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6 Times a Day

Chapter 333 Alan With Friends @ The Beach
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I am Back, unexpectedly took a couple of days extra than i predicted.

Here's an Extra long Chapter for you guys. (3.5K Words)


Around three o'clock, Alan left with his friends for the beach. That was a late start, but he'd made his plans with his nap habit in mind, and he didn't leave until after he'd had a good nap.

He generally went to the beach at least once a week, since they lived less than a mile from the ocean, but lately he hadn't been going so much. He thought it was time to fix that.

When he left for the beach he'd only cum once that day. He figured he'd end up well below six times for the day, but rationalized that he could use the break.

The last time he'd gone to the beach, he'd gone to White Sands Beach, the one most frequented by most of the kids from his high school. But that was where he'd had his embarrassing encounter with Heather, in front of his friends. He had no desire to run into her again; no matter how beautiful she was or how much fun having sex with her was, his instincts told him that she was very bad news.

He didn't want to live in fear of her. But he was going to the beach mostly to take a break from the extremely enjoyable but emotionally exhausting sexual roller-coaster he'd been riding lately, and he didn't want to deal with her. So he went to one of the other nearby beaches instead. It was a wide sandy beach frequented by lots of tourists, framed by a boardwalk used by bicyclists, joggers, and the like.

For a while, he had a very ordinary and uneventful time. He'd arranged to meet Sean there. They had fun talking and ogling all the eye candy.

But after he'd been there about an hour, he had a big surprise. As he and his friends walked down the main boardwalk, coming from getting snacks at a snack bar, he saw Katherine and Heather walking together down the boardwalk in the other direction, headed right for them.

He was quite surprised to see her doing something social, and apparently of her own free will, with the "evil" Heather.

Katherine and Heather standing on the boardwalk at the beach, Katherine in a white one-piece, Heather in a bikini whose left half was white and right half was black

Together the two girls made quite a sight as they walked down the boardwalk. Katherine wore sunglasses and a one-piece bathing suit, while Heather wore sunglasses and a revealing bikini.

Alan thought it interesting that, while he considered his sister quite tanned, she seemed almost pale in comparison to Heather's deep golden brown tan.

He was also surprised to notice just how tall Heather was. He figured she was only about two inches shorter than his sister's five foot eleven, and Kat looked really tall too. Then he realized that they were both wearing high heels. That was a bizarre thing to see at the beach, even if they were still walking on a concrete boardwalk, but that's what they were wearing.

Alan thought, Whoa! Look at the two of them sashaying my way. It looks like they're in a mood to flirt. Their high heels were certainly an indication of that.

Wait, what? High heels? The fact is, nobody ever wears high heels to the beach! But Sis knows how much I love high heels these days, so that must have something to do with it. I'll bet they conspired to wear them and then catch me while walking on the boardwalk, instead of on the sand where they'd have to take off their shoes.

But why? Why?! Heather must still be interested in me, even after we had sex, as mind-blowing as that sounds. I get that. But why on Earth would Sis help the one she always calls "Her Royal Bitchiness?"

Heather was the first to speak as the two groups grew close. "Well, well. Look who we have here. Alan. ... and friends." This was an inside joke, referring to the last time Heather had run into Alan at the beach. He had been with Sean and Peter but she couldn't remember his friends' names, so she had just referred to the three of them as "Alan ... and friends."

Even though it was a joke, Alan realized that it was also a clever cover-up because she probably really didn't remember Sean's name or the name of the two other friends he'd run into and happened to be with, even though she should have known them all from sometimes being in classes with them. Alan was the only one who showed up on her personal radar; she couldn't care less about the others.

Alan was a bit formal, unsure of how to act. "Hey Katherine. Heather. What brings you guys here?"

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Katherine replied, "Oh, that other beach gets boring. We figured you never know who you might run into on this one."

Alan knew for sure from the way she said that that this encounter was no accident.

