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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 224
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Shi Lang sat in the command center, looking at the report submitted by the various units inside the fleet. He then began to report the various matters to the parliament, and more importantly to the president of the Federation.

He took out a spirit stone and handed it to Hayley and said, “Get the technical department to scan this and develop a report on the atomic structure. Another thing is for them to find out the various properties of the atoms. go.”

Hayley held the spirit stone and rushed out of the command center, she did not hurry because of the order, but only because she was worried that she will start absorbing the energy inside the stone if she did not move quickly.

Shi Lang began to compile a report of the things that happened with the Galactic Council Envoys and accused them of hindering and spying on the procedure inside the base. He used the art of language, making Minerva look like an ungrateful lady. After all, he mentioned how he saved her life from the Zergs, and Minerva had testified to the council that he did.

He questioned if this was an act of treachery or not. In the end, he completed a report, where he mentioned the number of spirit stones he found from the ruins and also the purpose of the stones. His speed was slow, as he was measuring each and every word carefully before typing it. The government officials were all greedy bastards, so Shi Lang made the same report to the Guard of dusk secret division.

This division watched over crucial things inside the federation, such as emergency food reserves, and the federal mints, and now he wanted them to look after the spirit stones as well. Guardians of dusk were a division that was often checked by the other secret divisions and federal military as well.

It was a two-way supervision system to make sure that some division does not go mad with the greed of power and runs away with the good stuff and harm the federation. Shi Lang submitted the reports and leaned back in his chair. A soldier asked, “General, how long do we have to stay in the battle mode?”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Arrange for a few teams to take turns guarding those guests, and the rest of the base is to go back to normal operations.”

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The soldier nodded and issued commands. Shi Lang was sitting inside the command center, checking up on the various things happening around the base. He said, “Contact Colonel Jenkins, have him establish a video feed from the dig course to the base. At the same time, arrange transport for the relics found there.”

The technicians nodded and began working, Shi Lang wanted to find out more about the puppets. He placed his hand over his chest when he thought about the piece of jade he snuck away from the ruin. At this moment, the door was pushed open and Hayley came over with a spirit stone in her hand. She tossed it back to Valerian and said, “The tests have been completed and the detailed report has been sent to your communicator.”

The young man began to scroll through the content of the report quickly and then he attached the report with the others and mentioned, “The structural and property analysis of this stone can be used to locate the similarities in other planets. However, there is a risk of mining this spirit stone, if too much is removed from the planets, it will cause an imbalance that can trigger a calamity, resulting in the destruction of an entire race, like life on this world.

It is my suggestion, that the overseers do not succumb to their greed and jeopardize the lives of countless others. A system shall be established, where the mining must not exceed a certain level. Each mine should only be worked in for a month and then closed for a year. To prevent the degradation of the atmosphere, the relic left behind by the previous civilization also states the same.

Another reason is the intrusion and silent monitoring of the galactic council. If they found out about such a thing, will they not try to abscond it in the name of their so-called balance?”

Hayley asked him, “What are you doing?”

Shi Lang smiled and said, “Teaching those old coots back home to work in a limit that does not attract destruction to the federation. Can you go and bring back OB-One? I would like him to record a video.”

Hayley nodded and just when she turned around, she said, “Amelia called, she has come across some trouble.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Yes, I will be checking on her now. Thank you.”

That said, he walked out to the small balcony made around the command center. This place was made for the general to come out and keep an eye on the expanse of the base. Secretly to relieve the stress of the old man by giving him a nice view. Shi Lang looked at the scenery and then called Amelia using his communicator.

The connection was boosted with a priority algorithm that came with the rank of General. After all, the high-ranking officers connecting all the way across millions of stars must have something important to say, right?

The call was answered in an instant. Amelia’s visage appeared on the holographic display. Shi Lang smiled faintly and gazed at her intently. The other person was also looking at him in silence. They stayed silent like that for a few moments, when a gust blew, making Amelia’s hair flutter. The same thing happened to Shi Lang as well, and the boy said, “As cheesy as it may sound, but even if we are worlds apart, the spirit connects us.”

Amelia smiled and said, “When did you become so romantic?”

“Ever since I dreamt of you last night.”, replied Shi Lang.

The two began flirting and speaking cheesy things to each other for a few minutes. Amelia said, “Lang, I want to be transferred from here.”

Shi Lang raised his brows and asked, “Why? Is everything alright?”

Amelia sighed and said, “I am carrying out scouting ops every day, I go farther than before, and I have also found out a lot of camps of the natives. One of their clan is led by a woman and this female faces the pressure of several other tribes alone. I tried to help her and she told me to respect their culture, that they may be primitive, but they only fight when they feel terrorized.

It has been three days since, and I have not taken scout ops. I feel like a terrorist. Is it not good enough to conquer the uninhabited planets? Why must we become terrorists?”

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Shi Lang nodded to her words and after she had ranted enough, he said, “Come here if you want to. You have the rank of the colonel, and there is a war coming. You can help me with some ops against those reptiles and I would like you to meet a woman and beat her to a pulp.”

Amelia smiled and said, “I will beat any woman for you, but please help me, mom thinks it is because of our love relationship that I want to be you, if only she had stayed by your side, she could have understood the fun part.”

Shi Lang smiled and assured her that he will talk to General Charlotte. Then the couple showed each other the scenery and after a few minutes, they disconnected the call. Shi Lang came back to the work area and a soldier said, “Sir, the captives want to talk to you.”

Shi Lang smiled and said, “Lieutenant, the proper term is guests. If someone from the Galactic Council heard you, I will be demoted.”

The soldier chuckled and said, “My bad, Sir.”

Shi Lang waved his hand and said, “Patch them through, let us see what they have to say.”

The lieutenant connected the two people, and Shi Lang saw Minerva. The lady had calmed down from her shock and fear, except for a slight restrain, nothing like post-trauma stress was visible. Shi Lang did not speak, he kept gazing at her visage indifferently. He was not going to speak first.

Minerva understood this and said, “General Shi Lang, I would like to leave this place with my companions. I apologize to you for the trouble they have caused for you and the rest of the people at such a crucial time. Please forgive me.”

Shi Lang replied, “You can call me petty, but I am like that only. To me those who wear these colors on their body are a family, I think you will not stand silently if some outsider messes with your family and have designs on your home. You will be provided security detail for your travel to the spaceport. I wish you a safe journey. Try not to go closer to the border regions, the Zergs have been really active these past few days.”

That said, he disconnected the call and said, “Arrange a protective escort for these people and send them off. Be respectful on the way. Understood?”

Minerva suddenly decided to leave, which means the war with zergs was around the corner. Thinking of this Shi Lang began to think of his war strategy.