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Chapter 326 Susan Pretending To Be Suzanne ! [’Someone’ Sponsored]
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Suzanne went looking for Susan. For starters, she wanted to check that she was okay and that aggressive and horny men weren't giving her too much trouble.

Susan was in a crowded room on the ground floor, talking to Gloria Rhymer. Glory didn't live in the neighborhood, but many people who lived elsewhere had been invited, and she'd been regularly invited and attended for the past three years, ever since she'd started teaching at the local public high school. Right from the start, she'd been one of the most popular teachers, and she was on good terms with many of the students and teachers who did live nearby.

Suzanne was glad to see that Susan looked like she was having a much better time than before, no doubt due to the fact that she was talking to Glory, who she already knew and liked. Plus, there were no men around her and trying to pester her.

Glory was much better at putting her foot down than Susan was. She had no problem being rude and/or insulting if she had to. So she'd managed to drive off the crowd of leering men that had been following Susan around constantly, like a pack of hungry wolves.

Since then, the two of them had been talking for a long time, and just with each other. They were having a grand time. If Alan had been able to listen in, his ears would have burned with embarrassment, because he was the common link between Glory and Susan, and since they were both secretly in love with him, they couldn't say enough good things about him. It was like they were trying to outdo each other praising him to the skies.

Interestingly, both of them had secret agendas. Susan knew Glory's reputation for taking a personal interest in her students' social lives and being up on the latest gossip. So she was trying to subtly press her for information about who Alan was getting sexually intimate with at school. Meanwhile, Glory was dying to know how many other lovers Alan had and who they were. She had no suspicion whatsoever that Susan could be one of them, but she knew that Susan was about as honest as a person could be. So she hoped that Susan might reveal some secrets.

However, neither of them were having much luck. They both commented on how he had "come out of his shell" lately and started having great success with the girls. That much was obvious and couldn't be denied. He was brimming with confidence and even sexual swagger. But Susan pretended like she didn't know any details, and Glory did the same.

Susan had no suspicions that Alan could be involved with Glory, because for all of her praise about him being an "unstoppable stud," she considered it too farfetched that even he could be intimate with a teacher. She'd heard of major scandals in the news about isolated cases like that. But after talking to Glory for a while, she started to rethink that a little bit. When they talked about the recent changes in Alan and his newfound sexual success in general, Susan thought she detected the fire of lust in Glory's eyes. But still, she dismissed it as far too improbable, like Alan having sex with a nun.

Glory didn't detect a similar fire of lust in Susan's eyes, even though it was there too, because Susan spoke with such passion and pride about virtually anything related to her son. So it was easy to assume that Susan was similarly wildly enthusiastic about Alan's social life successes too.

Suzanne had been standing back for a couple of minutes, observing the dynamic of Susan and Glory talking to each other from afar. Finally, she decided to walk over to her best friend. "Hey, Susan. It's me."

Susan took a few seconds to recognize Suzanne in her new costume. She quickly recovered, and smiled. "Boy, am I glad to see you! Where have you been? Oh, where are my manners? Ms. Rhymer, you know Suzanne Pestridge already? Don't you? Or, but of course you do, because of Amy." She remembered that Glory had taught Amy in the past.

Glory smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course. Amy is a pure delight. How are you, Suzanne?"

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"Good. Yourself?" Suzanne gave Glory a brief hug and a kiss.

Glory was strangely titillated by that. It was like she felt a jolt of electricity buzzing through her for as long as it lasted. She didn't consider herself even slightly bisexual, but she figured that Suzanne was such an extraordinarily beautiful and obviously highly sexual woman that anyone would be affected by her. She was grateful when the hug ended.

Suzanne said to Glory in reference to her sexy cheerleader outfit, "By the way, I love your costume. So sexy!"

Glory very nearly blushed in embarrassment. Her heart did wild flip-flops, because Suzanne all but called her sexy. She stuttered, tongue-tied, "Uh, y-y-y-you too!" Then, recovering, she looked to Susan. "But the real winner is Wonder Woman here. Suzanne, you should have been here earlier. When I say I had to fight the guys off with a stick, that's almost literally true!"

