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6 Times a Day

Chapter 383 Dang What A Day!
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Suzanne picked up Brenda and physically carried her back to the living room. For Suzanne, a fit woman with an Amazon-size physique, carrying the smaller and totally limp Brenda was no trouble at all.

Brenda fell deeply asleep the instant Suzanne put her down on a sofa.

Katherine went to bed upset. She hadn't had as much fun as the others. She hoped that Alan was sincere in saying that he had no special interest in Brenda, but she rather doubted it, not after everything that had just happened. She was depressed by the prospect of having to compete for his attention with another incredibly beautiful, stacked woman, but she didn't know what she could do about it.

On the other hand, Susan was too blissed out on her sexual high to think very much. What thoughts she did have were quite conflicted. On the one hand, she eagerly welcomed Alan's domination of Brenda as further proof of his unstoppable sexual prowess. But on the other hand, she couldn't shake her jealous feelings towards Brenda and her oversized breasts. She lingered in the kitchen instead of going to bed, mostly waiting for Alan to go upstairs so she could give him her goodnight kiss and tuck-in.

Suzanne called out to Alan, "Sweetie, can you come over here?"

He walked over to where Brenda was lying on the sofa. "What is it?"

"I need some help here. We need to take her panties off. I'll lift her hips up while you slip them off."

"Wait a second. Why are we doing that?"

"Look at her! She's completely soaked. Her panties are gross. She'll catch a cold. It's like sleeping in a puddle, except in this case it's a puddle of her own cum. We have to dry her off and cover her up."

So Alan did as he was told; he not only took off her panties, he washed and dried her crotch with a towel. Needless to say, he had a great view of her privates as he did that. Her pussy lips were open and her inner membranes glistened with her recent juices.

He didn't realize it, but his overly-rough rubbing of Brenda's pussy with the towel caused her to wake up.

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She kept her eyes closed, as she didn't want anyone to know that she knew what was going on. She wanted to find out what they would do and say.

"Why am I the one to do this?" Alan asked Suzanne rather belatedly, as he wiped Brenda clean of her copious juices. He noted that the mere act of wiping her vulva seemed to trigger an automatic response, causing her to secrete more juices, requiring him to wipe the area yet again. He kept repeating the process, but made little headway. Dang! The way things are going, I'm going to need a second towel!

He turned to Suzanne and asked, "Wouldn't it be better if you did this?"

"Sweetie, you have to know something about me. My heart is in the right place, but sometimes my ethics waver just a little bit when it comes to sex. If I did the cleaning, I just might decide that my tongue could do a better job than the towel. Whereas I know that YOU would never take advantage of a sleeping woman."

That excuse was partially true, but Suzanne also simply delighted in putting him in challenging sexual situations.

She added, "Please don't think any less of me, Sweetie. I try, but I'm helplessly enslaved to my own passions." Just to delight in her own irony, she continued, "You wouldn't believe some of the amoral sexual schemes I've dreamt up over the years to cheat on my husband."

Alan, of course, had no idea that her grandest scheme of all was his six-times-a-day treatment.

Suzanne made numerous (and luckily, mostly positive) comments about Brenda's physique while Alan continued to clean her sweaty, cummy body. "Look at her nipples. Even when she's asleep they're longer and harder than any of ours when we're fully aroused. How strange. What kind of clothing could she possibly wear that wouldn't leave her looking like her nipples were bursting through the fabric?"

Brenda struggled to keep her eyes closed; she was dying of curiosity to find out what Alan would do next. She hoped he would be bold. But at the same time she was upset that Suzanne could want to do exactly what Alan was doing, because she had a very strong aversion to any hint of lesbian activity.

Suzanne said, "What a juicy twat. I don't think it's getting any drier. Maybe the rough towel you're using is the problem. I think you should use your fingers."

Brenda struggled mightily not to open her eyes and curse a blue streak in response to the "juicy twat" comment.

"Aunt Suzy! She's sleeping! I can't take advantage of her like that!"

"Then can I?"

Brenda just managed to avoid stiffening in rage, but at the same time her pussy's drooling increased as she waited with bated breath to be fingered. She was torn between anger and needy frustration.

Alan just frowned; he didn't find Suzanne's question very funny.

