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Chapter 389 Suzanne And Brenda [Dantess Sponsored]
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After a long silence, Suzanne asked, "So, what do you think?"

Brenda replied carefully, "I don't know. Rationally, I understand what you're saying and it makes perfect sense. You're right that falling in with your group has been a very lucky thing for me. But still, I'm scared. Suzanne, I have to be honest: these submissive urges I have, they're strong. Very strong! I couldn't even begin to tell you the details of my fantasies and dreams, because they get very... wild. That's why I've repressed that side of me so much. I guess I'm still coming to grips with the fact that my submissiveness is out in the open now, and can't be denied anymore. I can't tell you how scary that is!"

Suzanne smiled in understanding. "I can't directly relate, because I'm not really into submission myself. But it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's only a bad thing if someone ends up exploiting you. But if you're smart about it, you could end up having the time of your life! Coming to grips with your submissiveness could literally be the greatest thing to ever happen to you. Have you EVER had a better time in your life than last night? Be honest."

Brenda admitted, "No. That was the best. Losing my virginity, my wedding night, my best sex ever... none of those times could compare. I didn't even know it was physically possible to feel that much pleasure for one minute, let alone for over an hour! I was in nirvana! Complete nirvana the whole time!"

She stared off into space. "You know what? I've been sitting here thinking 'Should I really go through with this and go to the card game next week?' But that's bullshit. Of course I'm gonna go! How could I not? I can already tell I'll be counting the hours until the next Plummer house party."

Suzanne smiled widely. She was glad that Brenda was hooked. That could mitigate the danger caused by Susan revealing their incest to her. "Good, good. I think it's smart to be true to your feelings. You know what? I've always had an interest in psychology, so I try to keep up on the latest research. The thinking now is that we're far less rational than we think. Generally, we do what our feelings tell us to do, and then we rationalize that to ourselves."

Brenda jumped in as Suzanne paused for breath: "You're right. Heinlein said 'Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.'"

Suzanne continued "That's true. Think about it: the more we're in touch with our feelings, and the more honest we are about what we really want, the happier we'll be. Now, that leaves you with the problem of making sure that Alan is interested in you."

Brenda's eyebrows furrowed. "What?! I thought that was a given. Attracting a guy has never been a problem for me, believe me. In fact, it's the exact opposite: I've been running from too much attention all my life. Besides, you yourself said that he's a young, horny guy who will want to fuck me for sure."

"Sure. He will. But is that all you want, to be fucked once or twice..." - she paused ominously - "...and that's it? Or just every now and then? Do you want to end up at the very bottom of the totem pole? Remember what happened last night? At one point, you pretty much came right out and offered to give him a blowjob, and he said he wasn't that interested. If you want him interested, you're going to have to step up your game."

"Step up my game?! Are you kidding me?!" Brenda stood up in the hot tub. "Look at me. I'm glad you made me take my bikini top off, so you can see clearly. I'm not a boastful person, but the fact is, I have an incredible body. Many people have said I have a body built for sex, and they have a point. It's not just my large breasts; I've got a classic hourglass figure, a firm bubble butt, a cute face, and everything else guys like. What more am I supposed to do?"

"A lot. We'll talk about it. For starters, do you exercise?"

Brenda sat back down. "Some, but probably not as much as I should. I don't have a set routine. Plus, I'm lucky in that I've always had good genes. Fantastic genetics, actually. I can eat a lot, even sweet and fatty things, and I don't gain weight or lose my figure. I've just been lucky that way."

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"That's nice. But it's not good enough. Look at me." Suzanne stood up. While standing, she untied her bikini top and bottoms and tossed them away. "Take a really good look. No need to be shy between us ladies, especially after what happened last night."

She turned her back to Brenda, then reached back to her ass and poked her finger into her flesh. "See that? See how firm that is? Can you do that?"

Brenda was still in shock that Suzanne had taken her bikini all the way off. But she was determined not to fall behind, so she bravely stood up, took her bikini bottoms off too and tossed them out of the pool. Then she also turned around and poked a finger into her own ass flesh. Like Suzanne, when she had her muscles flexed the finger hardly made a dent. "I don't know. You tell me."

Suzanne turned back around and tsk-tsked. "Hrm. Good, but not great."

Brenda turned back around and covered her pussy with both hands.

Suzanne added, "I hate to say this, but none of us are getting any younger, including you and me. You've been coasting on your good genes, and that's fine, but now you're in your late thirties and you've got to give your genes some help. All of Alan's women exercise daily, or close to it. If you want to keep up, you'll have to do the same."

Brenda sat back down in the water feeling glum. "Really? Dammit, that sucks. I do exercise some, honestly, but I'm inconsistent about it. I have to admit that I'm fairly spoiled. As I think I told you, I didn't just marry into a lot of money; my family was already very rich. It's hard to have a lot of willpower when you have everything handed to you from birth."

