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6 Times a Day

Chapter 375 I Smell Something Funny.
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Alan had only cum three times by dinner, which left him with serious doubts that he'd reach his target that day. Even so, he was okay with the low number since he'd done it eight times the day before.

When he came downstairs for dinner, however, he got a pleasant surprise. Suzanne had stayed over to eat, which wasn't particularly unusual lately, but Brenda was there too, sitting at the table waiting for dinner. That had never happened before.

Alan had forgotten that the previous Wednesday's card game had become a regular, weekly social event involving Brenda. Since Ron was gone, Brenda had been invited to arrive before the card game started, to share dinner so that everyone could get to know her better.

Brenda had shown up even earlier than expected, so Suzanne hadn't had a chance to tell the others what they should or shouldn't say in her presence, and no one had had time to dress up yet.

Even without a formal excuse for drop-dead attire, the dinner turned out to be quite a sight for sore eyes. Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Brenda were each dressed in a fairly sexy outfit anyway, and they all looked great. There was a certain unstated competition among the well-endowed ladies, a challenge to be the sexiest and prettiest.

Alan was the happy beneficiary of all the visual splendor. He was a bit surprised that Amy wasn't there as well, but then took that as a good omen. He figured, Aunt Suzy must be behind Amy's absence. She protects Aims from sexual situations. So that means she must think that something really sexual will happen tonight. Probably something with Brenda. No doubt Aunt Suzy will help push that along.

He was correct with that guess. Suzanne steered the conversation to sex and generally kept it there. She spent much of the dinner discussing the numerous adulterous affairs she'd had over the years, often going into quite graphic detail, while eating her meal in a subtly seductive manner to emphasize her points. For instance, when discussing past blowjobs she would pause to gently suckle the tip her fork for a few moments after inserting a bite of korma, or swirl a sip of mango lassi around behind her cheek. In so doing, she kept everyone aroused while keeping the discussion away from incest, so that Susan would not unintentionally reveal even more secrets.

Suzanne had a lot of amusing stories about her schemes and close calls at getting or almost being caught. She'd always used her wiles and charm to get away, once even convincing a wife that nothing had happened despite being caught naked in her husband's bed, by claiming that she'd been passing by and had had a medical emergency and was being tended to in bed until the ambulance arrived. She'd explained that she had had to get naked because she was burning up with a high fever. It was wildly implausible, but it had worked; Suzanne could almost be hypnotically convincing when she really put her mind to it.

She made a point to emphasize how each of her other lovers failed to measure up to Alan, even when this hadn't been true. She'd had more skilled lovers, and more endowed lovers, but she purposely hyped Alan to intrigue Brenda. Because she had concluded that Brenda was a natural submissive, she kept emphasizing how dominant and controlling Alan was, even though, more often than not, he'd really just been taken along for the ride.

Her words not only pushed all of Brenda's buttons; they got to everyone else as well. By the time that dinner ended, the entire room smelled of aroused pussy. In particular, the quite pungent smell of Brenda's wet pussy became known to everyone, to her growing embarrassment.

After dinner, Susan brought out the cake she and Alan had made the night before.

Alan mentioned cryptically, "If you all only knew how this cake came to be made, you wouldn't believe it."

Susan flushed a cherry red, blushing like crazy.

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The other three women tried to goad him into telling more, their curiosity driven by Susan's strong reaction, but he wouldn't explain. He hadn't meant to even say that much; it had just slipped out.

After dessert ended and the table had been cleared, everyone just remained there and started playing cards. However, this week there was much less card playing and much more giggling and gossiping, influenced largely by the drinking of wine. Most of the talk was about sex, big boobs and the hassles of having them, Alan, his love of big boobs, and often some combination thereof.

As the atmosphere grew more comfortable, Susan, Katherine, and Suzanne told Brenda of various erotic encounters they'd had with Alan, causing all of the females to grow even hornier with each new story.

For instance, Suzanne related how she'd first jacked Alan off by pretending to show him Internet porn. But she told it in such a way as to make it seem that he had cleverly talked her into stroking him when she wasn't originally that keen on it. She even fabricated new details, such as pretending that he'd gotten her completely naked and then climaxed all over her face and tits. Such stories reinforced the notion that he was controlling the others, compelling them to pleasure him by getting them so horny that they lost all self-control. That drove Brenda wild with secret desire.

