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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 227 Frost Nova
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After the spells died down, Archer noticed the creatures were still charging, their skin smoldering.

He swiftly cast Cosmic Sword, summoning the dragonslayer just as one of the creatures approached him.

Sidestepping the creature, Archer swung his sword and severed one of its arms. He didn't stop there; he continued to swing wildly.

In the midst of his battle with the first creature, another one suddenly appeared and delivered a powerful punch.

The force of the blow sent him flying into a nearby building, crashing through it, and landing hard on the other side.

As he lay on the ground, trying to shake off the daze, he summoned the Stone Wardens.

The massive Stone Men swiftly rushed forward, interposing themselves between him and the oncoming creatures.

Stone clashed with mutated flesh as groups of Stone Men piled on each beast, pummeling them into oblivion.

Struggling to get up, Archer's Regeneration activated to heal his body. Once on his feet, he conjured the Cosmic Sword again, materializing two Gladius swords in his hands.

With excitement, he charged forward, cutting down the regular Ratlings swarming around him.

Drawing upon the knowledge from his college days back on Earth, Archer expertly danced around the street, skillfully dispatching the Ratlings.

During the battle, an ominous spell struck him, but to his surprise, it had no effect and simply dissipated into nothingness.

The Ratling who cast the spell looked shocked at the unexpected outcome.

Seizing the moment, Archer turned to face the Ratling Warlock and scanned its information.

[Name: Ratling Warlock]

[Rank: B+]

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Archer smiled, feeling satisfied with his knowledge of the Ratling Warlock. He then cast Blink, which only added to the Warlock's surprise as he vanished from sight.

Before the creature could react, Archer reappeared behind it and executed a swift, deadly stab through its heart. With forceful motion, he flung the lifeless body aside.

Amidst the defeated Ratlings, Archer noticed the girls making their way toward him from the other end of the street.

They fought their way through the horde to reunite with him, but as they got closer, moon elf soldiers appeared and started battling the remaining creatures.

Teuila was the first to reach him. Archer, still covered in blood, cut down a Ratling and turned to her with a smile.

She looked at him with a smile of her own and asked, ''Hey husband, are you okay?''

Archer chuckled and replied, ''When did you start calling me husband?''

Teuila smiled and answered, ''Is there a problem? Will you not be my husband in the future?''

He nodded before saying, ''There's no problem, I like it.''

As they talked, the other girls joined them one by one. Sera transformed into her humanoid form and arrived at the group.

She playfully snuck up on Archer and jumped on his back, nibbling his ear.

The group laughed at the sight, but he allowed her to do it as he asked, ''How is it outside the city? Is the swarm still there and where are the Wvyerns?''

They all shook their heads and told him that they went back to the domain when they entered the city.

Archer was about to speak until he spotted large boulders flying into the city. Archer moved in front of the group and cast Cosmic Shield around everyone.

As the battle raged on, the sky darkened as big boulders headed for the city. One huge boulder seemed intent on hitting Archer and the group.

Without hesitation, Archer raised his hand, casting the powerful Cosmic Shield spell to protect them.

The boulder crashed into the shimmering shield, shaking it with great force. Archer gritted his teeth, feeling the strain on his magic as the shield absorbed the impact.

The girls huddled close, knowing their safety relied on Archer's skill and strength. With unwavering focus, Archer quickly recast the spell, making it even stronger.

The boulder kept striking the shield, rocking them, but they stayed safe. The ground trembled under the relentless assault, but Archer stood firm, refusing to give in.

Boulders crashed, buildings crumbled, and people were sent flying. Archer turned to the girls and opened a portal.

"Go to the domain, and I'll call for you when the boulders stop," he said.

Understanding they could get in his way, they nodded and stepped through the portal one by one.I think you should take a look at

As Hemera entered the portal, Archer dismissed his Shield and took off. He flew through the streets but soon ascended.

That's when he saw who was throwing the boulders into the city, there were five giants standing in the distance.

He made his way toward them as he cast Azur Comet at the group, a violet light appeared in the sky as it dropped to the ground.

Without warning, the Azur Comet struck the ground with a force that shook the earth. The impact point was close to the group of giants that were menacing the city.

As the violet comet made contact, a magnificent explosion of azure sparks erupted, painting the night sky with radiant colors.

It was a breathtaking sight to behold, almost like a celestial dance of light and energy.

The shockwave from the explosion rippled through the area, pushing back the swarm of creatures, Ratlings, and Rat-Ogres alike.

The giants were thrown off balance by the immense force, stumbling back in disarray.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the beauty of the explosion engulfed everyone present.

The bright azure glow illuminated the entire city, momentarily casting away the shadows of war and darkness.

As the light began to fade, Archer saw the giants stagger, visibly weakened by the celestial impact.

It was a crucial moment, and he seized the opportunity as he whispered to himself. ''Draco.''

He quickly turned into his dragon form and started attacking the giants. Archer roared with a mighty fury, his white scales shimmering in the aftermath of the Azur Comet explosion.

The giants, disoriented and weakened, tried to regain their footing, but it was too late.

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With a powerful flap of his wings, Archer lunged at the closest giant, his claws extended like deadly blades.

He slashed through the giant's thick armor with ease, tearing it to pieces. The creature bellowed in pain as its life force drained away.

Ignoring the chaos around him, Archer turned his attention to another giant. He coiled his long, muscular body and sprang forward, jaws wide open.

His sharp teeth sank into the giant's flesh, crushing bone and muscle. The giant struggled, but its massive strength was no match for the dragon's fury.

Archer swiftly moved to the next giant, using his powerful tail to knock it off balance before striking with his claws and teeth once more.

The giants were caught completely off guard, unable to comprehend the onslaught from the dragon.

With each attack, Archer's dragon form moved with incredible grace and precision, his movements were fluid, his strikes lethal, and his presence dominated the battlefield.

The other creatures in the vicinity, including the Ratlings and Rat Ogres, were terrified by the sight of the Archer tearing apart the giants with such ease.

They scattered in fear, giving him even more room to unleash his devastating assault. In the midst of the chaos, the city's defenders were in awe of the majestic display of power.

They didn't know why Archer was helping, but they were happy that he was on their side and helped deal with the creatures.

As the last giant fell, he stood amidst the wreckage, his dragon form radiating with celestial energy. The once imposing threat had been reduced to scattered body parts.

After transforming back into his humanoid form, Archer was breathing heavily, exhausted from the battle. He looked around at the aftermath of his fierce attack.

That's when he noticed Blightborns, Fiends, and Ratlings charging at him. Archer smiled as he cast Frost Nova.

A freezing wave of icy energy radiated from him, spreading outward in all directions. The temperature plummeted instantly, and a thick layer of frost covered the ground.

The incoming creatures were caught in the path of the Frost Nova. Their movements slowed as the icy chill gripped them, their skin frostbitten and their limbs stiffening.

Archer's violet eyes glowed with magic as he held the spell, freezing the creatures in place. The once frenzied swarm now stood frozen.

The city behind him seemed to hold its breath, and the silence was deafening. Archer took a moment to catch his breath, the frost dissipating from the ground, leaving behind a trail of icy beauty.

But he knew the respite would be temporary. With the creatures frozen, he had to seize this opportunity.

He took a deep breath and let out a stream of violet flames that washed over the swarm, after he did that he cast Void Blaze.

Between both flames, the creatures were burned to ashes and Archer used his draconic claws and slashed at many ice statues.

They crumbled into nothingness as the battlefield went quiet as the remaining creatures tried to flee.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]