"That's true," Suzanne agreed. "But don't worry. I'm on your side. When you say you exercise some, what do you mean?"

"Let's see. I find it difficult to play sports, due to my curvy figure. Plus, I hate going out in public and getting all the attention. But I garden daily. That may not sound like much, but you should see my backyard! I hate to boast, but it's absolutely huge! I work up quite a sweat."

"That's good, but it's not enough. I'll help you get started with a proper exercise program."New chapters are published on N(o)vel(F)ire

"Thanks. By the way, you just called yourself one of Alan's women. Do you think of yourself that way?"

"Sure I do. I'm his woman and he's my man. The fact that he has other women doesn't change anything. Neither does our age difference. True love conquers all." She smiled widely. Curiously, she found it a lot easier to say "true love" to Brenda than to Alan or to someone else who would report that back to him.

Brenda pressed, "And what about Susan, calling herself 'one of his personal cocksuckers'? Is that how you see yourself?" She couldn't help but get aroused all over again from thinking about sucking Alan's cock, especially since she was now completely naked.

"Well, not exactly. I suppose that's technically true, but I don't revel in the title like Susan does. Of course, you know I suck his cock a lot, and I do enjoy it greatly. I know that that sex act is supposed to be only pleasurable for the man, but that's bullshit!"

"Really? How so?"

Suzanne could see it would be good to expound on this answer to get Brenda worked up. "Brenda, I can't even begin to explain it. For one thing, pleasing your partner can be a total joy in and of itself. I go all out, using every kind of trick with my tongue and my lips and my hands. And I'm rewarded with his sexy moans. I swear, sometimes I get shivers just from hearing him moan!"

Brenda got shivers just from hearing that.

"But that's just for starters. Maybe it's a Pavlovian association, but the act itself gives me constant pleasure. Just the act of opening my jaw wide to engulf his cock sends shivers down to my toes! And especially to my pussy!" She illustrated her point by opening her mouth as wide as possible. "And then... when I feel my lips close around his thick shaft, and my tongue starts to lap against his sweet spot, it's like there's a direct line from my tongue straight to my clit!"

Brenda's hands were underwater, and without really realizing what she was doing she found herself pulling at her own clit. She was startled at first, but when she realized that Suzanne couldn't see what she was doing she kept on with it.

Suzanne continued with an increasingly excited voice, "And let's not even talk about the thrill of nudity, or the way he looks at me with his hungry eyes! Or feeling my big breasts sway back and forth in time to my bobbing! Or when he reaches down unexpectedly and suddenly yanks on my nipples! Oh GOD!"

Brenda suddenly pulled her hands out of the water to yank on her own nipples, but she stopped herself when she remembered that Suzanne was looking at her. She went back to playing furtively with her clit and pussy, thinking her underwater activity wouldn't be noticed.

Suzanne did notice, but pretended not to. "But the struggle has just begun! He's developed an extraordinary stamina in just these last few weeks. To make him cum, I have to go all out! I have to completely give in to my sexual desires and let my inner slut run rampant! I have to whore myself out shamelessly, totally dedicating my entire body to pleasuring his cock! It's an epic battle every time! A race! Can I get him to cum before my lips and tongue and jaw get too tired to go on? And then..."

She paused dramatically.

Brenda held her breath, totally enraptured. She wanted to do more than just finger her pussy, so she sank down lower to play with her nipples with her other hand.

Suzanne grinned ever so briefly before quickly hiding it. Brenda hadn't gone far enough underwater, so from her angle Suzanne could clearly see through the water the way that Brenda was pulling on her nipple. "And then... The EXPLOSION! The cum explosion! Oh, Brenda! I don't think he's ever climaxed when I didn't climax too! I know that's not normally the case with blowing a man, but with him it is!"

Suzanne had to stop and recover her breath. She'd started out just trying to work Brenda up into a lather. But, as so often happened with her and with Susan when they talked, she'd wound up working herself up just as much. It helped that she'd meant every word she'd said.

Brenda was still fingering herself and heaving hard. She exclaimed, "So it's true then, isn't it? You ARE one of his personal cocksuckers!"

Suzanne resumed in a more ordinary tone of voice. "I suppose you're right. But there are a lot of other things going on in the relationship, and that's not what defines it for me. Now, Susan, she's a different type of person. Actually, she's a lot like you; she's naturally sexually submissive. You should get to know her better; maybe you two would become good friends."

Brenda had to scramble to come up with a reasonable reply in a calm tone of voice. "I'd like that. I've already had some good talks with her, so I hope we can build on that. I could use someone to talk to who understands what I'm going through." She forced herself to stop masturbating, since she figured she'd need to be coherent enough for more speech.

Suzanne responded, "Yes, but in case you haven't noticed, she's very jealous of your breast size and wary of you in general. When you're a 38G, you don't expect another woman to come along with even BIGGER breasts. It just doesn't happen!"