The highly modest Susan was slightly abashed by that, and eager to change the subject. "I'd love if the three of us could chat. Suzanne, you should hear some of the stories she has to tell about Alan! But, Glory, if you don't mind, I've got some important things to discuss with Suzanne."

The three of them said their goodbyes after a little more small talk. Then Suzanne and Susan moved away so they could talk in private.

Susan asked urgently, "Suzanne, where HAVE you been? I'm ready to leave. Glory has been protecting me from the lechers, but I feel like I'm completely naked! Everybody keeps staring at me!"

Suzanne moved in close and spoke very low. "But don't you like to be completely naked and have someone stare at you? A certain someone!"

Susan's eyes went wide, as lusty thoughts of her son suddenly hit her. "Oh my!" She whispered back, "Let's not talk about that here!" Then she said in her regular voice, "But, completely changing the subject, I can't find Alan anywhere. What do you think happened to him? And you've changed. What happened to your other costume?"

Suzanne avoided answering about the costume change, hoping Susan would forget to ask again. "Don't worry about him. I was just checking on him. He had too much of that spooky punch and he's sleeping it off. Just like Katherine did earlier."

"My poor Angel. How is she, by the way?"

"She's fine. I put her to bed and she's sleeping like a baby. The main thing is she didn't get sick. Come with me." Some curious men were starting to draw near, pulled in by seeing two total bombshells without any men with them. Suzanne took Susan to a nearby balcony so they could have more privacy.

Susan asked, "What about Tiger? Where is he? How is he?"

Suzanne said, "I helped him to a bedroom upstairs and I stayed with him for a while, in mothering mode." She was secretly amused by that once she'd said it, since she had been "in mothering mode" in a sense, due to the mother-son role-play. "For a while there, it looked like he was going to be sick, but it passed when he got sleepy instead. He's up there right now, sleeping it off like a baby."

"Oh Suzanne, you're such a good friend! Always so thoughtful of others. Thank you soooo very much for looking after him. Earlier, I was running away from one guy after another all evening. It was awful! I had to find someone familiar to latch onto, and luckily I found Ms. Rhymer."

She looked distressed. "Why did I ever let you talk me into wearing this low-cut Wonder Woman costume? The men all have good reason to think I'm some kind of wanton hussy. I'm practically naked! It's horrible! One guy even took a bunch of pictures without my permission! He called it 'cost play' or something. What does that mean? Oh, and one guy actually put his hand on the bare part of my ass cheek. I had to turn and slap him!"

Suzanne leaned close and whispered directly into Susan's ear. "There's only one man who's allowed to do that, isn't there? And he can do that - and so much more - any time he wants!"

Susan shivered lustily, but then she looked around with worry, as if everyone in the room had heard and knew who Suzanne was referring to. Trying to change the subject, she asked, "Why are you wearing that different costume now, anyway?"

Suzanne answered, "I was worried that Catwoman suit would get too hot, seeing how it covered every inch of me. So I brought a spare costume, just in case. And thank God I did. I was burning up inside it. And unlike you, I don't mind showing off a little bit of skin. This one is much better."

Hey, that excuse actually sounds pretty believable, Suzanne realized, pleased with herself.

"Well, it certainly suits you," Susan replied. "So where is Alan exactly? It must be midnight already. It's way past his bedtime."

Suzanne thought, It's funny to hear Susan want to lay down the law about his bedtime, given that she willingly calls herself his "personal slut." She was tempted to whisper something to that effect, but even though they were standing alone, she figured it was an unnecessary risk.

Instead, she said, "I can take you to where he is. But before I do, how are YOU feeling? You're standing unsteady and your cheeks are flushed."

Susan sheepishly replied, "I avoided the spooky punch, just like you told me. But I did have two glasses of wine." That was a lot for her.

"I think you're past tipsy. Would you say you're drunk?"

Susan shyly admitted, "Maybe." Then, more honestly, "Probably."

Suzanne thought, GOOD! Hey, maybe my idea to have her pretend to be me could work after all. At the least, let's dangle the bait and see if she takes it.

She said, "An idea just struck me. You're not happy with your costume, and I'm not using my Catwoman one anymore. It's much less revealing. In fact, it covers you all the way up your neck. So why don't you change costumes? Not only that, but you can play a really devilish trick on Alan! Since we have the same body shape and size, when you put that costume on, he'll think that you're me! You can give him a big surprise!"

