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6 Times a Day

Chapter 331 Sexy Time Continued [DD Sponsored]
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Drunk Dargon Special [ 3 / 3 ]


The three teens watched Susan go. Once she went in the house and closed the sliding door behind her, Amy turned her attention back to her hand sliding up and down Alan's boner. "Bummer. That would have been totally fun."

Katherine nodded. "Next time. She's afraid of losing herself to lust. I get that. And stupid religious ideas are still holding her back. But she'll get smart before long; I'm sure of it." She redirected her focus. "Now, Aims, let's titfuck!"

"M'kay! So we're definitely lubed up now, right?"

Katherine giggled. "Unfortunately, yes. But that's okay. I'll just sit back and watch, since it means a lot to Mom. Trap him tightly in your cleavage again." (Amy's upper arms had loosened their pressure on her tits in the last minute or two, while she focused more on jacking him off.) "Then, just slide your tits up and down. From there, freestyle! Experiment. Do what you want. It's super easy."

Amy created a tight tit-tunnel again, tighter than before, by using her hands instead of her upper arms. She resumed sliding her tits up and down in tandem. "Cool beans! Like this?"

"Exactly." Katherine watched for a minute, and then added, "The only thing is, it's good to vary things up. If you touch yourself, it's not that arousing, because your mind knows it's gonna happen even before it happens. If someone else touches you, it's a whole different thing, because you don't know what'll happen next. Getting in a steady rhythm is good in a way, but it also can become boring. So, every so often, change it up. For instance, instead of going up down up down, try down up, down up."

Amy gave that a try. "You mean this?"

"Yep! Good job. But don't stop there. You can vary all kinds of stuff. Like going from boobs in sync to having them out of sync. Or varying the pressure, or focusing on different parts of the shaft. You still want to stimulate the sweet spot most of the time. Plus, you can use your fingers, breathe on it, even lick it a little bit. And that's just for starters!"

Amy said with a tinge of sadness, "I probably shouldn't lick it."

"No, I guess not. But you can do all the other stuff. And have him hold your tits together sometimes. Then your hands are free to roam. You can even check yourself for bumps!"

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The girls giggled at that reference.

Alan kicked back, closing his eyes to better savor the erotic joy. Since the lounge chair was tilted all the way back, it was as if he were lying down on a bed. His penis had been stimulated off and on for quite a while, beginning with Suzanne, so he was already highly aroused. His challenge was to stay there for a long time.

Katherine figured they'd be there for a while. She rushed into the house and found some suntan lotion, and then rushed back. She was surprised not to find Susan masturbating naked in the kitchen. (Susan was masturbating, but upstairs in her bedroom. She couldn't handle watching the titfucking, because she really was a little scared about it being too arousing for her to handle.)

Katherine wanted to respect her mother's rules this time, especially since the chances were high that Susan would be watching them from one window or another. So, while she kept herself from touching Alan's penis, she had fun applying the suntan lotion all over his body, her body, and Amy's body too. It allowed her to fondle most anywhere. If Susan complained about it, she figured she had the good excuse of trying to prevent sunburn.

Time passed. With Katherine's advice and guidance, Amy was able to keep Alan from cumming for a surprisingly long time. In addition to giving titfucking advice, such as when to vary things up, and how, she also showed Amy how to watch for signs that Alan was getting too close to orgasm, and taught her how to ease up just enough until the crisis passed. Sometimes, there was no option but to resort to a prolonged strategic break, and she showed her how to sense the timing for that as well.

But eventually, after half an hour, both Amy and Alan got too tired to carry on. Amy switched between titfucking and a handjob, but was in danger of running out of energy for both things. And Alan could only squeeze his PC muscle for so long. So eventually, he announced it was almost time.

Katherine got behind Amy for the big moment. "Okay, Aims! This is it! Now, you have a choice: where do you want his cum? In your mouth? On your face? On your tits? Or some combo?"

Amy's energy revived in anticipation, and she stroked his shaft vigorously. "My mom probably wouldn't like the mouth. So let's try... on my face! I keep hearing how great that is, from you and Aunt Susan!"

Katherine said, "Okay, Bro, you heard her. Ready, aim... fire!"

It took a few seconds after she said "fire," but he pointed his hard-on right at Amy's chin and let loose. Luckily, Amy knew to close her eyes, so he quickly splattered his way all over her face. It was already after lunch and he hadn't climaxed since the night before, so it was an especially large load. He would have targeted Katherine too, but she was behind Amy, so he painted some of Amy's bosom as well before the cum ran out.

