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Chapter 335 Have You Or Have You Not Gotten Intimate With Her In Any Way?
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Alan stayed at the beach less than two hours, since he'd left late and it started to get cold in the late afternoon. He was sitting in a chair and relaxing on the upper floor sun deck when Katherine sat down next to him. She was wearing just thin blue bikini bottoms, the same as the ones she'd been wearing with Amy earlier.

"Hey, Bro. How's it hangin'?"

"Hey, Sis. What's up?" Then he did a double take as it fully registered just who he was speaking to. "Sis! Boy, am I glad to see you. I've got questions. Lots of questions!"

"Fire away. Fuck Toy Number One, at your service." She gave him a playful salute.

"You don't have to call yourself that, you know. I find it vaguely disturbing."

"You'll get used to it." She stuck a tongue out at him, and winked.Follow current s on (f)ir(e).net

He made a chagrined face. But he was eager to question her. "What the heck is the deal with you and Heather showing up at that beach together? Heather?!"

Katherine nodded in sympathy. "I know, I know. Normally, I wouldn't spend one second more with the über-bitch than I have to. But, not long after Aims and I finished having our way with you... speaking of which, when I asked how's it 'hangin',' I meant that in a literal sense." She nodded knowingly at his shorts. "Need any help?"

"Thanks, but I'm good for now. What's the Heather mystery?"

"Oh yeah. She called me up, which is quite strange in and of itself. Then things got stranger still, because she was asking me some really weird questions, like if it's true that Mom is super prudish and is it really a problem if we have visitors?"

"What did you say to that?"

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"I definitely told her we can't have visitors. I don't want her coming over to our house!"

"Thank God for that. Phew! Then what happened?"

"By and by, I sort of figured out that her questions were not-so-subtle attempts to find out more about you. I got a hunch that she had a sexual interest in you, and I kinda asked her about it. She flat-out denied it, but the way she denied it made me even MORE suspicious! So I decided to test her. Since you'd just told me which beach you were going to, I found a way to mention that in passing. And, as the clincher, I told her that you have a thing for high heels. Then I went to that same beach to see if she'd show. Sure enough, she did, and in high heels too! Case proven! She DOES have a thing for you!"

Alan had to admit to himself that Katherine had been pretty clever. But he couldn't admit it to her, since he was trying to keep his sexual encounter with Heather a secret. He asked, "I guess that could explain why she was wearing high heels, but why were YOU wearing high heels?"

Katherine smile-smirked. "Because it's true: you DO love to see a woman walking in high heels."

"I do not."

"You totally do!"

"Well, okay, maybe I do, but no more than any other typical guy."

She made a disbelieving face. "Whatever. We've seen how you react. Not just here" - she pointed to his eyes - "but here." She reached out and grabbed his crotch. To her disappointment, she found that he really was flaccid. She pulled her hand away.

He asked, "That explains most of the mystery, but why were you hanging out with her at the beach?"

"That is kind of a curious thing," Katherine admitted. "I guess we were both using each other. Given that I found her at that particular beach right after that call, and she was wearing high heels to boot, it was pretty obvious that I'd figured out that she wants you. So she pretty much dropped the pretense and asked me all kinds of questions about you. And I went along with it, because I was trying to figure out all I could about her level of interest in you. What IS the deal with you two, anyway?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Katherine huffed. "You're a terrible liar. You can't just dodge the question like that."

"I'm not at liberty to say. Just call me Sergeant Schultz: I know nuuusssink!" (Both he and Katherine were fans of the old World War II TV comedy "Hogan's Heroes.")

"Really? You're not even gonna tell your own number-one-fuck-toy sister? Your lover AND best friend? It's not like I'd be jealous. After all, I'm already sharing you with Mom, Aims, Aunt Suzy, Kim, and who knows who else besides."

He said sarcastically, "Oh no, not you. You'd never be jealous."

"Okay, maybe a little jealous," she conceded. "But it would be weird not to be jealous at all. That would be a sign that I don't care. And I do care, very much. Besides, we've got a major mystery here. Why the heck would Heather of all people be interested in you?!"

He said, "I can't say a word about anything she and I might or might not have done, but that's not such a big mystery: obviously, my job as painter of invisible panties for the cheerleader squad has put me on her radar screen."

"True. In fact, she didn't entirely drop the pretense. She said she was questioning me about you because of that. She said she doesn't want a 'possible psycho' to be messing around with her squad, so you need to be checked out."

"That sounds reasonable."

Katherine huffed, "Yeah, but this is Heather we're talking about! She's so hung up on popularity and status and being cool and all that. You're a great, great guy, Brother, but you're kind of the opposite of the kind of guy she'd normally be interested in."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe she's just being really conscientious about protecting her squad."

"Well AFTER you started painting panties?! The timing doesn't make any sense."

"Hmmm. It seems like you do have a mystery on your hands, then."

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"Ruh-roh!" She spoke in her best Scooby-Doo voice.

He smiled at that. "Toss me a few Scooby Snacks, and let's get to the bottom of this. Where's Fred? Or Velma?"

She chuckled. "You and Velma again. I swear, we'd solve more crimes if you didn't spend most of your time shagging Velma and Daphne."

He smiled at that, and said, "Hey, that's why they call me 'Shaggy.'" But he dropped the role-play and stood up. "Too bad I've gotta go. Got stuff to do."

"Not so fast!" She grabbed hold of his shorts before he could walk away. "Please answer me this, at least: have you or have you not gotten intimate with her in any way?!"

He winced. He'd been hoping to avoid that question. "I can't tell you that. I wish I could, but I can't."

"A-ha! The mere fact that you can't answer, and the pained look on your face, proves that you've done something with her!"

He tried to ask innocent. "Me? Mr. Nerdy? With our vapid, bitchy head cheerleader? Really?!"

She wagged her finger at him, and pretended to be Colonel Klink, another character from the TV show "Hogan's Heroes." "Hooooogan! I've got the feeling you're up to something!"

He smiled enigmatically and walked away.

Once he was in his room, he thought, Phew! That was close. I was thinking that encounter with Heather was a one-off thing, but I guess not. I'll bet she was angling to make a move on me today at the beach, but she was foiled by the fact that I was with my friends. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, to be honest. She's bad news all the way around. But fucking her was awesome!

And what'll I do about Sis now? I guess I'll have to play dumb as long as I can. It's embarrassing to admit that I'm letting my dick do all my thinking. Maybe Heather's interest in me will blow over - knock on wood. But if I were Sis, I'd be 99 percent certain that if Heather hasn't done something with me yet, she will soon.

Alan putzed around in his room for a while. He actually did some homework, mostly as an excuse to be doing something important so Katherine wouldn't ask any more questions about Heather.

Katherine did check in on him, but left him alone after seeing that he was studying.