Before he could reply, Heather asked, "So Alan. How are things hanging?" The innuendo in her voice was obvious to all but the most clueless.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Alan's friends were some of those most clueless. He wouldn't have minded some sexual teasing, though the presence of Katherine was a bit disconcerting when doing that in public, but he realized that he was stuck with his three nerdy friends.

Each one of them was infatuated with Heather, with his best friend Sean having the biggest crush on her of all. He couldn't figure out how to get some time with her without raising suspicion or having his friends want to come along. If Heather had suggested that they all go roll around in the garbage at the local garbage dump they probably would have agreed immediately, just to prolong their time near her.

Alan knew how infatuated Sean was with Heather, so he tried to do something nice for him. He said, "Hey, Heather. I just realized you might not know my friends." He nodded to his left. "This is Sean." Then he pointed to his right. "And these guys are Derek and John."

"Hi guys," Heather replied with only the thinnest veneer of politeness. She all but yawned in their faces.

Sean was so moony over Heather that he appeared oblivious to the fact that she'd completely failed to recognize him from the last time he was with Alan at the beach, or when the two of them had run into Heather in the Baskin-Robbins, or the countless other times Heather had crossed his path. In her mind she classified him as a complete nerd and thus not worth remembering.

But to have Heather say "Hi guys" was like manna from heaven for all of Alan's friends. None of them were capable of a reply, so they just nodded their heads over and over like complete imbeciles.

Heather paid them no more mind, saying to Alan in a sultry voice, "It's a good thing we ran into you, 'cos we're looking for someone to help with some painting. I hear you're very, very good... at painting. I have a bare snatch of wall that could use your talented fingers."

Alan was highly distraught at Heather's innuendo. He knew that Heather figured the bizarre idea of painting a pussy would never occur to Alan's friends, so she was free to talk about it in such blatant terms without worrying much about them catching on. But he worried that saying things like "bare snatch" instead of "bare stretch" was pushing her luck. The fact that Katherine was giggling up a storm didn't help matters.

Alan tried to play it straight. "Um, yes. I can help with that."

"Good. I'd like to work you in real soon." Her voice was dripping with lust.

Sean though, was clueless and said, "I can paint too."

Heather brushed him off. "I'm sure you can, but Alan has the whole package." She looked at Alan with hunger. "So, bring your package around and we can work it in. That'll be a blast. You can cover my walls with your wet... paint."

Katherine was on the verge of death by giggle.

Alan decided the only safe option was escape. "Yeah. Let's do that. We've gotta go now though."

"Oh, do you? Looks like you're having a ball with your friends - or would you like to have a ball with me?" She thrust her hips out in a sexy pose to make her meaning clear.

Alan looked over at Sean and then at his other two friends. He couldn't believe that her innuendo went over their heads, but it did. They looked like they were struck stupid. Alan was embarrassed for them and desperately wanted to get away from them, as much to avoid the pain of watching them flail about socially as for the chance to be alone with Heather, but he still couldn't figure out how to manage it. With their painful example in mind, he replied, "Oh, you wouldn't want to hang out with a nerd."

Heather in her bi-color-symmetric bikini, hand behind her head raising her ponytail, looking good enough to eat

Heather smiled, remembering fondly the last time Alan had bantered with her about the nerd topic. It was just after he'd fucked her hard and long for the first time. She raised an arm above her head to play with her ponytail in a deliberately provocative pose as she replied, "Oh, I don't know about that. I hear nerds are underrated. In fact, some of them are quite impressive, the way they SCORE highly. What about you, Alan? Would you like to score ... highly?"

He looked back at his friends. Sean appeared to be completely lost in some La-La Land, and the others weren't much better. Alan figured they were so awed by Heather's posing that they weren't paying much attention to her words.

But to his surprise, his other two friends were gawking at Katherine, not just at Heather. Even though Katherine's one-piece bathing suit was much less revealing than Heather's two-piece, it was way more revealing than the kind of clothes she typically wore at school. She never wore anything remotely revealing in public, except for the required cheerleading outfit. Other than some of the cheerleaders, everyone still thought she was as goody-goody as could be.

Sean knew Katherine well enough because he was so close to Alan, but the other two failed to recognize her as the socially conservative girl from school and assumed she was a new, tall busty hottie.

