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Accepting My Twin Mates by Unwise Owl

Chapter 33
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Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 33



When I woke in the morning, Evie remained encased in my arms. Her t-shirt had ridden up in the night,

to the swell of her breasts, the soft supple skin of her stomach pressed against my front. My hand at

some point in the night had slipped under the hem of her underwear, cupping the cheek of her ass; a

warm and cushy ass.

I nuzzled my nose further into her hair. My eyes didn’t need to be open to appreciate her figure. Her

every feature had been memorised long ago.

‘She’s stronger than we ever knew, too’ Baniti sighed adoringly.

There was so much more to her than anyone gave her credit for. I never knew just how much she had

been overlooked her whole life, passed on as some kind of burden. It was a perspective neither I nor

Astennu had ever experienced, having grown up in complete comfort. Our father had always played

with us when we asked as pups and our mother doted on us. Evie would never be ignored ever again.

In the past, I thought keeping my distance was for the best, so that she wouldn’t be hurt again. Now, I

realised it was the worst thing I could’ve done; I proved myself to be just like everyone else. My arms

tightened around her. I would never let that happen again and would always protect her, even when

she yelled that she didn’t need it. Especially when she yelled at me; I loved it when she was angry.

The bed seemed empty on her other side. I cracked open an eye to see Astennu was nowhere to be

seen. It had barely passed 6am and dawn was only beginning to break over the horizon through the


‘Where’d you go?’ I reached out. He didn’t feel far.

‘Just getting changed. I woke up a little while ago,’ my door opened to reveal my brother with damp

hair. ‘And before you ask, mom and dad are still out. They’ll be back by 10.’

He strode over to sit on his previously vacated spot next to Evie, reaching out to stroke her hair. She

began to stir and her eyes fluttered open, hooded and sleepy lids greeting us both and still as

mesmerising as always.

“Sabah el nour (morning),” I whispered, kissing her forehead.

“Why is your hand in my ass?” She huskily demanded, her voice filled with lingering sleep.

“It’s on your ass,” I nuzzled. “But it can be in if that’s how you wanna play,” I ground my pelvis against

hers, pressing my morning wood into her.

She shoved my chest in anger, scooting away and straight into my brother’s arms. Evie could deny it all

she wanted. Her potent hot spiced vanilla scent gave her away and swirled all around.

“Before Ru gets any more bright ideas,” Astennu ran his nose the length of her cheek. “How about you

get ready and we’ll sort out some breakfast and clothing for you?”

“Or, you can stay here and we’ll actually play,” I crawled up between her legs, sliding my hands up her

skin and teasing her inner thighs.

Normally, Astennu would have said something, to either halt my advances or make a sarcastic

comment I wouldn’t grasp. In this moment he said nothing, kissing along her jaw instead.

“Whoa, whoa,” she scrambled out of mine and my brother’s shared hold, putting a safe distance

between us in the middle of my room. The distance cooled nothing for me, granting me a full

uninterrupted view of her insanely long legs. “Can I at least wake up, before either of you try and get in

my pants again?”

Her chest heaved and her face was a delightful and sweet shade of pink. “I’m… gonna go get ready,”

she quickly escaped to the bathroom.

“Don’t bother showering, trust me,” I called out behind her before she shut the door. What I had

planned for after we finished with our duties would surpass any shower.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Why?” She eyed me filled with suspicion.

“It’s a surprise,” was all the response I gave her, loving her disapproving scowl as she shut the door.

“What’re you planning?” Astennu was just as suspicious as Evie.

“If I tell you, you’ll say it’s stupid.”

“Only if it’s actually stupid,” he shook his head. “Get dressed, so we can pick up some breakfast.”

Because my bathroom was occupied, I borrowed my brother’s. As we were about to leave, Evie

mentioned she had something already prepared for us with her own surprise. Astennu put the coffee

maker on before we left and I set some plates up; Evie said all we needed would be a sharp knife and

some butter.

In the pack kitchen, Lucy greeted the two of us brightly. The rejection had barely affected her, it

seemed. How much the bond on her side must have been damaged for it to have such little effect on

her, was troubling. How much had she suffered in silence? Finley, on the other hand, neither my

brother nor I had heard anything from and I couldn’t give less of a s**t. As the cause of such needless

pain, I hoped he was holed up somewhere, tortured by his actions.

