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A Matter of Wife and Love by Mila

Chapter 383
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Chapter 381 Eugene Was Confused

Instead of boarding the plane immediately, Leo had Eugene book a nearby hotel


He then spent over an hour in the bathroom.

As Leo’s personal assistant, Eugene was very intelligent.

After recalling several instances of Leo behaving this way, he suddenly realized the

reason for Leo’s behavior.

So, it seemed that Leo only acted like this because of his interactions with Amelie.

Eugene was almost shocked by his own discovery.

Was it necessary to dislike someone so much? It seemed that Leo had truly let go of

his feelings for Amelie.

Then, were the rescue today and previous instances of generosity simply because

she was Bria’s mother? As Eugene was pondering this, the door clicked open.

Wearing a bathrobe and drying his hair with a towel, Leo walked out.He had no

expression on his handsome face, and his chest was red from the long shower.

no.vel.e.book His legs were also red, and his hands and feet were wrinkled from being

soaked in water.

Leo glanced at Eugene indifferently before picking up his phone and dialing a number.

“Find out who was bothering Amelie between 9 and 10 this morning and who recently

had a problem with her!”

He then gave the country and location before hanging up.

Eugene was confused.

What did this mean? Did Leo dislike Amelie but still care about her? His previous

conclusion had been overturned, and he was once again baffled.

When Leo turned around and saw Eugene’s dazed expression, he glared at Eugene

and said, “Get the plane ready!”

Eugene quickly nodded, finally coming to his senses.

He was just about to ask Leo about the reason for his changing attitude toward Amelie

when Leo turned and walked into the changing room.

The plane landed in Clouson City at 3.00PM.

Just when it landed, Eugene walked over with his phone.

“It’s a call for you.”The call was from Victor.Eugene was curious about what Victor

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would say.Leo walked over and took the phone from Eugene’s hand without a word,

then looked at Eugene and didn’t say anything.Eugene understood immediately and

stepped back.

Leo didn’t answer immediately but walked about 10 meters away to an open area

before answering the phone.



Eugene was standing under the plane, lost in thought when Chandler walked over

with a grin on his face.

Eugene didn’t have much of an impression of Chandler, but he felt that Chandler was

a decent guy who was nice and polite to everyone.

Melissa and Jodie were completely won over by him too.

“Why are you here, Mr.Chandler?” Eugene politely asked.

Chandler ran a hand through his short hair.

“I asked the captain of the plane and found out that you’re coming back at this time,

so I came to pick you guys up”

He smiled placidly, looking like someone anyone could bully.

Eugene didn’t like men with this kind of personality, but he couldn’t despise Chandler

just because he didn’t like the latter, so he maintained his politeness.

“Oh, Mr.Chandler, you’re so thoughtful.”

“We’re family, so don’t worry about it!” Chandler said.

After a moment of searching, his gaze settled on Leo in the distance, and he bobbed

his chin a little.

“Talking business, huh?”

Eugene replied, “Yeah.”

Chandler rubbed his hands.

“Who is Leo talking to? Why is he acting so secretive? Doesn’t he trust you usually?

Why is he avoiding you too?”

Eugene chuckled in his heart.

Chandler’s words were full of hidden meanings. On the surface, Chandler was

speaking up for Eugene, but in reality, Chandler was trying to sow discord between

Eugene and Leo.

He had originally thought that this adopted son of the Alston Family was a simpleminded nice guy, but he was

obviously not as naive as he appeared on the surface.

Eugene remained silent while covertly placing Chandler on his blacklist, adding him to

the roster of individuals to be wary of.

“I’ll go pack up,” Eugene said before heading back to the plane.

Leo only had one suitcase.

When Eugene walked over, a flight attendant was carrying the suitcase toward him.

Seeing Eugene, she called out, “Mr.Cornelius.”

Eugene politely nodded and walked straight into the cockpit.

“Mr.Cornelius,” the captain had just put his headset on the shelf when he turned

around and saw Eugene.

Eugene nodded and closed the door behind him.

Seeing him close the door, the captain knew Eugene had something important to say

and didn’t do anything else.

“In the future, don’t reveal our whereabouts to anyone,” Eugene reminded him.

The captain became instantly aware of what Eugene was saying. He asked, “What

about Mrs.Alston and Miss Alston?”

“Don’t tell them either!”

“Very well.”

On the large lawn of the private airport, Leo was talking to Victor on the phone. Victor

quickly told him what he had found out.

“Miss Dillon went on this trip to discuss business, but for some reason, she changed

her mind. She was kidnapped by a group of local thugs disguised as cab drivers

outside the hotel. These people often cheat others under the pretext of discussing

business. no.vel.e.book I believe that they had been targeting Miss Dillon early on and

had probably arranged to meet her to discuss business.

Miss Dillon changed her mind at the last minute probably because she found out

about their true nature.However, it’s strange that although Miss Dillon said she would

discuss business with them, she didn’t give them a specific time.Yet, they not only

knew that Miss Dillon was there but even knew which hotel she was staying at.It’s

really puzzling”

“Are these people very influential?” Leo asked.

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“They’re egotistical, but not influential.”


Leo didn’t ask anything else and hung up the phone.

He walked back holding his phone and saw Chandler standing under the plane.When

he saw Chandler, his brows furrowed.

“Why are you here?” Chandler put on a smile.

“Mrs.Alston knew you were coming back and sent me to pick you up.”

“She did?”

Leo uttered, his lips curling in faint mockery.

Given Melissa’s attitude toward him, she probably didn’t even inquire about when he

was coming back, so how could she send Chandler to pick him up? “Mr.Alston, do you

want to go back to the company first?”

Eugene came down from the plane and saw Leo walking back, so he rushed over.

“No.I’ll go home,” Leo said, pointing toward Chandler with his chin.

“I’ll ride with him.” Eugene was taken aback.

Although Leo had never said it, he could tell that Leo didn’t like Chandler.

Usually, Leo couldn’t be bothered to look Chandler in the eye, let alone ride in his car.

What was Leo thinking?

“That’s good to hear!”

Chandler heard Leo’s words and was overjoyed, acting like a child who just got

candy.He took the luggage from the flight attendant and quickly opened the trunk to

put it in.

After doing so, he ran to open the car door, saying happily, “Leo, get in.”

The fawning and joyful smile on his face nearly even moved Eugene’s heart.

If Eugene hadn’t seen through his true nature, he would have thought that Chandler

was really so subservient in the Alston Family.Leo didn’t say much.He simply lowered

his head and got into the car.

Eugene was worried so he tried to follow them, saying, “Let me drive.”

“No need.”

Leo waved his hand.

“Mr.Cornelius, see you next time.”

Chandler waved his hand with a happy and gentle smile.

Then, he got into the car and started the engine.

As Eugene watched the car drive away, his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

Why did he feel that something was about to happen? In fact, Eugene’s sixth sense

was right.

Something did happen.