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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 275 Dragon Vs Dragon
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Archer woke up the next day, sandwiched between Ella and Nefertiti. A smile spread across his face as he heard their adorable snores.

He gently moved them off him and slipped out of bed. After doing that he walked out of the room and glanced around the living room.

That's when he saw Teuila and Sera sleeping on the sofa. He closed his eyes briefly, sensing all the girls were asleep except for Hecate.

She was in the midst of making potions with Eione. Archer decided not to disturb her and chose to continue on his journey.

He felt all sweaty and sticky so he cast Cleanse on himself then he changed into fresh clothes.

Once he was ready he opened a portal to the road he left. Stepping through it quickly, he sent a message to the vampire twins, asking them to look after the sleeping girls.

After stepping through the portal, Archer found himself back in the same spot where he and Teuila had trained the previous night.

He glanced around briefly before resuming his walk, taking out a piece of bread from his Item Box.

The morning sun was rising over the distant mountains, casting its warm light on him. Feeling its touch on his scales and skin, Archer relished the sensation.

He walked for a couple of hours as he ate bread from his Item Box as he felt a nice breeze hitting his face.

Archer spotted a city in the distance as she saw it he got a message from Teuila.

She told him they were relaxing in the treehouse as they felt really tired because of him, and Talila had gone to see the Sparrow's new place.

Remembering he had to finish their place and make it so they couldn't wander around the domain.

He opened a portal to the domain and completed his tasks. Archer created a barrier around the place.

Happy with his efforts, he returned to the road and summoned his wings. With a strong flap, he took to the air, flying north.

After passing the city, he came upon an expansive grassland stretching as far as the eye could see.

He flew for a couple of hours until started witnessing a stream of people rushing toward the city he just passed.

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Quickly descending to the ground, he gripped a young man's shoulder and inquired, "What's happening?"

The young man struggled to free himself from Archer's grip, but his attempts were useless.

Relenting, he answered, "There's a wingless dragon wreaking havoc in a town not far from here. It's on a rampage."

A smile played across his lips as he heard the man's response. Taking off once more, he sped towards the town.

He wanted a good fight and this wingless dragon will do. Archer flew for a little while and spotted the beast.

When he saw it he scanned the thing.

[Earth Dragon]

[Rank S]

His eyes widened when he saw it, this was the second time his seen another dragon. So he started to scrutinize it.

The wingless earth dragon is an incarnation of nature's primal might. It was larger than he had imagined, its scale-covered form standing like a sentinel amidst the ancient trees.

Its coloration merged seamlessly with the surrounding foliage, making it almost indistinguishable from the land.

Archer's eyes traced the lines of its majestic body. Its scales were a mosaic of earthy tones, patterns reminiscent of weathered stone and overgrown moss.

The dragon's powerful limbs were equipped with sturdy claws, as if ready to grasp and shape the very land beneath it.

Archer witnessed it wreaking havoc, its destructive path leaving nothing unscathed as it crashed through the town.

Excitement surged within him, urging him to face the creature head-on.

He drew a deep breath and unleashed a fearsome roar that shook the earth causing everything to come to a stop.

The Earth Dragon's rampage came to an abrupt halt, its focus now squarely fixed on Archer.

Anger smoldered within its gaze, a fiery intensity that pierced through the tumultuous air as it locked eyes with him.

In a swift motion, it unleashed a breath attack, aimed directly at him. As it neared, Archer wasn't worried as he had Anti-Magic activated.

Before the spell reached him he cast Cosmic Shield deflecting the attack off to the side. He laughed at the dragon.

Archer dropped from the sky as he folded his wings, when he got closer he whispered. ''Draco.''

A bright light blinded the earth dragon, but when it was able to see again it was too late as Archer crashed into it in his dragon form.

He collided head-on with the Earth Dragon, a maelstrom of scales, muscle, and determination converging in a breathtaking clash.

