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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 3171
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Even without Yuver’s orders, a few generals couldn’t restrain themselves. They swung open the city gates and

rushed out with a fiery determination, their hearts ablaze with the need to unleash their emotions through

merciless slaughter.

As Xandros watched the soldiers pour out of Imperial Beast City, he was struck by disbelief. These were the very

soldiers who had suffered under Tigerus oppression for so long. It was hard to fathom that they still harbored any

trace of hostility. After all, Tigerus had dealt with the aggressive ones long ago.

Yet now, the soldiers of Imperial Beast City, once appearing meek and timid, appeared courageous and fearless.

Before Xandros could issue the order to retreat, tens of thousands of scouts met their demise. The soldiers from

Imperial Beast City brandished their weapons with wild abandon.

Unfazed by the specter of death or the sting of pain, their ferocious onslaught compelled the Norwal City troops to

abandon their weapons and armor in a frantic scramble for retreat.

As Yuven observed the unfolding scene, a sense of relief washed over him.

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Nevertheless, he understood that even though the sudden attack had momentarily caught Lucian off guard, the

challenges ahead would be even more daunting.

Thus, Yuven issued the command for his soldiers to retreat to the city, fully aware that once Lucian regained his

senses, there would be no escape for any of them, and survival was all but impossible.

Imperial Beast City gradually settled back into its former peace and tranquility, with only the lifeless bodies dotting

the hills serving as a grim reminder of the recent massacre.

The gentle sunlight cast an eerie glow upon the crimson stains, casting a reddish hue across the landscape. A few

crows circled overhead, their harsh cries filling the air. What followed the brutal blood bath was a profound sense of


Every soldier was inundated with sorrow and despair as they gazed upon the countless lifeless bodies strewn across

the ground.

“Dad, let’s head back and get some rest. It’s getting dark now, and Norwal City’s soldiers probably won’t launch

another attack,” Ivasha whispered.

However, Yuven remained motionless. The fallen soldiers below were all his subjects, and his heart bled for them.

Seeing that Yuven refused to budge, Ivasha chose to remain by his side, her eyes fixed on the lifeless forms

scattered beneath Imperial Beast City.

Time stretched on, and as the sky gradually darkened, the full moon ascended high, casting a silvery glow over the

somber landscape.

“Dad, look! What’s that?” Ivasha exclaimed as she suddenly noticed a dark silhouette charging toward them.

Simultaneously, Xandros, who was on the hill’s summit, also caught sight of the approaching figure.

“Dad, there’s something over here!” Xandros called out. Lucian emerged from his tent and lifted his gaze to the

sky, where he finally realized what it was above a massive airship.

“An airship?” Lucian furrowed his brow. “Why is there an airship here? As far as I know, the only airship in this

region belongs to the Stellaris Sect, and it shouldn’t be flying over this area.”

He was perplexed, struggling to grasp the reason behind the unexpected appearance of the airship.

“Should we take it down?” Xandros inquired, but Lucian waved his hand to dismiss the idea.

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“No, let’s hold off and see who they are and why they’ve brought the airship here.”

Airships were a rare and costly asset, affordable only to a select few.

Their construction demanded substantial investment, specialized technicians, and abundant resources.

Even Norwal City lacked the means to build one. This was precisely why Lucian dared not make any rash decisions,

convinced that only extraordinary individuals would possess such a craft.

If he were to provoke influential families or sects during such a crucial moment, it could lead to significant


Therefore, both Xandros and Lucian observed as the airship ascended into the sky above Imperial Beast City.

Meanwhile, Yuven, stationed on the wall, finally wore a smile as he gazed at the approaching airship.

“Mr. Chance! It must be Mr. Chance who has returned!”

Yuven knew without a doubt that Jared was with Stellaris Sect’s Cloud, so it didn’t come as a shock that Jared might

return on an airship.

“Jared? But how can he return on an airship? Don’t they follow specific routes?” Ivasha inquired, puzzled by Jared’s

ability to return via airship.