Alan finally remembered to reply to Heather's question. Seeing that immediate escape was futile, he tried to reply to her sexual banter with some of his own. "Of course I love to score, uh, well. But to do that you have to do a lot of cramming." He adjusted the hard-on that had rapidly sprouted in his bathing suit.

Heather was radiating sex so strongly and he was radiating it back so much that it felt like they were fucking each other without even touching.

Heather joined in with Katherine's giggling. Then she replied, "Cramming? What an excellent idea. I certainly could use a lot of help with cramming. Do you think you could help me with that? An all-nighter of nothing but solid cramming; that sounds like exactly what I need. I need to work you in with that, too."

Katherine's giggle fit was dying down, so Alan looked over to her to see how she was reacting to all of this.

She gave him a private wink. It seemed as if she was enjoying this tremendously, though Alan could also detect some frustration. Presumably, she was upset that she couldn't join in the banter as well.

As much fun as it was, Alan worried that if they kept on like this, either he would cum in his shorts or his friends would finally get wise (though he half-seriously guessed that Heather would have to yank off her bikini, bend over, and have Alan fuck her doggy style right there in the middle of the boardwalk before they caught on that something sexual was happening).

He said, "We'll have to do that one of these days, Heather. But right now we're going to, uh..." He struggled to think of something they had to do, since all they were really doing was lazily hanging out, but then he remembered the boogie boards they'd brought along. "Um, boogie boarding. Ah, er, go boogie boarding. Yeah. We'd better do some of that while the waves are good."

Heather was hardly deterred. "Oh? You're going to ride the waves? Well, if you can think of anything else you'd rather ride, give me a call." She wiggled her hips, the invitation blatant to all but nerds who were too agog to really listen to what she was saying.

"Okay. I will." He waved goodbye to both girls.

However, Heather had one last trick up her sleeve, thanks to the bikini she'd chosen to wear. She and Katherine turned as if they were about to walk back in the direction they'd come from. But then Heather stopped and looked over her shoulder. She said to Alan, "You know what? It's probably for the best that we go. I've been meaning to call my friend Simone. She told me that if I didn't call her this afternoon, she'd have my ass. Can you just picture that, Simone having my ass?"

Alan's friends had already started to walk away and talk among themselves, but Alan was rooted to the spot. He knew that Heather's dialogue was completely unnecessary except as an excuse for more blatant innuendo. What she really wanted him to do was to stare at her ass.

p: Heather showing Alan her tanned ass with just the dental floss of her bikini between her nether cheeks

And what an ass it was. The amazing thing was that from the front, Heather appeared to have a fairly standard two-colored bikini. But from the back, the bottom piece was little more than a narrow G-string-like thong. There was nothing but acres and acres of extremely firm and toned ass cheek to admire. Heather may have been vain about her looks, but she was also a fanatical exerciser. There wasn't an ounce of fat to be seen anywhere on her backside.

Alan's heart was pounding as he gawked at her gently undulating butt cheeks. He was fairly certain that he would cum in his shorts if Heather didn't get away from him soon.

But instead, she just continued to stand there, continually and slowly shifting her weight from one leg to the other. Her bronzed skin was alluringly shiny from all the suntan lotion she was wearing. A light sheen of sweat from being out in the sun sparkled seductively in the sunlight as her powerful buttocks lazily moved and rubbed against each other.

The situation was made even worse for Alan when Heather asked him to imagine Simone "having" her ass. He didn't know what that meant exactly, but it brought up all kinds of debauched images of black-on-white lesbian lust. He knew that Heather was all but daring him to sink his rock-hard erection into the hot, steamy valley between her clenching ass cheeks, humping her in broad daylight.

Finally she prodded, "Well? Alan? Are you sure you aren't up for some ... cramming? Maybe later tonight, perhaps? Or painting. We could do a lot of cramming, and then end with you painting my walls. Maybe even two or three coats."

