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Chapter 388 What’s So Special About Him? [Dantess Sponsored]
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A couple of minutes later, Suzanne and Brenda were sitting in the hot tub. The heater was not activated, because the two women didn't want to get warmer during the middle of an already warm day; they just wanted a convenient place to sit and talk.

Suzanne took a sip of wine and then started things off. "So, Brenda, what's on your mind?"

Brenda's face looked troubled. "Where to begin?! I don't even know what I want to say or ask. I just need someone to talk to. Wait, I know what I want to ask: what the hell happened?!"

Suzanne chuckled. "I know what you mean. Welcome to my world. Last night must have been like some kind of sexual LSD trip for you, but that's par for the course around here."

"You're kidding me!"

"Not really. True, last night was particularly interesting and exciting, in part because we had a guest: you. But we have great fun every single day. That's why your eyes were bugged out and the rest of us were pretty much taking things in stride."

Brenda's eyes were bugged out just from hearing that. "Jeeeesus! ... To live like that every single day... Jesus H. Christ!"

"I know." Suzanne smiled tolerantly. "But if you come to some more parties next door, you'll start to adjust too. And trust me: when you're not in a panicky mode, the sexy fun is even sexier, and even more fun!"

Brenda shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know if I should go to any more parties like that. To be honest..."

The pause went on for so long that Suzanne asked, "What?"

"Well... It scares me."

"SCARES you? Why on Earth?!" Suzanne acted like that was an absurd notion.

"Look at what happened! I totally lost control! I completely humiliated myself!"

Suzanne grinned knowingly. "And wasn't it great?"


Suzanne decided it was time to overtly confront Brenda's submissive nature. "You heard me. Brenda, there are different types of people in this world. Some people are meant to humiliate and some are meant to be humiliated."

Brenda grew tense and defensive. "What do you mean?"

"I mean just that. You've heard of alpha males, right?"

Brenda nodded reluctantly, as if she was only vaguely aware of the concept.

"Well, Alan is an alpha male. I'll bet even he didn't know that until recently, and maybe he still doesn't admit it to himself. He's actually a very take-it-easy kind of guy most of the time, so maybe it's not so cut and dried about him being an alpha male all the time. But when it comes to sex, there's something about him that just makes women want to obey."

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Brenda gasped.

Suzanne nodded. "Yes. With him, it's a subtle thing. I don't think even he knows his own power. There's a certain look in his eye, a kind of quiet confidence. You could feel it last night, couldn't you? Not to mention the other times you've seen him. For instance, at last week's card game too?"

Brenda gulped and nodded.

"Somehow, something creates a desire within you, almost a need, to obey him. And especially to satisfy him sexually." Suzanne was deliberately hyping him to Brenda, but her hype was necessarily based on a core truth.

Brenda knew exactly the look from Alan that Suzanne was talking about, and just thinking about it made her pussy tingle. But she protested hotly, "I don't know what you mean!"

"I think you do. Some people are sexually dominant. Others are sexually submissive. Alan is naturally dominant. Whereas you're naturally sexually submissive."

"I AM NOT!" But even as Brenda defiantly made that claim, she could feel her body heating up with lust from thinking about submission to Alan.

Suzanne said authoritatively, "You are. That's why you're so eager to talk to me. That's why you're so shaken up about last night. It wasn't just the incest and general weirdness that has you rattled to your core. I'm a good judge of character, and here's what I think. I think that you've been lying to yourself and to the world all your life. You've been trying to pretend that you're not sexually submissive - that you're a quote 'normal' unquote, take-charge person. But that's a lie! And on some level you knew it, because you've been craving to submit to a dominant man."

Brenda had her eyes closed and she was forcefully shaking her head back and forth. She was regretting wearing Suzanne's skimpy bikini, because it made her feel naked, both emotionally and physically. She felt as if she had nowhere to hide, and no way to lie.

Suzanne continued relentlessly, "That's why you've been attracted to a certain kind of pornography for years now. The kind where the woman is helpless, humiliated, and forced to OBEY!"

