! I know you're not exactly a professional photographer, but with these pictures it sure seems like you are." Her tone turned glum. "But that's part of the problem too."

"What do you mean?"

Brenda remained fully clothed, but she was so hot and bothered that she pinched her nipples through her clothes. "I mean, when I look at myself in those pictures, I can see the fire in my eyes. The lust, the burning lust! I think about how I felt when the picture was taken, and I get all horny again!"

Susan chuckled. "How is that a bad thing?"

Brenda chuckled a little bit too. "Okay, maybe it's not totally bad. But still. Looking at my future, each option is scarier than the next. I'm almost more afraid of success than failure! For instance, what if I jump through all these hoops and get Alan to want me, and then I find his lifestyle isn't all it's cracked up to be? What if I don't even like giving a blowjob that much?"

Susan was full of confidence. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about THAT! It's so much more than what happens with your mouth. Kneeling in front of your man while he stands towering over you, knowing that he has total control and you have none, feeling the thrill of serving a superior kind of man - I could go on all day!"

Brenda grunted. She clicked back to the photo of her giving a pretend blowjob. She'd been standing up, but now she was very regretful that there wasn't one of her doing it kneeling. "I have to admit that sounds pretty damn good. But that's another problem: what if I love it too much? What if I become obsessed and lose myself entirely to my sexual passion? It feels like I've gotta thread the needle very carefully. My feelings about this are very strong, which means the stakes are sky-high. So many things can go wrong, in every direction!"

Susan replied, "I feel for you. You're taking a big leap into the unknown. Like I said, I won't try to sugar-coat it for you. But remember that I took a big leap into the unknown too, and now I'm living the dream!"

Brenda sighed. "Thanks for talking to me. I envy you so much. You've given me a lot to think about. I'll call you back soon, okay? Maybe tomorrow. I should sleep on this, at the very least."

The call ended shortly thereafter. Brenda had been largely holding back from pleasuring herself during the phone call, but once it was over she immediately gave in and masturbated to another climax while again perusing the nude photos of herself. She made up sexy, submissive fantasy stories for each one to accompany her self-pleasuring.

Susan was frustrated that she wouldn't be able to reveal her photo-session surprise to Suzanne or Alan just yet, but she was confident that Brenda would come around soon enough.

She knew that she was supposed to be helping Alan seduce Brenda, but during that phone call she hadn't needed to use any hype because she'd meant every word. When considering Brenda, she merely had to look at herself. She realized that she'd crossed the point of no return into her new lifestyle weeks earlier, even before that fateful Tuesday two weeks ago. She had a good feeling that Brenda had crossed her own point of no return as well, even if Brenda didn't fully realize that yet.

When school ended, Alan came home and went straight to bed. He was exhausted after a long school week.

After he woke up, he looked at the clock and saw there was still another forty minutes before they had to leave for the airport to see Ron off. He went to the bathroom across the hall for only a minute or two. When he returned to his room, he found Suzanne lying on his bed, wearing nothing but pantyhose.

Suzanne lying on Alan's bed, wearing nothing but pantyhose

Not many days before, such a sight would have nearly given him a real heart attack from shock and excitement, but now, although he still loved it, he could handle it a lot better. "Hi, Aunt Suzy," he said casually. "To what do I owe the honor of your visit?" He made sure to lock the door behind him.

"To whom, not what. You can thank your mother, Sweetie. We don't want you to be all stressed out for the trip to the airport, do we? You know I have to get her permission for anything I do with you these days. Luckily, I was able to explain to her just how traumatic and dangerous it would be for you to make the trip with your balls full of all that nasty cum."

Her voice was sarcastic, as if she could scarcely believe the rationale she'd used on Susan. "She gave me permission to suck your dick, but said I had to be wearing something, at least below the waist."

She looked down at herself and smiled a naughty smile. "Technically speaking, these pantyhose do cover me from the waist down."

Without any further ado, Alan straddled her. Such encounters might no longer frighten him, but they got him hard as instantly as ever before. His heart also inevitably pounded harder because he knew he was about to embark on another wild ride. "Did she say anything about what I was allowed to wear?"

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"No, but I assume she doesn't want you totally naked either. So keep a sock on." She pulled his shorts off while he pulled his T-shirt over his head.

He joked, "Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to keep both socks on. That way, in case something goes wrong with one sock, we have the other as a backup."

She joked back, "That's the kind of Boy Scout ingenuity I expect from you."

"Did she say anything about me playing and sucking on your tits?"

She thought to herself, It's always the tits with him. But that's what teenage boys like. I can't wait until pussies are no longer off limits and he starts thinking about mine, but until then why not let him have a little fun?

"No, but I think that's supposed to be against the rules in general, and I'm still in her doghouse for getting busted with you the other day. However, I don't recall the rules saying anything about what to do if your dick accidentally brushed up against my boobs."

In a flash, he positioned himself above her tummy (without putting his weight on her).

She grabbed his erection and pulled it to her twin globes. He let her control his body as she ran his stiffness all over her massive pale orbs. She used it to trace their outlines, then pressed it up against each nipple in turn. Before long, his boner ended up buried in her cleavage.

"Oh dear," she said, as she spat into her chest to provide some lubrication. "I believe we're starting a titfuck. You know, I don't think Susan has ever given much thought to titfucking, so her boundaries don't say anything about that."

Even as she said this, Suzanne stopped guiding his dick, instead using her hands to press her breasts together. He got the hint and began pistoning his dick in her cleavage. She added, "You should correct that, by the way."

"What?" He was enjoying the titfuck so much that he was barely paying attention.

"She doesn't seem to get what she's missing by not giving you titfucks, even though I've mentioned them to her from time to time. Your dick belongs in her cleavage, don't you think? It's a match made in heaven, given how sensitive her breasts are."

"That's true," he said in a pretend sober and seemingly concerned tone while stroking gleefully. "But there's another pair of equally incredible tits even closer that I'd love to fuck. They're somewhere around here..." He looked around the room with deliberate cluelessness, making sure to never look down.

She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock to get his attention, and also because she loved doing that. "Hello...? Down here."

He grinned, but still pretended to ignore Suzanne from her neck down and to be unaware of the on-going titfuck. "Akami said that my homework assignment was to practice titfucking as much as possible. Isn't it important that we follow her instructions? Perhaps we should exploit that loophole in Mom's rules.?"


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