You could have knocked him over with a feather. Had he been more coherent, he might even have taken her up on her offer, because the sight of her ass and all the talk of "cramming" sounded pretty great to his frazzled brain. But all he managed to say was, "See ya."

Heather frowned in confusion. She was so surprised by this apparent refusal of her none-too-subtle invitation that she didn't know what to say next. She didn't know what else she could do to convince him, given that they were in public. She resolved to regroup and try other tactics with him some other time.

She walked away slowly, making sure to cock her hips with each step to greatly emphasize the shifting of her weight from ass cheek to ass cheek as she moved.

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Katherine did the same. They walked in tandem for greater effect, moving as if in slow motion, turning lots of heads as they went.

Alan's friends had been talking to each other, because they had assumed the girls had already walked away. But they finally turned around, immediately joining Alan in his intense ogling.

Sean's jaw almost literally clattered to the ground. He looked so happy that he seemed to be on the verge of joyous tears.

Once the two girls were out of earshot, John sang from the Spinal Tap movie,

"Big bottoms, big bottoms,

talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em!

Big bottoms drive me out of my mind,

how can I leave this... be-hi-ii-ind?"

That got good laughs as the four of them watched the two tanned asses slowly fade into the crowd on the busy boardwalk.

Alan was also greatly relieved to feel the urgent need to cum fade away, although his hard-on lingered.

As soon as the girls were out of eyesight, Sean plastered himself at Alan's side and said to him excitedly, "Dude! I knew Heather knew you, but I had no idea you were actually friends with her! She was treating you like a real, actual friend, talking to you and everything. How did that happen?!"

Alan responded, "Did you notice she's with Katherine? I know her 'cos she knows Katherine. Remember? They're on the cheerleading squad together."

"Oh. Yeah. Can you introduce me?"

Alan rolled his eyes. "I just did."

Sean was disappointed to realize that was true, and that it hadn't amounted to that much, but before he could formulate a reply Derek blurted out, "Who did you say the other one was? Katherine? Damn, she's hot! I'd totally do her."

John nodded. "Totally! Holy shit, which one is more fuckable?"

But then Sean, finally showing some sense, said, "You idiots, Katherine is Alan's sister."

"Oh! Sorry," Derek said apologetically.

"Yeah, sorry man," John agreed. "I really didn't know. I mean, I know your sister from school, but I thought that this girl was so sexy that... in that hot swimsuit... And with the sunglasses I couldn't..." Realizing he was just digging himself in deeper, he tried to change the subject. "Hey, did you guys hear what Heather said? She likes nerds! She's actually into guys with high academic scores!"

Sean was extremely happy about that. "Yeah! Who knows, I might have a good chance with her!"

Alan, though, just shook his head sadly. Jesus. I'm with dumb and dumber ... and dumbest. Poor Sean. So sadly deluded. Was I ever that much of an idiotic dork? I hope not. I think it's that they're all so infatuated with her that their brains stop working. Man, I've either got to clue these guys in a little bit or find some new friends. To think that I just missed out on doing some "cramming" and "painting" with Heather just 'cos I couldn't shake these guys. He sighed.

As now happened nearly every day, he thought to himself about the irony of his general situation. My friends don't even know I've kissed a girl. If only they knew what I've done with these two girls in private! BOTH of them. Even my sister! Whereas Sean would probably have a heart attack and die if Heather so much as hugged him. I should ask Heather to give him a charity fuck; that would be the highlight of his life.The source of this ᴄontent is ɴovelFɪre.net

Alan was torn away from his thinking when he heard Sean liken Heather to Galadriel, the beautiful, angelic Elven queen from Lord of the Rings. Alan just shook his head sadly at the depth of his friend's delusion. He saw that Sean was so far gone that he didn't notice the head-shake either.

But while Alan mentally kicked his friends for being brain dead, he could lose his own head as well. Prior to running into Heather, he'd resolved to avoid her at all cost. But afterwards, he'd completely forgotten that resolution. Instead, he started to think about when and where he might be able to fuck her again. So, in that sense, Heather's teasing invite was a success: she was simply too deliciously fuckable for him to resist completely.