Brenda's eyes opened wide, very wide, as she stared at Suzanne in total disbelief. "How could you know that?! How could anyone know that?! Nobody knows what kind of pornography I read late at night. Are you some kind of mind reader?!"

Suzanne smiled, but on the inside she was dying to proclaim her triumph. She admitted, "Actually, that was just an educated guess. An accurate guess, it turns out, since you just confirmed it."

Brenda's mouth opened as she started to deny everything, then realized that it was hopeless. She tried to slump deeper into the water, causing her huge globes to bob on the surface.

Suzanne said, "Don't worry; it's okay. Your secret is safe with us. And God knows you know plenty of damning secrets about us too."

Brenda complained, "But... I don't understand! Okay, so that was a good guess, you say, but it was uncanny! There's no way that could have been just a guess. Have you been spying on me or something? Keeping track of my on-line browsing, maybe?"

Suzanne leaned back and lazily swirled an indolent hand on top of the water. "Hardly. I've just been observing you. But last night, especially, I saw a very sexually submissive woman who's been in complete denial about it. I highly doubt that you turned submissive in just a few hours. That means you've been repressing it for years. The problem is, repressed urges always find a way to come out. The safest way for you to express your submissive side was with pornography. It was simply a high-likelihood guess on my part."

Brenda sat there, stunned. Finally, she said with a distraught face, "I guess it's true. I really do fantasize about being submissive. I've been in denial about it for so long. I've come up with so many excuses to justify why I only read certain kinds of erotic stories and prefer to watch certain kinds of videos... It's been my secret shame. Even talking about it now with you humiliates me so much!"



"Yes, good. Imagine that Alan has been standing behind you, listening to us the entire time."

Brenda moved with lightning speed, turning her head and looking all around. But there was no one there.

Suzanne said, "I said 'Imagine.' You know he's really in school right now. So ignore that. Try again. Close your eyes and imagine he's really standing right there behind you."

Brenda closed her eyes and tried, even though she was very on edge. She couldn't believe how outrageously erect her long nipples felt, even by their own unusual standard.

"Here, hand me your bikini top."

"What?! Why?!"

"That'll get you in the properly humiliated and aroused mood."

Brenda reluctantly handed off her bikini top, and then, to her dismay, saw Suzanne place it on the deck behind her, out of reach. Blushing, Brenda sank deeper into the water, trying her best to hide her erect nipples without getting her short hair wet. She shut her eyes tighter in denial of the situation.

Suzanne continued in a tone that was almost soothing despite her scratchy voice. "Imagine him hearing your confession about being submissive, and even hearing about the type of porn you like. Now, imagine a naturally superior alpha male like him hearing that a big-breasted, beautiful woman like you is submissive. How would he react?"

Brenda said with both growing arousal and concern, "Like a wolf! Like a ravenous wolf who's found the secret entrance to the hen house!" She clutched at her rack as if she were topless and Alan was staring at her.

"Exactly. And you're the hen house. He can take advantage and turn you into another one of his personal cocksuckers. Can you imagine that? Can you picture yourself naked and on your knees, serving his great big cock?"The source of this content is Fɪre.net

"Y-y-y-yes! I can! Oh God!" Lately, she'd been fantasizing about little else.

"Day after day? Hour after hour? Your whole world becoming nothing but sliding your lips up and down his massive shaft? Forever? Well, at least until he takes a break and spears his fat pole deep into your hot cunt!"

Brenda gasped and clutched her tits tightly, causing large amounts of tit-flesh to spill over her fingers.

"And how does that make you feel?"

"So... so bad! Disaster! Humiliation! Terror! Terrible! It's my secret shame!"

Suzanne knew that wasn't the whole story. She prodded, "And yet..."

"Oh God! Oh God! It's too hot! It's so fucking exciting and arousing I can't stand it!" Brenda opened her eyes. She looked down at her boobs, which were heaving on the surface so much that they were creating significant waves in the hot tub. She was still trying to restrain them with her hands, but with only limited success. Instead, she found herself fondling them in a decidedly sexual manner.

