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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 276 She Will Avoid You Now
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Archer concluded his spell and directed a smile at her. "What's your name?" he inquired.

The Earth Dragon swiftly responded, "My name is Gaia, your Majesty."

He nodded, then settled down. Despite lingering soreness, Archer asked, "Could you take me to the others? I've prepared a home for your group."

Gaia's eyes widened, and she nodded eagerly. She darted off, making sure he remained secure on her back.

After an hour of running, they found themselves in the mountains. Gaia scaled a peak and led them into a secluded valley.

She carefully descended the mountain's slope and guided them into a forest, she made her way through it until they came to a group of Earth Dragons.

That was when a smaller dragon ran up to Gaia and started speaking. ''Mother! Are you okay?''

Gaia told her daughter what had occurred. The young dragon glanced at Archer and asked in a puzzled tone, "Is he the dragon king?"

The older dragon nodded as Archer jumped off her back and looked around. He saw that the group was hungry.

He came up with an idea and cast Stone Wardens. When they appeared he ordered them to go hunt any beast they find.''

The Stone Men rushed off. Archer watched them and told Gaia he will be back shortly as he opened a portal and walked through it.

Archer walked out of the portal into an empty part of his domain and closed his eyes and started imagining underground caves for the Earth Dragons.

He increased the size of the domain as he circled the area he was in with steep mountains. Archer knew they liked this sort of environment.

Once he was done here he returned to the dragons who were all standing in the same places they were before.

But when he walked out the portal the younger dragon rushed up to him and started sniffing him with her large head.

Her actions caused him to laugh, making him wonder what she was up to. She began sniffing him, causing her eyes to widen.

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The young dragon lowered her head, further fueling his laughter, and he asked playfully, "What's the matter?"

She lifted her head. "You're supposed to be a legend, yet here you are."

Archer nodded, a warm smile on his face as he addressed the gathered group. "Well I'm here but more importantly I've prepared a new home for all of you. Once the Stone Men return with the beasts, we can head there."

The dragons nodded in agreement, and Archer scanned the surroundings. He noticed piles of bones and a hole that he assumed could be their nest.

Turning to Gaia, he inquired, "Is that your nest?"

She nodded, and upon seeing her answer, he leaped inside and began to explore. It revealed itself as a lengthy tunnel with basic chambers on either side.

When the young female earth dragon observed this, she turned to Gaia and spoke in a panicked tone. "Why are you letting him into our home?"

Gaia regarded her daughter as though she had said something stupid and retorted, "He is our king. You may be young, but when the last white dragon walked upon Thrylos, our ancestor was one of his trusted generals. Now, it's our opportunity to thrive under him, Terra."

The younger dragon nodded as Archer emerged from the hole, he looked at Gaia and remarked, "I wasn't aware that the last dragon king had an earth dragon general. Quite interesting."

His sudden appearance shocked the two dragons which made him laugh, they then started waiting for the Stone Men.

After a short wait, they came back with many creatures. When they stopped, Archer made a portal to the earth dragon valley.

They marched through, releasing the beasts onto the ground, where they promptly darted off into the forest.

Archer directed his gaze toward the dragons and gestured for them to enter the portal.

He led the way, followed by Terra, who eagerly rushed through. She came to an abrupt stop upon seeing the valley and taking in its sights.

The scent of fresh water and beasts filled her senses, and her attention was drawn to the opening of a tunnel. Without hesitation, Terra made her way over to it.

Terra jumped into the hole and began to explore the chambers and tunnels within. Eventually, she resurfaced, finding Archer standing there with a grin on his face.

He remarked, "Do you like your new home?"

Her excitement was obvious, she nodded eagerly. At that moment, they both noticed the remaining earth dragons appearing, each with expressions of awe.

Their reactions made him happy. Before they could fully immerse themselves in the valley.

Archer spoke once more. "Before you make this place your home, I need each of you to swear a mana oath that you will not betray me."