Katherine had deliberately stayed out of the way so Amy could have the full facial experience. But she also reached between Amy's legs from behind and fingered her best friend to orgasm. She timed it just right, so Amy peaked right as her face was in the middle of getting doused.

Alan had sat up but with his eyes shut tight for most of their mutual peak experience, since everything was too intense to handle. Once he'd started firing, he'd had to guess with the rest of his aiming. But now that it was done, he opened his eyes and saw a very cummy Amy beaming with her usual bright smile right in front of him. Just the sexy sight of her marked with his cum made him shiver with arousal all over again.

Amy asked him, "So, how'd you like that, Bo? Did I do good?"

"You did VERY good! Wow! Aims, you're the best! Well, tied for the best, with certain sisters who shall remain nameless." He winked at Katherine.

Katherine repositioned so she could face both Alan and Amy. "Nice save, Bro." Her focus was mainly on Amy though. "Girl, the big question is, how did YOU like that?"

"AWESOME!" Amy raised her arms high up in the air, as if in victory. "Cummilicious! Spermtastic! Megaorgasmowonderiferous!"

Katherine asked, "What did you think about him cumming on your face?"

"That was the best part! Maybe it was because I was having a big tingly thingy of my own, but it was a total rush! I feel like totally, like... like..." She searched for the right word.

Katherine helpfully suggested, "Owned? Tamed? Marked?" She swiped a cum gob off Amy's nose and licked it up.

"Well, kinda. But I'm thinking more like... connected. It could get kinda yucky though, now that it's done."

"Au contraire!" Katherine gleefully told her. "Now comes ANOTHER best part, which is eating it all up. It's even better if you can share. You can feed some to me, and I'll feed some to you."


Alan was already lying back down on the lounge chair. He closed his eyes. Oh, man! I can't even bear to watch that. Seriously! Too sexy, too soon!

Her heard Katherine ask Amy, "So, how do you like the taste?"

"Yummy! Super yumtastic! I've heard what everyone has been saying about the taste, and it's totally true. It's like fruity candy. I could eat this all day!"

Katherine replied with smacking sounds and then a moan of pleasure as she obviously ate up some more. "Me too. And the cool thing is, we totally can! Stroking, sucking, and titfucking cock, and then feasting on his cum! That's gonna be you and me from now on. Of course, we'll have to share with my mom and your mom, but I figure there's plenty to go around."

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"I'm totally cool with that," Amy replied with her usual enthusiasm. "Sharing is fun. Especially with you."

"Awww. Thanks!"

Alan kept his eyes closed, but thought, My GOD! Why won't that happen? That's definitely going to happen. That's amaaaazing!

A few minutes later, with all of Alan's cum eaten off her face and tits, Amy asked Katherine, "So, what comes next?"

Katherine said, "Here's a super great thing. If we can get his penis erect again, then we can do it all over again! I know you're kind of tired, since that was your first real time with him, so I can take a turn. If that's okay with you?"

"M'kay. Sure!"

But Alan said, "Hold your horses. For one thing, I don't think I can get it up again anytime soon, even if I want to. The downside of lasting that long is that I'm all tired out. But also, we can't just sit around and do this kind of thing all afternoon long."

Katherine put her hands on her hips and asked with irritation, "Why not?"

"Well, it's good to have some balance. We've got plenty of time for this, but we should make time for other things too. For instance, I don't want my social life to totally die. I already made plans earlier to meet up with Sean and Peter."

Katherine groaned and rolled her eyes. "UGH! Whatever."

Alan said, "I know. I'm not wildly crazy about the idea either. But the fact is, a man has certain physical limits. Six orgasms a day is a lot more than most guys can manage, I'm sure. That's about my limit. It's good to space things out. A couple of hours at the beach is a nice diversion."

He added, "Besides, let's not totally overdose on this kind of thing. The good news is, now that we've started with this kind of intimacy, we can keep doing it from now on. And Mom has her rules, and Suzanne has hers" - he looked to Amy - "but those will fall by the wayside before long. It's already happened with other rules. Things are just gonna get better and better."

Amy dramatically raised a fist up into the air. "Three cheers to that!"

Katherine and Alan raised their fists too, and the three of them spoke together: "Three cheers to that!"