Susan thought of the possibilities. Mostly, she let the alcohol do the thinking for her. Tiger is lying upstairs in bed. I can give him a big surprise, all right! I can wake him up with a loving cocksuck, and he'll think it's Suzanne! Hee-hee! Maybe I can somehow use that to find out how we compare.

No, wait. Why stop there? We could go all the way. Oh my God, we really could! He'll stuff his cock right in his mommy's naughty hole, and he'll never even know it's me! I know it's soooo wrong, but wouldn't it be better if I got these urges out of my system? Then I could stick to the boundaries so much easier.

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It's my one chance to get fucked by him without consequences! I keep thinking about doing all kinds of nasty things with him, and I can't control myself. This afternoon, I came way too close to letting him slip his big cock in me. Maybe I need to get this out of my system, or I'll keep tempting him until he finally snaps! Or I'll snap, for that matter. Better to do it when he doesn't realize it's me.

Suzanne could practically see the wheels turning in Susan's head, and she liked what she saw.

But even though Susan was contemplating the idea, she asked, "Shouldn't we just go home already?"

Suzanne said, "It's not as late as you think. It's definitely not close to midnight yet. Between having to take the girls home and then tending to Sweetie, I've hardly been able to enjoy the party at all. Besides, if he's resting, we should let him be until he's feeling better. Even a short car trip could make him sick, in his condition. If you're tired of the party, why don't you go upstairs and stay with him? When he wakes up, you can mother him. I'll stay down here and socialize until you come get me and tell me it's time to go."

Susan thought, Oh my goodness! That sounds like a perfect situation! I could have some quality time with Tiger, in Suzanne's costume, and Suzanne will never be the wiser! Maybe he'll recognize me. Then I can give him a nice, long blowjob. It's been HOURS since his last climax. His balls must have grown in size from all the billions of spermies building up. Spermies that belong in my tummy! And if he doesn't recognize me, that's much better! Then I can do all kinds of naughty things that are against the rules. OH MY! What a great idea!

Susan asked doubtfully, "So, do you really think I should play a practical joke on him?"

"Sure. What a great chance. Just talk with a scratchy voice and call him 'Sweetie.' Remember, he's still quite drunk, probably more so than you. In that state, he'll believe anything."

Susan thought, WOW! I can't believe it! My heart is thump, thump, thumping. I've never been so nervous in all my life! Could I really pull this off? Would I, should I, actually let him fuck me?! Suzanne says that as great as blowjobs are, sex is even better! I wouldn't know, since I've only ever been with Ron, but I could believe it!

On a more practical level, Susan began to wonder if this being taken for Suzanne might actually work. "What about my hair? How does that work? Yours is so different."

"I had most of my hair stuffed under the hood, and down my back under the costume as well. Anyway, thanks to your special hairdo tonight, your hair looks pretty much the same as mine, except you don't have the reddish tinge that I do. But no one can tell the difference about that in a semi-dark room. All you have to do is ditch the glasses, and work on your voice. Do you think you can sound like me?"

"I don't know. I've never tried." Hmmm. The voice is a bit of a problem. Suzanne's scratchy, sultry voice is so distinctive. Mine is generic and blah. I wish I could sound like her. But I can't miss this opportunity!

"Well, try. Try right now."

"I don't think so. I'm not a good actress like you. What if I pretend to use Catwoman's voice? What does she sound like?"

Suzanne remembered that Susan was a terrible actress. Susan was so innocent and honest that she was bad at deception and lying. So Suzanne replied, "Hmmm. That's an idea. She sounds pretty much like you, now that I think about it, so that would work out just fine."

Actually, Suzanne had no idea what Catwoman sounded like. She knew next to nothing about Catwoman except that she wore a sexy costume that worked great for costume parties. But she wanted Susan to feel reassured, and she figured as drunk as Alan probably still was, the voice wouldn't matter.

Susan still was scared to try to pass herself off as Suzanne. But as they talked about it, Suzanne gave her another glass of wine. Susan was so nervous that she quickly drank the whole thing. Just like Suzanne did earlier, she was looking for "liquid courage."

Eventually, after yet more encouragement from Suzanne, she agreed to give it a try.