"I've seen that she's jealous, but she shouldn't be. I'm the one who's jealous of her. She's the one he loves and adores. For instance, she's the one who got a face full of cum last night, while all I could do was watch." Brenda blushed as she realized what she'd just admitted.

Suzanne ignored the implications. "You should tell her that. Do you aspire to be one of his personal cocksuckers too?"

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She nodded shyly, turning her head aside.

"Tell her that too. Talk to her. Get to know her. To be blunt, suck up to her. The sooner you get on her good side, the sooner you'll be sucking up to someone else with a face full of spermy cream as a reward, if you know what I mean." She winked.

Brenda shook her head in wonder. "It's so weird, the way you casually talk about that kind of thing. My husband, well... let's not go there. And now we're both here naked, and you're acting like that's totally normal too." She suspected that Suzanne might have noticed the way she'd been playing with her nipples, so she rose out of the water waist high to show that she wasn't doing that anymore.

Suzanne had a hard time not licking her lips, because Brenda's dripping-wet chest looked so tempting. She said, "It is. The only thing is, I normally have a strict rule about how I behave around my own house. Usually all the fun stuff happens next door. But I'm making a special exception for you, since I don't want you to see Susan today."

"No? Why not?"

"She's still feeling very conflicted about you and your role in what happened last night. It'd be good to give her a day or two to get over that. I'll work on her. At most, while she's still in that mood, you should talk to her on the phone, and only after getting strict instructions from me on what to say and what not to say. Agreed?"

Brenda nodded.

"Meanwhile, you and I need to make plans. Plan 1: make you generally 'Alan worthy.' Plan 2: start your exercise and diet program. Technically, that's part of Plan 1, but it's a big enough part that I'm counting it as a separate thing. Plan 3, befriend Susan. Getting on Katherine's good side wouldn't hurt either. Plan 4, help you come to grips with your submissive nature, and learn how to have that work for you, instead of haunt you." She grinned as she said, "We'll add more plans as they come to me."

Brenda nodded. "Thanks. Talking to you is the answer to all my prayers, it seems. I've got a couple of questions though. Did you say exercise AND diet program? I don't need to lose weight, do I? I suppose I could lose five pounds or so, but I don't want my breasts to shrink."

"Don't worry; we definitely don't want your breasts to shrink even a little bit. I don't think you need to lose weight; Alan likes his women curvy and voluptuous. I'm not talking about eating less; I'm talking about eating healthier. If you do that, you'll have more vim and vigor, and you'll be better in bed."

"I see. I suppose I can try. But if that doesn't count as part of Plan 1, what's Plan 1 exactly?"

"Lots of things. How you dress, how you walk, how you flirt. There's a whole art to attracting a man. To be frank, I don't think you know many of the techniques because you have such an extraordinary body that you've relied all your life almost entirely on your natural charms. With Alan, given the competition, that isn't going to be good enough."

Brenda nodded. Deep down, she relished the competition. Her life had been lacking any real challenge for years. "By the way, do I have to stay naked like this?"

"Yes." Suzanne waited, testing to see if Brenda would ask why. She was glad when Brenda just nodded. Nevertheless she couldn't help but explain. "I've found multiple benefits to nudity. One is that there's nowhere to hide, so you're more honest. And we need more honesty for you to turn around your attitude on your submissiveness."

The two of them continued to talk and plan. Brenda loved it, because she no longer was overwhelmed by uncertainty and anxiety; Suzanne was giving her new ways to channel her energy and feel like she was taking charge of her situation. Suzanne seemed to know and understand everything, so Brenda found it easy to let down her guard and let Suzanne make the decisions.

Suzanne was pleased as punch. There were few things she loved more than scheming for a good cause, and helping Brenda gave her plenty of things to scheme about.

Later, after Brenda got dressed and went home, Suzanne thought to herself, That went well. My biggest concern is that I shouldn't train and help Brenda TOO much. With Susan lately, I've probably been getting carried away with my enthusiasm, and I don't want to do that all over again. The idea is to keep Brenda as a friend of the family, but not directly as family. Like Susan said, a special guest, not someone who's underfoot all the time. I admit I'll get off on training her to be 'Alan-worthy,' and maybe if things work out she'll wind up happily 'Suzanne-worthy' too. She snickered.

But I've gotta be careful. It would be very easy for her to get TOO hooked on Alan. If she's as submissive as she seems to be, that's more likely than not. I'll have to think about how to keep the balance right.

Hrm. I wonder what it would be like to have a woman like Brenda as my personal sub. I could be her mistress, and just loan her out to Sweetie from time to time. That would be such a win-win! I suspect she swings both ways, at least a little. I noticed she couldn't stop checking out my body, especially my bare breasts.

Yep, Susan accidentally telling Brenda about the incest just might have turned out to have been a very, very lucky thing!