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6 Times a Day

Chapter 356 So Why Are You Giving Me This Good Advice?
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Alan, like Brenda, was tired both physically and mentally. He went upstairs, making clear that he wanted to be alone for a while. He wasn't mad at anyone; far from it. He just felt like he needed some alone time.

Suzanne went back to her own home to spend some time with Amy. She'd felt bad knowing Eric and Brad were out and Amy was left to fend for herself for dinner.

Suzanne considered going to the Plummer house later that evening for more sexy fun with Alan, but for once she wasn't in the mood. She thought, Because of my "Elle" impersonation on Saturday night, I'm more ready than ever to get properly fucked by my Sweetie. The way I look at it, we're still at zero real fucks; that one didn't count. My memory of it is a bit hazy: it seems more like one of my unfulfilling erotic dreams. Lord knows I've had enough of those lately, ever since my cuddly Sweetie started turning into such a hunk.

It's probably a good thing I don't remember it too well, because my need for him is already almost more than I can bear. My pussy is so ready! All these blowjobs and titfucks just whet my appetite, especially when Brenda is spying on us! Phew! That was hot! But it still isn't time. I have to remain in control of my emotions and not just think from between my legs. For one thing, I shouldn't screw up his tennis tournament; that wouldn't be fair. Once he starts having sex with me, he'll barely have enough energy remaining to even walk onto a tennis court! I should wait at least until the weekend. As soon as his tournament is over...

Blowjobs and titfucks are well and good, but it's high time that I get properly FUCKED! I NEED to get fucked! With the mood I'm in right now, I wouldn't be able to say 'No'. He'd start licking my pussy... Oh God! That would feel soooo goooood! Then, in a matter of minutes, he'd be shoving his thickness aaaaaalll the way in, impaling me to the hilt! Dammit, I'm working myself up too much just thinking about it.

No. I need another day or two to get over the whole "Elle" incident. Tomorrow is Tuesday, when Susan will have him. Then, by Wednesday, I should be back to normal.

However, she realized she needed to see him soon to discuss what she'd recently learned about Heather. So, around nine-thirty, about one hour after Brenda left, she put on some unusually-conservative (for her) clothes that thoroughly covered her body and went over to his house. She figured that he'd had enough time to recover from his Brenda adventure. Her clothes would communicate that she was there just to talk, and nothing else.

Alan was at his desk, still doing his homework. He looked up and smiled when he saw Suzanne pushing his door open while knocking on it.

Everything she usually wore was sexy in some way, but this outfit was not, at least relatively speaking. Although she'd unbuttoned a few buttons at the last minute to expose a lot of cleavage, even that was restrained compared to her usual attire lately. He read that correctly as a "hands off" signal.

Suzanne pulled up a chair. After making some small talk she said, "Okay, let's get down to business. I'm NOT here to talk about Brenda."

"You're not?"

"No. Tonight was a big success with her. Let's let that settle for a while and discuss it tomorrow. Okay?"

"Sounds good. Very good. I do need time to process that. What are you here about then?"

"Remember how we talked the other day about me looking into Heather?"


"Well, I have the scoop on her. But first, I'd like to know exactly what's happened between you and her."

He stiffened. "What makes you assume there's anything to talk about? I don't want to confirm or deny anything."

"Come on. It's me. I know you; I can tell something happened. I can see it in your face when her name is mentioned. Something happened a few days ago. Let's not play games."

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Alan complained, "Aunt Suzy, please. Don't make me tell you. I don't like to kiss and tell. Isn't that kind of private?"

"Usually, yes. And don't worry; I won't tell your mom or sister or anyone else. But it's important that I know. Heather is not just 'some girl'! I already knew that she's a really powerful, and therefore dangerous, girl at your school, and now I'm doubly concerned about her. If you're going to handle her successfully, we need to work together. Also, look how well things went with Brenda. You're turning into quite a ladies' man. That's great, especially for you, but the more lovers you have, the greater the danger for everyone involved. What if you were to get an STD, for instance? Think how that could spread."

He sighed. "Okay." Then he proceeded to tell Suzanne of all his recent encounters with Heather, including the one time they'd had sex.

Suzanne remained silent, just taking in everything he said. When he was done, she said, "Thanks for all that. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. Now, let me tell you what I've learned about her."

Alan said, "Hold on. I'm curious; how did you get your info about her in the first place?"

Suzanne smiled knowingly. "It's a small world. I just happened to run into her mother Helen today. I was at a coffee shop and all the tables were taken, so I asked to sit at hers. Imagine my surprise when I found out who she was."

