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Chapter 390 I Shouldn’t Let My Dick Lead Me Around-Alan [Dantess Sponsored]
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For once, nothing sexual happened to Alan during lunch. Glory thought it wise that they didn't spend every single lunch together, to maintain appearances. So he ended up sitting with his friends Peter and Sean in the school cafeteria. They could hardly believe he was really there.

Peter said, "Man, what is UP with you lately?"

"What do you mean?" Alan asked.

"You're just so out of it all the time. Even when I see you lately, which is increasingly rare, you're spacing out with a smile on your face. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're totally stoned."

"Yeah," Sean added. "Even when you're here, like how you're talking to us right now, I get the sense that you want to be somewhere else."

Alan realized he had to do some damage control. "I can't talk about it, but let me give you a hint: things are looking up as far as dating women goes."

"OOOOH!" Both Sean and Peter said at once.

"That explains it!" Peter exclaimed.

Sean quickly insisted, "Tell us more! Details! We want details!"

Alan smiled mysteriously. "Sorry, guys. Right now, I'm not at liberty to say. But hopefully I will be soon. Watch this space."

"Oh, maaaaan!" Sean complained. "That sucks! You're like a total... news tease. You can't say that much and then stop."

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"Yeah!" Peter seconded. "That's cruel."


The two friends continued to harangue him in an attempt to get him to say more, but he didn't.

Alan found it interesting that Christine had already heard so much gossip about his dating, whereas Peter and Sean hadn't heard any at all. It just showed how much guys like him, and them, were out of the loop.

Alan had just finished eating when Katherine and Amy walked up to him. They both looked cross, with their arms folded under their ample racks. Katherine said, "Alan, we need to have a word with you. In private." She made it clear that Sean and Peter were not invited.

Sean teased him, "Oooh! Busted. How'd you screw up this time?"

Alan replied, "I don't know, but I think I'm about to find out. See you later, guys."

He walked off with the two girls. They didn't say anything for a long time, until they were well clear of everyone else. Partly, it was a privacy issue, but they were also making it clear to him that he was in the proverbial doghouse.

Finally they stopped, putting their hands on their hips to show their displeasure. They actually stood in the middle of the running track to minimize the possibility of being overheard.

Amy said, "M'kay, Kat, hit him with it."

Katherine said, "We're really mad at you!"

He asked, "Yeah, I can see that, but why?"

Katherine said, "It's become increasingly obvious that you're having sex with Heather. I pretty much knew it already, thanks to your 'things happen' comment over the weekend, not to mention the whole 'high heels at the beach' incident that same day, but then I found out from Mom that you actually had a 'study session' with her in your bedroom on Tuesday! Don't tell me any actual studying went on. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?! Having her come to our house is just about the worst thing in the world!"This chapter is updated by _Fire

He sighed. "Okay. You're right. That was bad. But it wasn't my idea. She literally snuck into my room while I was sleeping."

Amy pointed out, "That's worse! Now I'm gonna be totally freaking out that she could sneak into any of our rooms at any time. And why are you having sex with her? Yuck!"

"Hold on. It's not that bad. For one thing, she didn't sneak all the way into my room. She rang the doorbell like anyone else and Mom invited her in. The only sneaking was coming into my room without knocking on my door first, or at least not doing so loudly enough to wake me. So you don't have to fear some kind of Heather ninja invasion. Besides, I made her promise NEVER to drop by the house unexpectedly again. She agreed."

Katherine growled, "Do you realize how worthless a Heather promise is? She's evil! Pure evil! And why ARE you having sex with her?"

He held his hands up defensively. "Come on. Sure, she's a bitch, but she's not THAT bad. I thought you two were acting all friendly to each other on Sunday, at the beach. Remember?"

Katherine huffed, "UGH! Don't remind me!"

"And yes, I don't like to kiss and tell, but in this case I can't deny that I'm having sex with her."

Katherine and Amy both growled loudly with frustration. Although neither had doubted Suzanne's conclusion that he was having sex with her, they still hated to hear him confirm it.

He said, "Okay, so maybe that wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. But she came onto me, big time. I was blindsided, both times. And she's not that bad. She's hardly 'pure evil.'"

Amy groaned. "Ugh! You had sex with her twice? M'kay, I guess I can deal with that. But you won't do it anymore, will you?"