Suzanne concluded, "So now you know how it is. You can deny what you are all you like, but your body doesn't lie. You're burning with lust just thinking about it. Now, imagine that Alan really IS here. Imagine him standing behind you saying, 'Brenda, take your bikini all the way off and kneel in front of me.'"

Brenda had to quickly look behind herself again, just to double-check that Alan wasn't really there. She was surprised to realize that she was both relieved and disappointed that he wasn't.

Suzanne continued, "Now, imagine you pushing your breasts together in the hopes that he'll like that. After all, your primary desire and duty is to please him with your body. At the same time, you scoot closer and open your mouth. You're salivating profusely, because you're about to experience one of the greatest joys, a chance to suck his thick-"

Brenda suddenly cried out, "STOP! STOP!" She put her hands over her ears, just to make her point.


Brenda reluctantly dropped her hands, knowing how foolish she looked doing that. Somehow they wound up again cradling the undersides of her heaving orbs. "I'm sorry, but I can't take it! You've made your point. Dammit, you don't even need to turn the heat on for this hot tub, because I'm burning up with so much lust that my body will boil the water without any help!"

Suzanne chuckled. "So you want to cool down some?"

"YES! This is scary! Suzanne, what am I going to do? Maybe I should just leave after talking to you and never come back. Never! Never see Alan again, or any of the rest of you!"

"And would that make you happy?"

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"NO! I'd be miserable! I was never so alive and so happy as I was last night! But at the same time, I CAN'T go down that path! I can't! I can't!"

"Why not?"

"That way madness lies! I would lose all control! Where would it go? Where would it end?! I can't just give in to my desires. What about my son? I have to be responsible for him. And what about my family's livelihood? I could be taken advantage of so easily, if I were to act on my sexual submissiveness."

"Good points," Suzanne said. "There's also the fact that Alan just isn't that interested in you."

Brenda felt like her heart had been crushed by a stomping elephant. "Are, are you sure?" Without thinking about it, she pushed her boobs together, creating a deep line of tanned cleavage. On a subconscious level, she was trying to make herself more alluring for Alan.

"Think about it. He has Susan, Katherine, and me. His mother, his sister, and his de-facto aunt, respectively. Then there's all the others. For instance, the big-titted cheerleaders at school."

Brenda nodded sadly at that. She believed all the hype.

"I don't mean to boast, but even though most people would rate you a ten on the beauty scale, that's where the other three of us who were there last night would be rated as well, AND he's known and loved us his entire life! You're a near total stranger to him. Sure, he's a young, horny guy, and if a beautiful woman like you throws yourself at him, he'll be happy to fuck you every once in a while. But that's a world of difference from the kind of relationship we have with him on a day-to-day basis."

Brenda said sadly, "Stop there for a minute. It's like you're punching me repeatedly in the face. Give me a chance to recover and absorb all this."

"Sure. But actually, that's a good thing."

"No it's not!" Brenda exclaimed emotionally.

Suzanne smiled tolerantly. "Let me explain. You say you don't want to give in to your submissive side. I'm sorry, but that horse has left the stall already, especially after last night. Right now, you are VERY, VERY vulnerable. Your divorce is about to go through, and then you'll be a free agent. Exploring this submissive tendency has been delayed for many years because of your marriages, but repressed feelings have been building up all that time, and now they're reaching near explosive levels."

"And that's good?! How the hell is that good?!"

"Let me finish. I can help you. We can help you. Here's what would have happened had you not run into us. Soon you'll be single and you'll start dating again. The submissive part of you is very frustrated and trying to break loose. You would generally date naturally-dominant men and be unsatisfied with other types. And here's the problem: most guys like that are real assholes. A lot of them are just plain evil. It's the old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Chances are, some guy would take control of you and use that control for his own selfish ends. Your fortune, the well-being of your son, your self-respect, your sanity and maybe even your life - everything you value would be under threat."