Suzanne rolled her eyes. "I'm just joking, Mr. Boy Scout. But you do have to admit you're tempted. Am I right or what? Just look at that body! And her cunt. It's so wet but tight; I can just tell. She's gonna be a great fuck when you finally take her. You have to admit she has a great cunt, don't you?"

Brenda was so upset that steam was about to pour from her ears. If anyone had bothered to look at her face, they would have known immediately that she was awake from the way she was tightly squinting and clenching her teeth. Fortunately, she had so many other enticing body parts to view that no one was looking anywhere near her face.

Suzanne's titillating comments didn't make Alan's pussy-cleaning task any easier. After another nudge, followed by her asking "Well?", he finally said, "Okay, I'll admit she's got a pretty great cunt."

Suzanne goaded him, "Look how puffy and engorged those lips are. Wouldn't they look good wrapped around your plundering cock?"

"Aunt Suzy! Come on! I'm trying to work here. It's hard enough as it is."

She reached down and briefly fondled his flaccid penis. "Unfortunately, it's not. If it was, I'd rub it and suck it until you squirted all over Brenda's mountains. Just imagine her waking up all covered in your sticky goo! Wouldn't that be a hoot?"

"No!" he griped. "We're trying to clean her."

Brenda was so mentally torn that she wanted to scream out in frustration. She hated the way Suzanne must be ogling her, but she really liked the way Suzanne was encouraging Alan to do nasty things to her busty and helpless body. When he admitted that Brenda had a "pretty great cunt," she wanted to leap for joy. (Never mind that she'd been ready to explode in anger when Suzanne had said the exact same thing - her thoughts were warped by her lust and desire.) But then, when she heard that he wasn't even erect, she was ready to break down and cry. Again, the only reason no one realized that Brenda was awake was because no one was bothering to look above her neck.

Alan eventually finished cleaning her as best he could, even though he never did get her completely dry. Fortunately, he'd avoided taking any outrageous liberties, even though his opportunities to play with pussies were rare.

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Just as he finished, he commented to Suzanne, "You know what just occurred to me? Tonight I explored Brenda's naked body nearly from head to toe, yet I've never really kissed her."

Suzanne chuckled at that. "That is a real doozie, isn't it? That says a lot about your new lifestyle. But don't worry; you'll get to know her mouth VERY, very well, very, very soon. Trust me on that."

Brenda felt new jolts of arousal shoot up and down her spine. She loved that he had yet to kiss her mouth. It fit perfectly with her vision of being one of his obedient sluts.Follow current s on (f)ir(e).net

She relaxed and finally really started to drift off again once she concluded that Alan was done touching her and that Suzanne wouldn't be doing anything to her. She liked that Alan had enough scruples not to take advantage of her state, though at that moment she might have preferred it if he actually had taken more advantage of her.

She fell asleep thinking of how it would be if he fucked her tits roughly, while images of Suzanne simultaneously stroking her thighs and fingering her pussy lips drifted at the edges of her imagination. Had she been awake she would have been appalled by the latter thoughts, but as she lost consciousness her mental barriers came down and more of her real desires became evident.

Suzanne had Alan get a blanket to put over Brenda's nude body. Then they left her to sleep and returned to the dining room table, where they sat down to rest and chat with Susan.

Suzanne commented, "Let's hope she doesn't remember too much of that tomorrow. She might be angry in the light of day. She certainly is a case, isn't she?"

Suzanne looked at the chair Brenda had been sitting in. "Holy cow! Would you look at this? There's like a lake of cum here. Literally a lake. That is some woman. Not only that, but she left another puddle back in the living room. It's like she's really a giant water balloon filled with nothing but pussy juice. Jesus!"

Susan complained, "Don't take the Lord's name in vain, please."

Alan found that quite amusing, although he was careful not to show it. Mom gets all huffy and moralistic about a word. Meanwhile, she and Aunt Suzy either have forgotten or don't care that they are sitting in the nude and still have my cum on their faces! It's even starting to dry. I mean, isn't that ass backwards?

Suzanne volunteered to stay up until Brenda awoke and then take her home. She pointed out that Brenda's son would worry if she didn't come home at all.

Alan was jolted by the reminder that Brenda had a son. He didn't like that, but obviously there was nothing he could do about it.

Eventually, he and Susan went upstairs.