Tamlyn was on the other side of Lucy at her station, stealing tidbits of the baked goods the little she-

wolf was working on, much to her annoyance, as she smacked Tam’s hand with her spatula. And to my

annoyance, Catalina was there too. This woman was like a bad penny that wouldn’t leave and was

everywhere I turned.

‘Why won’t she just go home?’ My wolf complained. ‘Of all the women our mate befriended, it had to be


“Cata, can you grab the tub? She-who-will-not-be-named left it on the top shelf in the pantry,” Lucy

asked, smacking Tamlyn’s hand once again without even needing to look. ‘And this is some clothing for

her. I risked the chance that you would be taking her outdoors again,’ she mind-linked, indicating a

duffle bag on the ground.

Catalina smiled and obliged, heading over to the pantry and I followed. I wanted this woman gone and I

didn’t trust her intentions around my mate.

‘Ru, don’t,’ Astennu tried to stop me, but it was pointless. ‘…Dammit,’ he sighed, following me.

“What’s this? An ambush?” Catalina eyed us both, unintimidated.

“Seriously, what are you still doing here?” I demanded, whisper-yelling.

“I know you don’t like me, and trust me even less,” she reached up and grabbed a rectangular

tupperware tub, thrusting it into my hands. “But I like Evie, and want to help her out. Not that I can stay

much longer.”

“Why? We holding you up getting your nails done?” I rolled my eyes.

She crossed her arms over her chest, “because I train the Omegas in my pack, especially the women.

So they can always defend themselves. Feel good about yourself now?” She raised her brow at me.

“Oh…” I felt slightly abashed.

“You two have no idea what it’s like as a female leader, to be taken seriously,” she looked between us

unimpressed. “And the fact you just said something like that to me, proves it.”

“I’m sorry, ok?” I tried to apologise.

“Would you have said something like that to a man?”

“That he was getting his nails done?” I questioned. “I mean, to each’s own…”

“Oh f*****g goddess,” Astennu groaned. “Just stop Ru. That hole you’re digging has reached China.”

“Please, ignore him. Providing you don’t cause any trouble for Evie…” my twin’s aura flickered to put

weight behind his words. “…You’re welcome to stay.”

“Thank you for the permission,” she spoke with a weird tone.

‘Can we get back to our mate now? I want to see what our surprise food is!’ Baniti’s mind was instantly

drifting back to our mate.


I was stuck waiting on my mates to return. I couldn’t risk walking around their home and spreading my

scent around and neither could I risk being caught sneaking out to grab some clothing for the day. So I

was at the mercy of the waiting game. My chest suddenly thrummed with excitement and the bedroom

door opened, Astennu and Badru each carrying items and setting them up where we had eaten last


“Here you go, compliments of Lucy,” Astennu handed me a bag, with a change of clothes, all warm and


‘If things don’t work out with our nugget and goober, I will happily take her as a chosen mate,’ Evva

smiled to herself.

‘Is that because she’s thoughtful, or purely because she’ll feed you?’

‘She would feed us because she’s thoughtful,’ she huffed in defence.

I took the clothes and quickly changed into what Lucy had provided, only, there wasn’t a sweater. I had

a pair of fleece-lined skinny outdoor pants, clean underwear, thick socks, waterproof boots and a


You didn’t have any tops that looked warm enough. I’m sure the twins have something hot to wrap you

up in instead xxx

That little schemer.

‘Thanks for the clothes, Luce. The subtlety was a nice addition too,’ I mind-linked her.

‘That was Tamlyn’s idea,’ she chuckled.

‘And I have zero regrets, either,’ the devil herself replied.

‘Traitors,’ Evva muttered, but I could feel how happy she was secretly to have to wear something of our


I exited the bathroom, dressed, and with my hair up in a high bun, keeping the t-shirt I had slept in on

and sheepishly asked for a sweater.

“Help yourself. You remember where the closet is?” Badru smirked.

‘My poor gigantic muffin,’ Evva howled. ‘You’re never living that one down.’

My whole face heated and I entered his closet without a reply, hearing them both laugh behind my

back, and looked for something warm that would fit. I found a thick pale silver hoodie that would work

and threw it on. Astennu was filling mugs with some fresh coffee and Badru looked to have just opened

the container, his whole face lit up.

“Banana and oat muffin loaf!” He exclaimed. “We used to love this. I remember us stealing it from the

kitchens in the morning before the other pack members got to it.”

“I know,” I came over to sit on one of the cushions and start cutting slices off to butter. “Because I used

to get in major trouble for not making enough.”