He grinned and rolled his eyes. "What a coincidence! Somehow, I doubt that happened by pure chance."

Suzanne's smile widened. "Well, okay, maybe I stalked her a little first to find just the right moment to 'happen' upon her, but 'stalking' is such a harsh word. Anyway, I got to talking about my two kids and all the troubles they put me through and how one of mine was a cheerleader, and wouldn't you know it, she started unloading all of her frustrations about her own kid. It was like taking candy from a baby."

He shook his head. "Aunt Suzy, you're a genius. A conniving genius."

"Tell me something I don't know." She winked. "Anyway, Heather is a self-centered, power-hungry bitch. But you already knew that. From what you told me about your encounters with her, you have a good bead on her. I have to say you've handled yourself well so far. You're a challenge for her. You're interesting and different. Most importantly, you haven't shown weakness, and you've played hard to get. That's key."

She continued, "But let me tell you some things you don't know. Frankly, I don't fully understand why she's so bitchy. Some people just have inherently ornery personalities, and maybe she's one of those. Or maybe Helen didn't tell me everything. But at least some of who she is can be understood by how her parents treat her. One interesting thing is how much of an elitist snob her mother is. Several times, she said things like 'And that's not something a Morgan does.' She seems to think highly of her family name, to say the least."

Alan asked, "Are they from some super prestigious family? Hey! What about J. P. Morgan? He was a famous, super-rich robber baron, right?"

Suzanne smiled tolerantly. "Yes. Actually, I thought about that too. But I didn't just 'bump' into Helen without doing some background research first. After all, I had to find her and where she hung out, so I could arrange our 'chance' meeting."

"I looked into Heather's family tree, and there's nothing special going on on either side, and certainly no connection to the J. P. Morgan fortune. It's true that Helen's family is fairly wealthy, but the way she goes on, you'd think she shits gold bricks. Besides, Morgan is her husband's last name, so you'd think her family background would be irrelevant to that. In my opinion, Helen's sense of privilege and entitlement is out of whack. Again, I don't know all the details, since I didn't speak to her that long and I couldn't pry about everything. But, for whatever reason, Heather got all that from her mother. Heather doesn't just think she's great; she KNOWS it."

Alan considered that, and nodded. "Yeah. Now that you mention it, she seems to think that she's the most beautiful girl in school. She went on and on about it, like it was an indisputable fact. And heck, she might be, at least for some people, but it's hardly indisputable in my opinion. There are others: Christine, for starters. In my book Sis and Amy give her a run for her money, plus they're a lot nicer."

Suzanne nodded. "I know. And it's not just beauty. It sounds like she basically thinks she should rule the school like it's her divine right or something. But here's the thing. Do NOT under any circumstances confirm her inflated sense of self-importance with compliments. If you do that, she'll grow bored with you fast. People like her are weird. On the one hand, they're full of confidence and bluster, but on the other hand, they have secret nagging doubts too. On some deeper level, she's gotta wonder if she's really all that great."

She continued, "I can't read her mind, but it's only human nature. Besides, I know her type. I had a college roommate once who was like her in a lot of ways. Her insecurity is well suppressed, but deep down it's always present. If you ever waver, she'll try to convince you of her greatness, and if she ever succeeds, that'll help convince her that you're not worth pursuing."

Alan nodded. "Huh. Okay... So, no compliments ever. Luckily, I was kind of doing that already. My encounter with her happened just one day after you gave me your advice about Brenda. The two are waaaay different. But I tried the 'confident, cocky, yet aloof and hard to get' approach you advised for Brenda, and it worked on Heather too!"

Suzanne smiled. "That WAS very fortuitous timing. I'm not surprised; that strategy works on a lot of women, maybe even on most women. It's just human nature to want what we can't get, or is very hard to get. Sadly, that's why nice guys finish last so often: they're not seen as a challenge."

"I can see that."

"That said, Heather is a special case. You've gotta go in a different direction with her than Brenda from now on. Very different. Think of her almost like a vicious animal, like a lion or tiger. You can't show her any weakness at all, or she'll pounce!"

"What if I flat-out insult her?" He was struck by a thought. "Hey! Did I mention that when we had sex, I called her a 'slut' and a 'bitch' and a 'fucking cunt' and all kinds of mean things like that, and she loved it?"