Actually, Brenda's feelings were hardly a secret to anyone, given the way she kept staring at Alan and his crotch like she might up and ravage him at any moment.

The women all talked as if Alan weren't there (although he actually was), which somehow made the whole discussion more arousing as they silently enjoyed his wordless reactions.

For Susan's next story, she described how she had woken Alan the day before with her mouth around his morning wood.

Alan was surprised at the level of detail in his mother's description. He had no idea how she could remember events that well, because she practically gave a "lick by lick" account, saying things like: "Then I could sense that his sweet spot was pretty well taken care of, so I slowly licked my way back up to his piss hole. I kept pumping his thick shaft all the while, but I guess that goes without saying. Then I saw that he was looking at my big tits, and I remembered Suzanne's words of wisdom that 'a good blowjob involves the whole body, and it's especially crucial to keep the tits moving constantly.' So I set my tits jiggling just by shifting my shoulders slightly, you know, like this."

She demonstrated the technique, while staring with bedroom eyes right at her son. "And that got me so hot that I wanted to pleasure him even MORE! So I swallowed him down below his crown again and resumed a tight lip-lock as I slurped all over his sweet spot. Mmmm! I don't know about you, but I'm getting quite, um, shall we say, inspired! And then I thought about his balls and how I'd been neglecting them for the last minute or two..."

Susan really did remember her sexual activities with Alan in that kind of detail, at least the ones that had happened most recently, because when she wasn't with him she was reliving them over and over in her mind, and then she usually set the memories more firmly by telling Suzanne all about it the next time they exercised. But she was also showing off in front of Brenda. She wanted to make clear that while Brenda had the bigger bust, she would have no chance of competing when it came to pleasuring Alan.

Brenda didn't get the message so much as she just got incredibly horny. She kept rubbing her legs in a way that slightly stimulated her pussy, but it wasn't nearly enough for her to get any real satisfaction.

Then Katherine told about the day when she'd first exposed herself to Alan and masturbated in his full view by the swimming pool. That was news to Susan and Suzanne. Many of the details that emerged in the various stories were news to more than just Brenda.

However, the females still censored themselves significantly, failing to mention any lesbian moments (like Katherine with Kim) or their strong desire to be fucked by Alan (or in Katherine's case, actually having been fucked by him already). Susan and Katherine also were careful not to get too colorful with their language. For instance, Katherine never called herself Alan's "number one fuck toy," and Susan never referred to herself as "one of his personal cocksuckers."

Suzanne was relieved that the others were being carefully to censor their stories. That allowed her to relax her guard somewhat, making the evening more enjoyable for her.

Now that the women were being more honest, they started talking more to Alan, rather than just talking about him. For instance, Katherine asked him what he'd been thinking that day when he'd watched her by the pool, so he'd told how incredibly aroused her display had made him.

It was all everyone could do not to begin masturbating right then and there. However, they held back because of Brenda. Ironically, Brenda wanted to masturbate even more than the others, but she also held back to save face and maintain some kind of dignity. So while there was no openly-acknowledged masturbation, many hands were drifting to private places beneath the table and staying there.

Alan remembered Suzanne's prediction that Brenda was sexually submissive and would respond in a big way if he would be more assertive. So, during a lull between stories, he said, "By the way, Brenda, I really like your outfit. I especially like how you're obviously braless, and how your big boobs bounce and jiggle with every move you make. It reminds me of a certain red outfit that Susan has worn here at home once or twice."

Susan blushed as she thought about the revealing outfit he mentioned.

Alan was right about the accidental similarities between that outfit and the one Brenda was wearing now. Brenda's was white, not red, and there were other differences overall, such as the long white gloves she was wearing. But the obvious focal point was the way the dress exposed all of her cleavage and then some, doing so from below while keeping her collar area covered. The result was that her clothing gave almost no support to her massive globes. If anything, the dress was actually designed to make her breasts bounce even more than if she'd been completely topless.

Seeing no reaction from Brenda yet, he added, "Braless is good. As you may know, the rule in this house is that no female is allowed to wear underwear. So I hope you aren't wearing any panties either."

Brenda reacted hotly. "And what if I am? In fact, it just so happens that I am. Is that a crime? What's so wrong with that? And why is the rule only no FEMALE underwear? Why doesn't the rule apply to you?!"

He responded, "I misspoke. It's a moot point with me because I don't wear underwear around the house anymore anyway." He grinned impishly as he added, "Do you want me to prove it?" He made like he was going to stand up and unzip his fly.

