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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 279 Seventh
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Chapter 279 Seventh

It was thanks to Teuila's training that he was able to keep up with the knight commander. As Archer was fighting the girls were having their own battles.

Teuila, Hecate, Thalia, and Xanthe formed a solid defense, standing together to protect the group of girls from the advancing knights.

With their weapons held firmly, they stood in unity, a powerful and resolute force prepared to fend off any impending danger.

As the knights charged forward with swords raised, Teuila took the lead. Her movements were swift and precise, each swing of her blade expertly calculated.

She parried and countered, deflecting the enemy's attacks with finesse. Teuila's focus was unwavering, her eyes locked onto her opponents as she skillfully kept them at bay.

Beside her, Hecate wielded her spear with grace and power. Her movements were a dance of deadly elegance as she struck with precision.

The glint of her spearhead caught the sunlight as she expertly fended off the knights' advances.

Her unwavering dedication to protecting the girls was evident in every fluid motion.

Vampire twins Thalia and Xanthe fought in perfect sync. Their strikes were swift and precise as they engaged the knights, their weapons a blur of motion.

Thalia's twin Sai and Xanthe's daggers moved with deadly grace, working in perfect harmony.

The clash of metal on metal resounded through the air, the sounds of battle surrounding the four women as they stood their ground.

With steadfast resolve, they battled, and their actions focused on protecting the others.

The knights advanced, yet Teuila, Hecate, Thalia, and Xanthe remained steadfast, a formidable barrier against the ongoing fight.

As the battle raged on, the girls behind them were able to focus on their own contributions. Arrows flew through the air as Ella and Talila's precise shots found their marks.

Hemera's crossbow bolts added to the chaos, striking down knights who dared to breach their defensive line.

Nefertiti's arcane magic crackled and swirled, forming a protective shield that added an extra layer of defense against the enemy's attacks.

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Sera's own magic joined the fray, creating bursts of red fire that kept the knights at a distance helping out Ella and Talila.

Amidst the chaos, Teuila's voice rang out, strong and commanding. "Hold the line! Protect each other!"

Her leadership inspired the girls to fight even harder. The knights and Slayers couldn't get close to the group that was attacking at range.

When they were fighting Archer saw most of it and was really proud of the way they fought with each other.

He got back to his own fight as he deflected another attack and struck out with his tail, the knight blocked it but was sent flying backward.

Amidst the chaotic clash of swords and the swirl of magic, his sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Sia's figure.

She had broken away from her duel and was now facing the knight who held the artifact, the source of their troubles.

With a fierce expression and a swift, calculated movement, Sia lunged forward. Her sword sliced through the air, aimed directly at the artifact that the knight held in his hand.

The blade met its mark, striking the artifact with a resounding impact. A burst of energy erupted from the point of impact, crackling with powerful magic.

As the artifact shattered into fragments, its hold over Archer's and Sera's dragon forms was instantly broken.

Taking a deep breath, he jumped backward, releasing a deafening roar that sent the remaining enemies staggering in surprise.

Whispering, "Draco," Archer swiftly transformed into his dragon form, joined by Sera.

The two of them sprang into action, cutting down the remaining Dragon Slayers and Church Knights with ruthless efficiency.

He quickly dealt with the commander who didn't stand a chance and was crushed beneath his large feet.

Their claws turned their opponents into a mist of blood as they struck the shocked men. Archer leaped, landing amidst another group of enemies.

Amidst the carnage, he spotted the rest of the men retreating.? In response, he inhaled deeply and exhaled a stream of violet fire that engulfed the retreating men.

Witnessing the aftermath of their fiery onslaught, the two reverted to their humanoid forms, while walking back to rejoin the group.

As he arrived, the small Stone Men returned, carrying numerous hearts that he stored in his Item Box.

He approached each girl, offering them a kiss of gratitude and praise for their help and the way they fought.

Finally reaching Talila, he could tell she was still angry with him but before he could talk he felt someone grab him.

Archer was suddenly spun around and his head was shoved into a pair of massive boobs, that's when he smelt an intoxicating smell that overtook his senses.

That's when he heard Sia's voice. ''You can also fight, that's even better. When can we get married Arch?''

He was taking in her smell and ignored her but he grabbed his horn, Sia pulled his head up and saw the lust in his eyes.

When she saw that look Sia got excited and wondered why he changed so much but that meant nothing to her because she still loved him either way.

Archer replied with a grin. ''Well, there are seven marriages to be arranged, another one won't hurt.''

When he said this Sia smiled and got extremely happy which caused Valeria to chuckle at her commander's behaviour.

The other girls laughed while Nefertiti quickly snapped. ''Archer! Why are you flirting with your own aunt? You two are blood-related! She's your mother's sister.''

But she wasn't done with only that and continued speaking. ''And who is the seventh girl you're planning to marry? There are only six of us.''

The rest of the girls apart from Talila looked at her like she was an idiot, when Nefertiti saw this she snapped. ''What? Why are you looking at me like that?''

It was Hecate who spoke surprising everyone as she pointed at Talila. ''They like each other but she's just being stubborn. She will be the seventh.''

Once she finished talking she went back to the domain with the vampire twins after kissing him on the cheek. Talila was staring at him and hmphed as she spoke. ''I'm not going to marry you.''

Archer laughed when he heard her reply and nodded his head sarcastically as he answered. ''Well, whatever you say, Tali.''

She turned around and entered the domain making the others laugh at her reaction. Archer made his way over to the sulking Nefertiti.

He started pampering her with a hug and small pecks on her neck and cheeks, her sour mood approved as she heard his next words. ''Why so jealous Nefi? You have your own place in my heart that can never be replaced.''

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Nefertiti grinned and returned the kisses. She wanted to go eat so he kissed her cheek and went back to the domain.

The other girls nodded their heads and decided to give Archer and Sia some time together. Ella told him their plan and he thanked them.

Now the girls were gone the two of them and the soldiers who were standing there in shock made their way to the castle.

Sia locked arms with him, she had a big smile on her face as she spoke. ''So Arch they are all your girls? What a little playboy you are.''

He laughed when he heard her but nodded his head and replied with a grin on his face. ''Yes it seems I am my precise aunt, but you're included in the list. I remember everything you said and now holding you to it.''

''I'm Sia, not your aunt boy! I'm your future wife but fiance currently.'' Sia replied with a cheeky grin.

Archer chuckled and looked ahead, his eyes widening in amazement. There it was, standing tall against the countryside's backdrop – Sentinel's Reach.

The castle looked majestic like it had been taken from the pages of a fantasy story.

Its tall spires reached up towards the sky, its stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and banners that fluttered in the gentle breeze.

The castle's design was a blend of grandeur and practicality, with thick walls and imposing towers that spoke of strength and protection.

Archer's eyes traced the outline of the castle, from the battlements to the elegant archways.

Each detail was meticulously crafted, a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry of its builders.

The sunlight played upon the castle's walls, casting a warm and welcoming glow that contrasted with the rugged terrain around it.

After walking for a bit they arrived outside the gate as it opened. That's when the two saw the castle commander Dorian Burnhame walking out.

The older man stopped in front of them as he looked at the two and saw Sia's arm latched onto him, Archer saw his annoyance and grinned as he introduced himself. ''I'm Archer. Sia's fiance.''

He ignored the boy and spoke to Sia. ''Commander what happened out there?''

She explained everything from the ambush by the Misthaven soldiers to Archer saving them which the man didn't believe.

But that's when his eyes widened and remembered a certain group who arrived not so long ago. That's when it all clicked into place as he realized they were here for this boy.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]