"Well, um, actually..."

The girls groaned again.

He said, "Hey, before you get too upset, Aunt Suzy approves."

Katherine stared at him hard. "Whaaaat?! No way!"

"Yes way. Well, maybe 'approves' isn't exactly accurate, but she understands. She said it's like I'm a kid in a candy store going wild. If a girl as beautiful and sexy as Heather throws herself at me, how can I say no? I'm an eighteen-year-old horny guy who's just discovered sex. Can't you cut me some slack here?"

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Amy said, "I'm hurt. She's a meanie. Haven't we told you how she bosses us around during cheerleader practice and makes our lives miserable?"

Katherine said, "Yeah, it's like you're sleeping with some terrorist leader. Just because she's sexy doesn't make it right."

"Oh, come on. Your rhetoric is out of control. You know why Suzanne is okay with it, and has even given me tips on how to better handle her? It's because she knows it's gonna blow over soon. There's just no pleasing Heather. I'm like the flavor of the week for her. I'm different, and that makes me interesting - for the moment. But that's it. We have absolutely nothing in common. I doubt I could even hold a normal conversation with her. Plus, I'm a social nobody in the school pecking order. She doesn't even want to be seen saying 'hi' to me. In another week or two she'll go back to treating me like dirt. If you don't believe me, ask Aunt Suzy. When has she ever been wrong about anything? Have you talked to her yet about this?"

Both girls shook their head 'No'.

"She actually did some research on Heather, to make sure she wasn't a threat. She even talked to her mother and found out all kinds of personal stuff about her, so she understands Heather's mentality. Talk to Aunt Suzy; she'll put you at ease."

"We will," Katherine said defiantly. "But even so, what about the whole STD issue? When you fuck Heather, you fuck the entire school! Plus who knows who else? A few homeless bums, no doubt, with all kinds of icky diseases."

He replied, "Seriously, you exaggerate too much. First terrorists, now homeless bums. I'm sure she's slept around, but she claims that she's just been tested for STDs and is clean."

Amy grumbled, "Maybe so, but I still don't like it. With her, you need proof! Nothing less than the test results in hand. Besides, it's not like you don't have other options!" She didn't want to get more specific, even though they were standing in the middle of a field, because she didn't want to allude to what was happening at his home under any circumstances, as long as they were in a public place.

Alan was also very careful about what he said. "I know I do." He tried to use his facial expression and especially his eyes to show his love and appreciation for both of them. "But come on, she's Heather. Sure, she's a bitch, but she has the perfect California blonde beach-babe body, and she knows how to use it. And did I mention how I was blindsided? Let me tell you how things got started."

He proceeded to describe his first sexual encounter with Heather. He skipped the sexual part of the details, instead focusing on how she'd taken him by surprise at the Baskin-Robbins.

When he'd finished his recapitulation, he concluded, "See what I mean? Don't blame me; blame her. She's like a force of nature. As your mom put it, she gets what she wants, period. There's no stopping her. Right now, she wants me. That'll blow over, and then we can move on. Okay?"

"M'kay," Amy muttered reluctantly. "But geez, let's hurry up with the moving on already, m'kay?"

Katherine wagged a finger at him. "Don't get attached to her. I know how you get attached to people. And be really, really lousy in bed with her. Be mean to her, even. That's an order!"

He grinned. "I'll try."

He left them more or less mollified (or so he thought). He knew they'd talk to Suzanne about Heather, which he figured would help matters considerably.

Nonetheless, he later thought, What if things don't blow over soon with Heather? What if she wants to have sex with me on a regular basis, as some kind of booty call? I need to put my foot down and tell her, "As long as you have sex with me, you can't have sex with anyone else. I don't want to catch some disease from you."

Great idea, but no way is that gonna fly! As Aunt Suzy pointed out, my leverage over her is mostly illusory. She's only gonna agree to the demands I make if she gets something out of it, especially some kind of sexual ecstasy. So if I tried that line, she'd just laugh in my face.

The problem is, Sis and Aims are right. I've got a bad feeling about this. I shouldn't let my dick lead me around. But dammit, both times with Heather were really intense. I don't know if I can turn her down and give all that up. I really am weak when it comes to her!