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6 Times a Day

Chapter 321 Alan And Amy [’Someone’ Sponsored]
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Suzanne, Susan, Alan, Katherine, and Amy went to the party together in Susan's minivan.

When they arrived, there were already at least two hundred people there. Ralph, the host, lived in a huge two-story mansion. The party sprawled all throughout it and out into his massive backyard, where a band played beside a swimming pool. People of all ages were there, including dozens of Alan's classmates, as well as many teachers.

Amy, dressed in an Elvira-styled witch costume that displayed her substantial cleavage, was quickly surrounded by a crowd of flatterers.

After doing some polite mingling, Suzanne went to look for Alan to start to put her scheme in motion. But there was a problem: Katherine was clinging to him like glue.

Katherine would have been surrounded by her own crowd of flatters too, but she managed to limit that hassle by remaining arm in arm with her brother. Secretly, she was also fantasizing to herself that they were an official couple. Not so secretly, she occasionally whispered sexy things into his ear, like, "Honey, I'm tired. I'm ready to go already. Take me home and fuck me."

That earned her a worried nudge and stern look from her brother. He worried that even her quiet whispering might be heard.

But rather than stop, she added with another saucy whisper, "Big Rail Spike Brother, do you think that if you drag me over behind those trees and screw me silly, anyone would notice?"

She giggled, but Alan gave her such a desperate pleading look that she toned it down - for a few minutes, anyway.

Suzanne decided to eliminate the competition. She walked up to Alan and Katherine as they stood outside talking to each other and doing their best to ignore almost everyone else. Then she handed each of them drinks.

Alan said, "Thanks, Aunt Suzy. I mean, Catwoman. What's in the drink?"

The liquid was black, and smoke rose from the glasses. "It's called 'spooky punch.' It's basically Long Island Iced Tea, with some coloring and dry ice."

Katherine took a sip. "Mmmm! Not bad. Is it alcoholic?"

"Just a tad. I'm sure Ralph wouldn't mind if you young'uns have a little." Suzanne was delighted that neither of the Plummer kids had any idea what a deceptively powerful alcoholic wallop Long Island Iced Tea packed. Her scheme was unlikely to work unless she could get Alan drunk.

Within an hour, Katherine was completely plastered. Her alcohol tolerance was low, and she had drunk two glasses of the spooky punch, which quickly all but knocked her out. Suzanne led her to the entryway, near the cloakroom, and helped her lie down on a nearby couch, where she immediately passed out. The party hosts had dealt with drunk guests in previous parties, so they arranged a sort of "pass out zone" in plain view of several other rooms to prevent any furtive molestation.

Alan had helped Suzanne get Katherine to a safe spot to sleep off her alcohol. But he felt very protective of her, so even as he mingled around and socialized, he tended to stay within eyesight of where his sister was resting.

He'd only been without Katherine for a couple of minutes when he heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Bo!"

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He turned and smiled. "Hey, Aims!" Sure enough, it was Amy.

She rushed to him and gave him a hug. "Phew! Oh boy, am I glad to see you! Guys are, like, totally all over me."

In a flash, he went into super protective mode. "Did any of them touch you inappropriately?! Tell me who? Where?"

"No, silly. I'm not about to let THAT happen. Not after what happened with Jack Johnson. If some guy gets all gropey, I'll sock him myself! It's just that it's like they're eating me up with their eyes." She looked down at her exposed cleavage.

He said, "Well, yeah! Aims, how could they not? You look totally hot!" Only now was he getting a good look at her costume, because she'd waited to put most of the make-up and such on until they'd arrived at the party.

"I do?!" She beamed.

"Of course you do. You always do, but tonight you're super double duper extra heat hot-ariffic!" He'd playfully imitated her unique style of creating long words and phrases.

She giggled. "There's no such thing as heat hot-ariffic!" She winked.

He was all smiles. "Let me get a good look at you."

She took a couple of steps back. Since she was dressed as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, she put her hands on her hips and tried to look serious. But, as usual, she couldn't stop smiling.

He chuckled and shook his head. Between the music playing and people talking, the room was quite noisy, so he stepped close to her to be heard. "Man! I barely even recognize you. It's weird." That was true. Between having her skin powdered white, her heavy eye liner and make-up, and her black wig, she looked nothing like her usual self.

He quickly continued, "But weird-hot. You're showing off soooo much cleavage and boob that of course all the guys are going to gawk. But I gotta ask: if you didn't want guys gawking, why did you choose such a revealing costume?"

"Three reasons," she replied. "It's Halloween, and I figure Elvira is pretty Halloween-y. Two, It's fun to play dress-up sometimes. And three..." - she looked around suspiciously, and then drew in close to whisper in his ear - "I DO want to be gawked at. But not by all those yahoos and bozo brains. I want to be gawked at by YOU!" With that, she licked his ear in a very sensual way.

Up until that point, Alan hadn't been that aroused at the party. True, nearly all the female costumes were some variation of sexy: sexy nurse, sexy mummy, sexy maid, sexy vampire, and so on. He certainly appreciated some of those costumes and the women wearing them. But compared to what he'd been seeing and experiencing at home lately, it was all fairly tame stuff. Plus, he was still feeling sexually satiated from his earlier adventures.

However, hearing Amy say those things to him while doing that to his ear got him horny in a hurry.

Then she said, "You know what?"


"I'm not a big fan of this party, or parties like this. I guess I'm not a party girl. There's a whole lot of fake-o's and lame-o's around here. You know what I'd like to do?"

"What's that?"

"Find an empty closet, get in it with you, and see what happens! And let's just say it's got to involve a lot of smooching!"

