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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 226 Larissa City
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Archer watched as she cast her spells while the swarm drew nearer. Suddenly, citizens emerged from nowhere, screaming in fear. "What are you doing here, Princess? Get to the palace!" he urged.

However, the Ratlings swiftly overwhelmed the citizens. Archer tried to move forward but found himself paralyzed, unable to advance. He could only continue to watch helplessly.

The swarm engulfed the princess, and she glanced back at Archer, offering a sad smile before being swallowed by the monstrous creatures.

Witnessing her fate, his heart ached, but before his brain could fully process the scene, everything changed.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself amidst an ominous darkness, and a powerful woman's voice resonated, delivering a foreboding message.

"The moon will fall, and the sun will follow. The swarm will grow and descend upon Pluoria, the land you must protect, or history will repeat itself. Tiamat's white dragon. Go forth now!"

Suddenly, Archer woke up to see Ella's face right next to his. He gently kissed her forehead and carefully got up, returning her to bed.

Just then, a voice called out from behind him. "Where are you going, Arch? Not off to charm more girls, are you?"

He turned around to see the pink-haired princess sitting up, making her way toward him. She wrapped her arms around her neck.

Nefertiti leaned in and spoke again, "I hope you're not going to collect more girls husband."

Archer reached up and gently cupped her cheeks before turning his head to give her a kiss, and she quickly returned it.

After their kiss, he spoke, "I just had a dream about the fall of Larissa, the capital of the Lunaris Empire. A god showed me the future and a princess's death, but also gave me a warning that I could prevent it."

She sighed and asked, "Do you love me, Archer?"

Upon hearing that, he took a moment to think before replying, "I'm starting to, yes. You're growing on me, Princess."

Nefertiti smiled as she spoke, "That's better than not loving me, but one day you will."

Archer smiled when he heard and kissed her again, once they separated he spoke. ''I'll be flying toward the city, I'll call for you girls when I arrive.''

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She nodded her head and let him stand up, he took out some clothes and put them before opening a portal.

He looked at the four sleeping girls and Nefertiti while smiling, he stepped through the portal and appeared on the same road they left earlier.

Archer looked around and whispered. ''Draco.''

A white light overtook him as he turned into his dragon form, he looked to the north and started flapping his wings.

He took off and started flying north, as he did that he saw plenty of Ratlings running around. 

But he didn't let them go, he cast Stone Wardens and flew off leaving them behind with the order to slaughter the creatures.

The ground trembled as if awakening from a deep slumber. Massive stone figures emerged from the earth's core, their rocky forms gradually taking shape.

Formidable Stone Men towered over the battlefield, casting an ominous shadow upon the Ratlings and Rat Ogres.

With screeches of surprise and fear, the Rat-lings saw the imposing Stone Men rising from the ground.

The Rat Ogres, too, were taken aback, their beady eyes widening at the sight of these unexpected adversaries.

With an earth-shaking roar, the first Stone Man lunged forward, its enormous fists striking the ground.

A shockwave rippled through the earth, sending the Ratlings tumbling in all directions.

Another Stone Man stepped forward, its stony skin glistening in the sunlight, and swung a massive arm, smashing a group of Rat-Ogres to the side.

The Ratlings, known for their agility and speed, attempted to swarm the Stone Men, but their efforts seemed futile against the impenetrable stone skin.

Rat Ogres, being larger and more robust, charged at the Stone Men, but their attacks only chipped away at the giants' rocky surface.

Archer looked back and saw the Stone Men mercilessly butchering the creatures. He flapped his wings harder, pushing himself to fly faster.

After an hour of flying, he spotted a city in the distance, but it was surrounded by a menacing swarm. Archer descended and landed, transforming back into his humanoid form.

Upon landing, he opened a portal and called out to the girls. They emerged one by one, each wearing some form of armor.

Nefertiti and Hemera donned mage armor, consisting of leather chest pieces, shin guards, and wrist guards, complemented by reinforced capes.

Archer greeted each one with a smile, though Ella seemed curious about why he had left so early.

He gathered the girls together, casting a Cosmic Shield to protect them, unsure if the creatures were lurking nearby.