“…What?” Badru furrowed his brows.

“Is it seriously a surprise? I had to start making a whole load extra to compensate for all the ones you

stole,” I laughed at how pissed off I used to be each day I came in to find the loaf missing, no matter

where I tried to hide it. “I used to curse the both of you out so much in my head.”

“I had no idea you were being blamed for something we did,” Astennu said solemnly, looking deep in


“No offence, but what you two don’t know about your pack could fill a library,” I gave each a pointed

look. “Actions usually have consequences. It just so happens, you two rarely had to deal with them.

That gem seemed to fall on others around you and the theme tended to be me.”

Their mood evaporated instantly, staring down at their food with self-reproach. I had done it again. I

had been harsh and blunt without realising. I felt their guilt slice through me like a white-hot pain that

made me want to throw up.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I’m still working on this,” I gestured up and down myself, regretting

my choice of words.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Don’t apologise for something we did,” Astennu reached out to stroke my hand.

‘You shouldn’t feel too guilty. They’ve lived in a little bubble all their lives. They need to see what has to

change and you’re the only one with the balls to call it how it is. They need our brand of brutality to pop

that little bubble of theirs,’ my wolf was unapologetically defensive.

‘Maybe, but I could do it with a little more tact,’ I let a huge breath loose of my frustrations with myself.

The three of us ate in a painfully awkward silence. I didn’t want to keep throwing our past in their faces,

even if it was unintentional. It would do nothing to move the three of us forward.

“The two of you should head off for patrol. I’ll clear this up,” Astennu cleared his throat.

“We’re doing a patrol shift?” I repeated, turning to Badru. I had never done one before, with not having

a wolf.

“If you want to? I thought it would be good for you to see how we defend our territories… and then take

you somewhere else as the little surprise I promised you,” he looked at me hopefully.

Goddess, he was pulling that cute nugget face, with the big deep blue eyes.

“I’d love to,” I tried to give him my best smile to distract from the sour mood I had instilled, again.

“What’re you doing today?” I turned to my other mate.

“Nothing too interesting. Typing up notes from yesterday and writing up our proposal and plan,” he

stood to begin stacking plates to take downstairs. ‘And good luck with whatever he has planned. He

won’t even tell me.’

Before I lost my nerve, I tilted my head up to peck his lips. A hint of a kiss, yet the tingles surged across

my lips from the short contact. Astennu’s daze lasted but a second before he shook his head a little

and smiled a goodbye to me. When I looked back at Badru, he was stuffing something into a backpack

and opening the window.

“I thought we’d take the shortcut,” he said, vaulting out. I rushed over to see him waving me down.

“Don’t worry about leaving the window open, Aste will grab it later. So, come on, I know you can do it.

You’ve already jumped once.”

Yeah, while the adrenaline was pumping and I was in a state of denial.

“You’re wasting time, scaredy cat,” he goaded.

‘Did he just call us a cat?!’ Evva released a loud growl from my throat, one that made Badru’s eyes

sparkle with excitement. ‘I’ll f*****g kill him!’

I wasn’t sure which was funnier. Evva’s reaction at our comparison to a feline, or Badru’s clear arousal

at her murderous rage. I stepped up onto the windowsill, ready to jump down as I had from this very

window three days ago. But as I leant my weight forward, the tip of my boot caught on the wood,

sending me into a tumbling head dive. I expected to be met with a painful landing on the frozen ground,

possibly even a broken bone. However, it never came. Instead, thickly muscled arms encased me.

“And here I thought cats landed on their feet,” he chuckled quietly, kissing the top of my head.

‘You can’t go five minutes, can you? Muffin head,’ Evva facepalmed. ‘You can also tell him if he calls us

a cat one more time, I will f*****g claw his eyes out like one!’

I ignored her insane rantings. It would be pointless anyway. He would repeat it constantly to arouse

further reactions from her. My focus wasn’t my wolf’s tirade, it was my mate carrying me bridal style as

he began walking away. My arms clung around his neck and my hands tangled in his silky ebony hair

at the base of his neck.

“Uh, you can put me down,” I uttered quietly. All he did was tighten his hold around me, bringing me

closer to his body.

“I can also keep carrying you. What’s your point?”

“What if someone else on patrol sees us?” I pointed out the obvious.

“I wrote the patrols. Trust me, we’ll be fine,” his face was filled with a comforting confidence without an

ounce of smugness.


I had to split this chapter because it went well over the word limit. The next chapter is part 2.