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Absolute Resonance-Novel2

Chapter 0590: Final Score
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Chapter 0590: Final Scoreaction

Li Luo was unconscious for some time.

In his fevered sleep, his spirit succumbed to the red haze of violence invading his mind, and his own consciousness faded to a whisper of what it had been. The killing intent surged again and again within him. Luckily, Li Luo was resilient, and he managed to hold on to a sliver of consciousness.

Just when he was about to fully fail, a burst of holy energy flooded into his mind and body. It was radiant and wonderful, and the demented thoughts fell away like bats scattering from the midday sun.

Li Luo's consciousness quickly seized control of his body again.

His eyelids slowly fluttered open.

Before him was the wreckage of the city, and some new bones among the old.

"Awake?" A familiar voice murmured beside his ear. The voice was clear and calm, but he knew it well enough to detect poignant worry in it.

Li Luo turned his head to see a beautiful figure sitting in the lotus position. She was as beautiful as he remembered, perfection from every angle.

For him, the most stunning aspect of her beauty were those golden eyes. They held strength to match her beauty.

Li Luo's gaze dipped a little to her lips, and he was startled to see that there were bite marks on them.

With a jolt of realization, he recalled a vague memory from when he was semi-conscious.

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The warm feeling on his face, and the infusion of light resonant energy.

Could it be...

Li Luo closed his eyes, letting his body crumple and fold as he moaned.

"Qing'e, I need more light resonant energy healing!"

"Seems like you've been corrupted. Let me ease your pain and send you along to your death," she said. There was steel in her voice as she reached for her sword.

Li Luo unfolded himself faster than a squashed spring. "Ah, what a terrible corruption this is," he moaned, "but I have managed to overcome it with great difficulty."

"Tell me if you feel yourself succumbing," she urged him strongly. "I will ease your pain."

Li Luo sulked. "Qing'e, that's too cruel."

"Weren't you the one who started this charade first?"

Li Luo laughed nervously, then he snuck another look at her pretty, little mouth. "So... it was you who saved me just now?" he asked innocently, already knowing the answer.

She inclined her head. "The violent energy within your body was too strong. I had to use light resonant energy to nullify it, as well as treat your injuries. It took almost all the resonant power I had."

"Qing'e, thank you," Li Luo said gratefully.

She smiled and shook her head.

"Qing'e," Li Luo asked with a very cheeky grin, "how exactly did you transfer that light resonant energy to me?"

She lifted up her heavy sword and pointed it at him. Li Luo took a look and cringed. The skewered head of the Bloodtailed Other was on the tip of her sword, although the face was now bloated and lifeless.

"I pressed its lips against you and then transmitted light resonant energy down the sword," she said.

Li Luo's eyes widened, and he felt suddenly nauseous. "Er, surely not?"

He looked at her face, but it was too emotionless for him to tell if she was joking. "Come on, tell me the truth. This one's not very funny."

She retracted her sword and then gestured towards a nearby wall. Li Luo looked to see another corpse, and he gasped.

It was the crimson knight-general!

Dead as a doornail.

"Speaking of the truth, who was it that injured the crimson knight-general so severely?" Her look pierced him, and Li Luo squirmed uneasily.

"Well, I, uh, can't recall. I think I saw an old grandfather descend out of the skies and smash the crimson knight-general to a pulp without saying a word. Maybe someone from the Academic Federation? Must be divine intervention or something? I mean, the crimson knight-general committed so many unspeakable sins. He definitely offended somebody. Somebodies. You know?" He did not want to tell Jiang Qing'e about the Three-tailed Heavenly Wolf. Not because he did not trust her, but because he did not want her to worry about how dangerous the power was.

She just stared at him. Clearly, the lie had failed badly. "There were some savage wounds on the body. It almost feels like... the Three-tailed Heavenly Wolf we met in the Umbra Cave? Did Principal Pang help you seal it away?"

She pointed to the crimson bracelet on his wrist. "He sealed it away for you, and you used it against the crimson knight-general."

Li Luo rolled his eyes. This was ridiculous. No way she had just guessed it like that! “You're a demon! Plump swan demon!”

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"Back when Principal Pang gave you that mark, I had already guessed," she said primly.

Li Luo gave her an abashed smile.

"Principal Pang is really reckless. Why would he grant the power of a Greater Heavenly Resonance beast, bordering on the Duke Stage, to a Resonant Master? If you used it too much, you'd be utterly corrupted. That would be the real tragedy!" She burst out unhappily.

"Qing'e, I just wanted to help relieve some of the burden from your shoulders," Li Luo said grumpily.

"The Housemeet is near, and given my current strength, there's not much I can do for you if I keep up this rate of cultivation. I had to gamble a little. But don't worry, I won't use this power recklessly."

Her eyes softened. How could she not know the risks that he had taken? But even while he longed to share her burden, her heart hurt every time he was injured.

"Well, be careful in the future." She let the topic drop. Since Li Luo had made the decision, she would, of course, support him. She had faith in his ability and strength of mind.

Li Luo nodded. "I will. And will you help keep the secret of the Three-tailed Heavenly Wolf?" He pointed to the crimson knight-general's corpse. "I had nothing to do with its death."

She nodded with understanding. "I can say I killed it. A ninth-grade light resonance is always an exception. Others will find the story curious, but they won't pin it on you. But this way, the credit will come to me."

"Hey, credit and two skygold can buy a bun worth two skygold. We're in the same squad anyway. Surely the rewards will come my way too."

He decided things were safe enough to push the situation a little. He grinned. "Besides, what can compare to the reward I just received?" He caressed his lips deliberately.

She turned away from him. “Even her side profile is beautiful,” he thought to himself.

"Hey, check your spirit mirror," she said.

He pulled it out and looked at the scoreboard, then he sucked in a deep breath.

Their squad was still in first place.

But the points had changed.

1.2 million points!!