Suzanne said, "You said something to that general effect a few minutes ago. But you have to be verrrry careful there. It's one thing to say that in a sexual way as something to get both of you hot; it's another to say that in another context like you really mean it, for the purpose of emotional injury. The key with girls like her is to be straddling that fence. Mind you, I didn't say 'no compliments at all'. Instead, be very selective with compliments and only praise her if you honestly believe she deserves it. Don't be too harsh either! Whoa; that's a very dangerous game. If she decides you're an enemy, she'll stop at nothing to crush you."

He said with worry, "Uh-oh. The more I think about it, the more I remember saying some really mean things to her. I was angry and I just kind of went off in a way I've NEVER done to anybody before. And I wouldn't have done it then either, but I kind of started down that path and she seemed to eat it up, so I just ran with it. Am I screwed now?"

Suzanne smiled. "It depends on your definition of 'screwed'. If we're talking about having a lot of hot sex with your gorgeous blonde, tanned head cheerleader, then yes, you're probably really 'screwed.'" She winked.ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴠɪsɪᴛ ꜰʀᴇᴇᴡᴇʙɴ(o)ᴠᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ. (F)ire

He chuckled. "Uh-oh! Woe is me!"

"From what you've told me, it sounds like that name-calling crap really turned her on. After all, she's already been dropping some pretty heavy hints that she wants you to fuck her again. If and when you do, you absolutely should do what you did before. You stumbled onto some things that just happened to push all her right buttons. So keep on pushing those buttons, you lucky fucker!" She playfully gave him the middle finger.

He grinned impishly. "Hey. It's not ALL luck."

"No, it's not, I'll give you that. Anyway, it's gonna be really tricky with her. You have to straddle a fine line. I'm thinking it would probably be best for you to behave stand-offish towards her, like she's no big deal and you can take her or leave her. Act like you're the one in the driver's seat and it's her job to impress you, like you've been doing with Brenda, only more so. But don't upset her or insult her except when she's so hot for sex with you. If she gets all hot and bothered, THEN go with all that slut talk. Even then, though, you need to watch her reactions and be careful: you have to make sure she's responding to it in the right way."

He rubbed his chin. "Hmmm... Sounds tricky. How do I get her all hot in the first place without being able to use the stuff that arouses her the most? But I noticed you said 'if and when' I have sex with her again. What do you mean by that?"

Suzanne sighed. "The 'if' part was pretty much wishful thinking on my part, I'm afraid. If it were up to me, I'd say drop her like a hot potato. She's dangerous! Yeah, I know she's gorgeous and you've made clear that she's a hot fuck, but she's just not worth it. I'm particularly worried about STDs. I know you say she insists that she's clean and all that, but she's had so many sex partners that she's a disaster waiting to happen. However..."

She paused dramatically, and then went on, "However, I know you. Plus, I know how eighteen-year-old horny boys think: you think with your dick! You had a really wild, intense sexual experience with her. AND she's the head cheerleader and pretty much the most desired girl in school. So there's probably just no way that you'd say no to her again. In fact, if it weren't for all the sexy fun you've been having at home every day, you'd probably be falling hard for her and trying to boink her on a regular basis. But if that happened, she'd dump you in an instant. The fact that you're not chasing after her with your tongue dragging on the ground is what makes you so intriguing and desirable to her. But anyway, I know I can't stop a raging river with my bare hands. You're like a kid in a candy store: you've discovered sex and are going more than a little wild over it all."

He nodded. "Guilty as charged."

She went on, "So I'm trying to do some advance damage control here. I'm telling you how to handle her so that you can come out of this without getting hurt, and so you at least don't make an enemy out of her. Also, so you don't bring some diseases into our family and give them to all of us. It's almost certain that, before long, she'll tire of you or you'll get tired of her. You two are just waaaay too different to be compatible for more than a few fun fuck sessions. So let your ya-ya's out and have a lot of fun."

He was disappointed to realize that she was probably right.

She added, "Think of it like riding a bucking bronco. It's a wild ride, but it doesn't last long, so enjoy it while you can. When it's all over with, we'll have to talk again. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, you'll calm down some and we'll be able to talk more sensibly about who your sex partners ought to be. In the meantime, be careful to avoid getting infected."

He thought about that. "Boy. When you put it that way, I feel kind of dumb. Maybe I should just tell her 'no thanks' and walk away right now, while I still can. I mean, we've only done it that one time. It would be pretty easy to walk away at this point."