In unanimous agreement, all the dragons nodded, and Gaia stepped forward, bowing before proceeding to make the mana oath. The others followed suit.

Archer's satisfaction was evident as he encouraged them to settle in and promised to return to check on them in a few days.

With gratitude, they thanked him before he departed for Talila's tribe. Upon his arrival, he sought out the Matriarch.

As he moved through the village, he received greetings from some and curious glances from others.

Eventually, he located the older woman and made the same request, which she readily accepted.

The entire tribe was assembled, mirroring the earth dragons' earlier actions and they all swore a mana oath to him.

Content with the result, he thanked them and stepped through the portal he just opened. Upon entering the treehouse, he found all the girls relaxing in the living room.

Nefertiti and Hecate were the only ones missing. Ella turned to him with a curious tone. "What have you been up to, Arch?"

Walking to one of the sofas, he settled into a spot between Teuila and Hemera causing the two girls to laugh as he relaxed into them.

Once comfortable, he recounted the entire story of his encounter with the earth dragons and how he convinced them to join him.

The girls stared at him in astonishment. Just as Teuila was about to respond, Talila entered the treehouse and looked around the room.

Spotting Archer, she approached him and inquired, "Why can't my friend explore the domain?"

"Because I don't trust them," he replied immediately, catching the elf off guard.

Talila shook her head and pressed on. "Then why did you allow them a place here?"

Archer grinned, giving an honest answer. "You, and also because they might prove useful in the future. All of them are talented, except the cat."

Her irritation was evident, but before she could voice her thoughts, he interrupted, "If this bothers you, all of them can leave if they have an issue with my rules. They won't have a place here anymore. Oh, and make it clear that anyone they bring along will face a special surprise."

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She stubbornly agreed and left the treehouse without saying anything to him. Hemera commented, "She will avoid you now."

Archer shrugged and replied, "Oh well. I'm not going to give in just because she's beautiful. I don't trust them at all. They won't swear a mana oath not to betray me, so they can stay in their dome for now."

The girls nodded in agreement, informing him that they were still sore and needed rest. However, Teuila felt better and decided to join him.

Standing up, he opened a portal for the two of them to continue. Stepping through, they found themselves on the path to the Sunfire Mountains.

While walking and discussing their training, they spotted a river up ahead. Teuila turned to him with a smile and asked, "Aren't those the Sunfire Mountains?"

Archer nodded his head and started speaking. ''Yes, and the Avalonian castle should be on the other side.''

She smiled as they continued making their way toward the mountain, as they got closer they saw signs of skirmishers all over the place.

''I wonder who's been fighting.'' He spoke to no one in particular.

Teuila agreed as she said. ''There have been dozens of battles all over the area. I can see hoof prints leading toward the mountains.''

As the two of them journeyed, the rest of the girls, except Hecate, joined them on the road.

After greeting them the group continued on as they kept walking for a few hours until Archer began to hear the sounds of battle echoing from the distance.

Intrigued, he expressed his curiosity and informed the girls that he would advance without engaging in combat. The group nodded in agreement as he hurried ahead.

As he neared, the loud chaos of a fierce battle became clear. A big group of soldiers fought intensely near a bridge.

The air was filled with the clash of weapons and fierce battle cries, mingling with the sharp smell of sweat and blood.

Archer witnessed Soldiers form a chaotic mass, engaged in a deadly dance of desperation.

The scene was chaotic: shields crashed together with force, swords moved purposefully, and arrows shot through the air like angry ghosts.

Each clash sent sparks flying, illuminating the grim faces of combatants locked in a grim struggle.

Amidst the chaos, he spotted a woman whom he knew all too well but hadn't seen for years.

She fought valiantly even as the soldiers behind her began to retreat, overwhelmed by their adversaries.

Nevertheless, she continued to deftly evade, parry, and strike; her movements were swift, and with each swing, enemy soldiers fell.

In a hushed tone, Archer murmured to himself, "Draconis."

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]