Scales scraped against scales as Archer's claws slashed at the beast's face but it dodged and jumped back.

With a primal roar that echoed through the skies and took the dragon by surprise, Archer unleashed a series of quick, calculated strikes.

Claws met the Earth Dragon's resilient scales, leaving deep gouges as evidence of their furious exchange.

In response, the beast reacted swiftly, lunging forward and extending its own claws to meet the impending assault.

Its claws struck Archer but he shrugged off the injury and sank his teeth into the beast's neck.

The dragon retaliated by striking him with its large, heavy tail. He felt it connect with his side and sent him flying backward.

Archer managed to land on all fours. He swiftly cast Blink, reappearing above the dragon, then skillfully landed on its back.

A thought crossed his mind. 'I will make this dragon submit to me.'

With a manic grin and he bite down on the back of its neck but shortly become shocked as it flipped over.

Now he was on his back and the two dragons started to slash and bite each other. Both of them were bloody and it looked like Archer came off worse.

His breath came in ragged bursts as he stood before the Earth Dragon. The battle had taken its toll, evident in the gashes and wounds that stained his once-pristine scales.

He could feel the ache in his muscles and the throb of pain that echoed through his body.

With a growl, Archer's violet eyes glowed as he started to cast Cure Wounds on himself. His injuries, though severe, were not life-threatening.

A soothing warmth spread through his large body as the spell took effect, mending torn scales and knitting together injured flesh.

He took a shuddering breath, feeling a measure of his strength returning. His wings unfurled, their span casting a shadow over the battlefield.

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With renewed determination, Archer charged forward, his claws digging into the earth as he propelled himself toward the Earth Dragon.

The ground quaked beneath his massive form, a testament to his sheer power and unyielding will.

The Dragon's eyes widened as it saw Archer's resurgence. It unleashed a roar of defiance, its claws and teeth bared in a show of primal aggression.

The two titans clashed once more, a symphony of roars and the clash of scales filling the air.

Archer's movements were fueled by a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline, his body pushing beyond its limits in a relentless pursuit of victory.

Each strike he made shook the ground, and every wound he dealt to the Earth Dragon showcased his enthusiasm for the battle.

But as the battle raged on, Archer's attacks began to take their toll on the dragon. its movements grew slower, his breath coming harder as fatigue set in once more.

Yet he refused to relent. With a defiant snarl, he pressed forward, channeling every ounce of his remaining strength into a final, mighty charge.

The Earth Dragon fought back with all its might, but Archer's ferocity proved unyielding.

With a powerful lunge, he seized the dragon's neck in his jaws, his claws digging into the earth to anchor himself.

The Earth Dragon roared in protest, its struggles growing weaker as Archer's grip tightened.

Breathing heavily, Archer summoned the last dregs of his energy. With a mighty heave, he forced the Earth Dragon to the ground, pinning it beneath his massive form.

The ground shook with the impact, and a triumphant roar echoed through the air as Archer's eyes blazed with victory.

Gazing down at the struggling Earth Dragon, Archer's voice resonated in a deep tone. "Submit to me, and you'll find mercy."

The dragon's movements ceased, a gradual calm washing over it. Archer dismounted and positioned himself beside the subdued creature.

Meeting his gaze, the Earth Dragon's eyes widened. Then, unexpectedly, it lowered itself in obeisance and spoke in a voice that startled Archer.

"White dragon king, I apologize. Hunger clouded my senses, but your aid has shown me clarity. Thank you."

A woman's voice resonated from the dragon. Archer shook his head and inquired, "Are you alone, or are there others?"

Swiftly came her response. "There are ten of us, your Majesty."

Acknowledging her words, Archer reverted to his humanoid form and leaped onto the Earth Dragon's back.

He sat down and placed his hands on the dragon's scaly back and cast Aurora Healing on her.

When the magic poured into her she started to feel a lot better. She looked back at him and nodded her head.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]