Suzanne smiled knowingly. "That shows what you know. Remember, it takes two to tango. Heather gets what she wants. You can act like you're in the driver's seat all you want, but don't be fooled. You're just discovering what sex is all about; you're not 'master of your own domain' yet, as Seinfeld put it. The bottom line is, if she wants to fuck you again, she will. If she goes all out to tempt you, you won't be able to resist. Eventually, yes, if she stays interested in you for long enough, you'll develop more resistance to her charms, but right now you're still in that 'kid in the candy store' phase. Basically, I'm pretty sure she's going to keep fucking you until she gets bored with you."

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He asked, "So why are you giving me this good advice? Isn't that just going to prolong how long she uses me like some kind of boy toy?"

Suzanne responded, "Think of it like you're a surfer riding a big wave. You catch the wave, but you know eventually the ride is going to end. And the end is never pretty. You don't ride a big wave and end up standing. But how you wipe out depends on your level of skill. If you know how to hold your breath and handle yourself, you make it okay, and then you get right back up to ride the next wave. If you're clueless, you could get seriously hurt or even die. I don't want to see you hurt. Besides, what you learn about handling her will help you in handling all the other Heathers you'll run into later in life. And there are lots of people like her, to varying degrees, though most aren't likely to be so extreme."

"Wow, thanks," he said. "By the way, I didn't know you were into surfing."

"I'm not. But I do live in Southern California, and I have at least half a clue, so give me some credit. I'm not happy that you and Heather hooked up in the first place; I'm not happy about it at all. But it's a done deal. To keep going with the surfing metaphor for a minute, are you going to ride the wave, or is the wave going to ride you? You mean a lot to me, and I don't want to see you hurt. So let's continue with what you need to do to stay one step ahead of her."

She went on, "Let's look at her relationship with her father. That's always very telling. Again, I can't know everything from one conversation with her mother, but I gather that Frank - that's his name, by the way - loves Heather a lot, but he's made some big mistakes in raising her. She wants his love and attention and feels like she's not getting enough of it. You'd be surprised how much things like that will affect her sex life and her choice of partners. That happens on some deep subconscious level. Let me go into more detail and explain how we can use that to your advantage..."

Suzanne and Alan continued to discuss Heather for the next half hour. She gave Alan many useful insights. Overall, Alan had already been on the right path when it came to staying one step ahead of Heather, but that had been mostly luck, plus his uncanny ability to roll with the punches. After talking to Suzanne he had a much better idea of what to do in the future, and thus much greater confidence. As Suzanne pointed out, when it came to Heather, maintaining confidence and swagger was half the battle.

Just before Suzanne left, she asked him, "Do you have condoms on you at all times? For instance, in your wallet?"

"Um, no." He felt stupid for having to say that.

She asked, "Where do you keep your wallet?"

"In a front pocket, or in my locker when I'm playing tennis."

"Good." She took a string of foil-wrapped condoms out of a pocket and tossed them at him. "That figures. It shows how much you're thinking with your dick and not your brain. Take those and use them! Put them in your wallet. Do NOT have sex with Heather again without using one. Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." He was chastened; he knew he deserved it.

He was slightly disappointed that Suzanne only gave him a peck on the cheek when she left, but he wasn't too upset about it. He wasn't that aroused anyway.

The only problem was, it was hard for him to get back to doing his homework. But, eventually, he managed.

Later, Susan came to his room to give him a goodnight kiss and tuck-in. She wore yet another new see-through nightie. (She practically had her own closet full of those now, if one included all the ones that were borrowed from Suzanne.) Her desire for sexy fun had overtaken her worries.

But even though she'd come in before his usual bedtime, he was all but asleep already. Although he'd gotten a good night's sleep the night before, his body still needed to recover from so much unaccustomed mental and physical excitement.

They talked for a while, but in the end she did little more than kiss him on the nose and actually tuck him in, in a relatively non-sexual, motherly way.

— — —

Susan went to bed feeling very disappointed by the relatively small amount of sexual fun she'd had with her son. She'd enjoyed her breakfast blowjob with him, but that was marred by Katherine's presence. She'd been able to blow him for quite a while just before Brenda arrived, but hadn't received her usual cum bath at its conclusion. She'd thought he'd be cumming on her three or four times a day once Ron had gone back to Asia, but clearly that wasn't happening.

Her only consolation was some words Suzanne had told her recently: "Your son is becoming such a sexual stud that you're going to have to learn to share. There will be days you may not touch his cock at all. But don't be sad; be proud that he has so many sexy helpers who are all sharing the joy."

Another really bright spot was the fact that the next day was a Tuesday. She could hardly wait.