He looked around carefully, and then back to where Katherine was sleeping. She wasn't the only one, or the first, since the Long Island Iced Tea had fooled a lot of people, mostly women, due to their lower body weight and thus alcohol tolerance. He looked at the sofas where a handful of women resting and thought, Sis'll be okay. I can leave her for a little while.

Then he looked back at Amy and said, "You know what? Let's do it!"

She was genuinely surprised. "No way! Really?!"


"M'kay! Totally! Let's go!" She looked all around, then took his hand and led him in the direction that held the best promise of empty closets.

As they walked hand in hand, he got the impression that Amy was somewhat tipsy. Her movements were a little erratic and unrestrained. He asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

She replied breezily, "I'm feeling way better than okay! I'm super okay!"

A minute later, they were in the pitch black of a closet in a little-trafficked section of the big mansion. Luckily for them, it was a big closet and there was more than enough room for them to stand together without being impeded by hanging clothes and other things. Alan had already taken off his tiger head and left it just outside the closet, because that would be an impediment to fooling around. Besides, it wasn't comfortable to wear. Amy did the exact same to the raven-haired Elvira wig that she'd been wearing, and for the same reasons.

Alan heard rustling sounds and Amy's nervous giggling. She whispered, "I can't believe we're really doing this!"

"I can't believe it either!" He meant it too. He considered himself risk-averse, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

They fumbled around in the dark and wrapped their arms around each other. That led to more giggling until they were settled in a comfy hug. Amy quietly exclaimed, "It's SO dark! I can't even see... anything!" That was true; it was pitch black.

He asked nervously, "Um, Amy? What happened to your costume?" Since he'd touched her, he felt nothing but bare skin. He ran his hands up and down her back and said, "I'm feeling nothing but Amy here!"

"Of course! That's 'cos I am Amy!" She giggled. "But don't worry, I'm not TOTALLY naked. 'Cos what if someone opens the door?"

He felt down lower, and realized that her dress had been pulled down to her waist. That was a relief, because he was very worried about getting caught. The room the closet was attached to had been empty and dark when they'd come in, and they'd left the lights off. He figured he'd get some warning if the light in the outer room was turned on; they'd be able to notice the light through the cracks around the door. But still, it was a nerve-wracking situation.

What he didn't realize was that someone else already had an idea where they were: Susan. She also had been lingering near Katherine to make sure she'd be okay while sleeping off the alcohol. Thus she had seen Alan and Amy when they walked off together hand in hand. She didn't follow them immediately because she wanted to stay with and guard her daughter.

But eventually she realized that Katherine would be safe, due to other concerned people keeping an eye on all the sleeping drunks. She also was getting far too much attention from horny men for her taste, even though she was covering her chest with her hands and arms most of the time. She wanted to escape to the safety of the son that she loved, so she went off to discover where Alan and Amy had gone. She didn't find them off the bat, but by asking around she was able to eliminate where they had not been, and she kept searching.

Alan had no time to think about his predicament, because Amy's lips found his and then they were off to the races. They started necking madly, with a good deal of fondling as well. He'd felt her round boobs on his chest since the start of their embrace, but he hadn't initially realized that she was topless due to his own costume. Now that he knew that she was, his hands went to her chest and he freely fondled and caressed her soft yet firm globes.

After a couple of minutes, Amy broke the kiss to ask, "Hey Bo..."

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"Do you like me?"

"Of course!"

"No, I mean, do you really, really, really like me?"

It felt bizarre to make a heartfelt declaration in the pitch blackness, but that's just what he did. He brought his hands to Amy's face and acted as if he was able to look directly into her eyes. "Aims, I not only 'really, really, really like you'; I totally love you!"

"You do?!" The joy was evident in her voice.

"I do. Of course I do! Why do you even have to ask? We're closer than most siblings. Don't you love me?"

"DUH!" She punched his chest with surprising force. "Don't even ask, you, you... big doofus!" That was Katherine's playful insult, but Amy used it for once. "I totally love you too! And now we can love each other even MORE!"

They kissed again, but it was even more passionate and loving this time. Both of them were very emotionally moved. Although they were very close, they had hardly ever expressed their feelings to each other. Amy was a de-facto family member, but the fact that she wasn't technically family had created a formal barrier between them.

The action in the closet got hotter and hotter. Alan liked playing with asses nearly as much as he did with breasts, so he slipped his hand inside her costume and probed until he was able to grip an ass cheek in each hand. Her panties would have been a barrier, but he simply slid his fingers under them and then pretty much forgot about them.

Soon, Amy's hands wound up inside his tiger costume. At first, she went for his ass just like he had done with her. But by and by, one of her hands migrated around to his front while staying inside his costume. She ignored his underwear, so her fingers wound up wrapped around his erection.

As soon as he felt her fingers grasp his boner, he broke their kiss and complained, "Aaaaaims!"

She giggled. "What? Everybody else is doing it? Why can't I? Don't think I haven't noticed what's been happening lately. Your thingy is super duper popular, isn't it?"

He groaned in resignation. "I suppose it is."

She was busy sliding her fingers up and down him already. "Why is that all of a sudden? I still don't really understand what's going on."

"It's complicated."

To his surprise, she saved him the problem of what to tell her when she said, "Then forget it! You can tell me later. We've got better things to do!" Her lips met his again, and they were off to the races once more.

Time passed. Both of them thought of going back to the party, but without speaking to each other, they independently decided this was much better than anything else the rest of the party had to offer.

Amy had been kissing and jacking him off for about five minutes, while he had mostly focused on kissing and tit-fondling, when the light to the larger room was turned on. In what seemed like just a second or two later, their closet door was opened wide.

"A-HA!" The voice was Suzanne's.