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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 267 Round Two (R18)
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As Archer stood there, he shook his head and began to walk back to the camp. While walking, he cast a cleansing spell on himself.

It didn't take him long to reach the camp. Once he arrived, he dispelled his draconic form and began to search for the girls who were standing outside the tent.

As they spotted him, they all rushed toward him. One by one, they kissed him. However, Ella was the first to ask, "Where's Hemi?"

Archer smiled before replying, "I think she's still sleeping. I'll go get her now."

He opened a Gate and returned to the mountaintop. Stepping through, he saw Hemera sitting up in bed.

She turned to him with a grin as he got closer, when he did she tapped the bed telling him to lay down with her.

Archer complied and laid next to her, when he did she crawled on top of him and started kissing his neck which flicked his horny switch.

Hemera didn't slow down as she continued her attack on his neck as her hips started to grind on his little brother which also came to life.

She stopped with the kissing and smiled as she looked down at him, her yellow eyes were full of lust.

He smiled as he pulled his pants down and slid inside her, this caused a happy smile to appear on the sun elf's face.

Archer started to slowly fuck her as she let out an erotic moan into his ear which cause him to go crazy and started to speed up.


As he was fucking her Hemera started biting his neck as he went deeper and deeper, Archer attacked her so much that she orgasmed.

But he didn't stop as he continued, he grabbed a hold of her thighs and watched her as her face was full of pleasure.

She was letting out moans as she couldn't think straight. ''Mmmnghhh!~~ Aghnnn!~~ Archer.. don't stop.. Feels so good.''

He fulfilled her desire and intensified his thrusting, causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure as he released his essence deep within her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Due to his relentless assault, she had become incredibly sensitive. She was in a daze as she lay there with a stupid smile on her face.

Archer wasn't content with that; he put her on all fours and started to fuck her from behind while playing with her brown nipples.

The two continued their passionate lovemaking until she drifted into a peaceful slumber, and he was left drenched in sweat.

After planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, he lifted her in a princess carry and cast a Gate spell to transport her to her bedroom.

As the portal appeared, he stepped through and gently placed her in bed, where she curled up and settled comfortably.

Archer cast a cleansing spell on himself and then re-entered the Gate, quickly tidying the bed before opening another Gate back to the camp.

Stepping out, he noticed Teuila and Nefertiti putting away their tent while the other two prepared breakfast.

Darius caught his attention with a stare when Feyra wasn't looking; Archer responded with a grin as he greeted the four girls with a morning kiss.

Ella spoke before he could do anything. "Breakfast is ready. Could you check if Hecate wants some?"

Archer nodded, promptly entering the domain. He navigated to her laboratory and gently knocked on the door.

Eione opened it with a smile, allowing him in. Inside, Hecate was engrossed in potion-making, her concentration unwavering.

He observed her with keen interest as she meticulously crafted the potion, her expression filled with intense concentration.

With graceful precision, she combined ingredients, adding them one by one.

Sitting down on a nearby bench, Archer appreciated her systematic method, recognizing that he himself lacked the patience for such tasks.

After twenty minutes, she completed her work and glanced up, her eyes widening momentarily before a warm smile appeared.

"Hello, Archer," she greeted with a soothing voice, her Greek-like sending shivers down his spine.

Returning the smile, he responded, "Would you like to join us for breakfast? Ella is currently preparing it."

Politely declining, she shook her head and explained, "Eione is planning to make something for me. However, I'd like to meet with you tonight. There's something I wish to discuss regarding acquiring additional ingredients for the future."

Archer readily agreed, "Certainly. We can visit any city I've been to and purchase what we need. Starfall City in the north is an option too, given its abundance of alchemical stores."

Hecate's smile deepened at his response, and they spent a pleasant time together.

Drawing nearer, he shifted to sit beside her at the workbench, his curiosity piqued. "So, what exactly are you creating?"

A faint blush graced her cheeks as she met his gaze, but she answered, "It's intended for when we make love. It will help me keep up with you.''

Upon hearing her explanation, Archer's smile widened, recognizing a kindred spirit in her perverse enthusiasm. He stood behind Hecate.

Gently grasping her waist, he leaned in to murmur into her long, grey ear, "I'm eagerly anticipating our upcoming battle. It won't be long now."

She responded with a smile, though a hint of embarrassment colored her expression at his words. Archer then planted a kiss on her cheek before proceeding to breakfast, creating a portal to the camp.

Stepping through, he observed the neatly packed belongings and approached the four girls, who all wore smiles. Nefertiti voiced their readiness, "We're prepared to depart. Let's go."

He nodded, welcoming the approach of Talila and Feyra. As they drew near, he exchanged greetings with them. The elf among them spoke up, "We're all set to go."

After that, the group crossed the stone bridge that crossed over the Stygian Veil River that separates the Mediterra side of the Unchartered to the Land of Plenty.

Archer and his group stepped onto an aged stone bridge that spanned a wide river. Sunlight bathed them warmly from above, casting dappled patterns on sparkling waters below.

An atmosphere akin to the calm of a Mediterranean-like landscape they had been traversing surrounded them.

As they progressed, their footsteps echoed softly against the bridge, and the air began to shift.

Gradually, once-familiar surroundings gave way to something different. The breeze carried a transformed scent, hinting at earth and wildflowers.

With every step, the scenery underwent a remarkable change. The lush Mediterranean landscape melted into a new world right before their eyes.

Rolling hills transformed into expansive, lush grasslands stretching as far as the eye could see.

Towering forests emerged in the distance, veiled in a verdant embrace that seemed to whisper secrets.

Archer's keen senses detected the change first, his awareness honed by his experiences.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The girls and the Sparrows followed his lead, their eyes widening as they absorbed the awe-inspiring shift in the landscape.

Teuila and Nefertiti exchanged excited glances, while Talila and Feyra grinned at the wonder before them.

"Incredible," Nefertiti breathed, her voice tinged with wonder.

They quickly crossed and made their way down the road, after a few hours of walking they came closer to the mountains Archer saw the night before.

That's when Novius the Sparrows mage spoke up. ''Talila there is a small outpost nearby for travelers. The Nagendrians set them up years ago.''

Talila nodded her head and Archer agreed because he wanted to see it. The group continued to travel down the road until they spotted the outpost.

Standing tall on the horizon was a strong fort, its architecture resembling the intricate beauty of Turkish designs on Earth.

Towering walls made of sandstone, adorned with ornate carvings and graceful arches, stood as a testament to the kingdom's skilled craftsmen.

As they approached, the details of the fort came into focus. Crenelated battlements adorned the walls.

Vibrant banners fluttered atop the towers, displaying symbols that spoke of the kingdom's identity and heritage.

The sun bathed the scene in a warm, golden glow, enhancing the fort's grandeur.

Attracted to the entrance, Archer and his group noticed the stationed guards. Adorned in armor that carried the essence of Turkish design, they stood tall and watchful.

The armor was intricate, decorated with elaborate patterns and motifs that paid homage to the kingdom's culture.

Their weapons gleamed in the sunlight, their preparedness evident in their disciplined stances. Novius stepped ahead and greeted the guards.

They observed them before allowing them entry into the fort. When Archer and the girls entered, they encountered a vast square filled with numerous stalls selling a variety of goods.

All the Sparrows except for Talila ventured off to search for useful items as she walked up to Archer and stood next to him.

Ella approached him with the other three girls. He tossed them a pouch filled with gold coins and encouraged them to enjoy themselves.

The four of them grinned and set off for shopping, Archer watched them run off as Talila giggled.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow catching her smiling before it vanished from her face, she stated. ''You truly care about them don't you? How come you spoil them?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]