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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

Once he left Jennifer's room, Joaquin lowered his gaze and studied the chest in his hands. It was a

hand-carved chest made from the finest rosewood, which gave off a faint scent. There was a lock on

the chest, but he didn't see the key, which he guessed Jennifer had already passed to Katherine

sometime earlier.

After that, he left for home with the chest. Thinking for a moment, he sent Katherine a message on

WhatsApp to remind her about paying attention to Jennifer.

At first, she was surprised to receive such a message from him. Then, she went straight to Jennifer's

room and knocked on the door.

The room remained silent as no answer came from behind the door. She waited for a while before she

pushed the door open and went inside.

Jennifer was sleeping on the bed with rhythmic breathing. Walking over, she sat on the bed and took

the elder woman's pulse on her wrist. She had made sure Jennifer was only undergoing the normal

aging process and wasn't suffering from various diseases. Then, she put her grandmother's hand

down, tucked the woman under the blanket with gentle movements, and left the bedroom.

As she began to walk away from Jennifer's bedroom, she recalled Joaquin saying Zachary was fond of

oil paintings, so she took a turn and went to Noah's room.

Noah had always kept her room clean and tidy as her things were organized in their designated place

according to her preference, and no dust could be found on every surface.

Noah's face bloomed with happiness when she saw Katherine. Sitting at the place where she was, her

eyes never left the older woman as she softly addressed, "Mom."

Even though she had a delicate and adorable face, Katherine could never completely accept her

identity. Pursing her lips, Katherine stood there for a moment before she managed to speak her

request. "Can I have some of your drawings?"

"Sure." Noah cheerfully did as told as she turned away to look for them.

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Noah loved to draw. During her free time, she would stay in her room to draw instead of going out. She

was immersed in the world exclusive to herself, resisting the idea of the outside world reaching her.

Looking at the little silhouette of Noah, Katherine couldn't help but sigh.

Noah pulled the drawer out and came back with a pile of her works. Standing in hesitation, she began

meekly, "Mom, which one do you like?"

Katherine stretched out her hands and took the drawings from Noah.

She never bothered to appreciate what Noah was drawing the whole time as the incident five years ago

had caused her to go against the idea of her having Noah as her daughter. On usual days, she would

avoid the girl as best as she could. Besides, she also had a history of not talking much to Noah for the

longest time.

Katherine had to admit that she was the major reason for Noah's autism.

Once she collected her thoughts, she lowered her head to check out the paintings. Noah was not afraid

of combining brilliant colors in her works and the powerful colors together brought out her rich and

colorful spirit world. One could easily tell that the artist was someone who appreciated life and the

world from their paintings.

The more Katherine looked at them, the more overwhelmed she was. After she had scanned through

the remaining works, she began to see Noah in a new light.

Remaining in silence for a long time, she crouched before the girl and stared into her eyes.

Noah was more emaciated when compared to the children of her age because Katherine gave birth to

her prematurely. At that time, Katherine was still considered young. As she was busy taking care of

both Jennifer's illness and her own academics, she never had the scope to think of other matters, not

even the condition of her pregnant body. It indeed shocked her when she was told that she was giving

birth to a baby.

"I've failed to be a good mother for you, but I want to learn to be a mother. Can I have your help?" The

girl with a pair of crystal clear eyes had touched something deep inside her heart.

She reached out her hand toward Noah while using a gentle tone for the first time to talk to the girl.

The girl was surprised at first. She studied her mother for a while before she cautiously placed her

hand in Katherine's outstretched hand. "Mom?"

"From now on, you don't have to hide in your room. You can tell me if you want to go out, and I'll come

along with you." Katherine pressed her lips into a thin line as she struggled before she finally spoke

with a gentle tone.

"Yes!" Noah immediately nodded her head in a vigorous manner.

By watching the contagious smile on Noah's face, Katherine couldn't help but curl up the corner of her


It seems like opening up isn't as hard as I imagine it would be.

She took Noah's drawings and left the room. After she went back to her room, she began to recall the

feelings when Noah called her "Mom" and reached out a hand to hold her. She had never experienced

such an amazing feeling and she couldn't help but return to the sensation.

She allowed herself to be immersed in the new experience before she finally chose two from the

paintings. Then, she designed a frame for each of them by herself and packed them in the present box.

As another idea came to her, she chose another small bottle of pills and sighed in relief as she finished

the preparation.

The next morning, Katherine woke up and found Noah sitting in the living room, having a conversation

with Jennifer.

It seemed to her that Jennifer was in a good mood and looked healthy. Even though Noah didn't speak

much, she replied to Jennifer every time the elder woman talked to her. Their interaction was

unexpectedly harmonious to Katherine.

"Grandma, Noah." Standing there and watching the pair for a moment, she joined them with a look of

pure surprise.

Noah cast her a shy look as her eyes sparkled in anticipation of Katherine's compliment.

Katherine wasn't prepared for the look on Noah's face, thus she only cleared her throat after a long

silence and praised, "Noah, you did well today."

"Good." Noah nodded her head happily at the compliment as if she just had candy and her heart felt

like it was coated in honey.

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Seeing that Noah was satisfied from such a minor thing, Katherine could feel the guilt inside her chest.

She had paid too little attention to Noah in the past.

The three had lunch together, and at 4.00PM, Joaquin came to pick Katherine up for dinner at the


Katherine had already informed Jennifer about her outing earlier. When she left the house, she brought

along the mounted paintings with her. As the paintings were done by Noah, they were small in size and

easy to carry.

"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to bring anything?" When he saw Katherine carrying a huge bag of

presents, Joaquin shot her a look of resignation.

"These aren't for you. I want to give them to Grandpa," she explained with a serious expression.

He said nothing more to her determined face as he was out of ideas to persuade her.

The sun hadn't fully set below the horizon when they arrived at the Foster Residence.

Zachary had waited outside in expectation of their arrival a long time ago since he knew Joaquin and

Katherine would be visiting.

Standing beside him to wait for the couple, Chelsea teased him.

As soon as the young ones stepped into the house, Zachary quickly pretended to be nonchalant about


"You won't believe what I have witnessed. Your grandfather has been expecting you since this morning.

I bet the more he pokes his neck out, the higher the possibility he becomes a giraffe in the zoo."

Watching them coming closer, Chelsea exposed Zachary.

Joaquin let out a chuckle. "Didn't I tell you that we'll set off at four and arrive around six?"

"Your grandpa can't wait to see you." She rolled her eyes at Zachary, not bothering to save his dignity.

Watching them bantering, Katherine could finally understand the reason why Joaquin was fond of the

Foster Residence.

Compared to the Levisay Residence, this place was livelier and warmer, just like how a home should


Listening quietly to Chelsea teasing Zachary on the side, Katherine handed over the presents to them.

"Grandpa, this one is for you. Grandma, this is yours."