Archer then proceeded to explain everything that had transpired in the area. After hearing the details, Sera inquired about their plan.I think you should take a look at

Taking a moment to ponder, Archer came up with an idea. He opened a portal to the wyvern nest and called for a group of them to come and assist.

Ten large Wyverns emerged from the portal. Archer assigned each girl to take charge of one of them, instructing them to start clearing the swarm gathering outside the city walls.

Teuila and Ella readied their weapons, while Sera transformed into her dragon form. Nefertiti and Hemera prepared to cast their magic to support the attack.

Each girl mounted a Wyvern, and the majestic beasts took off, soaring in different directions, launching attacks on the swarm as the girls unleashed their destructive spells.

Archer watched as they flew around the approaching swarm, taking down many of them.

Then, he focused on the city gate and quietly said to himself, "Draconis."

His draconic features emerged as he flapped his wings, speeding towards the city. As he neared, his Aura Detector picked up hundreds of signals.

He flew over the city walls and entered. Archer soared through the streets, witnessing soldiers and citizens fighting Ratlings emerging from giant holes.

Hovering above, he unleashed hundreds of water Element Bolts, homing in on the creatures and piercing through them.

Seeing him in action, the soldiers cheered and fought even harder. Descending to the streets, he spotted people seeking refuge in the central part of the city.

He summoned Stone Wardens to assist and ordered them to eliminate the Ratlings and any other creatures they encountered.

The Stone Men immediately sprang into action, aiding the soldiers and citizens. While navigating through the chaos, Archer noticed a scene from his dream.

A beautiful grey-skinned elf, accompanied by a maid and guards, was making her way down the street.

Without hesitation, he flew after them but noticed Ratlings running along the rooftops. He swiftly cast Crown of Stars, which unleashed violet orbs that swiftly neutralized the creatures.

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With the enemies gone, the elf woman and maid had vanished, Archer couldn't see them anywhere so shrugged.

He continued moving throughout the city, using spells like Viod Blaze and Element Bolts made of lightning to defeat anything that crossed his path.

Archer wielded a potent array of spells, including Crown of Stars, Chain Lightning, Solar Flare Barrage, and Frost Nova.

These powerful incantations easily decimated hordes of Ratlings, filling him with excitement.

He soared through the city, ridding it of the creatures. With each encounter, his excitement grew, collecting even more experience.

Upon reaching the city square, he encountered a group of soldiers battling a ferocious Rat Ogres.

Reacting swiftly, Archer beheaded one of the menacing creatures using his Cosmic Sword spell.

The soldiers were astonished to see a young boy with a confident smile standing before them. With a friendly wave, Archer reassured the soldiers, who were grateful for his unexpected help.

Continuing his aerial assault, Archer spent hours dispatching any creatures in his path as the girls patiently waited outside.

He maintained his Anti-Magic protection, effortlessly dodging random spells aimed at him.

Suddenly, his Aura Detector alerted him to a small group ahead. Before he could react, a massive boulder hurtled toward him, catching him off guard.

The collision sent Archer crashing to the ground, he was on a street that looked like a shopping district.

He sat up in the crater and looked around confused, that's when Archer spotted a small group standing at the end of the street.

There was one giant-looking Ratling wearing decent armor, and two massive Rat Ogres stood next to it.

That's when a thought crossed his mind. 'That must be a leader from the swarm.'

The leader mumbled something to the two massive creatures who soon started charging at him.

Archer sighed as he stood up and stretched his body and raised one of his hands and cast Celestial Beams at the charging monstrosities. 

Each beam shot forth like dazzling lances, leaving stardust trails behind. The sky opened up as the beams streaked across the street, aiming for the oncoming creatures.

The first Celestial Beam struck the lead Rat Ogre with blinding force, causing a radiant explosion.

Shockwaves rippled through the earth, pushing back the other charging beasts. Undeterred, Archer conjured another Celestial Beam, this time targeting the Rat Ogre on the right flank.

The beam sliced through the air like a heavenly blade, leaving a trail of scintillating sparks. It hit its mark, engulfing the creature in celestial brilliance, reducing it to smoldering rubble.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]