Brenda wailed, "That's awful! But you're right! That's exactly the kind of thing that's worried me for so long. That's why I've tried to keep my submissive side under wraps for all this time. Even from my current husband Bob. Hell, especially from him. I've already told you how he gets off on power. He would have taken advantage of me in the worst way if I'd given him even the slightest opening!"

"I understand. But here's the good part: Alan isn't really THAT interested in you. He's got the rest of us to keep him occupied most of the time. He'd have no need or desire to totally control and dominate your life. He's a very kind-hearted guy already, and when he does slip up, he has Susan and me to keep him in line. There's no way he would try to steal your fortune or ruin your relationship with your son or anything else. Even if he wanted to for some bizarre reason, we wouldn't let him. And while we're not as rich as you, we're rich enough; we don't need your money."

That made Brenda feel better. She realized that she was still cupping her bare boobs from below, and even squeezing them with a slight rhythm. She felt foolish about it and finally stopped.

Suzanne continued, "So he can be a means for you to test the waters about this whole sexually submissive business. It's kind of like learning to ride a bike, but with training wheels first. It's hard for me to imagine a better, safer situation for you to experiment with that side of your personality. Additionally, I said that Alan's probably an alpha male, but if he is, he's definitely an unusual type. He's not into cruelty or pain or being mean to anybody. He's the nicest guy you could want. Sure, he loves having us women service him sexually; what warm-blooded horny male wouldn't? But he generally has a happy 'live and let live' attitude that helps keep everyone around him happy too."

She concluded, "You can't deny your submissive nature any longer. Going to some local bar or fancy party and meeting some new guy is as risky for you as Russian roulette. Like I said, your repressed desires have reached explosive levels, but you can get ahead of that by choosing for it to be a controlled explosion. That pent up desire HAS to be released one way or another. The safest, smartest way is to test the waters with Alan. I think what's happening with these poker parties is good. Keep coming to those once a week; that'll help make it even safer. Think of it as a slow burn like a primer cord, instead of a fiery flash burn like an explosive. Each week, after the party, you'll have a full week to think about what happened and where you want to take things next."

Suzanne actually did believe that would be a good strategy for Brenda, but she had other motives as well. For one thing, she was mindful of Susan's jealousy and her plea to only have Brenda at the house occasionally as a guest. Now that Brenda knew virtually all the Plummer household's sexual secrets, including the incest, there was no going back. She had to be brought into the group in some manner because it was too dangerous to leave her on the loose.

However, like Susan, Suzanne didn't want to bring Brenda in too fully. She liked how things were, fully sharing Alan with Susan and Katherine, both of whom she also loved very much. On the other hand, she figured that Brenda would be fun as an occasional change of pace. But just like Susan (and, undoubtedly, Katherine), she wanted to make sure that Brenda wouldn't be around too frequently, since that would cut into the time the others had alone with Alan.

Brenda considered everything Suzanne had said. "I guess that makes sense. It's strange, because at first it sounds so improbable to me. I'm still getting over the fact that one boy, a typical teenager with no extraordinary looks or size or ability, somehow has his own gang of women constantly tending to his sexual needs. Last night it was crazy, how his penis was constantly stiff and constantly tended! It's like he practically has his own harem!"

She continued, "And not just that, but you're all some of the most beautiful women I've seen in my entire life! That should scare me far away, and yet I'm really falling for his charms. Even before last night, I'd been thinking about him a lot. To be honest, I've been practically obsessed since the last poker party. I don't get it. What's so special about him? How does he command that attention from me? From ANYONE?!"

Suzanne purred, "I think you underestimate him. True, at first glance he seems like a typical kid, but he's got a lot of things going for him. I think one of the most important things is that he radiates genuine love and kindness, and yet there's something about him that makes you want to do what he requests, like I explained before. I'll bet you could look high and low for another dominant man that was as loving, but you wouldn't find one. That's where he really gets you. That's where he gets all of us."

Brenda nodded. She was deep in thought about it all.