Brenda looked away and blushed. "No! Uh, no please, I believe you."

Seeing that he was putting her on the defensive, he said, "Okay, whatever you say. But rules are rules, and you're in violation of our 'no panties' rule."

Brenda's blush deepened as she thought about going without panties. She actually wanted to take hers off, but felt she needed them on because she was leaking so copiously. That was a problem that had bothered her for years, ever since her body had matured. She didn't want to leave a big wet spot on every chair she sat in, so she wore highly absorbent panties.

Suzanne liked Alan's assertiveness with Brenda, but she'd also heard that Brenda had a temper (even though she personally hadn't experienced much of it yet), so she didn't want him to push her too far. That led her to say, "Don't worry, Brenda. If you're not ready to take your panties off tonight, we can make a special exception for you this time. Can't we, Alan?"

Alan acted uncertain. "Perhaps. Or maybe I should just give her a spanking right now for being disobedient."

Brenda's eyes bugged out. Oh, FUCK! Fuck me! Not spanking! Please don't talk about spanking! I can't take it!

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Alan didn't realize it, but spanking just happened to be one of Brenda's major fetishes, instilled in her as a child by her mother. There were few things that aroused her more than the "threat" of being spanked.

Katherine could sense what Alan was doing, as well as Brenda's strong reaction, so she suggested with glee, "So you'd have her take off all her clothes and lie naked over your lap, and then you'd wale on her ass until you'd felt she'd learned her lesson? Is that how it would work?"

He grinned impishly. "Sounds good to me!"

Brenda struggled mightily not to cum, even though she wasn't touching her privates. Dear God, please! No more! I'm gushing like a river as it is! They must all smell my wetness, for sure! But if I start cumming and screaming, who knows where it'll lead?! Alan will spank me for sure! And then I'll wind up naked and red-assed, sucking on his great big cock as punishment!

In fact, that was more like her perfect fantasy, not a punishment. But she really didn't want to be humiliated in front of everyone, so she kept her eyes shut tight and tried her best not to cum or pant too loudly.

Suzanne cut in again. "Don't worry, Brenda. While Alan has the right to spank any of us here at any time for being bad or disobedient, you're our special guest, so those rules don't apply to you... yet." She was careful to imply that Brenda wouldn't be let off the hook so readily the next time she visited.

Susan loved the idea that Alan had the "right to spank any of us at any time for being bad or disobedient." Her eyes went wide and her big rack began heaving as she said sotto voce, "So HOT!" Naturally, she envisioned her son spanking herself, not Brenda. A part of her craved to be totally humiliated by a thorough spanking as she lay naked across her son's lap in front of everyone.

If anything, Brenda was even more aroused by that idea than Susan was. OH FUCK NO! He gets to spank anyone he wants, including me?! Dear God! She was so aroused that she simply couldn't help herself: she closed her eyes, tilted her head down, and brought a finger to her clit through her panties. With just one touch, she had a powerful orgasm. Yet she continued to struggle, in order to limit the damage. She clenched her teeth and eyes, managing somehow to get through it without shouting or even grunting.

But very little got past Suzanne. She saw the tell-tale shivers of a woman in climax. Since Brenda's eyes were closed, Suzanne stared at Alan until she got his attention and then nodded approvingly at him. She nodded at Brenda and made an "O" face, to make sure that he didn't miss the fact that Brenda had just climaxed.This chapter is updated by _Fire

He didn't need to be told, because Brenda hadn't been nearly as subtle as she had hoped. The others had noticed too. But everyone politely pretended to be oblivious, including Alan. However, his body buzzed from the thrill of knowing what he'd done to her.

He loved smelling her arousal, repeatedly inhaling the distinct aroma of a woman in heat.

Once Brenda's eyes were open and she had more or less recovered, he asked with pretend cluelessness, "Hmmm. I smell something funny. Does anyone else smell it?"

The others all knew exactly what he was referring to, since the smell of sex was so pungent. But Suzanne didn't want Brenda to freak out completely. "I think it's something we've got cooking." She turned pointedly to Susan, "Over in the kitchen. Isn't that right?"

Susan played along, because she was thinking how embarrassing it would be to be in Brenda's shoes at that moment. "Um, yes, that's right."

Brenda was secretly relieved, not realizing that everyone else already knew what had really happened.